Beloved Marriage in High Society

Chapter 6. Won’t post it in Wattpad for now since it’s down. We added a diagram for the family relations. Thanks to KainGuru for the help. (^_^)v


Here’s the first part of Chapter 6. Won’t post it in Wattpad for now since it’s down. We added a diagram for the family relations. Thanks to KainGuru for the help. (^_^)v


Chapter 6.1: The first love sentence of his life, “You have to eat well.”

Author: Jianjia Nizi

Translator: chiangyushien

Proofreader: Lonelycauliflower

“Today, I’ll also go back to the old house. Our Seventh, sit together with me, okay.” (T/N: Meng Qi was obviously talking to Meng Ting but at the same time, asking permission from Feng Zejiao)

While he was speaking to Feng Zejiao, Meng Qi glanced and still could only see the top of Meng Ting’s bowed head.

For Feng Zejiao, Meng Qi’s willingness to go back to the old house made her naturally pleased. Meng Qi wanted to talk to Meng Ting. She also could not find any reason to refute. In fact, all the more did she feel that this foolish, slow-witted boy’s luck was pretty good. Both Gu Lang and Meng Qi had a good impression of him.

However, Meng Ting was quite sure that he did not want to sit together with Meng Qi who forcibly kissed a man and even groped him. That had a great impact on Meng Ting so he shook his head: “I’ll sit with you.” (T/N: he said to Feng Zejiao.)

After Meng Qi finished talking, he went to the car that Meng Ting and Feng Zejiao got in.

The end result, however, has not changed a thing. Feng Zejiao was coaxed by Meng Qi to sit in his car. In the end, he sat beside Meng Ting. After that, Meng Qi looked at him with a doting face, as if he was looking at a wayward little lover. He was very clingy.

Eventually, Meng Ting lifted his eyes to look at him. It was a strange and puzzling sight. He thought Meng Qi’s expression was rather strange, but he had nothing more to say.

“Hey, turn around and let me take a look.”

Meng Ting heard what Meng Qi had said so he immediately turned his head. His eyes were indifferent, but his body was indistinctly on the lookout. If this Meng Qi would dare to flirt with him, Meng Ting guaranteed he would definitely give him a deep impression.

Firstly, he was not as impressive as Yan Sui. He was sitting too casually which easily exposed his weak points. Meng Ting was more than seventy percent sure that he could make a move to oppose him.

Fortunately, Meng Qi was only brave enough to be interested in his face for the time being. Meng Ting was not communicative. He also could not find a reason to force him to be. Admiring his eyes, he thought of some beautiful woman who dumped him.

“Heartless beauty, I don’t know whether you’re also like this or not?” Meng Qi asked.

Meng Ting did not reply to what he said, he did not even turn to look. He just fixed his eyes to stare at Meng Qi, but his eyes were erratic. Meng Qi could feel that although Meng Ting was looking at him, his mind had long drifted away.

Meng Qi measured Meng Ting with his eyes again and looked at him a few times, and then he stopped looking. He was a soulless beauty, and was actually boring. He still could not compare to a certain someone who dumped him. This made him think about Su Siyu again. Meng Qi also did not make fun of Meng Ting’s mood anymore.

When they returned to the Meng’s residence, it was almost dawn. Everyone dispersed.

After taking a bath, Meng’s Ting thoughts were like an awful pile of mess. He then stumbled to sleep. He woke up on time the next morning at half past five. He went out for a jog then came back. He picked up two sandwiches and milk, because he did not intend to go out of the door again.

An hour later, he received breakfast and a mobile phone from the person named Gu Lang who had been sent by Yan Sui. A servant in the Meng’s residence delivered it to him. Meng Ting was very nervous when he took it, but the servant bent forward to bow and she did not say anything.

He was dazed for a long time. He was completely at peace down in his heart. After that, he took the food box to the center of the table with great care.

He plopped on the bed and turned on the mobile phone. Of course, the first contact was Yan Sui. Meng Ting also knew these two characters — Yan Sui. He played with the mobile phone for a long time. Suddenly, the mobile phone rang, scaring him so much that the phone almost flew out of his hands.

Meng Ting tapped on the answer key, then put the phone next to his ear, “h.e.l.lo?”

“It’s me,” the voice of a matured man sounded in his ear, and Meng Ting’s eyes immediately lit up.

“Yan Sui!”

Meng Ting was very happy to call Yan Sui’s name. Then he wrapped his body in a quilt and curled up, but he immediately lowered his voice right after that. He was afraid that his conversation with Yan Sui would be heard by other people.

“I’ve received the meal that you’ve sent for me, and also the mobile phone.”

“You haven’t eaten it?” Yan Sui was also unable to say for sure why he made this phone call, but after hearing Meng Ting’s voice, his heart calmed down. He was his soon-wedded wife. A phone call would not be surprising.

For a moment, Meng Ting hesitated to tell him the truth.

“I want to keep it for lunch, I already ate a sandwich.”

In fact, he went to get sandwiches, mainly because he was afraid that the meal that Yan Sui wanted to send him could not reach the Meng’s residence. The bottom line was because he still did not believe Yan Sui. He felt a loss of guilt.

“I’m sorry, I’m not sure if you’d sent it or not. I’ll go ahead and eat it first.”

Holding on to his mobile phone as he spoke, Yan Sui could not help but to raise the tip of his eyebrows. Listening to his voice, he could almost visualize Meng Ting’s guilty look. However, they actually only met each other yesterday, but he was unexpectedly so impressed with him.

“You can’t eat anymore?”

“I can eat more.” Meng Ting was still telling the truth. The big portion of fried rice with egg yesterday had completely exposed his appet.i.te. Maybe after being starved for too many times, Meng Ting was not sure when he would be able to eat enough. He had already developed the habit of saving his food.

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