"Why is that person crying and... I hope it"s not my imagination, he"s really getting on his knee and begging towards the heaven!? This girl?...Arabian clothes?... Wait, this room is different?" where her first thought since opening her eyes.

The girl immediately runs towards her which she couldn"t react to at all. She lifts up her face and stares into her eyes with a sight of admiration: "WOW! it"s my first time seeing eyes like yours. I have seen eyes the color of blue like the ocean and topaz. But its the first for green eyes that s.h.i.+mmer like an emerald. To add, changing shades when the sunlight hit it. How I want to take it out and reserve it for my collection of treasures."

Drizella was getting gooseb.u.mps in the back of her neck from the girl"s speech. She manages to say thanks in a quivering voice. However, the girl"s sight towards her eyes never lessens until someone pulled her back. That someone bows to her an apology and Drizella saw the reflection of Anna in her. Drizella almost felt like tearing up and rus.h.i.+ng towards her but she knows that person really isn"t Anna and Lia who has stayed with her along.

She slowly and shakingly got off the bed to give them her thanks for helping her. She thought she was going to die alone in the desert in the night. She really has to give these people her thanks. She was about to give a courtesy bow but tumble to the ground.

She wasn"t the only one surprise, the people around her was also surprised that she felled down. The person who gives an apologize-bow towards her, help her up slowly and lay her on the bed again.

"Thank you," Drizella voiced out with a weak smile.

The woman quickly covers her face blus.h.i.+ng. Even though the child"s face is half covered in bandages, she can tell that the child is a very beautiful person.

Drizella starts gazing closely at all the bandages on her body. Almost all of her body is covered in bandages. If she has to compare, she"s more like a mommy, hanging on her death bed now than anything else!

"From this day forth, you are my personal servant. I saved you so you belong to me, little boy. Unless you don"t want to live anymore," the girl said as she smiles sweetly at her.

Drizella blinked out of confusion. She has no problem with being a servant to repay her debt and also think that it is a fun experience. But what is with the boy part?

"Excuse me... I"m a gi..." her mouth was covered by the girl"s hand before she finishes speaking.

Boy: "A gi...? What?"

"Hahahaha! Great Helper! He meant he"s a great helper, brother. Hahaha!" the girl voices as she laughed awkwardly.

The boy didn"t say anything more and left the room just like how he came in. But the girl understands what she has to do after, even if she wants to avoid it, she can"t.

After the boy left, the girl quickly peeks out of the door to check the surrounding before coming back in. She gives a sigh and punches Drizella on the head with a look of angry: "From today on you are a boy, not a girl. If not, not only your life but even mine won"t be spared by my third brother. You are to follow my every command! The name is Jasmine, the first princess of the Desert Empire!"


Before waking up (Drizella"s gender being a boy)

Jasmine: "Is he going to be okay, third brother?"

The boy who Jasmine called third brother places his hand on top of the body"s bandaged hand and send his mana into the body through the body"s bandaged hand. He just started pouring his mana slowly but the mana seems to have a mind of its own as it flows as quickly as lighting by itself into the sleeping person.

Even though it seems like the process took a second for Jasmine, she can see the sweat and the creasing of his brows as his face pale from his mana being taken away at a fast rate. Not only does her brother have to send in mana, but he also has to support the foundation of both their body or else they might go berserk or worst case death. Another serious issue is if their mana isn"t compatible with each other. That"s why when someone does their second awakening, they have to have a family member or someone who has compatible mana to send in their mana and help with the process. Being compatible is having the same type of mana energy flowing in their body. For example wind with wind fire with fire and if the person can use more than one type of magic such as three they have to find someone or three people that can use those magic. That"s why having one magic is more useful and the cause of why many people failed their second awakening, and remain in their first awakening since they can"t fulfill those conditions.

Jasmine saw as her third brother cleaned his hands with a cloth and about to leave. She quickly stopped him with a question: "Is... Is he going to be alright, Noah?"

Noah: "What I want to know is why you are so fascinated with someone who is in his dead bead?"

Jasmine: "He... he is going to be my bodyguard starting today!"

Noah: "Bodyguard? Don"t you already have enough of them."

Jasmine pouted: "Hmph! None of them are the same age as me. I have no one to play with and with this boy here, it"ll be easier for me to move. I don"t want to be a caged princess!"

Noah can see the determination in her eyes, that she never has before. She was always so wilful and the most spoiled out of all the sultan"s children.

Noah can only sigh but he gives a condition that the "boy" has to follow after he wakes up: "If he can defeat the white lion from the Flavian Colosseum, I have no problem with him being your bodyguard. If not, that will be his death and the amount he is worth."

Noah took another look at the person covered in bandages laying quietly on the bed: "Is he really a boy?"

Jasmine responded, "Of course he is. Just that he"s not the muscular type... he"s the type that looks like a girl! Hahaha! Now off you go, brother. You still have to recover your mana."


"And that is why you have to pretend to be a boy and fight a white lion," Jasmine said as a knowing it all person.

Drizella listens to her story, only to be even more confused than before. She was thinking "Your story has nothing to do with why I HAVE TO PRETEND TO BE A BOY OR FIGHT A WHITE LION!" however, she kept quiet. Quiet is golden!!

She can tell that this Jasmine is from Aladdin, only that she really got a personality. From what Drizella has seen and how she told her story, she"s bold, strong-willed, and... and ...She doesn"t even want to say anymore. She really is one of a kind and the total opposite of Cinderella.

The knock from the door makes Jasmine face her pitifully which she didn"t want a look like that. She heaves a heavy sigh as she slowly and strongly stand up from the bed this time without falling.


She really want to beat someone right... she doesn"t even care if that person is G.o.d him/herself!!

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