They landed without any problems, the sun was brightly s.h.i.+ning in the sky and the only thing they can see is sand; golden sand all around them.

The humid, hot weather without any breezes coming makes them sweat without ends. Each step they take, bring the heat in more. Without any water to soothe their thirst, they can only gulp down the tiny amount of saliva they have in their mouth.

Drizella wipes the sweat from her forehead as she glances at the other children and Cinderella. Every one of them is tired from being dragged as they walk. The girls with delicate hands and arms are all bruised as they are pulled by their arm chain to keep up with the pace.

Cinderella"s rosy complexion has turned pale as she can"t lift up her hands to wipes the sweat around her forehead.

Being unable to see these sort of treatment, Drizella run, stumble and run towards the front to have a little chat with the merchants.

She was clearly out of breath but she still holds her ground as she clears her throat and said while walking along with the camel, "Mr. Merchant... what is your occupation?"

The leading merchant glances down to see a girl walking alongside the camel he"s riding. From all the years he has been a merchant, no slave has taken the initiative to talk to him. This girl is brave or she just has a stupid mind. He answered, "Don"t you see with your own eyes?"

Drizella makes an "AH!" face as she replied, "Mr. Merchant isn"t just any kind of merchant but a... slave merchant and the best...kindest...richest merchant there is!?"

The merchant hearing "best, kindest, richest" felt proud inside. He nodded his head also reluctantly allows the girl to continue.

"So then... the slaves have to be in best condition for Mr. Merchant to be the best, kindest, richest person there is. ...But...they don"t seem to be in top condition. Wouldn"t Mr. Merchant"s privileges go down like this if customers see." Drizella carefully sounded out.

The slave merchant quickly turns back to see that what the girl says is correct. His slaves" conditions aren"t in top shape. Customers in the deserts tend to pay higher for girls and boys with pale skin not dark skin. He can"t allow all his slaves to turn black or have any sunburns. He looks back at the girl below him. He snorted as he dug into the bag and pulled out ten or so white coverings. Throwing them at the girl, he rushes his horse to go faster.

The merchant holding the end of the chain scrutinize her as his camel also pa.s.s her.

Drizella breathes a sigh of relief as she waited for five seconds allowing the others to reach her. She places the coverings on each of the child"s head to ease the heat from getting into them.

Elijah places his on her head, making her confused as she tries to pa.s.s onto her.

"I don"t need it. You need it more than me since you are a gorilla, you get more sweaty." Elijah proclaims.

Drizella smile as she places the covering on his head: "You need it more than me. Look at your appearance. Besides, you are more important."

She walks a mile before the heat really got to her. A covering was placed on top of her head again. She wanted to yell out "Won"t you stop bothering me. I already said I don"t need it!" but hold it in when she saw that it was the crown prince.

Doing the same action towards the prince again. She marches further into the starting line up avoiding the three people who want to help her.


Rackets and exchanges can be heard from all around them. Quarreling, shouting and clas.h.i.+ng surround them.

The bidding for slaves and objects is heating up as cash are thrown everywhere just for a person"s life.

Drizella holds onto Cinderella"s hand, a.s.suring her that everything is alright. But she somehow felt like this setting is off. The person who"s supposed to hold her hand and a.s.sure her isn"t her but the crown prince. She"s taking all the scene away from the prince. How would Cinderella and Sean"s love develop with her intervention? ...Only it has become a habit of silently protecting Cinderella under her mother"s watchful eyes.

She quickly shakes her hand off and walks to the back, leaving Cinderella alone by herself.

She really needs to think of a way out. Why hasn"t Leon come yet... don"t tell her that he"s playing the stranger now!

Her hands her trembling, her head felt hot, and her breathing is coming a little irrational. Is she nervous and scared, that"s why these syndromes are appearing.

The sky was turning orange mixed with red, showing it"s evening. It is finally their turn to be auction off.

"Elijah, you know what to do right," Sean whispered to him.

Elijah nodded his head. Even with the black device on them, as long as their mana is stronger than the black device, they can break free. However, their mana isn"t that developed yet so they can only tamper with the black device all the way to where they are.

The leading merchant marches into the tent signaling the others to bring the last couple of slaves out.

The big, fat, largest merchant from all the others, with a mirth thumb into Cinderella gasping her delicate arm tightly. He picks her up by her arm and practically swings her in the air.

Cinderella cries out in agony as her arm was stretch and with only time to catch her breath, she fainted.

Sean watching the spectacle, can"t endure his turmoil as he leaps out and kicks the fat merchant on the legs. With the black device on his neck already broken, his kick has more power with the usage of mana. The kick unstabilizes the fat man"s balance and he falls on the ground unconscious. His hold on Cinderella loosens. Seeing her head close to touching the ground, Sean swiftly catches her in his embrace.

n.o.body can"t say that Sean doesn"t have feelings for Cinderella but those feelings haven"t developed into the profound feeling of love. He sees her as someone who could be his friend and companion.

Elijah broke out of the black device and hurried to grab the keys on the fallen fat man"s waist. Unlocking the chains on his hands and arms. Next, he proceeds to do the same for Cinderella, Sean, and the others, but he left Drizella last.

As he unlocks her chains, he can see that there was something different about her complexion. Even if she put on a face of being fine, sweats are dripping from her forehead, clearly showing that she"s not.

He touches her forehead and the hotness from her makes him curse out loud, "How did a gorilllike you caught a cold in such warm weather!"

Her voice softly said, "Sh...t... up! We should... hurry th...n."

Sean throws the earing hanging on his ear. The earing glow as it was filled with Sean"s own mana and a magic circle like insignia appears. The insignia is a variety of a magic circle, this sort of magic circle can only be developed by the royal family using their s.p.a.ce magic.

Sean directed the children to walk into the magic circle. They all stood in the magic circle waiting to return home.

"Hurry! My mana can"t hold the transport for long before the others come," Sean shouted out towards Elijah who"s still with Drizella.

"Yeah. Coming..." he turns back to only experience Drizella blocking off a punch for him.

"Where do you, little rats think you"re going," the big fat man who was knocked out before angerly shouted as he swings his arms around.

She pushes him towards the magic circle as she shouted with a mouth full of blood, "Hurry! Do it now!"

Sean hesitated and Elijah wanted to get out of the magic circle to help her but he couldn"t.

"Leaving one behind is better than leaving all behind. You as the next crown should know that better than anyone. ...I just have one request... protect..." before she could finish her sentence the fat merchant throw another punch landing straight on her stomach.

She coughs up blood as she yelled, "GO! I"ll be alright."

Sean clenched his fists as he pours mana into the magic circle.

Sensing the change in the magic circle, Elijah gripped Sean by the collar as he rages out, "Why are you leaving her behind."

"I have no choice, sorry," those words were the only words he can voice out of his mouth. He also wasn"t willing to leave someone behind but... in the end, he has too.

They all vanish into thin air leaving Drizella behind. While she seeing that they all have left, she felt relief and fainted.

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