Beautiful Scars

Chapter 24

Unfortunately, there was only so much room around the morsel for tongue and fingers to work their wiles upon each other. She did her best, though, sucking and nibbling on his fingers while he moved them against her tongue, tantalizing something besides her taste buds, which were already busily dealing with piquant pepper and warm, spiced calamari. She found she was leaning forward to take him, wanting to feel more, liking the sensation that he was filling her mouth.

She wanted him filling her mouth with his c.o.c.k, wanted him to move in her mouth as he was now-no, harder, more forcefully, claiming that piece of her as his.

She arched her throat, tried to convey the fantasy through what she did to his fingers, and discovered that the calamari and pepper were interfering.

She coughed.

It didn"t stop the lovely, depraved images running through her head. Frankly, it fit with them, because the b.l.o.w.j.o.b she was imagining was the kind where you might find yourself almost choking on c.o.c.k but not wanting to stop. The kind where you"d actually revel in the bit of discomfort because your lover was getting off so much on thrusting hard into your throat.

On the other hand, c.o.c.k couldn"t actually end up in your windpipe, but a stray piece of food could, and nothing spoiled a flirtation like a Heimlich maneuver and a visit to the ER.

Regretfully, she pulled away and actually applied herself to chewing and swallowing.

The pepper-and-squid combination was delicious, all right, but not as delicious as his fingers.

She thought of his c.o.c.k deep in her throat, imagined how he might taste as he poured into her, felt herself flushing.

She forced herself to giggle. "Something more delicate might have worked better," she said, making her voice stay even. "Maybe a taste of one of the dipping sauces next time."

Something about the way Nick smiled in response let her know that he knew exactly what she"d been thinking, because he"d been thinking it too. Not just oral s.e.x, because that was what you always thought about when you teased someone like that, but a very specific kind of oral s.e.x, the kind that was claiming, almost brutal. "I don"t know. Are delicate morsels what you prefer?"

"Delicacy has its place. But so does less delicate, and that was perfect. Just considering other possibilities that might be...perfect in different ways."

"Oh," he said, smiling luxuriously, "we have time to try all sorts of morsels. This is just the appetizer."

How in the world, she thought, shifting in her seat for the pleasure of feeling her slick lips rub together, was she ever going to get through the rest of dinner without begging him to take her on the table?

Beautiful Scars.

Shiloh Walker.

Some scars cut right to the heart.

Three years after her divorce, Chaili Bennett is over her ex. Her only problem now? Of the few men she"s dated since, no one "gets" her. Not like Marc Archer-a man who"s never seen her as more than a friend.

Marc Archer needs a date for a last-minute charity event, and he needs it fast. Not that women aren"t throwing themselves at his world-famous face and body, but sometimes it"s less messy-as in less personal-to use his sister Shera"s escort service.

The last woman on earth Marc expects to see in his sister"s office is Chaili. There"s something different about her, but nothing pleases him more when Shera sets them up. That simple date quickly evolves into much more as they both discover the other fills a deep, secret need they"ve shared with no one else.

Though Chaili insists one night is all she wants, Marc isn"t walking away now. Not until he discovers what put the shadows in her eyes. And the scars on her soul.

Warning: This book involves soulful songs, soulful s.e.x, a soulful singer and lots of heartbreak. But no worries, there"s a happy ever after.


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