Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 : Duel

「Well then Arichan . Are you…… . . Really going to do this? 」

「Yes, best regards . Ansan」

The back of the guild .

Adventurers are quickly gathering after hearing about the duel .

Aria who was asked such a question by Arnold is nodding with calm expression .

「Well then, we’re going to start the duel between D-ranked adventurer Aria and her pet, Tama, against C-ranked adventurer, Ka.s.sman, the eldest son of a baron house .  In case the latter is victorious, Aria will become his wife and Tama will be executed . In case the former wins, the execution of Tama will be revoked . Both parties, are there any objections? 」

Arnold who become the umpire by Aria’s request is explaining the conditions .

「Naturally, none」

「Not at all」

There’s no objection from Ka.s.sman as the one who devised such conditions .

He’s grinning from ear to ear while replying so .

Aria also has no choice but to accept this duel .

She nods with an annoyed face .

The conditions for the duel is as written below:

・Either party is killed .

・Either party gives up

・When the other party judged to be unable to fight .

The victor is decided by fulfilling any one of these conditions .

「Well then, both sides get ready……………BEGIN! ! 」

「NYAN《Icicle Lance》! ! 」

As soon as Arnold said so .

Tama who was burning with fury launched the first strike .

His skill of choice is the spear of ice, 《Icicle Lance》 .

Aimed at the left chest of Ka.s.sman .

(For the crime of making my dear master cry you will…… . . )

He’s about to kill Ka.s.sman to prevent any future trouble .


「Kukuku…… It’s futile」

Ka.s.sman is showing a daring smile .

For some reason, he’s not trying to dodge the incoming attack at all .

The next moment, rainbow colored mist wraps around Ka.s.sman’s body .

Though the 《Icicle Lance》 should pierce him, it vanished as soon as it made contact with that rainbow-colored mist .

「No…………… Way! ? 」

He cancelled Tama’s attack .

Aria’s raising a surprised voice in seeing that .

「“Magic Protection Ring”……… . . It’s our family heirloom, my father, a former adventurer gave this ring to me, it is a magic item that will invalidate magic skills」

Aria and Tama are shocked upon hearing that .

Ka.s.sman is bragging about the ring that is on the middle finger of his right hand .

(D^mn it………… So that’s the reason! Though I expected him to have an ace up his sleeve when he challenged master along with me, I never expected that it was this!)

On hearing Ka.s.sman’s explanation .

Tama is grinding his teeth in frustration .

Tama is still being misunderstood as an elemental cat .

Therefore, the skill he can use is limited to elemental magic .

From the very beginning, Tama isn’t a threat for Ka.s.sman .

That’s why Ka.s.sman allowed Tama to fight alongside Aria .

「Well then, miss Aria! Your elemental cat is powerless before me . How about giving up this fight? 」

「Kuh……… . . Please stand back, Tama . 《ACCELERATION》! ! 」

(As if I’m going to giving up!)-(Aria)

Aria is speeding toward Ka.s.sman with only one intention, to save Tama .

(Fast! ! But, you’re too naive, miss Aria!)

Against Aria’s fast approach utilizing《Acceleration》

Even a C-ranked adventurer like Ka.s.sman will be suprised by such speed .

But, that surprise lasted only for a moment .

Ka.s.sman set his sword .

And accurately repelled Aria’s downward slash .

「……… . . Kuh! ? 」

Aria suddenly stepped back .

Ka.s.sman’s kick is grazing her flank creating a slight red mark on her snow white skin .

「Hou, you barely dodged my kick huh . Your inherent skill《Acceleration》……… . . Is definitely as rumored . But, that’s it! ! 」

After saying such .

Ka.s.sman leaped towards Aria .

Now it’s his turn to attack .

(Not yet!)

Reacting to that, Aria’s hand is moving towards her thighs .

She then throws the throwing knife inserted in the belt coiling around her thigh .

BYUN!  It cuts through the air heading toward Ka.s.sman’s face .

「I’ve already said you’re too naive, miss Aria! ! 」

Basa! !

Ka.s.sman is holding onto the cuff of his mantle and then swung it in front of his face .

The throwing knife is losing it’s power as it hit the mantle without inflicting any damage to Ka.s.sman .

And not just that .

Ka.s.sman is advancing forward simultaneously .

And then, swung his sword at her .

And then, swung his sword at her .

The incoming slash isn’t registered in her field of vision .

Aria won’t make it in time to dodge the attack .

「Nyan(Over my dead body)! ! 」

But, the moment the blade of the sword is about to touch Aria’s skin――

Tama is jumping in between Aria and the sword .


The sound of metal colliding against metal is resounding .

Ka.s.sman sword is collided against a helmet, Tama’s new gear .

(GUH………! ? So heavy!)

The impact of the collision penetrates into Tama’s body .

And then, zusha! He crashed onto the ground .

「……… . TAMA! WHY ARE YOU!?……… . . 」

(Because I’m your knight, master . I’ll use my body to protect you!)

Aria raised a sorrowful voice in seeing Tama using his body to protect her .

Tama is standing again with trembling feet due to the damage from the impact just now .

「Hou…… . . A mere animal used his body to protect miss Aria from my sword huh . Interesting! Let see how far you can stand against my attack! 」

Ka.s.sman is swinging his sword .

It isn’t a normal attack either .

Above, below, left, right, he added feints into his attack .

There’s various sword technique’s for personal match .

「Kuh………… . . Au……… . ! ? 」

Moreover, Aria is forced into defense .

Since she never fought anything aside from monster .

Ka.s.sman whose sword skill raised as a n.o.ble is the worst kind of enemy for her .

Thus, even her defense crumbled in no time .

(D^MN IT……… . ! !)

Aria is in danger .

Tama is leaping in between them again .

He’ll use his body to protect Aria from a killing blow no matter how many times .

(Noooo!) ……… . Even if it’s means ignoring her sorrowful wail .

「Kukuku…… . What’s matter beast, is that all? 」

「N-Nyaa……… . . 」

Ka.s.sman is laughing .

Finally Tama crumbles .

Even at glance, various parts of Tama’s body which isn’t covered with the protector is covered in shallow cuts . Ka.s.sman’s attack is grazing his body so many times .

(I-I won’t allow it………… . I, will, protect my master! !)

Tama is trying to stand on his feet again .

But, he failed .

He has lost too much blood .

He has lost too much blood .

「No…………… . Stop it…………… . . Tama! 」

In seeing Tama’s tattered state .

Aria finally abandons her knifes and hug him as if to protect him .

And then, she keeps saying「Sorry, I’m so sorry……… 」 to Tama .

She does so that while looking at Tama’s face .

She hated her weak self who can’t protect him…… .

「What’s matter miss Aria, are you going to surrender? If you swear to become my bride and accepting my everything, I don’t mind sparing the life of that elemental cat you know? 」

「……! Really! ? You really are going to spare Tama! ? ? 」

「Yeah . I’m a man who keeps his promise after all」

Aria’s tears stop flowing when she hears Ka.s.sman saying so .

Ka.s.sman is nodding with satisfied face .

In the first place, he isn’t interested in Tama’s life as long as he can get Aria .

Moreover, after cornering her till the last moment and then sending a helping hand to Aria, she’ll obediently become his……… Everything is according to his plan .

(Kukuku…… . Now, how should I enjoy her after I finally got miss no- I mean Aria? Though enjoying her in a normal way is good, tormenting her sounds nice too……… Kukukuku! I really can’t get enough just by thinking about it! !)

Everything began from this moment .

While Ka.s.sman’s mind is occupied with imaginations about living with Aria .

Due to extreme distortion on his face while he thinks about his life after this, the adventurers                watching their duel also drawing away from seeing his expression .

(Like h.e.l.l! I’m going to leave my master to this kind of trash! ! Since things already came to this……!)

Something similar to madness exploded inside Tama’s head seeing Ka.s.sman laugh .

Rather than letting that kind of trash defile his master…… . .

「Kukuku… . Well then, now say your surrender . Aria……… . . 」

Ka.s.sman is approaching the kneeling Aria at brisk pace .


Right on the next step .

Tama’s raising a soft meowing――

「Nyan《Aether Howling》……! ! 」

RumBle――――EE! ! ! !

Suddenly, a gale appeared .

Ka.s.sman is thrown back .


Ka.s.sman who was just stepping forward lost his balance .

His body is turning around as he was thrown behind, and then slammed onto the ground .

His arms and legs are bent in a strange direction…… .

「Tama…… . . Don’t tell me………… . . You’re the one who did that? 」

He ended up using a skill other than magic in front of Aria .

It might leak his ident.i.ty as a monster .

But it’s okay .

But it’s okay .

Because at least………… . . His master won’t be disgraced by that sc.u.m .

Tama’s expression is calm .

「Oi, what was just happened? 」

「Just partly, when I heard Arichan’s elemental cat meowing, Ka.s.sman was suddenly blown back! 」

「Rather than that, Arichan! DO IT, NOW! ! 」

The adventurers become noisy .

The men who like Aria were the loudest amongst them .

Aria is taken aback .

She gently placed Tama on the ground .

She then went toward Ka.s.sman who’s wailing in pain and panic .

And then――


She looked down on Ka.s.sman with piercing cold eyes, and then raised one of her beautiful legs overhead .

「W-Wait a minute, miss Aria! No way……………… . NOOO! PLEASE STOP HER! ! 」

Her foot raised overhead .

Ka.s.sman has guessed the meaning of her action .

His legs were sprawling wide .

It seems his legs joints are dislocated and he couldn’t close his legs .

Though he is already in a state in which he is unable to continue the fight, Arnold the judge didn’t seems to notice his situation .

「Fufufu, it’s hopeless right? I think that thing《・・・・・》 of yours is useless anyway」

Aria saying so with smile on her face .

She cruelly crushed Ka.s.sman hope .

And then .


Her heel descended downward along with that words .

And “Splash”―― It hit right one the target .

「Winner, ARIA! ! 」

The winner is declared by Arnold .

All the female adventurers and the female staff members of the guild are raising joyful scream .

On the contrary, the male adventurers were looking at Ka.s.sman who fainted while blowing bubbles from his mouth are covering their nether region with a pale face .

「Tama! Here………… . Drink the potion right now! 」

Aria returned to Tama right after sending Ka.s.sman to the deepest abyss of despair .

She received a bottle of potion from Arnold and poured the content into Tama’s mouth .

Feeling his wound recovering from inside .

Tama felt asleep as soon as he knew that he protected his master .

Chapter 22 Duel Well then Aria chan . Are you . . Really going to do this Yes, best regards . Ana san The back of the guild . Adventurers are quickly gathering after hearing about the duel . Aria who was asked such a question by Arnold is nodding with calm expression . Well then, we re going to start the duel between D ranked adventurer Aria and her pet, Tama, against C ranked adventurer, Ka.s.sman, the eldest son of a baron house . In case the latter is victorious, Aria will become his wife and Tama will be executed . In case the former wins, the execution of Tama will be revoked . Both parties, are there any objections Arnold who become the umpire by Aria s request is explaining the conditions . Naturally, none Not at all There s no objection from Ka.s.sman as the one who devised such conditions . He s grinning from ear to ear while replying so . Aria also has no choice but to accept this duel . She nods with an annoyed face . The conditions for the duel is as written below Either party is killed . Either party gives up When the other party judged to be unable to fight . The victor is decided by fulfilling any one of these conditions . Well then, both sides get ready BEGIN NYAN Icicle Lance As soon as Arnold said so . Tama who was burning with fury launched the first strike . His skill of choice is the spear of ice, Icicle Lance . Aimed at the left chest of Ka.s.sman . For the crime of making my dear master cry you will . . He s about to kill Ka.s.sman to prevent any future trouble . But Kukuku It s futile Ka.s.sman is showing a daring smile . For some reason, he s not trying to dodge the incoming attack at all . The next moment, rainbow colored mist wraps around Ka.s.sman s body . Though the Icicle Lance should pierce him, it vanished as soon as it made contact with that rainbow colored mist . No Way He cancelled Tama s attack . Aria s raising a surprised voice in seeing that . Magic Protection Ring . . It s our family heirloom, my father, a former adventurer gave this ring to me, it is a magic item that will invalidate magic skills Aria and Tama are shocked upon hearing that . Ka.s.sman is bragging about the ring that is on the middle finger of his right hand . D mn it So that s the reason Though I expected him to have an ace up his sleeve when he challenged master along with me, I never expected that it was this On hearing Ka.s.sman s explanation . Tama is grinding his teeth in frustration . Tama is still being misunderstood as an elemental cat . Therefore, the skill he can use is limited to elemental magic . From the very beginning, Tama isn t a threat for Ka.s.sman . That s why Ka.s.sman allowed Tama to fight alongside Aria . Well then, miss Aria Your elemental cat is powerless before me . How about giving up this fight Kuh . . Please stand back, Tama . ACCELERATION As if I m going to giving up Aria Aria is speeding toward Ka.s.sman with only one intention, to save Tama . Fast But, you re too naive, miss Aria Against Aria s fast approach utilizing Acceleration Even a C ranked adventurer like Ka.s.sman will be suprised by such speed . But, that surprise lasted only for a moment . Ka.s.sman set his sword . And accurately repelled Aria s downward slash . . . Kuh Aria suddenly stepped back . Ka.s.sman s kick is grazing her flank creating a slight red mark on her snow white skin . Hou, you barely dodged my kick huh . Your inherent skill Acceleration . . Is definitely as rumored . But, that s it After saying such . Ka.s.sman leaped towards Aria . Now it s his turn to attack . Not yet Reacting to that, Aria s hand is moving towards her thighs . She then throws the throwing knife inserted in the belt coiling around her thigh . BYUN It cuts through the air heading toward Ka.s.sman s face . I ve already said you re too naive, miss Aria Basa Ka.s.sman is holding onto the cuff of his mantle and then swung it in front of his face . The throwing knife is losing it s power as it hit the mantle without inflicting any damage to Ka.s.sman . And not just that . Ka.s.sman is advancing forward simultaneously . And then, swung his sword at her . The incoming slash isn t registered in her field of vision . Aria won t make it in time to dodge the attack . Nyan Over my dead body But, the moment the blade of the sword is about to touch Aria s skin Tama is jumping in between Aria and the sword . GAKIN The sound of metal colliding against metal is resounding . Ka.s.sman sword is collided against a helmet, Tama s new gear . GUH So heavy The impact of the collision penetrates into Tama s body . And then, zusha He crashed onto the ground . . TAMA WHY ARE YOU . . Because I m your knight, master . I ll use my body to protect you Aria raised a sorrowful voice in seeing Tama using his body to protect her . Tama is standing again with trembling feet due to the damage from the impact just now . Hou . . A mere animal used his body to protect miss Aria from my sword huh . Interesting Let see how far you can stand against my attack Ka.s.sman is swinging his sword . It isn t a normal attack either . Above, below, left, right, he added feints into his attack . There s various sword technique s for personal match . Kuh . . Au . Moreover, Aria is forced into defense . Since she never fought anything aside from monster . Ka.s.sman whose sword skill raised as a n.o.ble is the worst kind of enemy for her . Thus, even her defense crumbled in no time . D MN IT . Aria is in danger . Tama is leaping in between them again . He ll use his body to protect Aria from a killing blow no matter how many times . Noooo . Even if it s means ignoring her sorrowful wail . Kukuku . What s matter beast, is that all N Nyaa . . Ka.s.sman is laughing . Finally Tama crumbles . Even at glance, various parts of Tama s body which isn t covered with the protector is covered in shallow cuts . Ka.s.sman s attack is grazing his body so many times . I I won t allow it . I, will, protect my master Tama is trying to stand on his feet again . But, he failed . He has lost too much blood . No . Stop it . . Tama In seeing Tama s tattered state . Aria finally abandons her knifes and hug him as if to protect him . And then, she keeps saying Sorry, I m so sorry to Tama . She does so that while looking at Tama s face . She hated her weak self who can t protect him . What s matter miss Aria, are you going to surrender If you swear to become my bride and accepting my everything, I don t mind sparing the life of that elemental cat you know Really You really are going to spare Tama Yeah . I m a man who keeps his promise after all Aria s tears stop flowing when she hears Ka.s.sman saying so . Ka.s.sman is nodding with satisfied face . In the first place, he isn t interested in Tama s life as long as he can get Aria . Moreover, after cornering her till the last moment and then sending a helping hand to Aria, she ll obediently become his Everything is according to his plan . Kukuku . Now, how should I enjoy her after I finally got miss A no I mean Aria Though enjoying her in a normal way is good, tormenting her sounds nice too Kukukuku I really can t get enough just by thinking about it Everything began from this moment . While Ka.s.sman s mind is occupied with imaginations about living with Aria . Due to extreme distortion on his face while he thinks about his life after this, the adventurers watching their duel also drawing away from seeing his expression . Like h.e.l.l I m going to leave my master to this kind of trash Since things already came to this Something similar to madness exploded inside Tama s head seeing Ka.s.sman laugh . Rather than letting that kind of trash defile his master . . Kukuku . Well then, now say your surrender . Aria . . Ka.s.sman is approaching the kneeling Aria at brisk pace . NOW Right on the next step . Tama s raising a soft meowing Nyan Aether Howling RumBle EE Suddenly, a gale appeared . Ka.s.sman is thrown back . DOSHA SFX GUSHA SFX BECHA SFX Ka.s.sman who was just stepping forward lost his balance . His body is turning around as he was thrown behind, and then slammed onto the ground . His arms and legs are bent in a strange direction . Tama . . Don t tell me . . You re the one who did that He ended up using a skill other than magic in front of Aria . It might leak his ident.i.ty as a monster . But it s okay . Because at least . . His master won t be disgraced by that sc.u.m . Tama s expression is calm . Oi, what was just happened Just partly, when I heard Aria chan s elemental cat meowing, Ka.s.sman was suddenly blown back Rather than that, Aria chan DO IT, NOW The adventurers become noisy . The men who like Aria were the loudest amongst them . Aria is taken aback . She gently placed Tama on the ground . She then went toward Ka.s.sman who s wailing in pain and panic . And then HoWdAREYoUToDoTHaTTOtAMa . She looked down on Ka.s.sman with piercing cold eyes, and then raised one of her beautiful legs overhead . W Wait a minute, miss Aria No way . NOOO PLEASE STOP HER Her foot raised overhead . Ka.s.sman has guessed the meaning of her action . His legs were sprawling wide . It seems his legs joints are dislocated and he couldn t close his legs . Though he is already in a state in which he is unable to continue the fight, Arnold the judge didn t seems to notice his situation . Fufufu, it s hopeless right I think that thing of yours is useless anyway Aria saying so with smile on her face . She cruelly crushed Ka.s.sman hope . And then . GoODByE Her heel descended downward along with that words . And Splash It hit right one the target . Winner, ARIA The winner is declared by Arnold . All the female adventurers and the female staff members of the guild are raising joyful scream . On the contrary, the male adventurers were looking at Ka.s.sman who fainted while blowing bubbles from his mouth are covering their nether region with a pale face . Tama Here . Drink the potion right now Aria returned to Tama right after sending Ka.s.sman to the deepest abyss of despair . She received a bottle of potion from Arnold and poured the content into Tama s mouth . Feeling his wound recovering from inside . Tama felt asleep as soon as he knew that he protected his master .

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