Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 37

Publishedat 28th of March 2019 11:42:11 PMChapter 37

Chapter 37: The Debut Of The New Skills


『GUUUUUU…… . 』

Aria and co were heading toward the depths of the historic ruins .

In there, they met with several grotesque growling creatures .

「How rare . “Werewolves” huh」

「Moreover these numbers confirm that a demon is absolutely hiding in here」

Looking at those werewolves .

Howard and Dany have such an exchange .

Werewolves are basically a human type demon . however, their traits are different from both humans and wolves . Different from humans and wolves, werewolves are a creature that always act alone . And yet, there’s flocks of werewolves in this historic ruin .

The conclusion that can be deducted from this is that they’re being controlled by the demon race .

「Okay everyone, let’s do it as usual! 」

「「「「ROGER! ! 」」」」

「Arisan, Vulcan-san, and Tamchan are to attack once you find the right opportunity! 」

「「「ROGER! (Nyan)」」」

Cedric is dashing forward along with his signal .

After every member of the party replied, the battle began .

「Come at me you beast! I’M RIGHT HERE! ! 」

The one who jumped in first was Howard .

After dashing into the vanguard position, he made a loud ringing sound by hitting his large shield with his gauntlet .


Those werewolves raise a war cry . Their eyes were bloodshot . And then, all of them rushed towards Howard at once .

(Hou, 《Provoke》 skill huh . As expected of the tank who survived Ragnarök . That’s a really useful skill)

Tama is admiring him .

It doesn’t mean that those werewolves were rushing at him due to the clamoring sound coming from him . Howard owned a skill called 《Provoke》 it is a skill used to rouse monsters instinct and turn their attention towards him . The duty of a tanker is to protect his comrades by attracting monsters attention as much as possible―― With this skill .

The three werewolves in the front were using a superb joint attack toward Howard with their claws, punch, and kick .


But, smiling merrily, Howard warded off all of their attacks with his superb use of his own shield .

DOGAN! GAKON! The sound of heavy blows resounded from their clash, and yet Howard’s stance was unperturbed by it .

The body of a lizardman is st.u.r.dy, and heavy .

Even if he can withstand attacks that would kill a normal human, he can’t land a decisive blow .



Circling toward the back of the werewolves .

Now it’s Kenny and Marietta’s turn .

The werewolves who were attracted to Howard failed to notice them .

Thus, they reaped the lives of two werewolves .


「A~h……… The commander is finally on fire……… . 」

From the other side, Cedric was slashing at the werewolves with a dangerous expression on his face .

Dany also joined the vanguard while looking at that situation with a shocked face .

It seems the story about Cedric enjoying slicing and dicing people is true .

「NYaaa~! Cedric-sama’s swordsmanship is superb nya! ! 」

「I-I almost can’t see the trajectories of his slash…… . ! So this is the power of the brave who survived Ragnarok……… . . We can’t lose to them, Tama! 」

「Nyaa(Yes, master)! ! 」

While Aria and co are protecting their comrades from outside the perimeter of the battle, they’re being fascinated by Cedric’s superb swordsmanship .

First, he is not making a careless move . He swings his sword with minimum movement and stabs at vital areas . He displayed his prowess in doing one-hit kills


「Uhn? Commander! It’s reinforcements! ! 」

「It seems so . Even more so, it seems that they’re armed now . Let’s crush’em right here right now――」

「Cedric-sama! Leave this place to us . Tama! ! 」

「Nya~(Leave it to me, master)! ! 」

New batches of werewolves were flooding out from the inner part of the historic ruin with weapons in their hands .

Though Cedric is about to command everyone to crush them all, Aria asked Tama to hold them back .

Thus, Tama is leaping forward . Sucking the air into his lungs in one go .

(It’s just 《Aether Howling》 but………… Well I guess this is enough to stall for some time . Yup, let me to show you my new power, master!)

「Nyan(《Water Howling》)! ! 」

Tama invoked another one of his《Elemental Howl》,  《Water Howling》 .

The breath that contained high pressured water is penetrating the chest of the approaching werewolves


Tama’s attack has yet to end . He decapitates the neck of those werewolves while still releasing his 《Water Howling》 . Te water jet sliced through the chests of the werewolves, one after another .

… … …

The battlefield came to a complete standstill .

The top parts of the werewolves that was sliced horizontally with the water jet crumbled to the ground .

Naturally, that one attack literally reaped the lives of all the incoming enemies .

「「「「………………… EH? 」」」」

Vulcan and the knights leaked dumbfounded voices after seeing that scene .

「……… . T-Tama? Y-You still have that kind of firepower? 」

Even Aria asked such a question with a cramped face .

As for Tama, he replied with a lovely「Nya~n」 .

Chapter 37: The Debut Of The New Skills.


『GUUUUUU…… . 』.

Aria and co were heading toward the depths of the historic ruins

In there, they met with several grotesque growling creatures

「How rare . “Werewolves” huh」.

「Moreover these numbers confirm that a demon is absolutely hiding in here」.

Looking at those werewolves

Howard and Dany have such an exchange


Werewolves are basically a human type demon . however, their traits are different from both humans and wolves . Different from humans and wolves, werewolves are a creature that always act alone . And yet, there’s flocks of werewolves in this historic ruin

The conclusion that can be deducted from this is that they’re being controlled by the demon race

「Okay everyone, let’s do it as usual! 」.

「「「「ROGER! ! 」」」」.

「Arisan, Vulcan-san, and Tamchan are to attack once you find the right opportunity! 」.

「「「ROGER! (Nyan)」」」.

Cedric is dashing forward along with his signal

After every member of the party replied, the battle began

「Come at me you beast! I’M RIGHT HERE! ! 」.

The one who jumped in first was Howard



After dashing into the vanguard position, he made a loud ringing sound by hitting his large shield with his gauntlet


Those werewolves raise a war cry . Their eyes were bloodshot . And then, all of them rushed towards Howard at once

(Hou, 《Provoke》 skill huh . As expected of the tank who survived Ragnarök . That’s a really useful skill).

Tama is admiring him

It doesn’t mean that those werewolves were rushing at him due to the clamoring sound coming from him . Howard owned a skill called 《Provoke》 it is a skill used to rouse monsters instinct and turn their attention towards him . The duty of a tanker is to protect his comrades by attracting monsters attention as much as possible―― With this skill

The three werewolves in the front were using a superb joint attack toward Howard with their claws, punch, and kick



But, smiling merrily, Howard warded off all of their attacks with his superb use of his own shield

DOGAN! GAKON! The sound of heavy blows resounded from their clash, and yet Howard’s stance was unperturbed by it

The body of a lizardman is st.u.r.dy, and heavy

Even if he can withstand attacks that would kill a normal human, he can’t land a decisive blow


「CRUSH ‘EM! 」.

Circling toward the back of the werewolves



Now it’s Kenny and Marietta’s turn

The werewolves who were attracted to Howard failed to notice them

Thus, they reaped the lives of two werewolves


「A~h……… The commander is finally on fire……… . 」.

From the other side, Cedric was slashing at the werewolves with a dangerous expression on his face


Dany also joined the vanguard while looking at that situation with a shocked face

It seems the story about Cedric enjoying slicing and dicing people is true

「NYaaa~! Cedric-sama’s swordsmanship is superb nya! ! 」.

「I-I almost can’t see the trajectories of his slash…… . ! So this is the power of the brave who survived Ragnarok……… We can’t lose to them, Tama! 」.

「Nyaa(Yes, master)! ! 」.

While Aria and co are protecting their comrades from outside the perimeter of the battle, they’re being fascinated by Cedric’s superb swordsmanship

First, he is not making a careless move . He swings his sword with minimum movement and stabs at vital areas . He displayed his prowess in doing one-hit kills.


「Uhn? Commander! It’s reinforcements! ! 」.

「It seems so . Even more so, it seems that they’re armed now . Let’s crush’em right here right now――」.

「Cedric-sama! Leave this place to us . Tama! ! 」.

「Nya~(Leave it to me, master)! ! 」.

New batches of werewolves were flooding out from the inner part of the historic ruin with weapons in their hands

Though Cedric is about to command everyone to crush them all, Aria asked Tama to hold them back

Thus, Tama is leaping forward . Sucking the air into his lungs in one go

(It’s just 《Aether Howling》 but………… Well I guess this is enough to stall for some time . Yup, let me to show you my new power, master!).

「Nyan(《Water Howling》)! ! 」.

Tama invoked another one of his《Elemental Howl》,  《Water Howling》

The breath that contained high pressured water is penetrating the chest of the approaching werewolves.


Tama’s attack has yet to end . He decapitates the neck of those werewolves while still releasing his 《Water Howling》 . Te water jet sliced through the chests of the werewolves, one after another

… … ….

The battlefield came to a complete standstill

The top parts of the werewolves that was sliced horizontally with the water jet crumbled to the ground

Naturally, that one attack literally reaped the lives of all the incoming enemies

「「「「………………… EH? 」」」」.

Vulcan and the knights leaked dumbfounded voices after seeing that scene

「……… . T-Tama? Y-You still have that kind of firepower? 」.

Even Aria asked such a question with a cramped face

As for Tama, he replied with a lovely「Nya~n」

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