Beautiful Scars

Chapter 11

"I"m thinking I"d like to kiss you stupid," she finally said. "Then I"d liked to get on my knees and take you in my mouth and see if I could make you feel about as weak and crazy as you make me."

Something flared in his eyes, a wild, crazy glint. He tossed the vibrator back down and stood. "Do it, then."

Swallowing, she accepted the hand he offered and stood, easing in closer until she was pressed against his chest, waiting. He grinned down at her, his hair falling into his face. "You wanted to kiss me stupid, baby girl. Have at it."

Cupping his face in her hands, she eased up onto her toes, angling her head just a little as she pressed her mouth to his. Hmmm. The way he tasted. He was...yeah. Just amazing. Just like his voice. Whiskey-soaked addiction. Flicking her tongue against his lips, she groaned as he opened for her. Leaning in closer, she nibbled on his lower lip, nipped the upper one and then pushed inside.

He shuddered against her, but remained unmoving, impa.s.sive.

If it wasn"t for the way she could feel his chest rising and falling against her, so ragged and harsh, she might think he was unaffected. If it wasn"t for the way his body felt rigid, heavy with tension and need, she might think he wasn"t as aroused as she was.

One drugged kiss after another-now the need pulsed inside her, a vicious ache.

When she pulled away, she paused and rubbed her cheek against his, smiling at the way his unshaven skin rasped against the softness of her own. Shooting a quick look at his eyes, she shivered a little when she saw that he was watching her, his gaze so focused, so intense.

She pressed a kiss to his chin, down his neck. Along the sleek muscled lines of his chest. "You know, for a piano player, you sure are cut," she teased. "What do you do, lift the pianos or something?"

"I chase after smart-mouthed web designers," he muttered, swatting her on the a.s.s.

"I don"t think that would make you look quite like this," she said, sighing as she smoothed her hands over his chest. The silver hoop in his nipple was gone, replaced by a barbell. Tugging on it, she watched as a fine tremor racked his body. "I like this."

He cupped the back of her head in his hand, guided her mouth to his nipple.

She caught the bit of metal between her teeth, tugged on it again, a little harder this time, and satisfaction pulsed through her as he hissed out a breath.

Looking up at him, she saw that his head had fallen back, the thick black hair falling away from his face, eyes heavy lidded, mostly closed.

Going to her knees, she reached for his belt buckle, then unsnapped, unzipped his jeans. Tugging them down to just below his a.s.s, she caught him in her hand, pumped once. Twice. Then she leaned in and licked him.

"Open your mouth," he growled, pushing his hand into her hair.

She did, just a little. Enough to lick his head. He b.u.mped demandingly against her lips. "Open your mouth, Chaili. I want to see you with my c.o.c.k in your mouth. I want to f.u.c.k that pretty mouth and I want it now."

Hunger was a beast in her belly as she did as he ordered, opening for him, her lips stretching wide as he pushed deep inside. He cupped her head between his hands and started to move, thrusting his c.o.c.k in, out. She would have groaned if she could. Would have sighed. As it was, she couldn"t stay still, the need was too much. Still cupping him in one hand, she reached down and circled her c.l.i.t with her fingers.

"Don"t," he warned. "You want wanted to take me in your mouth, now do it. You can come later." He slowed, pulling back, until he"d pulled completely out.

She groaned, trying to follow, but he wouldn"t let her. "Is that a problem?"

"No," she snarled, reaching for him again.

"Do you want me to come in your mouth?"

Her lashes flickered and she licked her lips. h.e.l.l, he just didn"t have any hesitation, did he? "Yes."

"Good." This time, when she reached for him, he let her and he stroked deep into her mouth. Harder. Faster, until her eyes burned from it and her throat felt battered, but she loved it.

She went to let go of him again, her c.l.i.t burning and tight.

"Don"t you f.u.c.king dare touch yourself," he ordered. "That"s for me, you hear?"

She whimpered around the c.o.c.k in her mouth, but stopped, instead reaching up and gripping his thigh, her nails biting into his flesh. His groan sounded like it was torn out of him and his hands tightened in her hair. He pushed deep, held still.

Then, as he started to come, as her body screamed for oxygen and its own release, she stared up at him. He was still watching her, those golden eyes hungry and hot.

She left him all but devastated. Drained. Empty. And ready to fill himself up with her. With everything she was.

As he let go of her hair, she eased back and remained where she was, on her knees, leaning in to press her cheek to his thigh. His c.o.c.k twitched as he felt the soft caress of her breathing drift over him.

No. He wasn"t empty, after all.

Urging her to her feet, he kissed her, reaching down to cup her in his hand, and he groaned as he felt how wet she was. "You like doing that."


"How much?"

"Enough to want to do it again. And again."

She watched him with a lazy, lambent look in her eyes as he curved one hand over her hips.

"It"s my turn now. On the bed. In the middle. Move back," he told her, closing his eyes, jerking himself under control. He wanted more than just a hot, erotic f.u.c.k with her. He wanted her to understand she was still beautiful...and he"d already realized that she didn"t believe that anymore.

He wanted her to understand she was amazing.

He wanted to push her to the edge...and maybe let her take him there as well. He"d never danced to the line with anybody, but wouldn"t mind going over it with her.

Stripping his jeans away, he kicked them off and draped them over the chair positioned by her bed. He"d already noticed she was pin neat about things. Wasn"t going to clutter up the pretty little s.p.a.ce she had. Moving to the bed, he picked up the scarf and moved closer, grabbing one ankle. "You"ve got a perfect bed," he said softly. "For this..."

The thick, black fringe of her lashes drooped down, shielding her eyes as he tied her left ankle to the bottom post of her bed. He checked, making sure she had plenty of room in case she jerked on it as she started to move. "Feel okay?"

She nodded, her breath coming in uneasy pants.

"Good." He slid a hand up her calf. "You have more of these scarves?"

"In my dresser," she whispered. "Bottom left drawer."

He left her lying there and returned with a handful of scarves, the pretty, colorful bits fluttering in his grip. He used a blue one on her right ankle. Two black ones on her wrists. As she was spread out, bound and open for him, he stood back to admire her.

He caught one more scarf, this one in bright, murder red and pushed it into her right fist. "I want to gag you," he said quietly. "Blindfold you. If you want me to stop, drop the scarf."

She shuddered, then nodded, clutching the scarf in her hand.

Two more scarves, one around her eyes, the other around her mouth, partly between her lips, her mouth open just enough, the scarf biting into her skin, just enough... "Too tight?"

She shook her head.

"Can you move much?"

She tried, tugging against the bonds.

Smiling, Marc said, "Good."

He took the vibrator, the one with the extension to tease her back entrance, and turned it on, watching her. She tensed. He turned it back off. Picked up the lubricant, checked it out. Wasn"t a kind he liked much, but he didn"t care at that point. He"d use whatever he could if it meant he could do as he wanted with her.

"Seeing you like this..." he murmured, circling around to stand at the foot of the bed. He stared up at her, his gaze lingering between her spread thighs, along the flat plane of her belly, tracing the lines of her tattoo before moving up to her face. "I think I"ll dream about this for a long, long time, Chaili. And I"ll want to do this to you again and again."

He rested one knee on the mattress. "Is that okay?"

One slow nod. She angled her head and he smiled, suspected she was trying to see him under the scarf. He didn"t care. It was all about setting the feel more than anything else. For now.

He sprawled between her thighs, leaving the vibrator and the lube on the bed next to her hip before sliding his hands under her a.s.s. Lifting her up just a little, he blew a soft puff of air against her s.e.x. She shuddered and groaned against the gag.

"I want to listen as you scream behind that scarf. I want to make you come. Then I"m going to push my c.o.c.k into you and do it again. And again. I want to f.u.c.k your a.s.s while you"re on your knees. If you don"t want know how to make it all stop."

Her fingers clutched the scarf so tight, they were all but bloodless.

With a smile, he pressed his mouth to the hot, wet entrance of her p.u.s.s.y and licked her.

Chaili couldn"t take much more of this.

But there was no way she was going to stop it. No way.

Still, as he settled his weight between her thighs, she was desperate for air. Desperate for a few seconds to rest. Just plain desperate.

"Shhh," he whispered, kissing her cheek, stroking his hands down her side, along her spine, soothing and gentle. The head of his c.o.c.k b.u.t.ted against the mouth of her p.u.s.s.y. Two Two mind-blowing and he was just now settling his weight on hers.

She was almost painfully sensitive now and the brush of his thumb against her c.l.i.t was like the lash of lightening. She flinched and he eased back. "You know how to make me stop."

If she hadn"t been tied spread eagle, she would have wrapped her arms and legs around him. Stop? Like h.e.l.l. Instead, she arched against him. Twisted. Yearning.

No. She didn"t want him stopping.

Chuckling, he rubbed his lips against her cheek, just above the edge of the scarf. "Okay, baby girl. That"s good, because I still have things I want to do..."

As he pushed inside her, slowly, teasingly, she groaned, her head thrashing on the pillow. It was the one part of her body she could freely move, other than her hips-oh, yes. Her hips. Arching up, she tried to take him deeper, clenching down to milk him.

He growled and pushed down. "Be still," he ordered.

But she couldn"t. Even as sensitive as she was, she was on fire for him. Aching. Desperate to be filled with him. She did it again and again...

He pulled out, his fingers biting into her hips. Surged back in. Deeper. Deeper. She sobbed against the gag, rising to meet him.

His breath came harsh, heavy. "d.a.m.n it, I wanted this slow," he growled.

She didn"t. She just wanted him. Needed him. So desperately.

The climax had been waiting, hiding just out of reach and as he slammed into her, it was there again. Taking her in greedy, gulping bites until she was falling...falling...

She felt him swell inside her and then he was gone, jerking at the bonds on her wrists until she could move her hands, jerking at the gag. She gasped for air and went to push away the blindfold but he was already moving, freeing her ankles and turning her around, onto her hands and knees. Then he had her hands bound, at the small of her back. When he pushed one of her other vibrators inside, sudden and without warning, she shrieked and arched upright, crying out.

His hand fisted in her hair. "You wanted me to be careful how hard I push should be careful, Chaili. I"m trying to be nice here. I"m trying to take it easy and slow and you"re about to break me. Bend over. I want that a.s.s."

He didn"t wait for her to bend, just nudged her down until she was facedown against her mattress, a.s.s thrust up for him, while the vibrator twisted and wriggled inside her.

She shuddered, the sensation just too much, but she couldn"t stop it and each time she thought the d.a.m.n thing might wiggle and squirm its way free, he nudged it deeper. That was why she"d bought the d.a.m.n thing. It was designed to stay lodged inside better than a regular vibrator, but d.a.m.n it, this was just too- "Marc," she gasped.

He was spreading the lubricant over her. Working it inside her a.s.s. One finger thrusting in. Out. She flinched, jerking against the scarf he"d used on her wrists, clutching the one he"d given her as the signal if she needed to stop.

When he pushed a second finger, she almost dropped it. Not because she wanted him to stop, but because it was just too much. Too good, too hot, too erotic- And then he stopped.

Just stopped.

Seconds ticked away.

Then he said quietly, "Are you ready, baby girl?"

"Yes." h.e.l.l. If she got any more ready, she was going to start begging him, and she hated that.

If he could turn back time...

No. Not now, he told himself as he settled on his knees behind her. He slicked his hand up his c.o.c.k, the lubricant gleaming against his flesh. Holding himself steady, he pressed the head against the tight pucker of her a.s.s and pressed.

The tight glove of her body first, before flaring open around him, slowly, oh, so d.a.m.ned slowly, taking him in. Inch by slow inch.

With his free hand gripping the scarf that bound her wrists, he tugged her back just a little, watched as he sank into her. She was tight. Silken hot. Silken soft. Easing back, he waited until all but the flared tip had exited, and then he started the slow process all over again. Using his hips, and his grip on the scarf, to join them.

She whimpered and wiggled, tried to take him deeper.


He spanked her, bringing his hand down on the taut, round flesh of her a.s.s with resounding thoroughness. Just the sound of it made his b.a.l.l.s draw tight against his body, but seeing that pink flush spread across her a.s.s made his brain go all muzzy. "Be still," he said gruffly. "You try to take control away from me again and I"ll stop. I"ll come all over your a.s.s and make you wait an hour before I let you climax."

"You f.u.c.king a.s.shole," she rasped, twisting her hips and trying to take him deeper.

" that"s why we didn"t use the word a.s.shole as a safe word," he teased, surprised he was even able to laugh.

She groaned, her body trembling.

He stroked his fingers down her spine. "I"m going to make you come, Chaili. But first...I"m going to make you so f.u.c.king hot, so f.u.c.king ready..."

"I am ready."

"Not yet," he muttered. yet.

But she was close. Her flesh flushed pink. Her body shuddering. Trembling.

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