Author: Jianjia Nizi

Translator: NancyChen3

Proofreader: KainGuru

Feeling the warm hand on top of his head, Meng Ting lifted his eyes as he looked upon him. He softly pressed his lips together before a slight smile emerged on his face.

"You"ve arrived."

Including the time when Yan Sui brought him supper, this time was only the third time they had met; but it was impossible to tell that they had only known each for a short span of time, judging by their familiarity and closeness.

Meng Ting stared at Yan Sui"s hand while he felt all types of complex emotions deep within.
This beautiful little brother of Meng Qi — it appeared he had already captured Yan Sui"s heart even though he has not even married him yet, and he allowed Yan Sui to touch his head, while Meng Qi would get punched as soon as he touched his hand. The treatment was indeed way too different.

The people that were more dumbfounded than Meng Qi were the crowd of onlookers in the hall. When Meng Qi walked around to greet them with Meng Ting, they did not make any innuendo about Meng Ting"s ident.i.ty as an illegitimate son, but they purposely, or perhaps… Unconsciously displayed a sense of alienation which, in turn, discriminated and segregated Meng Ting from the rest of them.

They wanted Meng Ting to understand that he would never be able to a.s.similate into their circle. Furthermore, they would never lower their style and status for him either.

When the alienation lingered, Yan Sui showed them otherwise — as if slapping their faces. A guy like him was even treating a person with such affection, what right did the rest of them have to act like while alienating and drawing a demarcation line toward Meng Ting?!

Yan Sui"s pupils darkened as his gaze swept to Meng Qi who was standing beside Meng Ting. Thereafter, the hand that was on top of Meng Ting"s head moved down to hold his arms. In seconds, Yan Sui slid his hand down further before he took hold of his hand.

"Come with me. Let’s go for a walk?"

"Okay." Meng Ting held onto his hand as well before he lightly nodded. Subsequently, he was led out of the hall by Yan Sui in front of mult.i.tudes of gazes.

After walking away from the hall for a while, Yan Sui still did not let go of his hand. When he was certain no one in the surrounding area could hear their words, he paused his footsteps, while conveniently pulling Meng Ting to a stop, too. All the while, the hand that was holding onto Meng Ting"s hand still did not let go.

Meng Ting"s face was very good-looking; however, his hand was not that great-looking. The palm of his right hand had a long and thin scar. There were also some small scars between the knuckles. Some were probably from a long time ago and some were left from not long ago.

The information he knew about Meng Ting flashed by in his mind. Initially he felt it was very detailed, but that did not seem enough anymore. At the very least, the information when he was isolated for three years during high school was way too vague.

"Can you tell me now why you"re not happy?"
Meng Ting did not think Yan Sui was that sharp, where he was able to see the tiniest of unhappiness that was left in him.

The lights in his eyes had sunken slightly as they moved toward their entangled hands. He eventually spoke after a long while.

"Yan Sui, I feel you"ll regret what you"ve promised before."
"I"m probably more stupid than what I’ve told you. No, it’s a lot more stupid."

At first, he thought as long as he tried with utmost effort to treat Yan Sui well after he married him, then everything would be fine. However, reality showed him — that would not be remotely enough. In his mind, he was not good enough for Yan Sui. He was far from it. There was an immeasurable distance between him and being a qualified "wife."

"There are things I might not be able to learn how to do it, ever."

Feeling utterly dispirited, if only he was smarter, even just by a tiny bit, then him and Yan Sui would not have a gulf in between them where it was impossible to leap over. If he was smarter, at the most, he merely needed to work harder and take a bit of detour — to get there.

"Such as?" Yan Sui listened as he remained calm as usual, while the corner of his eyes emerged with traces of gentle creases from the smile. At that very moment, he was no longer cold, he was warm and gentle. Unknowingly, Meng Ting had given him warmth and gentleness.

"Such as, speaking." When he faced occasions where he had to speak, either he would say something wrong or he would not be able to speak a single word.

"Such as, fake smile…." It was not possible for him to learn that type of smile. For him, if one was truly unhappy, why was there a need to smile at all?!

"Also, everything they understand, I don’t." The fashion or the brand… In Meng Ting"s eyes, the difference was merely long sleeve or short sleeve and summer or winter clothes.

He thought to himself before he added another line, as if he had accepted his misfortune, "Even if you got someone to teach me, I won’t be able to get it. I’m too stupid."

Meng Ting was still afraid to look at Yan Sui"s face, he was afraid to see regret in his expressions. Even he, himself, felt it was only rightful for Yan Sui to go back on his promise. Or perhaps, for Yan Sui, the earlier he resiled the wiser he would be; stopping, in the nick of time, the loss from occurring by not marrying such a stupid person as him.

Yan Sui used his other hand to comfort Meng Ting"s face, then he moved his hand down below his chin, raising the head that had been hanging low.

"I"ve said this before, I will not go back on my promise." Previously, it was because of He Wan, but from now on — it was not. He looked toward Meng Ting"s eyes that had suddenly opened wider, while he attentively differentiated the color and radiance beneath those eyes, causing a faint smile to emerge, yet again.

"Who said you"re stupid?"

"A lot of people have said that…" Except for the tutor from the university. The people he had encountered, even if they did not say it, it was clear from their att.i.tude that this was what they thought. Regardless of how well he was able to blend and harmonize perfumes, those people still looked at him pitifully.

In fact, he truly did not like that type of pitifulness.

"I don’t think you are." Yan Sui"s thumb slowly moved upward, just as it was about to touch Meng Ting"s cherry colored lips, he pulled back. "Every one of us are good at certain things and aren’t expert on certain things. It"s just that you haven"t found something you"re truly great at yet."

Yan Sui let loose of his hands and held onto his shoulders instead, then he continued. "Even if you don’t find what you are great at in this lifetime, it doesn’t matter. As my wife, there"s no need to speak to so many other people. Also, there"s no need to understand a lot of things. All you have to do is do the things you enjoy doing."

"I like to eat, I like to sleep, is that ok too?"

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