Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 56.2

Publishedat 29th of August 2019 12:06:47 AMChapter 56.2

Chapter 56 . 2 : The Dragon Girl’s Rampage

And just like that, she vanished into the darkness of the labyrinth .

Tama, who had expected it to happen, cursed internally .

   (Stupid Stella, now you’ve done it!)

By giving a short cry, he invoked a spell . All three party members were enveloped by a golden aura .

[TL: Blessing of Super Saiyan Cat 1]

Tama had invoked his 《Divine Protection of Lion King》 .


The remaining Orcs immediately focused their attention on Aria and Vulcan, staring at them with l.u.s.tful expressions .

They believed they would be able to rape Aria and co as much as they wanted now that the monster-like girl was gone .


「Can’t be helped nya~, I guess it’s up to us to clean up this place right now! 」

「Yes Vulcan-san! Please cover our backs, Tama! 」

「Nyaaa~! (Leave it to me, master!) 」

In a normal situation, Aria and co would have some difficulties fighting against four Orcs at once .

With the 《Divine Protection of Lion King》, the battle became much easier .

Even without it, they would’ve won . That’s the testament of their confidence in their own skills .

Tama would use his 《Elemental Howl》 only when necessary but this situation was also part of the training . That wasn’t changing even with Stella’s unexpected blunder .



Rather, they could aim even higher with this kind of situation .

Neither Aria nor Vulcan liked easy victories . Thus, they signaled Tama to support them from the back .


Vulcan released a war cry as she charged toward the Orcs, taking a wide-open stance with her battle hammer .

Unlike before, she wielded her battle hammer as if it was weightless .


It wasn’t that surprising since she was blessed with 《Divine Protection of Lion King》 and it included a great increase in physical prowess .

Vulcan swung her battle hammer at a breakneck speed .

The Orcs were taken by surprise and couldn’t keep up with the attack . The battle hammer hit the Orc’s head with a loud noise, crushing it .




Meanwhile, another scream resounded from farther ahead .

Aria stood in front of an Orc in a stabbing stance . Her leg strength had been boosted by 《Divine Protection of Lion King》 and 《Acceleration》, giving her G.o.d-like speed .

She stood behind Vulcan just a while ago, but she had already moved and was right in front of the Orc in an instant, stabbing her knife into its eyes .

Her knife reached all the way into its brain . The second it was dead, Aria retreated .

The Orc collapsed like a sack of potatoes, face up .


The last Orc moved toward her as it swung its stone axe .

As it swung, it hit only air and lost its balance . Vulcan did not miss the opportunity and drove her battle hammer into the Orc’s armpit .

Judging by the sound, the strike might have broken several of the Orc’s ribs .



As soon as the attack connected Vulcan called Aria, who leaped from her crouching stance as soon as her partner shouted her name .

Aria was fast .

The distance between her and the enemy became zero in just a moment .

Crossing the knives in both her hands, she decapitated the Orc’s head as if she was cutting b.u.t.ter .

That action was only possible due to the tamahagane and orichalc.u.m combo present in both her knives .


After taking care of the last Orc, Aria shouted toward the end of the cave .

Stella was already returning, though .

By the blood splatters over her body, the Orc that ran did not manage to escape her .

「Why? Why should I abandon my prey? 」

Stella questioned Aria with a puzzled expression .

For her, monster subjugation was equivalent to a hunt .

In her eyes, Vulcan and Aria were first-rate warriors . She saw no danger in leaving them behind .

「This time was fine because the monster was weak . But we’re going to be in deep s.h.i.t if you do this while we’re facing more powerful monsters, Nyao~w! So please stop running rec―― Where are you going nyaow!? 」

Vulcan was about to explain the importance of teamwork to Stella for the second time when she noticed her target was gone .

As she looked around, she found Stella already walking toward a new incoming Orc .

Tama, on the other hand, racked his brain for a solution .

   (Ha~h… I guess I need to control that tomboy girl…)

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