

 “The beginning, a most wondrous time for almost anybody and everybody.” Deux who was high above the mortal plane of existence started scribing away what he just witnessed.


Down below the faces of Metternich’s new immediate subordinates where al cheerful and happy as the battle was seemingly going their way.




“To many people, the beginning is the start of something new and exciting.”


Alexander and Werner where still clashing blades, each giving the other his best attack, both expecting that after this blow the final strike would come, but neither one of them was able to outmatch the other, much to their frustration, and warrior’s joy.




“To others it is something unexpected.”


The various Maramanakaman rebels or terrorist where all watching the news with surprise at what happened today. The Local Imperial administration had tried to censor it, but the power of the press somehow got trough, and amongst the rebels, in a hidden base on a certain moon, there was a former soldier now resistance fighter called Alefran who was watching the latest news with great interest.




“To some it could be their greatest wish finally coming true.”


Kalynka had taken the communication crystal which the voice of n.o.body was heard from and was looking at it intensely, she did not know what the future would bring, but was certain that it was far better than the past or the present, that thought made a smile on grace her lips.




“To others the beginning brings great challenges and hardships.”


Hannibal and Lance where both sneaking their squad around the enemy infantry, trying and for now succeeding at avoiding the Imperial army on their long journey back to safety, but the morning light had arrived, the Imperials where many, and the thunder storm was very deadly.




“To a few it means great disappointments and failures.”


Gelios was now by himself and drowning his sorrow with various strong spirits; this day had been a disaster! How much prestige did he lose? How many terrorists would be emboldened by this? How could something that originally seemed like a cakewalk become such an embarra.s.sment and also what he could do to salvage the situation?


“To others, it brings great dangers.”




Metternich looked towards the direction of the enemy knowing that it was not over, the battle was still in the balance and even if they won, tomorrow there would be another battle, followed by another fight the next day, and another one after that.


 He closed his eyes in the vain hope that this horrid nightmare would be over and he would wake up and go to work tomorrow brewing potions as usual, instead of dodging death each day.




“To others the beginning is simply a repeat of what has happened before.”




Adrian smiled as he watched what was happening all around the battlefield.


It was just like Marengo and the many countless battles both in s.p.a.ce and land that preceded it, a risky plan that resulted in a hopeless situation turning into an astonishing victory!


And he expected no less from his liege Metternich!


“No more hiding, no more running away! Do you hear me enemies of the Empire, this is the beginning of our counterattack!”




“But regardless of what the beginning is for its partic.i.p.ants one thing is certain and that for better or worse, regardless of whatever horrors or wonders it brings, and despite what measure of joy and sorrow it creates, the beginning would always be the start of a journey where every beginning is a new ending and every ending is a new beginning.”


Deux finished writing in his book, flipped the page and with his ink feather in his hand, he was ready to write the next chapter and all that it entails too, as bellow him the sands of time marched on as one chapter ended and a new one was about to begin.




“Turn back now; less all nightmares know your name!”


Old sailor"s proverb.




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