Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 42 : The Last Moment of Powerful One

Chapter 42 : The Last Moment of Powerful One

Our is “Powerful One”. Or sould I say “Was”. [TL : 我 = Waga(Our or we), can also translated as “I or me or I am”, but I"m using “Our” in this case]
Our is living in the darkness. Though Our body wasn"t that big since birth, Our body was tough, and powerful.
I naturally knew of such things ever since I born. Even without being taught by anyone, I know that this dark place is what they call as labyrinth, and then, I am a monster.

My newborn self were under the attack of various monster. Starting from Green Pixie, Poisonous Snake, cow headed demon who can use magic, till small wyvern, it keep going on and on..
But, those guys was fools. They couldn"t understand the meaning of selfish person. I swoop down my claws for small one. Bite them up with my tough tusk for the medium sized one.

It was fun when I just born. I pa.s.sed the time by attacking the other monsters.
I"m trembling in joy everytime I kill my enemies. That"s how I naturally know that I was enjoying the battle.

Thus, I"m wandering around the labyrinth, looking for powerful opponent.
The steel giant was a chewy opponent. It didn"t flinch back even after receiving my claws and fangs attack, nor it"s defeated.
But, that"s all. The steel giant attack couldn"t hurt me either. If you ask my opinion, it"s just a good-for-nothing doll with ridiculous defensive power. When I understand that fact, I slaughtered it within few minutes.

When it comes to chewy textures, the creature called human is quite interesting too. I"m sure that they"re called “Adventurer” or something………

Different from monsters, they"re equal to me……… No, I mean they"re more intellegent than those monster.

(~".")~To Be Continue Next Week Xp~(‘."~)

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