Jasmine took the stage before one of the other girls could. She backing Drizella to follow her onto the stage. She claps her hands drawing everyone"s attention towards her. With a smile on her lovely small face, she announces with confidence, "What"s the usage of watching such a boring show continuing. Let"s spice things up. My personal servant here is proficient in the four arts. If any of you think you can outsmart her I will award that person with 1 gold coin."

Huh! Drizella blinks her eyes. She being proficient in the four arts. How comes up with that idea! She can"t even sing right, don"t know any music, let"s not talk about dancing. The only thing she is good at is fighting, fighting, fighting, and fighting... also getting on people"s nerves.

Even if she wants to say something right now, she is just a slave; a servant. What"s more, everyone was laughing merrily, clapping their hands, and announcing "good. good." There is no way she can intervene in this matter. Intervening means she has to watch for her neck or it will be rolling on the ground.

Everyone saw Jasmine smile like an angel"s smile. Drizella saw it as the devil smiling evilly at her and pus.h.i.+ng her to her death.

"Princess wouldn"t mind if I take charge right," Drizella bows her head as she said to Jasmine. If she can take charge she can make the rules and develop a plan for herself.

Jasmine nodded her head. She also thinks that is a wonderful idea. She doesn"t know what Daisy can do and cannot do. With Daisy taking charge, she can do what she wants to win.

Drizella claps her hands, drawing everyone"s attention towards her. Even though she is very nervous and wants to run away, she still stands her ground. With everyone"s stare at her, she speaks calmly, "I believe it"ll be more fun if I"m not the only one from the princesses side to compete... Or having a handicap is better for everyone?"

The guests and officials were gossiping and discussing in whispers. The fourth princess couldn"t stand her younger sister getting all the limelight. She laughs jokingly as she commands her own personal maid who is known for her dancing to come forward. The fourth princess said, "Sixth sister wouldn"t mind if I join in right?"

Jasmine swallows the grape in her hand and said, "Of course not. We shouldn"t make it so unfair to the other party. Is there another person..."
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"Then my own servant!" the second prince exclaimed cheerfully. He snaps his finger two times and a girl covered in black appear behind him. She salutes the second prince, waiting for her command.

When the girl suddenly appears out of the blue almost everyone got a scare. The second prince told her what she is supposed to do. She steps onto the stage, standing face to face with Drizella. Drizella didn"t seem to freeze up when she just suddenly appear, it"s almost like she was antic.i.p.ating for the girl to appear in front of her.

Drizella announces, "Since there are three of us lets compete in singing, dancing, and playing an instrument. There are no rules and the audience would declare the winner from each round. There will be three rounds for the three categories. Please choose the best players from your tribe to compete. We don"t want others to misunderstand, that we are bullying others."

The audience nodded in agreement. They don"t know who the girl with the half mask is however, they are starting to like her. She really does know how to amaze people. She even got them the audience involves not leaving anyone out. The girl didn"t make the contest long or short, just moderate for them to enjoy and not get bored.

The two tribes each choose the best singer, dancer, and instrumental to compete against the three girls.

Drizella knows the two girls are good at the four arts or else why would the fourth princess and second prince choose them. Especially the girl covered in black. She from her looks to her attire is a secret guard who specializes in killing yet he chooses her for this kind of contest. The second prince must have enormous trust in her.

The contest began with dancing. The first to go up is the fourth princess"s personal maid. She dances in grace, flowing the flow of the music. In a heartbeat, everyone was intrigued by her dancing. When it was the other twos turn, they didn"t have the courage to stand on stage or dance. The second is the second prince"s secret guard. Her singing voice can relax the mind and thinking back to the dance before it makes a perfect combination. Her voice wasn"t low or too high as the wind seems to carry it. It makes people want to listen to forever and never forget. The voices afterward couldn"t even match up to the voice they heard before.

The third match was up. It was finally Drizella"s turn to show off her bad performance. As she was grabbing the instrument she chose. One of the girls who would also be performing on the third match whimper, "For the first two contests the other side got to go first. For this last one, it"s alright if we go first right? We don"t want to be outcasted and not get to show our skills."

Even if Drizella really wants to go first so that those two could cover up her bad performance later on. She can"t now or rumors would definitely spread; "the royal family only want to show their outstanding performers so they always go first and put pressure on the other tribes." Drizella has no choice but to answer with an "o.k." allowing them to go first.

The music carries with the wind into each listeners ears. Blissful, happy, and enjoyment in the tone as it lingers in everyone"s ear. One was better than the other, everyone can see clearly between the two.

Drizella changes the instrument she grabbed into a bamboo flute. The flute was the only thing she knows to play in her last life and the only instrument her grandfather made her out of wood. He taught her some clever trick, along with songs with it.

She decides to use a song she has always practice and seeming special to her to play. At first, the rhythm was off making everyone cover their ear. As she plays the rhythm and tone flow into their ear on its own. Unlike the others were the wind carries it, this one seems to flow along with the light breeze intervening and shaping. It was a love melody, a very beautiful love melody however, from the girl it was a very sad melody, trying to hide all her pain and suffering from her love. It was different from the others which indicate joy and entertainment. This instrumental song just hit them in their heartstring, they don"t want to listen to feel more sad, at the same time they can"t forget it.

By instinct, she moves the bamboo flute from her lip to clash with a sword coming towards Jasmine. The music that was pulling their heartstring stop with the sudden attack on the sixth princess. From the height and style of the man, Drizella realizes it was the same man from before. While the man was clueless why the person in front of him has tears flowing down her face.

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