Volun 4 system, the Planet Volun 4, headquarters of the 378th corps.




Metternich exited the train and before him lay a sight which would have unnerved others; there was a gathering of what could only be describe as monsters in front him.


There was a Caracian, a gray skinned giant spider who had eight long legs to support its body and two additional limbs that where about half as short as the rest, the pair ended with hands that contained long retractable claws.


 Beside it was an Eschimariom, a black long haired centaur like creature that had an eye patch over his right eye and a bushy beard.


A Calabenecan, a giant insect like humanoid with locust features was next, followed by the Tetremadian who looked like normal human but had four arms and piercing green eyes. A Melionarion, a being that was made out of thousands of small yellow insect like creatures was what followed.


Next to the Melionarion was a Galapagian, who had a turtle’s body, a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, a bipedal frame and two upwards curbed long tusks coming out of its mouth.


Then came a Tumescan, a great raptor like beast who was holding what appeared to be a lollypop in its mouth.


Finally there was a Caninian, a great black furred wolf like humanoid that ended this lineup.


They were all dressed in a uniform similar to Metternich and Adrian, and each had various medals pinned to his and her’s chest.


Behind Metternich Adrian emerged, a smile on his plucked hen features as he was happy to see his old cla.s.smates once more, from behind the aforementioned knight, the scent of a very expensive perfume that indicated that the sentient in question was always prepared to look his best, probably for company of the opposite s.e.x came and penetrated their sense, signaled that Buts was right behind them, magic pouring out of his head as he levitated several pieces of luggage down the ramp and towards the a.s.sembled lineup.


Who and what where these beings before him you may ask?


“My Lord, may I formally introduce ourselves, I am Commodore Third Cla.s.s  Horatia TJ Jackson of the first division, these are viscount Antonius de Palamese commander of the second, Valyria Treakle third division, Duke Oscar von Raqia.n.u.s fourth division, Tarkan el Balamarus fifth division, Prince Georgaian vi Alontaire sixth division, Prince Dalius Augustus seventh division and finally Colonel Werner von Braun, who commands the Black Berets a.s.signed to our fleet.” the giant spider being  known as Horatia said.


Metternich smiled, and gestured to the eagle like being and the magic wielding serpent behind him and said:


“A pleasure to meet you all, you already know Adrian my Knight, the one behind him is Butz my personal aide.”


Who where these creatures, you may ask? Why they where his new fleet of course!




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