Maramanakama Imperial field command center.


9:07 Local Planetary Time




Prince Gelios, the governor of this sector of the Occupied Territories looked over the map of the district    he was attacking. His troops were highlighted in green on the map and a large portion of it was covered with shaded areas that represented zones outside their pulsar’s line of sight.


Who would have thought that the terrorists would be capable of making a shadow field around this area!” General Bartolommeo, a Carunian whose race was humanoid with a bulldog-like appearance   and brownish yellow skin said to the prince.


Well, they’re main strength is stealth, so I guess it makes sense that they would focus on it.” Gelios replied as he rubbed his chin in contemplation of his next move.


My lord, we have just received the following: ‘Count Luper has been hit by an ice arrow and has been taken to the fieldhospital!’” one of the staff officers informed him.


“Serves him right! Him and his lead from the front att.i.tude, a lord does not dthe work of a common soldier, and this battle has been going on long enough! Order the troops to initiate an offensive into the area!”


“But my lord the enemy is heavily entrenched here; if we order a charge we will suffer heavy casualties! We should at least wait a little while until the heavy armor is ready!” Bartolommeo said to him.


“Well, isn’t that what soldiers are supposed to do? So let them do their duty and die for their country.” Gelios said with a disinterested wave of the hand.


“As for the armor, we cannot risk it being caught in an ambush; the heavies will follow the infantry, who will act as bait and spotters for it.” The prince added.


Bartolommeo had no choice but to carry out the orders and so the general gave the command to attack.


After gazing at how his troops were preparing to charge the rebels, Gelios turned his gaze towards the ceiling and saw that a spider was hanging down from it.


“Yoknow that today many will die so you’ve come to feast on them, didn’t you my eight legged friend? Well if that’s true, just wait a minute and you will not be disappointed!” he thought to himself as he raised a glass of wine in the gesture of a toast to the spider as a wicked smile formed on his face.

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