Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 42.3

Publishedat 11th of April 2019 11:56:41 PMChapter 42.3
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Chapter 42 . 3 : The Last Moment of Powerful One

But then, a change in our battle occurred .

「Haa………… . Haa………」

The Little One’s breath started to become heavy . No matter what kind of skills or defensive movement it has, it’s still an infant after all . There’s a limit to the Little One’s stamina .

『Let’s stop this . You can’t defeat me . Now be a good child and die . 』

So I said to him . I’m gonna kill him in an instant . That’s my way to show my respect to the Little One who fought toe-to-toe against me till this point .
Bur, how should I say? The Little One is clearly not abandoning this fight yet . Rather, it made a face as if it’s decided on something .
And the next moment after I thought so .

KAAH――! !

Flash of brilliant light surges out from the Little One’s body .
When the dazling light subsided, the one standing in it’s place was a Jet-Black―― Lion .


The lion lets out a roar . It’s sheer volume make me tremble . No way, am I, getting scared! ? I felt so .
And then, the lion began to speak .


――OUR NAME IS〝TAMA〟! ! A Behemoth S-rank monster who became the knight of adventurer Aria! AND NOW, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU TO SAVE MY MASTER’S LIFE!! ! ! !

It’s voice has changed . It’s form too . But, I heard it say it’s name . This Jet Black Lion was the Little One who fought me up till now .

The aftermath was a one-sided slaughter . The Little O-……… . No, the〝Powerful One〟 fired an incandescent h.e.l.l fire that roasted my scales .
I felt a crisis that gnawed on my life . Therefore, for the first time in my life, I tried to run from the fight . But――

BOW! !

Before I even have the chance to retreat, the Powerful One charged from inside the h.e.l.l fire .
And then, right before me is a brilliant red hot gigantic sword of fire that extended from it’s tail, swinging down towards me .

I can’t avoid this! ! I knew that . In that case, I prepared myself for a draw .

I swing my forefeet . But the Powerful One, even while swinging down it’s sword tail, dodges the attack aimed for it’s vitals by doing a half turn . In contrast to that, me………

SWI――SH! !

Along with that sharp sound It broke my head .

I lost . It’s a complete defeat……… .

Before my body feels the pain, my heart was already aware of that fact .
And then, I thought . If, Our was to be “Reincarnated”, I want to bear a child of this “Powerful One”……… . .

Along with such thoughts, Our consciousness descended into the void .

Chapter 42 . 3 : The Last Moment of Powerful One.

But then, a change in our battle occurred

「Haa………… . Haa………」.

The Little One’s breath started to become heavy . No matter what kind of skills or defensive movement it has, it’s still an infant after all . There’s a limit to the Little One’s stamina

『Let’s stop this . You can’t defeat me . Now be a good child and die . 』.

So I said to him . I’m gonna kill him in an instant . That’s my way to show my respect to the Little One who fought toe-to-toe against me till this point Bur, how should I say? The Little One is clearly not abandoning this fight yet . Rather, it made a face as if it’s decided on something And the next moment after I thought so

KAAH――! !.

Flash of brilliant light surges out from the Little One’s body When the dazling light subsided, the one standing in it’s place was a Jet-Black―― Lion


The lion lets out a roar . It’s sheer volume make me tremble . No way, am I, getting scared! ? I felt so And then, the lion began to speak

.  .

――OUR NAME IS〝TAMA〟! ! A Behemoth S-rank monster who became the knight of adventurer Aria! AND NOW, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU TO SAVE MY MASTER’S LIFE!! ! ! !.

It’s voice has changed . It’s form too . But, I heard it say it’s name . This Jet Black Lion was the Little One who fought me up till now

The aftermath was a one-sided slaughter . The Little O-……… . No, the〝Powerful One〟 fired an incandescent h.e.l.l fire that roasted my scales I felt a crisis that gnawed on my life . Therefore, for the first time in my life, I tried to run from the fight . But――.

BOW! !.

Before I even have the chance to retreat, the Powerful One charged from inside the h.e.l.l fire And then, right before me is a brilliant red hot gigantic sword of fire that extended from it’s tail, swinging down towards me

I can’t avoid this! ! I knew that . In that case, I prepared myself for a draw

I swing my forefeet . But the Powerful One, even while swinging down it’s sword tail, dodges the attack aimed for it’s vitals by doing a half turn . In contrast to that, me……….

SWI――SH! !.

Along with that sharp sound It broke my head





I lost . It’s a complete defeat………

Before my body feels the pain, my heart was already aware of that fact And then, I thought . If, Our was to be “Reincarnated”, I want to bear a child of this “Powerful One”……… .

Along with such thoughts, Our consciousness descended into the void

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