The knife flew, bringing along strong wind with it as it struck the white lion"s eye. The white lion roars out from the pain in its eye. Even if it wants to get the knife out, it doesn"t have hands but only paws and with the paws, if it tries, the knife would just go deeper into its eye.

Drizella watches as the white lion struggle with Coco who transformed into a white tiger. With the knife in one of its eye, half of its vision is gone. Coco would have more than a 50% chance of winning this fight before she really out.

"Look. Third brother. Look. Isn"t s... he awesome! His green eye really does s.h.i.+mmer a color like no other!" Jasmine shouted out as watches the battle from the royal stand.

Noah smile slightly, nodding his head in approval. He really is now curious about this young man"s origin. Before the young man didn"t fight back at all, all he does is dodging but when his life is in danger, he truly s.h.i.+nes. He made quick judgments in consideration to his conditions all together but didn"t Jasmine said that he"s ordinary and originally a slave. How could a slave make those sort of judgments and fight like that? To add his knife throwing skill is extraordinary and slaves don"t have magic comparable to what he has.

While Noah is in his own thoughts, Jasmine was really excited and happy. By how the match is going, "he" will really become her bodyguard. She doesn"t have to be cage inside the palace any longer. She can finally be a free bird that can soar in the sky.


Drizella"s strength is slowly slipping away from her. Her mana is really low right now from summoning Coco and creating that knife. To add, she hasn"t recovered fully yet but here she is getting more damage than necessary.

Her eyelids are dropping and her mind is giving her body the respond to SLEEP! "F*ck this!" was her closing words as her eyes closed and she wobbles to the ground.

When she woke up, a smiling face was staring happily at her. Her smile was so dazzling that Drizella has to cover her eyes. She tries peaking at Jasmine but she really can"t... not with that smile and all the sparkling stars in the background!

"Nah! Show me your contracted spirit!" Jasmine loudly proclaimed.

Drizella who was still covering her eyes, "Um... can the princess please tone down the sparkling stars first."

Jasmine made a face of confusion and her main maid sigh as she pulls her away from the bed and into a chair.

Not sensing a presence near her, Drizella peak through her hands. She gives a sigh of relief. However, she can still feel that sprinkling stare from her side. With no way out, she brings her hand out and an insignia emerges as a baby white tiger leap out. The baby tiger look around and turn around as it lay snuggle on Drizella"s lap like a cat.

WOW! My...! Coco really is good at acting even though...Coco is not a real tiger.

Jasmine jumps up from the chair and picks up the white tiger laying on Drizella"s lap. The hands that touch Coco scared it that it turned around and scratch Jasmine"s hand, making her drop him.

Jasmine touches her hand, feeling the pain but before long with a glow, the scratches on her hand disappear as if there was nothing there. Drizella was a shock, Jasmine has healing magic like Cinderella but her magic is more advanced than Cinderella"s. Cinderella is only capable of healing others physical wounds while Jasmine already reaches the point of healing her own wounds.

Jasmine turns to look at the person laying on the bed. Even though half of her face and most of her body is covered in bandages, she can still tell that the girl is surprised, "Sorry. I can"t do anything with your wounds. I try healing you but it just doesn"t work must be due to your second awakening. Anyway, what is your name? I can"t just keep calling you, you."

Drizella is a bit conflicted about what to say and about her having her second awakening. But, she still answers honestly, "The name is Daisy, princess."

Jasmine smile: "I"ll call you Daisy in private and... I"ll give you the name Nur meaning light. You are my light! Starting today Nur is my bodyguard so get well soon... Also in private, Nur should call me Jasmine instead of princess. You are my bodyguard and my first friend!"


"So what do you think, father?" Noah asks the man sitting on the chair comfortably. Even if Noah called him father, he isn"t Noah"s real father. There are similar facial features between them and the blood that runs inside them are somehow connected, they are not father and son.

He side glance at the boy with a cold gaze just like him, "Do what she likes."

Noah gives a bow and left the room as he enters another room. The room is the bedroom of the Sultan of the Desert Empire. The inside is rather extravagant than the room from where he came from. Laying on the bed with closed eyes is the sultan.

As he near the bed, the sultan slowly opens his eyes and look at him. He told the events that have happened so far with Jasmine and about her wanting a bodyguard close to her age. He consulted with him about what to do and what not to.

The Emperor nodded slightly agreeing and closes his eyes. Even if he was told the story and didn"t see the real thing, he still knows and believes since he is the Sultan of one of the greatest nations.


The soft hand place on Leon"s forehead retreated as the woman sat down and took a sip of tea. She announces: "My grandson doesn"t have to worry so much. His conditions are stable meaning that the master is too. Now that my supposed great-grandson is fine, why don"t my grandson tell me what is really going on?"

For the first half of the story, Francis felt that there was no point in telling her since she can already guess what happened. Instead, he just told bits of the first and jump to the point of how Leon was created.

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