Author : Jianjia Nizi

Translator : FoxyJung

Proofreader : KainGuru

Meng Ting was sitting on Yan Sui"s left side. Yan Sui personally opened the medicated food in front of Meng Ting and carefully looked at Meng Ting"s reaction. He said, "This is the medicated food that Nanny w.a.n.g prepared. Take a look and see whether you can eat it or not. If you can"t, don"t force yourself."

Meng Ting came closer and sniffed it, then he narrowed his eyes. He responded, "It smells good."

Xiao Bo and Nanny w.a.n.g, who looked as serious as they were, immediately let out a sigh of relief. Nanny w.a.n.g smiled kindly and said, "If you like it, then you should eat more. I, Nanny w.a.n.g, am also a bit capable of doing this."

Meng Ting picked up his spoon then he looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him. His eyes opened widened, then he asked, "Aren"t you going to eat?"

"Let"s eat," Yan Sui could not help but smile. He took a few pieces of meat with his chopsticks and some vegetables to Meng Ting"s plate, then he also ate.

Meng Ting finally took the medicated drink that was prepared by Nanny w.a.n.g into his mouth. It smelled like medicine, but it was pleasant to drink. He even drank a few sips of it before he started eating.

He basically did not need to worry about using his chopsticks to pick from the dishes. Whenever the food on his plate ran down to half, Yan Sui would immediately add more food to his plate.

Although Xiao Bo and Nanny w.a.n.g did not serve any dishes for him, that kind of harmony was not hard to feel. This dinner was completely different with dinner at the Mengs" residence, and it was also not the same as when he was eating alone.

He swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Yan Sui who was as calm as a mountain. He said, "When I"m better, I"ll serve food for you, too."

Meng Ting basically did not know how to be good to others, but now that there was someone who was so nice to him, he could learn from the other. No matter what, Yan Sui was so nice to him, so Meng Ting would also do the same for him.

Meng Ting"s eyebrows curved up, his tone was earnest, and his appearance was exceptionally pleasing to the eye. Yan Sui gently nodded and then, he smiled again.

Meng Ting gazed at the table, then he eagerly looked back at Yan Sui and said, "I want that eggplant. It"s really delicious with rice."

"Okay," Yan Sui responded. He stood up and reached out for the dish, then he gave Meng Ting a big portion of it. Meng Ting really ate half a bowl of rice with it.

When he was about to eat the fourth bowl of rice, Yan Sui stopped him, "There"s still medicated food at night. Don"t eat too much."

Meng Ting rubbed his tummy. He was indeed full, but there was still a bit of soup left in the eggplant dish. He thought it was a shame to throw it away, but he had not figured out how to say it to Yan Sui. Yan Sui noticed this so once again, Yan Sui said, "Have another half a bowl."

"Okay." Meng Ting immediately smiled at Yan Sui. What made Yan Sui change his mind was simply because he knew that Meng Ting would smile at him like this.

A 17-to-18-year-old teenager, eating three or four bowls of rice for dinner, was really not too strange. Even though he was still sick, Nanny w.a.n.g and Xiao Bo were very pleased. Their good impression on Meng Ting had sharply increased. Oh, how well-behaved and good to feed this child was.

Meng Ting, who was full now, was nearly half numb on the sofa in the living room. He squinted and held his tummy, but he really enjoyed the feeling of having a full meal, so he liked Yan Sui, who had given him a full meal, even more.

Yan Sui walked over and before he could even say anything, Meng Ting leaned over and hugged his waist. Meng Ting"s furry head was in front of his stomach. Yan Sui reached out and caressed it. He almost forgot what he was going to say.

A moment later, Yan Sui finally said, "Let"s go and take a walk. I"ll show you around."

"Okay," He replied. Meng Ting"s cheek was pasted on his suit. He rubbed and rubbed his face on it and only then did he let go of Yan Sui. Meng Ting looked up at Yan Sui and Yan Sui reached out his hand to him. Meng Ting"s gaze shifted from Yan Sui"s face to his outstretched hand.

Meng Ting did not hesitate anymore. He placed his right hand on Yan Sui"s open palm and they held each other"s hands. It was a natural action, but it was also very unusual for both Meng Ting and Yan Sui.

"After having a full meal, you shouldn"t be sitting down right away."

Although Meng Ting"s satisfied expression looked really cute, it was not good for his health. Yan Sui also needed to take care of him.

Meng Ting obediently nodded, then he looked at Yan Sui, full of expectations, "Can we walk together after that?"

"Yes, we"ll walk together," Yan Sui swept a glance at Meng Ting. To be able to have such a person to walk with him until he was old was something that he had never thought of before. However, when he looked at Meng Ting now, it felt good and it was something he would be looking forward to.

However, even if he would look forward for it, he still needed to hold himself back. After all… Meng Ting was still too young. They still have a long future to go. How long would Meng Ting be willing to accompany him?

Meng Ting suddenly stopped walking, so Yan Sui also stopped and took a look at him.

“Yan Sui.”


"I get it now."

The sight of the night lights was only enough for them to see each other, but it was enough.

"You said before that I"m precious. It"s because you like me, right?" This thought had been running around Meng Ting"s mind. He still felt that he did not have the qualifications to be treated as a treasure. However, Yan Sui said it with certainty, so it must be true that Yan Sui liked him.

Yan Sui liked him. Meng Ting was not a treasure in others" eyes, but in Yan Sui"s eyes, he considered him as a treasure.

Meng Ting said those words with a smile on his face, then he took a step forward and held Yan Sui"s other hand. He earnestly said, "You"re also my treasure."

In other words, I like you, too.

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