Baden, near Vienna, a favorite watering-place, to which Beethoven often resorted.

Bauer, chief secretary to the Austrian in London.

Baumeister, private secretary to the Archduke Rudolph.

Beethoven"s brother Carl, born at Bonn in 1774, instructed in music by Beethoven; afterwards came to Vienna, where he occupied the appointment of cashier in the Government Revenue (died Nov. 15, 1815).

His brother Johann, born in 1776, an apothecary, first in Linz, afterwards in Vienna, and at a later period proprietor of Gneixendorf, an estate near Krems, on the Danube; named by Beethoven, "Braineater,"

"Pseudo-brother," "Asinanios," &c.

His brother Ludwig Maria.

His father, Johann, son of Ludwig van Beethoven, Kapellmeister to the Elector of Cologne, Court tenor singer at the Electoral Chapel at Bonn, a man possessing no considerable mental endowments, but an excellent musician, and Beethoven"s first instructor in music. Unhappily, he was so addicted to habits of intemperance, that he greatly impoverished his family, the care of which, owing to the father"s recklessness, devolved entirely upon his son Ludwig (died Dec. 1792).

His grandfather, Ludwig van Beethoven, Kapellmeister to the Elector of Cologne (died 1774).

His mother, Maria Magdalena Kewerich, the wife, first of Leym of Ehrenbreitstein, cook to the Elector of Treves, and afterwards of Johann van Beethoven, in Bonn, Court tenor singer to the Elector of Cologne. She gave birth to her ill.u.s.trious son Ludwig on Dec. 17, 1770, and died July 17, 1787.

His nephew, Carl, son of his brother Carl, Beethoven"s ward from the year 1815.

Entered the Blochlinger Inst.i.tute, at Vienna, June 22, 1819.

Letters to him from Beethoven.

His sister-in-law, Johanna, wife of his brother Carl and mother of his nephew, named by Beethoven "The Queen of the Night."

Beethoven"s _Works. In General._

I. _For pianoforte only._ Sonatas of the year 1783.

Op. 22.

Op. 31.

Op. 90.

Op. 106.

Op. 109.

Op. 111.



"Allegri di Bravoura."

II. _For pianoforte with obbligato instruments._ For pianoforte and violin:--Sonatas.

Sonatas with violoncello.

Twelve Variations in F on the Theme from "Figaro," "Se vuol ballare."


Variations with violoncello and violin.

for hautboys and horn.



Fantasia with chorus.

III. _Quartets._

IV. _Instrumental pieces._ Septet.


Violin Romance.

V. _Orchestral music._ Symphonies.

The Ninth.

Minuet and Interlude.

Music for the ballet of "Prometheus."


"King Stephen."

"The Ruins of Athens."

"Wellington"s Victory at Vittoria."

March to "Tarpeia."

Gratulation Minuet.



VI. _Vocal music._ "Adelaide."

"Ah! Perfido."

"Heart, my Heart," and "Knowest Thou the Land?"

"To Hope."

Aria for ba.s.s voice with chorus.

Terzet on Count Lichnowsky.

Canon for Spohr.

"The Glorious Moment."

On Mdlle. Milder-Hauptmann.

Scotch songs.

Canon for Schlesinger; for the Archduke Rudolph; on Tobias Haslinger.

Various songs; two grand songs with chorus from Goethe and Matthisson.




"Meeresstille und gluckliche Fahrt."


Canons; for Rellstab; for Braunhofer; for Kuhlau; for Schlesinger.


VII. _Operas._ Grillparzer"s "Melusina."

"Fidelio" in Dresden.

VIII. _Church music and Oratorios._ "Missa solennis."

Benedict, Julius, in London, a composer, the pupil of C.M. von Weber.


Bernard, Carl, an author, editor of the "Wiener Zeitschrift."

Bihler, J.N., a special admirer of Beethoven, one of the subscribers to, and the bearer of, the address presented to Beethoven in the year 1824, in which the master was requested again to present himself and his works to the Viennese public.

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