This Xiao Yiming was really adorable, other than him treating her like a treasure, who could look at her that much?

"Who said my wife is ugly? In my heart, my wife is the most beautiful." Xiao Yiming said seriously.

"Alright, alright, let"s hurry up and go. It seems like there"s going to be a feast soon. It"ll be too late later, we won"t even be able to get a single bone."

There were dozens of tables of wedding wine in the courtyard, and the delicacies on the tables were exquisite and rich.

There were eight dishes on each table, three meat dishes and five different dishes. Chicken, duck, fish and other fish were all placed on the table, but all of the dishes on the table were the same.

"Fellow villagers, don"t be so polite. Today is a good day, let"s all eat to our heart"s content."

Qian Jingui was dressed in a dazzling red wedding gown as she shuttled around the tables, a suitable smile always hanging on her handsome face.

He wandered around the table and toasted one by one to show his hospitality.

"The bridegroom is too courteous. Lady cuckoo sure is lucky." The villagers also congratulated him one by one.

"Alright, here"s to you. The bridegroom sure has a great tolerance for alcohol."

On the table, the sounds of clinking fists and clinking wine cups could be heard. The child was eating the Sweet "n" Sour Cake on the table, while the melon seeds and peanuts were also extremely happy, as if they were celebrating the new year.

There were so many people that it took more than two hours for them to finish their lunch. In the afternoon, the number of villagers in Village Head Home decreased a lot, and many of those who only knew each other nodded their heads and left early to busy themselves in the fields.

Only someone with a strong relationship would have the face to stay for dinner.

At this time, Xiao Yiming and Luo Manman had already returned to the Xiao family residence, and the two of them had been busy working on a pile of wood for the entire afternoon.

Outside the house, the sun was setting in the west mountains. The sky was gray with a few faint stars hanging in the sky.

After working busily for the entire day, Qian Jingui was truly tired.

was planning to return to town in the evening as he was going to set up a feast to liven up the villagers" mood.

"Then I"ll go back first, cuckoo." Pulling on the cuckoo that was calling for the villagers, Qian Jingui said.

"Jingui, why don"t you stay for the night?" The village chief hastily interrupted, causing the village head to blush. Embarra.s.sed, she tugged at the corner of the village head"s clothes. "Father …"

"Hah, girl, you"re being shy. You"re always the same person, one day earlier and one day later." The Village Chief was more satisfied with this son-in-law of his. It was not in vain that he spent such a large sum of money to establish a relationship with him.

"Dad, you"re making fun of my daughter, so I"m ignoring you." The cuckoo stamped her feet and ran into the house in embarra.s.sment.

Qian Jingui looked at her figure, then looked at the village chief: "Village head, no, this is against the rules, if not, the news will spread over the next two days."

"Sigh, child, you think pretty well. You should be careful when you go back." The village chief reluctantly sent his son-in-law to the courtyard.

Immediately, a manservant took a stool and opened the curtain, "Young Master, please get on the carriage."

Qian Jingui waved to the village chief, turned and got into the carriage. The carriage began to move, and then he thought of something, and lifted the carriage"s curtain with her big hand, then said to the servant driving: "Xiao Han, go down to the Xiao family."

"Yes, young master."

At this time, the Xiao family had just finished their dinner, and Xiao Yiming was walking towards the stream with a wooden bucket and a towel.

Qian Jingui stood outside the courtyard for a while, seeing that Luo Manman had come to the courtyard to collect the clothes, she then coughed lightly and called out: "Xiao Heiniu …."

Luo Manman raised her head, "It"s you, Young Master Qian, come in quickly."

She did not expect the would-be groom of the Village Head Home to come here.

At that time, Qian Jingui appeared to be very casual, as if she was just pa.s.sing by: "Xiao Heiniu, uh, I was just about to go back to town, and I was pa.s.sing by your house to buy some things."

Luo Manman was overjoyed. Since this is the case, why do I have to call him that? Luo Manman frowned: "Young Master Qian, why do you keep on calling me Manman? I have a name, call me Manman."

"So Xiao Heiniu"s name is Manman, it"s such a nice name." Qian Jingui repeated a few times. His voice was clear and bright like a pearl dropping onto a jade plate, and her smile was like the spring sun for three months.

Like a quiet mountain village, a pond of lotus flowers rolled bean sized crystal dewdrops, shaking, falling into the pond.

Luo Manman was so embarra.s.sed from his teasing, what"s wrong with him, why is she giving me such a demonic look?

"I"ll follow you and see how many sets there are." Qian Jingui said as he followed Luo Manman into the house.

The Xiao Niang was washing the dishes in front of the stove when he heard the commotion, so he casually asked, "Manman, is someone coming from the house?"

"Yes, auntie, I"m here to buy something."

"Oh." Xiao Niang continued to wash the dishes, thinking that this was just an ordinary villager.

Luo Manman entered a storage room that was filled with groceries. She took out the basket containing wood products s.

At this time, Qian Jingui was looking around at the Xiao Family"s furnishings. The walls were made of yellow soil, the ceiling was made of straw, and the chairs were broken.

It was a wonder that such a family could have such a capable woman, but it was a pity that she was a village woman, or she would have been a good child for the rich families who had been born in the town.

"Um, Young Master Qian, these wood products are all in this basket. Take a look, what do you need?"

Looking at her tired little face, a trace of oddity flashed across Qian Jingui"s heart. She calmly said: "You, take a look at how much is inside, I want all of them."

"Ah …" "Oh, then I"ll count." Luo Manman was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, and quickly counted: "There are 35 in total, do you want all of them? "According to the price of 6 gold coins per piece, it would be 210 gold coins. I will charge you 200 gold coins."

Qian Jingui took out a silver from her pocket to give to her: "Sell this basket together with me. There"s no need to find it."

This rich person was truly willful, but he didn"t need that much to add on to the basket. Although Luo Manman needed money now, he couldn"t just randomly take other people"s money.

"Young Master Qian, including the basket, there is no need for so much, so 250 words is good. Doing small business requires a lot of honesty, how can you just randomly take money, this way the business can last for a long time."

Hearing her reasoning, Qian Jingui"s face revealed a look of probing: "You"re weird, who would think that having too much silver would work, but your words are reasonable.

Okay, as you say, 250 words. "Take it to the carriage outside and I"ll get the manservant to give you some change."

"Sure, more young masters will come." Luo Manman carried her basket and walked out.

"Xiao Han, give this girl 250 gold coins, let"s go back."

"Yes, young master." The servant neatly took out two half copper coins from his pocket and gave it to Luo Manman, then placed the basket inside the carriage, waiting for Qian Jingui to get on the carriage.

The horse carriage started to move, Luo Manman happily used the copper coins in her hands, and shouted: "Young n.o.ble, be careful on the road, take care!"

The sky was about to turn dark and the manservant increased his speed. He whipped his horse, causing the horse to gallop and dust to fly into the air.

"Young master, you bought so many wood products? You don"t need it at home? " The attendant asked curiously.

"Rather than buying things, it"s better to call it buying knowledge?" Qian Jingui"s voice lazily floated out of the carriage.

"Young master, please forgive my stupidity, but I don"t understand what you mean."

"This Xiao Heiniu of the Xiao family is quite interesting. I think she should be able to read and write. She has quite a set way of doing business. Listening to her talk is very interesting, and then she will have some new ideas as well."

"Ah, you have an idea, young master. You are already Village Head Home"s son-in-law, you can"t have any thoughts towards others, not to mention a countryside woman …"

Before the servant could finish his words, he was interrupted by a clear male voice, "What are you thinking? The idea I"m talking about is business. Alright, it"s already getting dark. Let"s hurry up and go. "

At this time, Luo Manman finished collecting all the clothes in the courtyard and returned with a bucket of water.

"Yi Ming, you"re done washing."

"Right." Xiao Yiming replied, and thought about the luxurious carriage he had seen on the road, and how he had obviously left from this direction. He asked in his heart: "Manman, did the Young Master Qian come to our house?"

"You saw it? Look, here"s the money for the wood. Here, take it. Although it"s not a lot of money, but I think it"s worth a bit more. "

Xiao Yiming"s heart was originally a little perturbed, but when he saw Luo Manman"s honesty, he felt that he had thought too much into it. "My wife, it"s been hard on you.

"Don"t, this is money that you worked hard to earn. Of course it"s for you to keep."

"Isn"t my money yours? Also, it"s in the custody of my wife." Xiao Yiming tapped her nose a little and doted on her, saying that she had to earn a lot of money in the future and let her wife keep it.

"Okay, then I"ll keep it. Ah, that"s really good. I can manage the money now. You can trust me." Luo Manman flung the heavy copper coin in his hand, and after smiling at him, he ran back into the house and took out a small jar, placed the copper coin inside, then closed the lid and stared at it in a daze.

If this amount of money can"t solve any problems, how can one make money grow?

When he thought about the Hei Niu who had called out to her, Luo Manman felt a little depressed in his heart. Hei Niu was really unpleasant to the ear, but the words that came out of his mouth had a different flavor, he really was a weirdo.

At this time, Xiao Yiming, as usual, mixed a bucket of hot and cold water and brought it up to the bath barrel. Seeing Luo Manman holding onto a small jar, he asked: "My wife, what are you thinking about? "The water"s ready for you. Wash it quickly."

Luo Manman was still pondering over those words, when she turned around and said to Xiao Yiming: "Yi Ming, tell me the truth, am I really very ugly, very black?"

"No, my wife, how could you be black? You"re white. " Xiao Yiming revealed his pure white teeth as he laughed.

"I knew you wouldn"t tell the truth. Isn"t your skin just black? That"s easy to solve." Luo Manman"s mind suddenly lit up. She finally thought of a way to earn money, haha.

"Wifey, you"re so white. I saw it the last time, but it"s so white." Xiao Yiming was afraid that his wife would despise her and immediately explained.

"Xiao Yiming, you"re saying …" Luo Manman"s face fell. He had the guts to admit that he had seen everything.

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