She walk down the road with no destination in sight. Her thoughts are all jumble up as she pieces all the memories of Xuehau together.

Following this direction should lead me to where Xiao Lizi and Xiao Mimi are. Drizella wonder why those two would leave their young miss alone and even more endangered her life. Even if she wonders so there was no one to answer her. Asking those two might lead to some mistakes and rallying on Xuehau"s memories isn"t going to work for her.

Drizella might have Xuehau"s memories, only they are disoriented and she can"t tell what is what, where is where... all the 5 W"s... which include the how. She just hope that she will get a clearer understanding later on when Xuehau really trust her.

Her opinion about why she received Xuehau"s memories this time around when she possesses this body is due to trust or a connection. She helped Xuehau completed the mission the crown prince give her without her (Xuehau"s) body having a sever injuries.

She got most of the basic ideas down such as Xuehau"s full name, her family, her personality, and her obsessive love towards the crown prince.

...Just thinking about Xuehau"s love gives her gooseb.u.mps and make her hair stand on end.

She kept on walking aimlessly until she heard children"s voices not so far away. As she closes in, she was hoping to hear children laughter like where children play around in the playground instead it lend into cursing at someone and kicking that someone. She stared wide eye...parents of this generation don"t teach their children proper manners.

"What is a person like you doing here. You belong in a pig coop. Get out of here."

"Don"t even think about being close or near the fifth princess. Some like you is below her."

"I heard that you don"t have any parents. And also the one to cause their death."

"Why are you still here and not disappearing from our sight..."

That person was dress neatly but with all the mud and dirt from the kicking, his neat clothes are ruined. He only crunch down into a ball, allowing the other kids to kick and curse him. There was no resistance from him, he only protected his head with his tiny arms and hand. However, when he heard them badmouthing his parents, he didn"t take it laying down instead he tried to fight back. Yet, his efforts bear no fruit as the kids only beat him harder to admission.

Looking closely... isn"t the kid being bully the kid that I bring along with me? Why is he being treated the same way that Xuehau is being treated by that stupid woman.

Drizella pluck off a st.u.r.dy branch from the tree next to her and was about to head out to teach those kids manners but she hesitated. If she helps the kid it will turn out badly for her and even more the kid. The kid might even come to hate her for interfering and she kept getting a bad feeling about her interference.

Instead of showing up she can still help him while staying hidden. She knows that this world uses spiritual power instead of mana. Following the flow of energy inside Xuehau"s detain she directed the energy into her fingertips and the branch she"s holding.

Maybe she put too much energy into the stick as it explodes right in front of her. Her hand holding the stick was bruise with little twigs sticking out of her skin. She hide that hand under her sleeve as she tried again with a leaf instead of branch. it took her a couple of tries before the leaves didn"t explodes to smitherns. After all those failed tries, she understands that the concept of energy flow and power is the same as mana.

Drizella gathered more leaves from the trees around her. She poured just the right amount of spiritual power into each of the leaves. Instead of sending the leaves with her spiritual energy; she blow it with her mouth and allows the wind to carry the leaves with it. Her only job is making the leaves. .h.i.t.

She messed the timing of the first three leaves. The next two didn"t went the way she wants. The last few, she got the hang of directing the leaves with the wind.

"Och... What hit me?!" one of the kid screamed out.

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"Stop being a baby and help me tear this kid off of me!" the kid that seems like the leader shouted out to the other.

One of them felt something slicing through his arm. He touched that arm and saw red blood on his hand. He cried out and felt more cutting sensations on his body.

The others started feeling the same sensations. They look at each other with disbelieving eyes and ran off screaming "GHOST!"

The last of the kid; the leader quickly dumped the kid (Shen Yuan) holding him with a hard and st.u.r.dy kick into the stomach. He ran away following the other kids.

Shen Yuan, the kid who was beaten, cough up blood as he hold his belly.

Just then, the girl who parted with him before appeared, holding him up. With a sad and hurt expression she said, "I"m sorry, Shen Yuan. Because of me..."

Shen Yuan shock his head as he explains, "It"s not your fault, Zheng Wu. It"s just my luck."

As he finish saying that he picked up three blood stained green leaves from the ground. He didn"t know that there were more than three leaves. Those blood stains on the leaves were the only clue that helps him identify them. As he hold the leaves he can felt the spiritual energy as it seep away like smoke, becoming an everyday leave.

The spiritual energy wasn"t very powerful yet tranquil and clear. It flows and gone like water and snow. Warm and cold to the touch.

"Thank you for helping me," Shen Yuan said as he grip the leaves tightly.

Zheng Wu was confuse. She didn"t do anything to help; she saw him getting beaten up and only supporting him now. Even though she knew she wasn"t the one who really helped him she said, "Of course I will help Shen Yuan. I told you not to call Zhang Wu. I"m am still the same person so call me as before. Wu"er like before."

When they met again, Shen Yuan told her his name now and she told him hers. After he never called her the same as before.


Drizella didn"t think that it would be so hard, she thought it would be easy-pasy lemon-squeezy. It was harder than just throwing it.

Drizella didn"t know that almost no others could do what she could. She didn"t leave many evidence behind by by using nature resources such as her spiritual power. She only uses a bit for the leaves and directing.

Seeing the two person and the atmosphere surrounding them, she directed her footsteps onto the direction she came from.

She doesn"t want to disturb or get involve with lovebirds. Kids this days get lovers so easily. That girl is a very good liar. So young and already so poisonous. Her name is Zhang Wu... She (Drizella) felt she got to watch out for that girl in the future.

What she didn"t know was that Shen Yuan caught sight of her pink long sleeve as she head away.


Shen Yuan heard a crisp sound from the side where those that hurt him left. His eyes follow there to not see the person but a pink inbreeding with white flower long sleeve and a b.l.o.o.d.y hand tuck inside. It was swift but he remembered it.

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