Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 33 : 1st Troops

Chapter 33 : 1st Troops

「Fufufu……… C"mon Tama. Shall we go then」

「Nya~n! 」

Early in the morning――

After changing her clothes, Aria is spreading her arms toward Tama who was sitting quietly on top of the bed.

Tama purrs with a lively tone and then with a “Pyon”, he leaped on to his usual soft and tender twin melon.


Tama noticing something.

Aria is hugging him with more power than usual.

And, her expression is also stiff.

(I see, master is nervous huh. Well it"s natural since the degree of danger for this commission can"t be compared to the ones we took up till now. Moreover, the ones who will fight alongside us are that Cedric Leuwin and his direct subordinates…….. It"s not an exaggeration to say that every one of them is a brave. Yup, it"s my duty to relieve my master"s nervousness)


Tama is purring lightly, climbing on top of her soft melons without using his nails and then sticking out his tongue to lick her face.

「Kya! ? Geez, it"s ticklish, Tam………….. Fufufu, could it be that you"re trying to cheer me up? 」


Recently, Aria can somehow understand what Tama is trying to say from his actions and his purring voice.

After confirming that Aria is back to her cheerful and lively state, Tama purrs in satisfaction.

「Here as a thanks for cheering me up………….」

It happened so suddenly.

Too absurd to the point that Tama couldn"t understand what happened in that moment.

But he understands immediately as he feels the warm feeling on his lips.

His lips and Aria"s lips are touching lightly――


Maybe it"s just a casual kiss from Aria because Tama is a [Being misunderstood] cat.

But, for Tama who is a full-grown adult inside, and a knight, the matter of receiving a kiss from the beautiful elf before him was an earth-shattering event.


Tama"s heartbeat heightened in that moment.

(Could it be, I………..)

That was the first time Tama noticed it.

Before he realised, he"s not protecting the girl before him as her knight, he is protecting her because of love――

In realizing that truth.

(No way…………. Despite my soul being reincarnated, I"m still a monster you know? And for me to fall in love with my beautiful elf master is just……. No, it"s not the time to be pondering about that right now. For now I have to do my best to protect my master as her knight!)

Tama was an obstinate person in his previous life. And it hasn"t changed even after his reincarnation.

He"s suppressing his own heart with chivalrous spirit and prioritizing his duty as a knight.

Well………. It"s his intention to protect such knightly spirit in him, but without realizing it, his feeling"s grow even stronger.

「N-Nya~, mornya~n, Arinya~n」

「Good morning Vulcan-san! 」

After arriving at the south gate, their rendezvous place, Vulcan who arrived before them is waving her hands.

Aria"s replying to her greeting while half-trotting towards Vulcan.

「Oya? It seems that we"re the last to arrive」

After Aria arrives, a refreshing voice can be heard from behind her.

Naturally it"s Cedric"s voice. Different from yesterday, he"s equipping himself with a sword and light armor and there"s another four people behind him.

「Yosh.  Well then, let"s introduce ourselves. Dany, we"ll start from you」

「Yes commander, I"m Dany. I"m more or less the vice commander of this troop. Best regards! 」

The man with a buzz cut is introducing himself in friendly tone.

He has armed himself with a sword and light armor, similar to Cedric.

「Well, next is my turn. My name is Howard. My role is a tank, but my punch is reliable too. Best regards」

The second person was a man who was wearing heavy armor and a shield that is as tall as himself.

But, he"s not a normal human.

He has a reptile-like face with green scales covering his body.

His race appears to be a Lizardman.

They"re one of demi-human races just like elves and the tiger-eared race.

Following after him, two female knights" step forward.

「My name is Kenny. My weapon is this battle axe!! 」

「My name is Marietta. I use this club. Best regards」

Kenny is hoisting her large axe with cheerful voice.

She has red colored hair in a ponytail style with reddish brown pupils in her slightly slanted eyes.

There"s so many openings on her armor……… It"s what others would call bikini armor.

In contrast to Kenny, Marietta introduces herself with a slightly shy voice.

Her indigo colored hair is closer to black and cut in a short bob style with the front side hiding her similarly indigo eyes.

She wears bikini armor just like Kenny.

(Uhm, Howard-dono is the tank. Cedric-dono and Dany-dono are the vanguard. Judging by their equipment, they"re in charge of dealing heavy damage. Though their formation is slightly tilted to the vanguard, It"s not a bad line up. Moreover, Cedric-dono said himself that he has a trump card)

After each of those knights introduce themselves. Tama, seeing their equipment had instantly arrived at that conclusion.

「I"m Aria. Knives user and C-rank adventurer. This child"s name is Tama. Though he"s just an infant elemental cat, he has powerful inherent skills」

After the knights are done with their self-introductions, Aria also introduces herself.

Vulcan is just greeting them since they"re more or less her acquaintances.

And then, after Aria and Tama finish their introduction…….

「Hohou, an elemental cat is quite rare. Moreover, one with an inherent skill………」

「Wa~h, he"s so adorable」

「Hey, Aria. Can I hug him? 」

Howard is looking at Tama with a curious look on his face with his hand touching on his chin.

Marietta and Kenny are wanting to hug the adorable Tama.

Dany is looking at Vulcan"s and Aria"s valley with a slovenly expression.

「Well, shall we continue after boarding the carriage? 」

Looking at that exchange, Cedric is urging everyone to board on the carriage with wry smile on his face.

A large carriage has been prepared for them.

Their party are going toward Renault which will take one days travel with this carriage.

(Fufufu. I"m relieved that everyone is such friendly people. To the point that I forgot they were knights)

Before she knew it, Aria nervousness was also solved due to the knights friendly att.i.tude.

Chapter 34 : The Ability of Vice Commander—Teaser

「Uhm,,,,,,,,,, Is this really alright? For someone like me to be with you inside of the carriage………」

Aria"s saying so with shy voice inside of the coach.

For some reason, of all people, the one who coaching the carriage is Cedric, the commander himself, Howard and Dany are on the look out on both side of the carriage.

The one inside the coach is Vulcan, Tama, Aria, and duo bikini armor of Kenny and Marietta.

「Don"t worry about it, Aria. The look out duty of our troop is using shift system, I mean our commander is that」

「Geez, what a waste of his handsome and refreshing face」

Kenny and Marietta is replying with disgusted look to Aria question.

It seems the one who shocked by Cedric preference isn"t just Aria.

Aria and Vulcan also learning the way to drive the carriage and horse along the way.

Though they stopped become fl.u.s.tered seeing Cedric about to ride on the coachman seat……..

「Don"t worry about such matter girls. I like to be outside. I mean it"s hard even for me to endure breathing the same air as you girls inside that narrow carriage☆」

…….. He then said those line while flashing his refresing smile.

For some reason it"s not just he not interested in girls, one might say that he detested their very existence.

Despite the owner of a face that will make any girls to turn around whenever they"re pa.s.sing by each other…….. It really is as Marietta just said, he"s wasting his handsome face.

「By the way Marietta, it"s about the time to change」

「What are you talking about Kenny, we just changed shift a while ago」

Kenny and Marietta having such exchange.

Looking closer, Tama head is plopping out from Marietta bikini armor.

Because these two are taking their time to embrace the adorable Tama.

Tama consciousness become vague as he enjoying the comfortable due to the body heat of Marietta and Kenny.

On top of that, their peach sized fruits are giving a nice and comfortable feeling due to the shaking of the carriage.

「Haa~n……. Though I love to hug Tama, he"s the most adorable kitten even when I"m embracing him」

(Nya~~. Arichan really loves Tama huh. Well even though he"s a beast, it"s not like he don"t feel anything when she saved his life)

Vulcan thinking so in seeing Aria looking at Tama who seems to enjoy Marietta embrace with entranced expression on her face.

It was at that time――

(~".")~To Be Continue Next Week Xp~(‘."~)



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