"Still remember that quack family that is living in the Marquess Tremaine"s house. The oldest daughter is a nut case!"

"She even wanted to steal her sister"s fiancee that she stood in the rain trying to get pity. Luckily the Marquess saw through her act."

"I heard that she"s also torturing the legitimate daughter when she"s the illegitimate daughter who doesn"t share the same blood as the Marquess!"

"Blah... Blah..."

"However, the Marquess"s son really is something. Even though he"s also adopted he"s in the same level in swordsmans.h.i.+p with those young dukes and even the princes."

"Right! He"s also handsome like the Marquess. Who wouldn"t want to have him as their son-in-law!"

"Those blue eyes and white platinum hair are to die for!"

"He"s not only good at swordsmans.h.i.+p, but he"s also intelligent..."

"Blah... Blah... Blah..."

A girl grabbed a stick in her hand at the back alley of Marquess Tremaine"s mansion. She flogs the stick in her other hand, making smas.h.i.+ng sounds, trying to find the perfect stick to smash someone.

A girl with blond straight long hair and blue eyes stand behind her. Her eyes were full of terror as she hugs herself and trembles uncontrollably.

The girl with the stick is, of course, Drizella and the girl who"s trembling is Cinderella.

Drizella smirk finding the right stick for the beating. She walks toward Cinderella, still slogging the stick. With a great swing of her hand, the stick travels with the wind and slog the person greatly on the shoulder.

The person yelled out from the pain and Cinderella shrink back closing her eyes.

"Why is a servant bullying her master," Drizella maintained as she forcefully hit the servant"s other shoulder.

The servant girl cries out in pain again. Tears were dripping from her eyes and she seems like she was going to faint soon from the pain.

However, Drizella won"t allow her to have the luxury before she got her answer. She hit the servant girl again, much harder than before. Making her feel the sting and waking her up.

"Just because I can bully her doesn"t give servants such as yourself the right to. ...Now that I look closely, you really do look like someone I seem to know... Oh! I remember, one of those maids that I chase out after my father"s death." Drizella"s eyes became colder the more she speaks and remember those days.

After the servant girl pa.s.ses out from fear, Drizella shoulder sagged and she slopes down breathing heavily. Her hands were trembling a bit as she got the feeling of not being able to feel her own hands.

She took deep breaths to soothe herself and convince herself that this is better than the time she has to lay hands on a person"s life.

"Ella, everything"s alright now. So can I have the turret as my room." Drizella hugged the trembling Cinderella and try to calm her down.

Hearing the last few words, Cinderella tremblings stop as she retorted, "Of course not sister. That place is my special place. Not to mention you already have the other turret."

Drizella already knows why Cinderella called the turret her special place. Everything is due to her telling the story Romeo and Juliet also about Rapunzel. Cinderella really is a dreamer, dreaming about her prince and that turret faces the kingdom so why wouldn"t she wants it.

In the Disney movie, Cinderella was force to live in the turret after her father"s death. She was force to be a servant while other servants were thrown out of the house.

Although, now she choose the turret as her room and the servants aren"t thrown out but they are the ones bullying her and Camilla turn a blind eye to the bullying. Most importantly, Francis isn"t dead, he"s still alive kicking and as handsome as he has always been after five years.

Cinderella and Anastasia have changed over the years. In her own opinion, they have become more beautiful while she, on the other hand, is still the same.

They have already gone through their second awakening while she"s still stuck in her first awakening. If she"s still stuck then the world"s favorited Marquess Tremaine"s son Lion is still stuck in the first stage too.

She wonders if it is due to the two interwinding marking on her chest that is slowing down her awakening.

Her mother also feels hopeless and sad whenever she saw the markings, that"s why she never talks about it or show it to anyone.

Agh! Why does her life have to be so complicated!

"Misses! What are you two still standing there for! Hurry up and get ready the second prince is going to be here soon." Anna called out exhausted from all the running.

"Do I really even need to get ready," Drizella said with exhaustion.

Today is the first time they would meet each other face to face and Drizella doesn"t have the tiniest bit of attention to be the third wheel!

"Of course. The Master and the Mistress aren"t home. As the oldest besides young master Lion, young miss has your own duties so don"t be so lazy." Anna explained.

Drizella retorted, "What"s wrong with being lazy? And Anna don"t you see me helping Ella out."

Anna can only say, "yes...yes." as she saw the blue slime drag the servant girl away.

She pushes them out of the alley and saw Cinderella"s bruises, "But first we have to do something about those bruises."

The servants who heard them talking were gossiping about how bad the first young miss is when they haven"t witnessed the scene themselves.

Some goes, "Just because she"s born a few months early doesn"t give her the right to be so bossy."

"She even has the nerves to beat and threaten her sister...blah...blah..."

Anastasia came up to Drizella with a lollipop in her mouth. She said, "Sister aren"t you worried about all the bad rumors going on inside and outside."

"Of course... NOT! The more rumors there are the better everything is," she answered.

"You really are a lost cause now, sister," saying so Anastasia shrugged.


Drizella yawn as they prepare her to look the best as she could. What is running through her head is, "What"s the point of having all these luxuries on me when I"m not the center of attention."

After they finish, Drizella was having trouble walking straight. Each time she walks, she"ll wobble side to side. It really is an embarra.s.sing moment for her as she has to walk from her room (turret) to Cinderella"s room (turret).

Looking at all the stairs going down from her room and thinking about the stairs in Cinderella"s room, Drizella can only sigh and felt like crying as she thought about all the stairs.

She was breathing heavily as she is halfway from Cinderella"s room. She took little breaks between but it wasn"t enough. How she wishes she can take off everything and just wear a plain dress.

Cinderella walks out of her room with a simple blue fit and flare dress with her median long blond hair in a side ponytail, flowing down from her neck.

Drizella stare in amus.e.m.e.nt then wanted to cry again, "why is our style so different! The fiancee"s dress is so simple and beautiful while the step-sister"s dress so extravagant."

Cinderella look at the way Drizella"s dress up, she is wearing a big hat with flowers on top, a red puffy gown, and red gloves but worst of all the make-up on her face... doesn"t match.

Cinderella was trying to say something when Lia appears, she shoves them to hurry up go greet the second prince before he got bored. So Cinderella didn"t have the chance to say what she wants to.

Drizella looks back at Lia and she gives her a thumbs up with a smile but to Drizella that seems like a death promotion.

They walk into the White Rose Garden where the prince was waiting, drinking the tea prepared. The maids to the side were blus.h.i.+ng as they steal glances at him. However, to him, he didn"t seem to care as he read the book in his hand.

The White Rose Garden is the smallest extravagant garden of all the gardens in the Marquess"s house. That"s because as its name applies, there are only pure white roses in the garden. The whole place circle in white with green leaves standing out. It was a garden designed with Leon in mind (and for him even though he"s a boy.) It was for him to use when he wants to relax or be away from people.

Cinderella and Drizella bow and said synchronically, "Greeting to the Crown Prince, Prince Sean."

Prince Sean snaps out of his book as he also gives his greeting to the two of them.

As Drizella looks at him, he seems to have grown from being an arrogant child into a charming calm person but there is still some arrogance inside him as Drizella look at his eyes.

"Don"t look at Sean with those lovestruck eyes, Gorilla!" a young man with chestnut red hair furiously said, "And what"s with the way you"re dress. Don"t tell me you"re trying to steal cousin"s fiancee."

Drizella did a villainess laugh while covering her mouth and bent her waist over a bit like a villainess as she sneakers, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Of course not, cousin. You have too much imagination going on. Maybe you should go see a doctor for a change. Oh! Oh! Oh!"

The prince seeing Elijah going out of control against a woman asks, "Elijah, why are you calling your cousin a gorilla?"

Elijah quickly explain fiercely, "She is a gorilla! Even her name sounds like a gorilla! What"s wrong with calling a gorilla a gorilla!"

"You..." Drizella was getting very angry inside. Each time she meets this cousin of hers, he always wants to pick a fight with her.

As the crown prince and Cinderella were conversing, Drizella steps on Elijah"s toe bringing his attention to her. She whispers with a glare, "Why you bring him here of all places."

Elijah feeling the pain didn"t burst out instead he endures as he takes his toe away from her: "I thought Leon would be here but he"s not. Where is he?"

Drizella wants to laugh and shout into his face, "He"s right in front of you!" but she said, "He"s... He"s practicing swordsmans.h.i.+p with the knights."

It"s not like she"s lying since he"s really practicing his swordsmans.h.i.+p only that the person isn"t the real person.

Elijah nodded feeling the pa.s.sion of a warrior from him. From when he know Leon to now, he has always been a man of few words but a hard worker at everything he does, to add he has all the looks too. Elijah is proud to have him as a cousin unlike the girl beside him.

"Shall we go then," Cinderella said at them with a smile.

Both of them have on blink faces, not understanding where the conversation is heading.

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