Excerpt from the diary of Lieutenant Alexander Mackintosh.




Despite my more than unconventional and borderline on insubordination ‘report’ the commanders where far too busy trying to get a grasp of the situation to deal with me, or at least for now they were too busy to deal with me.


“Move units from the hills and towards the supply base, if we can hold it then we can repulse the enemy. Tell the commanders on the hills to launch a full scale offensive, since the enemy before them is only a delaying force.” General Al Hambra said to his subordinates.


General Pompeii was giving orders to our own forces to pull out of the frontlines and send troops towards the supply dump to support our counterattack, when I received another message from our forces there.


“General! Major Dantuine reports that his forces have been nearly pushed out of the supply base, the enemy has overrun almost three fourths of it!” I said to the general.


“Transmit that information to the troops, also let them know that three months worth of food rations are in that base, that should motivate them to get it back.” he replied and I could see the logic in that, I just hoped it worked.




Lieutenant First Cla.s.s Alexander Mackintosh, command staff member, Federal Expeditionary force.








U.F.O.P section of the supply base.






The forces of the Federation were being beaten back on all fronts from the supply base and the mixed force of infantry and navy personal were all too happy to pursue them.


As they were pushed back, the Federals noticed a shadow behind them, the retreating forces looked at it and saw the hand of G.o.d, or rather one of his servants in the form of a priest.


“Evil is amongst us! Stand back, this calls for divine intervention!” The priest said and ran in front of the nearest Imperial squadron.


The first soldier charged with his flame sword and slashed at the priest; he sidestepped, grabbed the soldier’s hand with his right arm and then gave a powerful jab with his left, one that shattered the soldier’s arm at his elbow joint.


He then ducked out of the way of another one’s water lance attack and gave a powerful sweeping kick which hit the second soldier’s knee cap; the third soldier fired an air arrow at the priest and a fourth one took out his earth mace, activating the magic within it.


 The mace’s metal began to rotate and oscillate into a deadly spherical chainsaw-like pattern.


The priest simply caught the arrow and threw it back at the third soldier, impaling his bow drawing hand while side stepping the fourth soldier’s mace, tripping him and as he fell down the priest gave a powerful kick in the soldier’s side, shattering his ribs.


“He’s a monster!” one of the Imperials shouted, as he witnessed four of his comrades being taken down effortlessly.


“No I’m not, name’s Alexander Turneissnen Herman Eist, but my congregation calms me A.T.H for short; and I kick a.s.s for the lord!” The priest shouted to those gathered and the remaining Imperials quickly retreated back to their main group, giving the federals some respite.


“Wait, you’re nickname is A.T.H?” one federal soldier asked.




“And you’re family name is Eist?”


“Yes, of course!”


“So you’re A.T.H Eist, the priest!?!”


“Yes, I know! But my parents gave me the name and I love my parents, so just call me Turneissnen!” he told them.


 After talking with them and making sure they where alright Turneissnen turned towards the direction of the enemy; he took what looked like one big club from his belt and pointed it towards the Imperials.


“Now then, the people in front of us are heathens and it’s our holy duty to preach the word of G.o.d to them, so let us go and spread the gospel!” he said to the a.s.sembled troopers who rallied behind him as he led a counter-attack on the Imperial a.s.sault.




378th corps, Metternich’s command position.


8:23 Local time.




As he observed the battle before him, his comm crystal shimmed indicating that he had a new message.


“Yes, what is it?”


“Sir, complements of Commodore Jackson, we have our report on the Federal Forces there.”


“Well go on man, people are shooting at me!” he thought to himself as everywhere around him the battle raged on with fire and sword.


“Sir,  from enemy prisoners and our own scouts, we’ve discovered that the Holy Knights stationed here have been recalled back to Galiana, apparently yesterday was their last tour of duty and they’ve been rotated from the frontlines with a fresh new battalion of non Holy Knights!” the communications officer replied, his voice barely able to contain his enthusiasm.


“T-this means that this planet is now beret of Holy Knights!”


 “I want that transmission to be broadcasted to every soldier and sailor we have with us, let them know we have the advantage and tell them to press it home!” he ordered.


“YES SIR!!!!”


After that Metternich returned his gaze to the battlefield, and what he saw dampened his spirit a little bit.


“Looks like the enemy is starting to push us back.” The young commodore thought to himself as he observed the battle.


“Butz, tell Werner that it’s his turn, he is to take his Brigade and stop the enemy counterattack.” Metternich told his aide.


“Yes sir!” Butz replied and relayed the orders trough the communications crystal attached to their jeep’s windwaker.


“Things are going ok for now, if we can break through here, smash the last of the supply guards and capture enough fresh crystals we can withdraw from this rock!” Metternich thought to himself as he gaze a glance to his rear where the 88th was kept in reserve.


 Its commanders had protested against this, with Werner being the exception, a fact that surprised the others, but Metternich a.s.sured them that when the enemy would send in their reinforcements they would be the decisive factor, now he hoped that they lived to up to their reputation, for in their current state he doubted that they could carry the day in a battle of attrition, they had to finish this soon!


So he hoped that the 88th would be enough to hold the lines long enough for him to play his final card.


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