Drizella observes the little creatures before her. Their fur was gray-white, small tiny ears, a tail that curls at the end, small hands with claws at the end, and goes "squawk, squawk". Drizella stay silent and knock her hands together saying, "Oh! A little kangaroo!"

Emma pinch her cheek as she roared, "Are you crazy! That is clearly a mouse... rat?!"

"We"re doomed! Daisy doesn"t have an idea!" Clara sits covering her head with her hand as a dark aura surrounding her expressing her gloomy mood.

The three men are trying to cheer her up. Well, mostly only one of them, Gray is trying to encourage her while the other two just stand around them, keeping them company.

Drizella knows something that the other doesn"t know about. A few days back, she came upon Gray watching Clara sleeping by the tree with a lovely smile and gentle eyes. He was brus.h.i.+ng the string of hair covering her face and lightly touching her lip with his finger. Her guts inform her that Gray has an unrequited love for Clara. She suddenly felt like she has some gossip to talk about. However, her gossip didn"t reach anyone before it was stopped by Gray"s intense stare at her.

In a flash, he was glaring her with a glint in his eyes. His scowl meaning is to make up of a reason quickly. He doesn"t want Clara to be sad or depress.

Gray was a person of little words. He doesn"t show much of his expressions and emotions. The only person he acted differently towards to is Clara. From what Drizella heard from Emma, Clara and Gray"s parents are friends so they grow up together so something must"ve happened. Much to a surprise, Emma doesn"t know much about their development.

Drizella kept thinking up of a way. She doesn"t even need to turn her head to know that the other side also has a gloomy mood. Clearing her voice to sound professional, she stated, "Mice are small but they have a very intelligent mind. They use their intelligence to get through everything that is thrown at them. Look even though people hated mice and use many traps to capture them, have people always been successful at capturing mice? No. This is why there are mice specialist and poison to take care of them. Their specialty is finding lost and treasures that people don"t even think or know about. They are great cause those specialties develop within them and you as their owner just have to nurture it to grow."

She felt questioned faces at her making her realize again that this isn"t like her modern time. She just spoke of things that happen and not happen in this world! To not make her life difficult she motioned the girl, "Ella, come here..."

She whispers some advice into her ear. Ella conceives the meaning of her words, nodding her head with a determined expression.

Ella: "I"m fine with the plan but why did you call me Ella, when we don"t even know each other."

Drizella: "I"m sorry for not asking first. I just think that we could be friends and give you a nickname since Ella has a nice ring to Cindy-Ella?"

The knight was going to correct Drizella about his miss"s name. Although he was stopped by her since it was also her fault for being timid and saying her name wrong. She replies, "It"s alright, I also want to be friends."

Drizella is running away from the reality before her. She knows that the girl stuttered before, she saying Cindy-Ella is truly meaning CINDERELLA! The girl even has the three mice that always help Cinderella. No mistake SHE IS CINDERELLA. She was helping and ogling the protagonist without realizing it! She really what to cry a river.

Whatever, as long as Cinderella doesn"t say she is Cinderella she isn"t! As long as she doesn"t recognize her as Cinderella, she isn"t! Besides her mother hasn"t married Cinderella"s father so she"s not her stepsister! She can help her for now since it"s mostly her fault for the trouble.


"They both stood before each other, staring into each other"s eyes. 30 seconds pa.s.s by the blink of an eye as they embrace each other, not letting go. It was love in the 30 seconds their eyes met each other!" Drizella was playing with two of the mice. She instructed them to follow her instructions as Ella and the boy was facing off. If look closer its a continuation of what might happen between the two people. It was a mini cartoon showing what would happen next in mice mood... nothing of the sort happened.

Her idea was for the mice cartoon to not make anyone tense but she only got the intense angry glare from everyone. It was a serious fight but she"s making it seems like a friendly bout between friends.

"Hmm...hmm. Bet whose going to win! If you get it right your money would double!" this time it is a gambling stand for the fight. The gambling would make the fight more interesting and rail people up pa.s.sively. Almost like fights in the Colosseum.

Stan who was quiet the whole time in the Awakening Ceremony make the first call, "Why are you bring up a stand now?"

Drizella: "It"s killing two birds with one stone! If Ella wins she"ll get her fame back and we make money. Cool, right."

Stan: "Commoners don"t have money so how could it be killing two birds with one stone?"

Drizella performed an action with her eyes pointing to the location of the n.o.bles.

Seeing how some n.o.ble children are making their servants run over here, he can guess the meaning. This is the Awakening Ceremony, n.o.bles and commoners children would bring money to shop around. The location is the capital, the place with the most goods.

The wind was finally picking up on the chilly day. Fallen snow dance with the wind swirling upon were the fight was happening. Everyone can feel the intenseness of the cold even if they are all buckled up.

Drizella"s huffed a sigh--why does the weather change whenever there are disaster and happiness befallen the main character. It was a sunny and warm winter day but now it turns into an intense freezing day. Clearly showing who the heaven is favoring.

Ella took a deep breath, tightening her hands again and again. The boy has a smug smile on his lip with the silhouette of being overbearing.

His defense is gone even though he is facing an enemy before him. It"s just like what she said he"ll do. I"ll just have to order them once and let them loose, letting them do what they want. I just hope everything goes as planned.

Ella inhaled and exhaled calming her racing heart even if it"s by a little. With her ear blus.h.i.+ng she asks the two mice, "Please go to him and don"t let go until he admitted defeat."

Hearing the soft voice of their master, the two mice, one skinny and one fat hurried over to the boy. It took 5 seconds before they reach the boy"s shoes and tunnel down his half ripped pant. The crawl up from his leg to his thigh almost reaching his b.u.t.t and where his underwear lays. The two mice stop in their track, the skinny one was telling the other to do something. The other nodded its head with squawking laughing sounds. They tunnel their way through the pant almost losing their breath due to the belt area. Reaching the waist area the skinny mouse went ahead with the fat mouse waiting on the waist area.

The boy was snickering as he saw the mice ran towards him. He thought only one foot of his will kill both of them but who knew they"ll both evade his foot again and again. They were even daring enough to sneak into his pant. He tries to get them out from his two layers of pants but couldn"t. He even felt them crawling from his leg to his stomach. With the mouse jumping around his stomach, he couldn"t help but laugh out. He was laughing so hard he tumble on his back. With each laugh, he tried to express, "Sto...p! Hhahaha! Stop! Hahaha! Tick... lish... haha haha!"

"What is going on?" Clara question as she watches the one-sided show the boy is making.

Drizella explained, "Remember my talk about how mice are intelligent creatures. Ella is just applying that. First, she"ll give an order to the mice and let them run free. They"ll know what to do to survive and bring victory to her. She just has to wait..."

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