Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 54

Publishedat 7th of August 2019 01:41:31 PMChapter 54

Chapter 54 : Tears of Dragon Girl

「GUHAHAHAHA! Did you see that shield skill, Tama?」

Inside the labyrinth’s 2nd floor, an orc flew across the area, courtesy of Stella .

Today she was in very high spirits, and it reflected on how enthusiastically she wielded her new weapons .

Stella’s combat style couldn’t be described as anything less than savage . The moment she spotted an orc, she rushed at it immediately and swung her greatsword down .

The second orc within her sight became a victim for the shield, flying away from the powerful impact of her charging attack .

The only orc left standing looked at its comrade’s fading figure with a dumbfounded expression .

Stella did not miss the opportunity to whack it with her sword while the orc was distracted .


The orc’s head was obliterated by that strike, fresh blood spurting from the headless neck . Seeing that, Stella smiled with pride at her handiwork and dashed forward .

Her next target was the orc that got blown away from her charging attack . It stood in place in a daze, perhaps because its head hit the wall .

「Hm . You can’t even keep your guts in front of your enemy… This is why you fools will always be a small fry . 」

Stella’s comment fell on deaf ears, as she attacked before she even finished speaking . There is no need to describe what happened to that defenseless orc’s head .

The combat style was the same for every monster encountered . It made Tama exasperated that the shield wasn’t even being used for defense .

Aria and Vulcan both winced every time they witnessed Stella’s savage combat style and aggressive personality .

「Even knowing she’s a Dragonewt, I didn’t expect her to be so powerful . 」

「Hunya~… I’m powerful, but even my power as a tiger-eared person is nothing compared to hers, nya~n . 」

They knew they were no match for Stella’s herculean strength .   Aria’s speed-focused combat style aside, even Vulcan with the power of the Tiger-eared people coursing through her stood no chance .

As they spoke, a wicked smile appeared on both their faces . They just remembered a monster that might give Stella a bit of a challenge .

And that monster just happened to nest in this labyrinth’s 3rd floor…


The 3rd floor of the labyrinth was even colder than the second one . Suddenly, grotesque creatures appeared along with a weird crawling sound .

   Wiggle wiggle wiggle~

『Uhh… What is that? I have a bad feeling about th-…!!!!』

Fear made her body tremble as she said those words . When playing hide-and-seek with Tama before, she had used a different route . This was the first time she encountered this particular monster .

Its name is Looper, a resident of the deeper floors of the labyrinth .

The several tentacles that made very suspicious movements around its body were not satisfied with just seizing their prey .

If the captured target was female, the tentacles would slip inside her clothes and s.e.xually a.s.sault her .

This was the monster that had cornered Aria into awakening her derivative skill《Gale Slash》 .

Stella, as a former monster, instinctively understood that this monster was the enemy of all women .

『EE!!! This disgusting monster! Victory goes to those who strike first! 』

While saying so, Stella leaped towards the Looper . She planned to finish the fight in one hit .


However, the wriggling tentacles made a cutting sound as they moved around, baring their fangs at Stella . Contrary to their appearance they were surprisingly nimble and flexible, like a whip .

「What!? 」

Stella was surprised since she never expected the Looper to exceed her in terms of range and speed . Incensed, she mowed down the incoming tentacles with her sword .

She tried sweeping them all in one go with a wide AOE attack .


A greatsword wasn’t mean for cutting, but it could dispose of those tentacles just fine .

Thus, Stella achieved her goal .

After she had disposed of the tentacles, Stella went for the main body, thinking the battle was over .

The Looper, seeing its enemy fast approaching, gave a loud screech .


From both sides of the creature, more tentacles wiggled out .

Two of them headed straight for Stella .

She did not cower and continued heading for the Looper with a mighty cry .


Just as the others wondered what she’d do next, the Looper’s tentacles managed to catch and disarm Stella, wrapping themselves around her arms .

With Stella incapacitated, Aria and Vulcan started panicking .

「Stellchan, what are you do-!? 」

「This is bad, nyaa! The fear made her drop her weapon, nya! 」

They started running toward Stella in an attempt to help .

They wouldn’t let their comrade be raped right in front of them .

Meanwhile, Tama did not move as he pondered about Stella’s inactivity .

   (Did being caught by those tentacles trigger a bad memory?)

He noticed Stella waving her arms around in a way similar to the strikes she used on him before .

She got scared of the tentacles and her instinct overruled her reason . In short, she was trying to move as if she was still a dragon .

   (This is bad! She’s still in her Dragonewt form . I can’t let her hit those two while they try to help her! Can’t be helped…!)

Left with no other choice, Tama unleashed his most adorable purr .


Tama invoked a certain skill .

Several tentacles appeared, the same testriped tiger coloring as his fur .

Tama got that skill after eating a Looper a long time ago .

It was called  《Summon Tentacles》 .


Each of those striped tentacles rushed at his comrades at ultrhigh speed .

One of them reached Stella and wrapped itself around her, while another released her greatsword from the Looper’s tentacles .

The remaining two gently captured Vulcan and Aria, being very careful as to not hurt them .

Both of them were caught off-guard by the incoming tentacles but, as they noticed those came from Tama, both women soon relaxed . Their only response was a nod .

After ensuring all his companions were safe, he called the tentacles back and roared for the second time .

「Nyan! (《Water Howling》)」

This time it was his inherent skill, the 《Elemental Howl》, 《Water Howling》 .

Its ultrhigh compressed water shot straight at the Looper, which released a desperate cry .


Tama’s attack pierced it right in the center .

『p.r.i.c.k……… . . 』

The Looper gave the last grumble as it died .

With that over, Tama turned his attention to Stella, who was still swinging her arms around . As expected, she had lost her cool and was having a panic attack .

He sent a telepathic message, hoping to calm her down .

   ——Calm down, Stella .


   —— I’ve finished the Looper already . What happened? I never expected a former dragon like you to lose her cool against such a weak monster .


   —— …

Tama was shocked by Stella’s weak reply . The reason for her panic just now… Steemed from the enemy who bisected her with a flaming sword one month ago .

In other words, he was the source of her trauma .

 —— Stop with that weak att.i.tude . I can’t say anything about that fear as I’m responsible for your trauma . But now you’re under my protection . Feel free to fight to your heart’s content .


As a man and as the one who caused her trauma, Tama couldn’t stand seeing her behaving in such a pathetic manner . That’s why he decided to protect her .

From now on, it was his duty as a man to protect Stella .

Tears spilled from Stella’s eyes as she heard Tama’s resolution . She gave him a wholehearted smile .

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