Amelia was waiting impatiently by the door with Ana and Lia. She kept pacing back and forth, each turn she"ll watch the snowy forest to see if her husband and Drizella are back yet.

Today was the Awakening Ceremony that is only held during when a generation of children turned five. The Awakening Ceremony only happen during the first day of the new year. If Drizella didn"t make it, she won"t be able to the next year. The only except is that if the child is a n.o.ble or the family is wealth they might be able to go the next year.

She didn"t think that her husband would be so selfish as to drag their first granddaughter out to hunt when he knows what day today is.

"Grandma, come inside it"s cold out. Sister and grandpa will return soon," Anastasia peek her head out of the house.

Amalia shakes her head willing to stay outside even if she freeze to death, she has to give that husband of hers a piece of her mind. She moved the other two to go inside and keep Anastasia company.

"Grandma! Grandma!" Look what w..ww...eee..." Drizella didn"t even manage to finish her sentence before Amalia drag her into the house as she gives an angered glare at her husband.

Amalia quickly gives her a bath and dress her in the peach color dress her mother bought for her. The dress was simple with a wide satin belt and some roses to the side. The whole dress was a peach color. Ana did her style her hair into a braid to the side while Lia went to get her coat, shoes, and hat ready. There was little to no make-up so Ana applies a pink rose paste on Drizella"s lips to add some color to her face.

"Wow! Look at how lovely my granddaughter is! She is a real beauty. Ahh... I really love looking at beauties!" Amalia said with a face full of smiles and clapping her hands together near her face as she tilted her face to the side where her hands are.

Drizella jokingly said, "I feel like I"m being wed off rather than going to the Awakening Ceremony and aren"t you too old to be admiring beauties now grandma. We the young ones should do the admiring and picking now and you... just sit back and watch."

Amalia: "Shus.h.!.+ What nonsense are you saying? You are too young to be marrying off and understand how a man"s heart work. Just leave the admiring to old people like us... we won"t get into any trouble with our admiring while... you youngsters bring trouble wherever you are. Now hurry up and don"t be late to the gate."

Lia arranges a peach color derby hat on top of her head. The hat has a simple style, flat brim decorates, and white florals that are tied into a bow at the side. She dips a black cloak made of fur on her shoulder while Amalia shoves her out of the door with words: "We"ll come later so do your best."

Being all dress up splendidly, Drizella wants to see her new appearance but she was short on time. Feeling like she was being played with and toss out she yelled: "Grandma!! Grandpa said you"re an old hag who doesn"t match him!"

She heard cras.h.i.+ng noise inside the house and the weeping shrieks of someone but she didn"t care. She only sticks out her tongue and thinks that person deserves what he got.


"Can you wait for a bit more!" one girl who was cloak in a white cloak with a hood worriedly plead as she watches the forest for a familiar figure.

The man who is in charge of transporting the children that live in the forest near Haleigh to the capital angerly stated, "Ten minutes and that"s it! No more or no less!!"

The girl nodded her head. She turns around towards the other four kids but they also have worried looks. Everyone is worried that, that someone won"t make it or that they would miss the Awakening Ceremony that only come when they are five years old.

After a while, the driver checks his pocket watch and exclaimed, "Five minutes to go."

Why did he get the job of transporting children that have no t.i.tle? There was no one wanting the job and he, who went to the Church to drop off his daughter was chosen to do the job.

The sound of light footsteps can be heard coming closer to where they are. The footsteps stop and a girl with a black cape made out of fur enter their line of sight. Her face is slightly pale, her two cheeks and ear are chop red and her breathing was inconstant. Seeing her out of breath the man knows that she hurried here and didn"t waste a single second to rest.

He hurriedly called, "Come on we don"t have all day!"

Drizella hurried over to were the others are standing. She took a deep breath, bow down, and said, "I"m sorry for making everyone wait. I"ll make it up to you guys later."

The man who is in charge was surprised at this girl"s honest att.i.tude. From all the people he has met from his youth to when he"s an adult not many is willing to admit to their mistakes. They try to find another way out or place the blame on someone else.

"Of course you have to make it for us later!" the girl hoof as she crosses her arms, a second later she laughs. "By telling us three stories for free!" she grinned showing three fingers.

Drizella sighed, she was expecting them to ask for something unreasonable. If they weren"t people she knows and has helped her a lot her family a lot, she wouldn"t have been so honest and do what they want. She nodded her head understanding and keeping to her promise.

The man takes out a rectangle transporting scroll with red beautiful markings on one side. He tore the scroll in halve which created a small whirlpool below them that became bigger and bigger. It spread out cutting into the grounds with its sharp blades, creating a magic circle that s.h.i.+nes bright blue. With the s.h.i.+ning of the blue light, their body slowly disperses into thin air. Drizella notices that even though the wind cut the ground there was no damage to the trees and as they disappear the cut lines also disappear leaving no trace behind.


The blue light s.h.i.+nes again and they appear in a city busting with people and noise everywhere, not at the forest where they were before. The man was proud with how they were behaving. He crossed his arm around his chest and stare up at the sky with an aura of being lofty.

Drizella was like every one of them but she became bored after just a second. She thought that the place would be busting like the big cities in Earth but... no not at all. This wasn"t even compared to New York City, Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing, or Moscow. Whatever, she doesn"t care, what she care is if they have phones or some other electronics that she can use. Living a life as a commoner is good but without those... her life is worse than a bug. Now she knows why people don"t like transmigrating into the past... because there was no television, no phones, no iPhones, or anything. The only reason they are willing is that they are forced to, have some kind of overwhelming power, artifacts, revenge or friends that stick through with them... another reason is that they can build a harem!!!

And she... she has nothing. She only knows that this is some kind of Cinderella story but the setting and everything is almost different. She doesn"t know the story plots so that"s no help, she doesn"t have an artifact, she doesn"t have compa.s.sion for changing the world or inventing something... she has nothing! ...The only thing she has is her past memories which aren"t very useful and... not the best.

"h.e.l.loooo! Earth to Drizella!" The girl waves her hand in front of Drizella"s face as she called her name out. "Are you that impress at Ingnard, the capital of Zovaidel Kingdom."

Drizella: "Uh. Sure."

From hearing her answer the man felt like her answer was very half-a.s.s but seeing the other children excited expression, he decided that the girl isn"t worth his time for getting mad. She also seems to be the leader of these children, even though she"s so young. He, himself can"t do something like that even when he"s young so he really does admire her.

They arrive at a big gate with lions stationed at the side as decoration and white flower decorations on the firm of the big gate that is open. There were many people inside but mostly all of them are children the same age as Drizella and the rest.

"Please go inside." The man motioned them.

Drizella let the others went first. Before going in, she turns to the man and asks, "What"s your name, Mister."

"The name is Michael Bachhuber. Please also take care of my daughter Marguerite... She"s in a yellow dress so you"ll spot her easily." The man answered and requested her.

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