U.F.O.P section of the supply base.


9:35 Local time.




“The Almighty G.o.d Jasee is mercy and love incarnate, feel his love!” the short trimmed blond haired, gla.s.ses wearing face of Turneissnen gave this as a battle cry while the  priest hit and bashed his way through the Imperial ranks, stemming the tide.


 The mighty repeated blows of his weapon not only slayed those before him, but the Imperials where so tightly packed  from the charge that the sheer kinetic force unleashed by the club affected the ones that were too close to the attacked soldiers.


With such a ferocious counter-attack Alexander had not only stopped the Imperials from exploiting the gap in the Federal lines, he was also pushing them back!


Behind him the Federal troops upon seeing this quickly rallied on his person and plugged the gap making the Federal formation whole again.


As Turneissnen slashed, parried, weaved and dodged trough his opponents, the whole section he was fighting was actually beginning to fall back.


“All units push forward, the charge is broken! Push them back!” the priest bellowed out to his allies as he continued to cut his way through the enemy.


At this the whole flow of the battle changed as Federal fire warriors blazed away, earth warriors shifted the surface of their shields to form spike shieldwalls, that started to spin and move along its surface turning the formation into a shieldwall of humming chainsaw teeth.


Air troops followed and launched arrows and spears engulfed in miniature vortexes that made them move too fast for the common eye to see, and finally the aqua warriors of the Federation joined in with their spears and maces, their weapons contained water and they made it flow in a pattern all across their weapon’s surface with such a strong flow, that the water turned solid and moved fast enough to cut almost anything in its path.


 They surged forward, extending the reach and flow of their water weapons until they could strike not only the ranks in front of them, but also the second rank behind the first and even the third rank as well.


“Oh, you poor xenos heathens, did you actually think you could stand against a holy priest? But don’t be sad, for it is not your fault, you are merely ignorant of the error of your ways! After we win, I will be more than happy to open your eyes and convert you to the proper gospel!” the priest shouted as he lashed out and charged the nearest gathering of Imperial troops, who were on the verge of routing.


Nothing seemed to stop him, he dodged the swift air arrows, sidestepped the long reaching water spears, deflected the blazing inferno that was the fire warriors and smashed through any stalwart earth warrior that faced him.


“Flee heathens! The forces of heaven will never be beaten when they fight for their own soil!” Turneissnen bellowed out again, as dust and a cloud of smoke from the fighting began to cover the field, he charged once more, and raised his arm to give another blow at the Imperials, when much to his surprise a fire axe appeared, seemingly out of nowhere and blocked his attack with so much strength that he was forced to jump a foot backwards to ride the force of the blow.


9:36 Local Planetary time


“Sorry priest, but you may call the shots in your version of heaven, but you’re too far away from home for that.” the shape of an Imperial Officer came out of the dust cloud.


“This isn’t heaven, it’s h.e.l.l and here you don’t rule, I DO!” the officer added and charged Turneissnen.


A fury of blows, thrusts and parries followed, all of which seemed to fast to be anything less than either two divine or two cursed being clashing blades.


After a few minutes of relentless fighting, the two opponents broke off their attacks and both of them took two steps backwards to catch their breath.




“What is your name and which unit do you belong heathen? You do not look like the rest!” Turneissnen said as he took a few deep breath of air to quench the fire in his lungs.


“Black Beret Corps, 88th brigade, you’ll know us as the kriffing sons and daughters of towngirls that’s going to send your pathetic excuse for soldiers to h.e.l.l! As for the name, it’s Colonel Werner von Braun!” he replied.


“That would be quite a feat for you, considering you’re units will be doing it without their heads!” Turneissnen replied to Werner’s taunt.


At this the Federal troops were unnerved as they realized that a member of the deadly Black Berets was their new opponent, what was even more alarming was the fact that as the dust began to settle, they could see that behind Werner, there were troops who on their arms had the seal of a sword in flames and that each helmet contained a black plumage feather.


The rest of the Black Berets had arrived on the field!


“h.e.l.lfires, ey? Ha! You’re reputation precedes you and I see it is well merited!” Turneissnen said as he maneuvered the club to his back and jammed it inside what appeared to be the orifice of a very large shield; he then pulled the club with one arm, with the shield now attached to it, revealing that it was in fact a great earth sword and that the club was its handle.


 His body armor then overflowed with magic as he summoned his battle aura and extracted a huge amount of power from his energy crystals which he had on himself and filled his sword with raw energy.


The edges of the earth sword grew teeth and they started moving rapidly across it surface making into a ma.s.sive  chain blade, it moved so fast that the teeth turned red and it made a buzzing sound of almost h.e.l.lish nature.


“Time to stop this warm up and get serious wouldn’t you agree?” the priest challenged him.


“I agree.” Werner said with a smile on his face and his fire axe whose flames already blazed like a furnace suddenly became a body of fire so intense that it looked like a small piece of the sun was what Werner was wielding, and with these great weapons the battle of two t.i.tans resumed.




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