Chapter 3
Yao Qing’s face changed when she heard about the Dual Yin Life Chasing Palm. Although the technique strikes without leaving a trace, if discovered timely, it could be easily treated by simply expelling it from the body.However if it was left undetected, the venom filled dou qi would take root in the victim’s body and trigger explosively after a period of time,after which it would be too late for any treatment.

Yao Qing’s expression was one of fear and anxiety yet she forcible calmed herself and quickly opened a secret compartment beside the bed which contained various pills and a variety of medicinal ingredients. These items were acc.u.mulated by Yao Huo that were originally meant to be used on Yao Chen, though Yao Qing could not care less about their original purpose now and after concentrating, quickly organized those which had healing properties and, seeing how Yao Huo was unable to eat them, forced them down Yao Huo’s throat in a particular order.

Moments later, after the medicine took effect, Yao Huo woke up but was unable to utter a single word and could only moves his eyes gently.Just as Yao Huo woke up, another mouthful of blood gushed out from a corner of his mouth; At this moment, he was too weak to even spit the blood out and could only let it spill out of his mouth, forming a pool of blood.

“Quick, roll your father over to his side so that he can spit the blood out.”

Yao Qing’s nails dug into her palm, causing lines of blood to flow out.

“I’m going to ask the clan elder for help,you stay here and look after your father. His blood….don’t let him cho...never mind, just .. be careful .”

The words, though formed, were unable to leave her mouth; Her tears welled up in her eyes yet she forcibly held them back, unwilling to let them fall in front of her son as she told herself that at this point of time, she had to be strong for her son.

Yao Chen nodded his head vigorously and clutched his father tightly with his tiny hands, his body trembling in fear.

Yao Qing flew out of the house. The Dual Yin Life Chasing Palm, as a technique with the words Life Chasing in it’s name, was not something that could be treated with ordinary means, and could only be cured by divine medicine that were of grade 6 and above. However, grade 6 medicine were a watershed in the medicine clan with medicine below grade 6 freely available to anyone who wanted it. Medicine of grade 6 and above however, were priceless treasures and only the clan leader and a select few core elders had the authority to decide it’s usage.

The sun was a little blinding….Yao Qing felt her mind drifting off.She only had a few pancakes since she left home early this morning and after enduring the chilly mountain wind while picking herbs, had originally intended to have a soak in a medicinal bath upon returning home.

Biting her tongue, Yao Qing refocused herself and rushed towards the clan leader’s residence. Yao Huo had been a guard for well over a decade and had a record of meritorious service to the clan,in addition,since he was a rank 4 receptarier of some talent with a bright future ahead of him surely the clan leader would save him. After all, if the clan leader was unwilling to use the medicine to save him and were to simply let him die,it would surely chill the hearts of countless ordinary clansmen once word of it got out.

However, fate moves in mysterious ways, and unexpected circ.u.mstances also happens.

“The clan leader isn’t home, go back”

“He isn’t home? where did the clan leader go?”

Yao Qing asked, kneeling down in front of the clan leader’s residence, her face clouded by anxiety. A scenario like this, where she was unable to find the clan leader was what she had feared the most.

“How dare you ! Is the whereabouts of the clan leader something the likes of you can ask about?! “

The guardsman was furious, thinking that she did not believe his words.

At this moment, elder Yao Lan happened to be pa.s.sing by and upon seeing the situation before him, hurried over to find out what happened.

“Elder Yao Lan, it’s not that i do not wish to help her, it’s just….sigh.., the clan leader really isn’t around.”

The guardsman paid his respects, the whereabouts of the clan leader was something that he did not dare divulge.

“It’s alright, return to your post, i’ll take it from here. Yao Qing.. was it? Why are you looking for the clan leader?”

Yao Lan recognised Yao Qing as Yao Huo’s wife.

“Elder Yao Lan…”

Yao Qing told him about everything that had happened to Yao Huo.

“He’s currently on the verge of death,only a grade 6 medicine…”

“The clan leader is indeed not around at the moment, it’s not just him, the elders have all left as well..”

Yao Qing’s face contorted into an ugly expression, at this crucial point of time, the clan leader and all the core elders weren’t around, having left the clan with the demon clan.

Yao Qing’s face was ashen. In the past, Yao Lan was the one who taught her the basics of pill refining and she knew his personality extremely well. He was not someone who would deceive her.

Yao Lan fiddled with his fingers, even if they were to send an emergency message to the clan leader asking for permission,it would take at least 2 days while the Dual Yin Life Chasing Palm, once triggered, would be fatal in 6 hours.

“Take me to Yao Huo, let’s see if we can preserve his life.”

After all, Yao Huo was once a student he took pride in, he would not idly stand by without lending a helping hand.

Upon reaching and seeing Yao Huo’s deathly figure lying on the bed,with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, it’s colour having changed from a bright crimson to a deep black, the effect of the venom was readily apparent to all.

“Quick, feed these to him”

Yao Lan,without even thinking about it, quickly took out all the medicine he had on him, with many of them being grade 5 medicine that were very precious.

However, this could only temporarily halt the venomous dou qi from triggering.While Yao Lan was also an elder, he was an elder of the school and his authority was far from that of the true elders.Though he had a generous personality, not even he could produce a rank 6 medicine.

“This is bad,these pills can only preserve his life for only a day, furthermore the medicinal effects have reached their limits and further usage of rank 5 medicine would be useless. However,maybe with the usage of some precious ingredients, we would be able to buy some time.

Yao Lan said this after carefully taking Yao Huo’s pulse, after which he wrote down a list of items which would be able to buy Yao Huo some time.However there was something he left unsaid, the items that he wrote down were all incredibly precious and it was going to be…incredibly tough.

“I’ll go plead for them.”

“I’ll take it from here, the both of you go together”

Yao Lan said, looking at Yao Chen.Yao Qing nodded her head, took Yao Chen into her arms and rushed out.

Yao Chen lay in his mother’s embrace, listening to the sound of the wind pa.s.sing by, the tear streaks on his face were dried up and he seemingly had run out of tears, unable to cry even if he wanted to.

He wanted to ask his mother if his father would be alright yet he was unable to speak the words, afraid of making a single sound.He had never seen his mother’s face so pale before and was afraid that if he was to make a single sound, his mother would collapse just like his father.

Yao Qing arrived at the Zhuo family, which was family specialising in medicine that had subordinated itself to the medicine clan centuries ago.The Zhuo family too, had members who were guards, and while they were not exceptionally close to Yao Huo they could still considered his friends.

The Zhuo family did not reject Yao Qing and welcomed her in, taking out numerous medicinal ingredients and though they were not what Yao Qing was hoping for, they were still rare and precious items.Unfortunately, with Yao Huo’s current condition, these items were no longer of any use.

Yao Qing could only bid her farewells and think of alternative solutions. As the Zhuo family sent Yao Qing and her son off, Yao Chen did not utter a word and looked on silently.

After leaving the Zhuo family and arriving at the Li family...the same scenario played out again and while sympathies were offered, they did not acquire any items that could prolong Yao Huo’s life.

“It’s best if you stop wasting your time and head straight to the clan storehouse. The items on your list are not things that we would be able to possess, you know that some of those items…. only people like them, would be able to possess it.

The head of the Li family looked at Yao Chen,his heartstrings being tugged at.As he sent Yao Qing and her son off, he said the words quietly, turned around and left.

Yao Qing’s eyes flashed and she bit her lips.Although the pill were priceless without compare, the great medicine clan was certain to have quite a few of them held in storage, the only problem was that no one dared to touch medicine of this grade without prior permission from the clan leader or the core elders.

“Let’s go to the main branch”

The main branch of the medicine clan could only be described by the words “unfathomable”. Apart from the clan storehouse, the main branch families were the only ones who could possibly have such rare and precious items.As for the other branch families, even if they were in the possession of such items, they would hand it over to the clan storehouse in exchange for merit towards the clan, or for skills and techniques to boost the strength of their families.

Even if they had such items, it would undoubtedly be a family treasure that was not to be easily taken out. After all, while sympathising with them was one thing , how many people would actually be willing to extend a helping hand and be capable of such self-sacrifice akin to cutting off a portion of their flesh? Elder Yao Lan was one, but it was precisely of this reason that in his lifetime, he was only a lowest ranked elder responsible for the school.

The main branch was notorious for being cold and hard to deal with, the branch families on the other hand, regardless of their status or position in the clan would have their family head to meet with Yao Qing and Yao Chen and even if they were unable to help, would at least extend the courtesy due to members of the clan.

The lofty and aloof main branch however, would not deign to treat them as equals, much less respect.

"Begging for medicine? Who do you think you are ? The family head isn’t in. Get lost”

It can be seen that the gatekeeper of the eldest family of main branch were harder to deal with and were even more arrogant than even than those of the elders of the clan.[T/N : Eldest family referring to the eldest son of the main branch/main line of descent”

Though Yao Qing knew that this would happen, at this point of time she could only grovel and beg.

“Please, i’m begging you. I know third brother is home, i just want to see him..”

“...Fine.. I’ll ask for him.”

The gatekeeper was a little uncertain after hearing Yao Qing address the third master as third brother and was worried that she really was related to him in some manner.

As Yao Chen looked on, he knew that in his tiny heart that this was his father’s last hope and he clenched his little fists tightly. Moments later, the gatekeeper rushed out angrily with his hands raised.

“Get lost! You got me into trouble with the master, he said he doesn’t know you. SCRAM!!!”

The gatekeeper threw both mother and son out, and clearly still unsatisfied, slammed the gates shut.

Since the eldest did not wish to meet with her, Yao Qing bit her lips and went to the second family of the main branch.


The second family was unexpectedly polite; The housekeeper invited Yao Qing and her son in and even offered them tea.However, upon hearing that they were here to beg for medicine, simply said

“Ahh, there is no one here that has the authority to decide. I’m just a mere housekeeper , i wish i could help you… please leave.”

Yao Qing was panicking at this moment and dropped to her knees, her lips were trembling yet she was unable to utter a word and could only plead with her tearful eyes. Ever since she was young, apart from her parents and clan memorials, who else had she ever knelt to?

“Don’t do this, i’m not worthy.”

The housekeeper sighed but remained unmoved, and were another utterance of ‘i wish i could help’, sent Yao Qing and her son off.

kencephalonkencephalon January 2016
Chapter 3 - Cont"d

The chilly wind blew past, sweeping leaves into the air. This was the way of the world, people could care less about you if you were a n.o.body..

Yao Qing smiled bitterly.

“Chen-er, let’s go home”

Yao Chen tightened his lips.


Yao Chen’s voice was akin to that of rocks grating together in a bon fire.

“Those medicine….”

“We’ll go back and think of something. Maybe the clan leader or the elders will return before daybreak.”

Yao Qing bit back the sadness in her heart and told her son.


Yao Chen’s uneasiness in his heart had already reached it’s limit, but he could do nothing, and there was nothing he could do.He lowered his head and looked at his tiny fist.Power, if only he had sufficient power, who would dare turn his mother and him away?

The sky had darkened and the mansions of the main branch had already lit up lanterns.Looking back at the mansions of the main branch in the darkness, they emitted a sense of majesty.

Yao Chen looked at his tiny fists and made a promise to himself. When he grew up, he had to become somebody of note, someone with enough power and influence that n.o.body dared overlook, someone that his parents could be proud of.

When they returned home, elder Yao Lan was in the midst of refining medicine. Luo Bing, in addition of a few of his father’s brothers were also present.

“You didn’t get the items….? *Sigh* ...”

With a gesture from Yao Lan, five pills flew out from the cauldron and into the bottle he held in his hands.Turning around, he said to Yao Qing:

“These five pills…. will let him pull through the night, and do not need to be taken now. Wait till till he wakes up before feeding him one, and another pill every 2 hours afterwards…. I’ve already sent a message via eagle and if we’re lucky, maybe, the clan leader and the rest will….. *sigh*, i’m returning home..”

Yao Lan shook his head; He had already tried his best and did not have it in his heart to bear witness to this any further

“Many thanks to elder Yao Lan for this medicine. Yao Qing will never forget this in my life… Yao Chen, on your knees!”

Yao Qing knelt in grat.i.tude. After her experience while begging for medicine, and the sight of Yao Lan trying his utmost, the feeling in her heart was not something that could be expressed with words.

Luo Bing and the rest knelt down as well, with their brother in trouble and them being unable to help, how could the pain they felt in their hearts could not be expressed with mere words? A man has gold under his knees, and while it was not unacceptable for a man to knee, it had to be to someone who was worthy, or a cause that was just!

“It’s ok, what are you all doing?! Get up!! Are my words worthless?All of you… *sigh* .. Yao Huo was a student of mine, how can i simply leave him in the lurch without helping him? It’s just that my efforts...are not enough ...“

Yao Lan help Yao Qing and her son to their feet, and with a shake of his head, turned around and left.

Luo Bing and the rest got to their feet and looked at Yao Qing and her son silently. They too, went around asking for medicine and making use of the guard’s network, were able to procure a sizable amount of medicinal ingredients. But alas, what they had procured had it’s limitations and had scant effect treating the Dual Yin Life Chasing Palm. It was only through Yao Lan’s refining that they were able to obtain the 5 pills to prolong Yao Huo’s life.

“Everyone please return… i will not forget your kind a.s.sistance today..”

With a soft sigh, Yao Qing forced out the ugliest smile of her life.

“Sis in law…”

Luo Bing shook his head.

“Let’s go”

Everyone was clear that Yao Hou did not have much time left and since everyone wished to help but were unable to do so, the only thing left is to let them spend what remaining time was left as a family.

After sending everyone off, weariness showed on Yao Qing’s ashen face and she threw herself onto the bed, her slim hands tightly holding onto Yao Huo’s arms.Yao Qing’s eyes flashed ,the greatest pain in life was the separation of death, and she wished that she could accompany Yao Huo in death.

“Mom!! Don’t die!!”

Suddenly, Yao Chen’s tender voice anxiously sounded out from the side.

Yao Qing jolted, her eyes regaining their clarity

“Mom wont die, mom’s alright….just a little tired”

Yao Qing straightened her body despite being exhausted physically and mentally; After seeing Yao Chen who was still so little, she could not help but pull herself together.


Yao Chen rushed forward, his tiny hands grabbing onto her clothes

The room quietened down and the cries of insects could be heard from outside.Yao Chen could still hold himself together without breaking down because he was still able to hear the faint sounds of his father’s breathing, realising what the term pillar of support really meant.

[TN: His father’s breathing is the pillar supporting him]


Suddenly, the sound of coughing could be heard


Yao Chen jerked his head up.

Yao Qing sobbed yet did not utter a single word and instead hurriedly took out one of the pills Yao Lan gave her earlier and placed it in Yao Huo’s mouth.

Yao Huo swallowed it.

“Life prolonging pill..?”


Yao Qing’s vision clouded up again upon hearing her husband’s voice and fat tears started falling once more.

“Chen-er? Is your mother crying? I can’t see clearly..”


“I’m fine, you promised me that you will never make me cry in my lifetime, so i definitely won’t cry”

“It’s nothing, i’ll be fine. Chen-er did you practice tonight?”


“Go. Don’t come back till you’ve finished 10 revolutions”

Yao Qing caressed Yao Chen’s head, knowing that her husband wished to talk to her privately.Yao Chen seemed to understand what was going on as he nodded his head and shuffled out the door.

As he reached the centre of the courtyard, Yao Chen looked up at the sky, the stars and the moon and as the cold wind blew, his body trembled as his heart ached and the tears that he thought had dried up started flowing once more.

As he wiped away the last of his tears, he told himself that he today,he would finish up his lifetime’s worth of tears today and would never shed another drop of tear ever again from this day forth.

He forced himself into a meditative state and felt the dou qi in his body start circulating as it completed revolution after revolution. He had only finished half of the ten revolutions when he heard footsteps coming from the room. He turned around and saw his mother support his father as he walked out.

Yao Qing gestured with her hand.

“Chen-er, come over”

“Father, Mother”

Yao Huo extended his arm, gently bringing it to rest on Yao Chen’s shoulder and shook it slightly.

“Accompany me to the ancestral stone stele to have a look together as a family alright?”


Yao Qing turned around, lifted Yao Huo onto her back and slowly headed to the mountain summit step by step.

Yao Chen followed behind and heard his father said laughingly

“When i first married you, in the beginning, i was the one carrying you and now at the very end, you’re the one carrying me as you send me off..”

“Quiet. You’re not allowed to talk”

Yao Qing’s body shook. Even at this point of time, he was still as garrulous and sharp tongued as ever.

Yao Chen had his head lowered as he followed behind; This path was one that he took everyday as he walked to school but he had never felt as he did now, with each step he took seemingly weighing a ton, as if the path was cursed and was devouring everything.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and Yao Chen raised his head. They had arrived at the stone stele.

It was late at night and the public square was empty; Perhaps there might be guards hidden in the dark but onlookers would realise what was going on , and they did not have any intention of showing themselves.

At this moment, Yao Huo’s eyes suddenly brightened up and he seemed to be full of vigour suddenly.

Yao Qing’s face changed as she knew this to be just a momentary recovery before death.

Yao Huo took the medicinal pills,finished them in one gulp and gently pushed Yao Qing away. It was unknown where he got the strength as he walked to the stele and extended his hand to caress it,the stele was cold yet his touch blazed with fervent longing.


Yao Huo turned around fiercely, his eyes glimmered as he suppressed the desire in his eyes.


“Do you know what this is?”

“I know..”

“What is it?”

Yao Huo insisted on Yao Chen saying the name of the object.

“The ancestral clan stele”



“Good, very good… Chen-er, in this lifetime, i am satisfied having had a gentle wife like your mother, and know that i have not lived in vain. However, my only regret is that i have not had the chance to carve my name here. An outstanding man in life, a valiant ghost in death; Chen-er, i place my hopes in your hands. In the past, at this very same spot, my father too pa.s.sed this same wish to me, yet i could not accomplish it…”

Yao Huo’s voice grew softer and out of the blue, his legs quivered and he fell to the ground, his back leaning against the stele and the light in his eyes grew dimmer as the poisonous dou qi in his body flared up again.


Yao Chen rushed forward and hugged his father as he understood in his tiny heart that the final moment….had arrived.

“I’m tired, let me rest a little”

Yao Huo’s rough hands gently rubbed Yao Chen’s face as his eyes closed. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, his mouth opened slightly and Yao Chen hurriedly brought his ears closer as he heard his father speak softly.

“Chen-er, your mom did not mean to hit you today.In the future, you must listen to her and protect her”

As he finished, his voice grew fainter…

Yao Chen nodded his head as if his life depended on it.

“I will, i will….”

The first rays of dawn breaks, and the horizon lights up.

The sun rises.

Father has stopped moving, and his breaths could no longer be heard.

Yao Chen could only feel a tempestuous surge of blood rus.h.i.+ng to his larynx….

Yao Chen’s dimmed and he could only feel that in his body, his dou qi was surging and growing wildly.


At this moment,the realm that he was originally stuck in was forcibly broken by the wildly surging energy in him, seventh realm, 8th realm, 9th realm…

Yao Qing’s face abruptly changed.

“Chen-er, NO!!!!”

Yao Qing rushed towards Yao Chen and pressed a palm against him as a stream of sealing dou qi gushed into his body. At this very moment, she could not care less about her grief, Yao Chen’s advancement at this point of time was not a good thing.

This was akin to a demonic disintegration as an sudden advancement like this would consume his latent potential.

Blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.

Time, would always be the best medicine.

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