As Zaidu sadly turns and rides away, The hermit from his cave comes forth to pray: "Alas! hath all these wilds their charms here lost?

And is my breast with wild ambition tost?

My lonely cot I look upon with shame; Again I long to seek the fields of fame, Where luxury my remaining years May crown, and happiness may find--or tears; "Tis true! I should have welcomed the _bar-ru;_[1]

But he hath since returned to Subartu."[2]

His harp he took from its dust-covered case, And kissed its carved and well-remembered face; And tuning it, he glanced toward the wood, And sang his farewell ode to solitude:

Farewell, ye mountains, woods and trees-- My heart doth long again for joy; I love your wilds and mossy leas, But oh, your solitude doth cloy!

I love to see the _bur-khi-is_[3]

Sweep stately o"er the mossy rocks; And _tsabi_[4] in a wild like this, Hear the tattoo of red woodchucks.

I love the cries of _lig-bar-ri_[5]

The _nes-i_[6] calling for their prey; And leaping of the _na-a-li_[7]

That fly in wildest fear away.

I love the _bu-hir-tser-i_[8] all, _Khar-sa-a-nii sa-qu-u-tu;_[9]

Hear _cu-uts-tsi_[10] with thunder roll Across the skies within my view.

I love to see the _ca-ca-bi_[11]

Peep through the pine-trees o"er my home, And watch the wild _tu-ra-a-khi_[12]

And _arme_[13] welcome, to me come.

Farewell! ye solitudes, farewell!

I will not moulder rotting lie With no one"s lips to wish me well; O give me immortality!

But what is fame? A bubble blown Upon the breeze, that bursts its sh.e.l.l, And all our brightest hopes are flown, And leaves our solitude a h.e.l.l.

The holy minstrel bows his head in woe, And sweeps the harpstrings with a movement slow; Then lifts his eyes toward the setting sun, His evening invocation thus begun:

[14]O Samas! to the lifting of my hands Show favor! unto me thy servant turn!

What man before thy blessed Light withstands?

O thou! what mortal thine own words can learn?

And who can rival them inviolate?

[15]Among the G.o.ds no equal thou hast found.

In Heaven who of all the G.o.ds is great?

O thou alone! art great through Heaven"s bound!

On earth what man is great? alas! no one, For thou alone art great! through earth"s vast bounds.

When wide thy awful voice in Heaven resounds, The G.o.ds fall prostrate to our Holy One; When on the earth thy voice afar resounds, The genii[16] bow to thee and kiss the dust.

In thee, O Samas! do I put my trust, For thy great love and mercy wide abounds!

O my Creator, G.o.d, thy watchfulness O"er me, oh may it never cease!

Keep thou the opening of my lips! the fleece Of purest snow be my soul"s daily dress.

Guard thou my hands! O Samas, Lord of Light!

And ever keep my life and heart aright!

[Footnote 1: "Bar-ru," an army officer]

[Footnote 2: "Su-bar-tu," Syria]

[Footnote 3: "Bur-khi-is," antelopes]

[Footnote 4: "Tsabi," gazelles]

[Footnote 5: "Lig-bar-ri," hyenas]

[Footnote 6: "Nes-i," lions]

[Footnote 7: "Na-a-li," spotted stags]

[Footnote 8: "Bu-hir-tser-i," beasts of the field]

[Footnote 9: "Khar-sa-a-nu sa-qu-u-tu," forests thick]

[Footnote 10: "Cu-uts-tsi," storms.]

[Footnote 11: "Ca-ca-bi," stars.]

[Footnote 12: "Tu-ra-a-khi," deer.]

[Footnote 13: "Arme," wild goats.]

[Footnote 14: This prayer is made up from a.s.syrian fragments now in the British Museum.]

[Footnote 15: See "Records of the Past," vol. iii. p. 136.]

[Footnote 16: "Genii," spirits.]



The dark-eyed maids are dancing in the halls Of Erech"s palace: music fills the walls Of splendor where the Sar-dan-nu[1] enthroned, His hours is whiling by the maidens zoned; A whirling garland chanting forth a song.

Accompanied with harps thus sang the throng:

"Heabani"s wisdom chant and sing To Erech"s king our mighty Sar.[2]

When Hea did Heabani bring, Who now to Erech comes afar, He taught him then all hidden things Of Ki[3] or bright Samu[4] above, That to the Mu-di[5] mystery brings.

Oh, how Heabani we shall love!"


"Then sing with joy ye Khau-ik-i![6]

The Khau-ga[7] chant with waving arms, The Nin-uit[8] sing Au-un-na-ci[9]

Give to our Sar your sweetest charms.

"All knowledge that is visible Heabani holds it in his glance, Sees visions inconceivable, The Zi[10] his wizard eyes entrance.

Sweet peace he brings from troubled dreams, He comes to El-li-tar-du-si,[11]

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