Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 48

Publishedat 26th of June 2019 12:11:37 AMChapter 48

Chapter 48 : A Pervert Envy

「Well then, let’s book a double room first and hit the baths! 」

「…………… . Bath? What is that? is it powerful? 」

Leaving the labyrinth, Aria and the others are heading towards the inn . After explaining the situation to the mistress of the inn, she quickly arranged a double room for them .

By the way, Vulcan is absent for the time being since she’s tasked with arranging suitable clothes for the beauty who currently only had tattered rags .

Aria wanted to cleanse the body of the beauty in rags whose body was soiled by the dirt in the labyrinth proposed for them to take a bath, but………

She muttered 「This is going to be a pain in the a.s.s…… . 」 seeing that the beauty in rags had lost every bit of her memories to the point that she doesn’t even remember about baths .

「Let see, bathing is to soak your body in hot water to clean it you know . Don’t you remember experiencing it before? Uhm……… Come to think of it, can you tell me your name? 」

「Ah, so that’s the place huh……… . . I do know about it but I have never done it before . As for a name, Our name is powerful one . ……… . . No to be exact Our “Was” a Powerful One . Now I don’t have anything to call myself with . 」


「So that’s the case……… . .   Well then, I guess you also need a name! Is there a name that you wish to be called with? 」

「U~hm, call me with whatever you wish to call me . 」


Even while unable to cope with the beauty who can’t even remember her own name, she asked if she has a name she wished to be called with .

Only to hear such a halfhearted reply . Or rather, the beauty in tattered rags seems to be more interested in Tama who is sitting obediently on top of the bed .

Seeing her, Tama just let out a purr as if to wait and see the situation .

「In that case, how about I give you a temporary name? In fact, I have a name that really suits you! 」

「Do as you wish . Though I’ve said it before, Our doesn’t stick by something like a name . 」

「Well then………… Starting from today, your name will be 〝Stella〟-chan! It’s a word that represent beauty in my birthplace . 」

「Stella…………… Though I don’t understand what this beauty is, it has a nice ring in my ears . Moreover, I’m satisfied as long as it is a name that was given by a woman of your caliber . 」


「Fufu, it’s great to hear that you like it . Please take care of me after this, Stellchan♪」

Her tone that seems respectful towards Aria made her curious about the girl-in-tatte-……… Stella, however despite that Aria’s still beaming with a smile in seeing the girl pleased with her chosen name .

(Fumu . Stella huh, nice name . As expected of my master, she has a good naming sense . )

Tama is also raising a purr of admiration for Aria’s naming sense with a 「Nya~~!」 . 」Hearing his voice, Stella breath become rough as she says「OOO! Powerful One’s voice is as adorable as ever!」 .


In seeing her excited state, Tama felt chills run down his spine as he recalls his great escape from her last night in order to protect his chast.i.ty .  He hid himself under the bed, shivering in fear .

「WHA! ? Powerful One, why are you running away from me! We just wants that powerful seed of yours…… . ! ! 」

(That’s what I’m most afraid of d.a.m.n it! U~h………… . Master, please do something about this perve-…… . . )

Stella ended up saying so to Tama who looked up from under the bed . Even while trembling in fear, Tama is asking for a salvation from Aria from the deepest part of his heart .

「KORA! Stellchan, You can’t do that you know? You’ll make Tama scared you know…………… Moreover, no matter what you say, Tama can’t impregnate you, HE’S STILL A CHILD . 」

Seeing the frightened Tama, Aria enters in between to stop Stella . As his master, and as a woman who has fallen in love with him, she’s must do what she needs to do to protect his chast.i.ty .

Well……… . Aria being Aria, she has a history of getting in heat and chasing Tama around……… . . That case aside .

「U~h……… . . It can’t be helped if you say so, I’ll give up for now……… . . 」

After being warned by Aria with 「NO, YOU CAN’T DO THAT YOU KNOW?」, Stella is withdrawing reluctantly .

(Uhm, as I thought . This girl…… . . Stella, though I don’t know why, it seems that she’s obeying what my master says . )

Yes, Tama noticed that point about her . Yes, Stella might be respecting…… or fearing Aria, it must be one of those reasons .

Therefore, it’s possible to fix her habits as long as Aria is the one who corrects her .

「Well then, let’s take a dip in the bath! It’s just the perfect time after the mistress of the inn fills the hot water . 」

「So it’s what you said a while ago about bathing in warm water, unfortunately it’s not as interesting as having the child of the powerful one! 」

Straightened herself, Aria recommends the bath to Stella . Stella replies vigorously to Aria . Looking at Stella who was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with curiosity, Aria can’t help but to think, 「She really is like a child……… . 」 .

At the same time, she felt that she can’t just leave her, who has almost no memories left, alone………… Which was mainly due to her sense of justice .


「This thing is called soap, something that you use to wash your body, Stellchan . Now then, be a good girl and stay still so that I can wash your body, okay? 」

Thus Aria and Stella have such an exchange in the bathtub of the inn―― In their birthday suit . Stella’s curiosity is piqued by the bubbling soap in Aria’s hands .

(Uhm, even though I’m not supposed to be looking at another woman’s body except for my master, this really can’t be helped because of the situation…… . . )

Tama is looking at their naked exchange from one corner of the bath while pondering about such things .

「You’re going in too right, Tama? 」

Aria invites Tama to take a dip along with them . Tama unintentionally retorted (Who’d want to get into the same bathtub as that perve-…… . !) .

(No, wait a minute? Though this pervert is being obedient towards my master, isn’t this still too early to trust her? Though I don’t know when, I have to stay at my master’s side as her knight as long as there’s a chance that she’ll bare her fangs towards my master . )

Thus, in order to protect Aria as her knight《Pet》, he decided to have a dip in the bath .

「WOOW! The dirt on my body peeled off real fast! This soap is amazing! ! 」

Stella whose body was washed by Aria is raising a voice filled with amazement . And her huge breast jiggle around due to her sudden movements .

「Well then, now that I’m done with washing your body, next is your hair . Please close your eyes since the bubble is painful if it enters your eyes? 」

「WAAA———! ? No, I hate painful thing! I absolutely won’t open my eyes! 」

Stella is slightly……… . . Or rather she tightly shut her eyes after being warned so by Aria .

It might have something to do with the pain in her eyes .  While worrying about such things, Aria gently washes Stella’s hair .

「U~h……… . . Are you done? 」

「Fufufu, just a bit more, I just need to rinse it with hot water you see . 」

To answer Stella’s question, Aria washes the bubbles from Stella’s hair with hot water from the bathtub .

「OOH! What is this! ? My body feels refreshed! 」

Stella became quite excited after Aria washes off the bubbles on her body . That might be the natural reaction of someone who has never experienced a bath after cleaning their body .

「After washing your body, the best way to end your bath is to immerse yourself in the bathtub♪」

「Immersing……… . In the bathtub? Do you mean entering this hot water? Why…………?」

「For humans, especially for women, warming ones body in hot water is a matter of life and death you know, Stellchan? 」

「U~huh? I don’t know about that but if you say so, it can’t be wrong . ……… . . Oooh, it feels sooo good! 」

Stella still can’t understand what Aria means by “The matter of immersing oneself in hot water is a matter of life and death for a woman” but she did as Aria told her anyway .

Somehow, she’s really immersed in this current feeling .

「Now it’s Tama’s turn . 」

「Nya~n! 」

Aria is on her knees as she calls to Tama . Replying cheerfully, Tama is then coming up to her from the corner of the room and then……… Jumping up on her lap with a pyon, and lying face up on her lap .

Aria always starts to wash from his fluffy stomach . So to match that, Tama is always getting in an appropriate position .

Nevertheless…… . In this position, Tama is always taking a glimpse of her beautiful face from beyond her bountiful melons .

Even after experiencing such a lifestyle for a while, Tama is still moved to tears by such a magnificent spectacle to this day .

「S-So sly! Our wants to wash the Powerful One’s body too! 」

When Tama is in seven heavens from being washed gently by Aria, Stella who saw that interjected with “Zuban! ! ”Standing up from the bathtub, she’s protesting to Aria with an envious look in her eyes .

「Fufufu, you can’t do that you know, Stellchan? Washing Tama is my exclusive privilege as his owner . This is the only thing that I won’t pa.s.s to others . 」

Such a gentle Aria . Will surely lend Tama to Stella, or so one would expect………… . . But she rejected  do that .

After all, there’s three most enjoyable moments in a day for Aria that she won’t let anyone else have . And one of those is frolicking with Tama as she washes him .

Thus, she has no intention to let go of such an enjoyable moment even if it’s a request from a child-like Stella .

「Aah, How dashing of you, Powerful One! 」「My heart is throbbing just by seeing you! 」「Uuuuh! 」

Raising such seductive voice with flushing red face as if she is holding something in, Stella……… . . Was looking upon the scenery of Aria and Tama doing “Washing up NyanNyanNyan” with an envious look on her face .

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