Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 47.1 : Frightened Pervert

Chapter 47.1 : Frightened Pervert

「She is………… Not an adventurer, right? What is she doing inside this kind of place……….」
「Moreover she seems to be scared.nyaaa. Coukd it be that you"re a vagrant who strayed into the labyrinth? 」

Aria and Vulcan were having such exchange as they looking at the beauty-in-tattered rag. Despite her beautiful appeareance, seeing that her flaxen colored hair is unkempt and her almost naked appearance……….. One can only thought of her as vagrant.

「Why are you wandering around in such dangerous place? Are you someone from labyrinth city? 」

Aria is asking that question to the beauty-in-tattered rag with kind smile on her face. She have nothing to do with vagrant of course. Aria, the owner of a n.o.ble heart is just the kind of person who can"t abandon someone who loitering in such dangerous place like labyrinth without proper equipment.

(~".")~To Be Continue Next Week Xp~(‘."~)

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