Excerpt from the Diary Lieutenant Alexander Mackintosh.




One thing you learn as a soldier is that no matter how advanced windwakers or warpriders become or how much time and resources go into its development, the official channels of communication would always be bested by the power of gossip.


 Don’t try to understand it, just accept it, for it is one of the forces of the universe that cannot be explained!


Now, normally we don’t pay too much attention to gossip and  we generally keep our wits intact; But I think you can understand that when we heard that enemy had outflanked our position, taken our supply base, destroyed that section’s chariots, slaughtered the cavalry, smashed the Holy Knights  battalion, and routed the defending army, combined with the commander of the Volunian army stationed here’s immediate reaction of sending out extra reinforcements for the counterattack against the enemy, all in a panicked voice over the comms ,was reason enough for us to panic considerably.


Unfortunately they and us, had sent so many reinforcements from the front lines, making them incapable of holding the enemies divisions. What was worse, was the fact that the commanders had forgotten to cancel the counterattack against the enemy that was besieging the hills and once we where off those beautiful defensive positions we were repulsed,  and with the final nail in the  coffin of which we so brazenly hammered in, namely the fact that it was announced that three months of food was in the supply base, you can correctly guess that what happened next, was our entire force disintegrating.


As the token defense  force we let behind tried to regroup on the hills, the enemy spearhead by Horatio T.J Jackson broke through and annihilated our weakened defenses and with speed and ferocity that outmatched anything I had seen up until that point, they started to pursue us.


As our counterattack force closed in on the supply dump, we where to late in figuring out that our own counterattack had turned into a desperate situation in which we were being encircled on all sides.


Realizing what was happening with us, general Pompeii activated one of the ‘Battlefield Crystals’.


 These where a certain type of magic that worked in the following way: during a battle, energy would be dispersed around the area from the fight. The crystals would gather the energy and when enough off it was stored inside, a super spell could be launched. The strength of the spell usually depended on the crystal and how much energy units cost, since a spell would usually cost between One and Five Energy Units.


 After this dreaded night, we had plenty of stored energy into the crystals, so he activated a level 5 Rejuvenation spell, in which allied units would be encased in a energy shield, would have their fatigue temporarily removed, and ships and weapons which were damaged could be partially fixed, the effect would last only less than an hour, but it was enough for us, for under that barrier we regrouped and formed a defensive circle.


Under constant enemy fire and attempts to break the great shield, we somehow managed to cast enough earth spells to make a great defensive dome to cover our army.


General Pompeii may had been an idiot, but he was a big enough idiot to not know that surrender was an option at the time, and I thank heaven for that, since because of it we did not fall into the hands of the Empire and I would rather have died than to be captured by those monster and fall prey to their disgusting behavior and teachings, that where against any basic common sense and decency and above all against nature itself!”




Lieutenant First Cla.s.s Alexander Mackintosh, command staff member, Federal Expeditionary force.




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