Ch 4.2 – The Top’s Misunderstanding

The elbow that Meng Ting had aimed at Yan Sui"s rib cage paused. "Husband? I"m marrying you?"

Meng Ting was unable to hide the pleasant surprise in his tone. He no longer tried to twist his body. Turning his head, he narrowed his gaze as he looked into Yan Sui"s eyes. He seriously looked over the rest of his features, seemingly trying to imprint everything into his mind.

Of course, Meng ting thought that this observation was necessary. What would he do if he couldn"t recognize his own husband the next time he saw him? This kind of shame wouldn"t leave him any face to walk around with.

While Meng Ting was seriously observing Yan Sui, Yan Sui was also doing the same to him. As expected, real life is indeed better than photos, especially the eyes. In the photos the eyes came off somewhat seductive however in reality it was quite the opposite. The boy"s gaze was pure, very clean.

But this was not the place to talk. He once again grabbed on to Meng Ting"s wrist, this time he followed behind him obediently.

Finding the man who he was going to marry turned out to be a bit of a pleasant surprise for Meng Ting, almost as pleasant as being able to eat all that food earlier.

As he followed the man who had hold over his wrist, Meng Ting stared at his tall back, "You didn"t lie to me, did you? We"re really getting married?"

Although Meng Ting wanted to marry out of the house, he very well knew that realistically he would need to wait a while. It could take anywhere from a few months to a year or two. He really didn"t expect that the day after he arrived back to the Meng household, he might be able to marry out.

Yan Sui turned back to Meng Ting and let out an "En". Ah, he really didn"t know that this Meng Ting already had such deep rooted emotions for him.

Perhaps because Meng Ting"s happiness was too pure, he had actually raised such a misunderstanding.

Meng Ting was brought to Gu family"s flower room. It wasn"t a particularly big place; there were some gorgeous potted plants, a rattan table, and a few wicker chairs. Yan Sui was quiet familiar with the oldest young master of the Gu family, so this hidden room wasn"t a secret to hm.

The flower room was quiet well lit so Meng ting took a proper look at Yan Sui once again.

As Meng Ting observed him with wide eyes, Yan Sui gave him time to do what he wanted.

"When are you going to marry me?" Meng Ting had never learned to speak in a roundabout way his entire life, he couldn"t control his mouth as his excitement overflowed. "I want to get married as soon as possible."

Yan Sui did not reply as he silently continued to size up Meng Ting. He noticed that the boy seemed to somehow lack confidence.

He had always thought that between a husband and a wife there should be trust and honesty, and it seemed that this boy"s "honesty" was very honest.

"I…I"m a little stupid, no, very stupid. I eat a lot, I don"t know how to cook, I can"t do the laundry, and I don"t know a thing about housework…"

Meng Ting was very lazy, and even if he wanted to study all these things, he still wouldn"t be very good at it. But right now, he was a bit desperate.

One by one, he unloaded all his shortcomings without holding anything back. Relived, Meng Ting continued to clumsily sell himself to Yan Sui. "But I can fight, you just saw. I might not be able to defeat you but I can be considered to be pretty hard to deal with. I can help you fight."

After ramming through his head, this was the best thing about himself that Meng Ting could come up with.

"You, you can"t leave me." Meng Ting felt depressed. He was stupid, really stupid. "If you marry me, you can"t leave. If you don"t want to, then tell me now and put an end to it."

Yan Sui had come prepared with his years of negotiation skills today; he had been on guard for any tricks that the other party might try to pull. But everything that had happed so far was completely out of expectations. Nevertheless, he maintained his composure.

"I won"t leave you." Yan Sui very seriously replied to Meng Ting"s concerns. Though he was very sincere with his words, the reason was not because of Meng Ting.

Meng Ting"s mouth rose into a light smile as he heard Yan Sui"s words, he promised, "I will obey, I will listen to your commands."

"Good," Yan Sui gently smiled.

Meng Ting did not understand how rare the smile he had just witnessed was. He nodded his head and touched his stomach, his courage growing a little bigger. He put forward a demand, "Then, can you give me enough food to fill my stomach?"

"Do the people of the Meng family not feed you?" Yan Sui"s smile disappeared. He knit his brows as the atmosphere around him became more and more oppressive. Before he had time to realize and reign in his temper, he noticed that Meng Ting seemed to not notice his small outburst.

Meng ting covered his belly as he looked at Yan Sui and pleaded guilty. "I ate two eggs yesterday at school."

"I ate two sandwiches today, and I drank two bottles of milk…" It was barely enough for him to run. As for the food he had just eaten at the banquet, it had been digested while he was sleeping like a dead man. He felt hungry again.

"I…I should be able to hold up a few days, so you have to hurry and marry me as soon as possible."

To see his wife so "pitiful", so hungry that he was all skin and bone, Yan Sui felt angry. He did not know when his mentality had been bent like this by Meng Ting but he had sub consciously started regarding him as one of his people.

"Starting tomorrow, I"ll have your meals sent."

But hearing him say so, Meng Ting hesitated. He gently tugged on Yan Sui"s sleeve, "Will it make trouble for you? I can wait a few days."

Although it wasn"t very pleasant feeling hungry, Meng ting thought that this endurance was worth it.

Yan Sui couldn"t help but raise his eyebrows. Meng Ting"s strong determination to marry him had also overshadowed his instinctive need to eat. Never had someone been so openly fond of him, he was very confused about what this feeling in his heart was but he did know that it certainly wasn"t unpleasant.

Of course, he did not know at this time that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. If there was another person in his position, Meng Ting would have acted exactly the same.

"It"s no bother." Yan sui did not realize that his tone had become inexplicably softer, he had never been a person who spoke in such a manner.

"Remember, you are my, Yan Sui"s, people."

In Meng Ting"s mind, an illusion was born at this moment. He saw a bright light, and from that bright light emerged a big brother, a big brother who can walk sideways. Feeling grateful, he subconsciously smiled at his new "big brother", "I will remember."

Though he did not know the name Yan Sui, he did know that he was from Haicheng. They would meet often in the future, it made him quiet happy.

"What do you want to eat? I"ll have my people deliver it here."

Yan Sui removed his phone from his pocket and looked to Meng Ting. He suddenly had a thought. His mother probably had never met Meng Ting; otherwise with such a beauty with such a lovable temper, she would never let him get his hands on.

The author has something to say: the top"s big misunderstanding, hhh ~ ~ ~

Yan Sui: So you like me so much, that is, when did it start?

Meng Ting: … I like you when you give me tasty food, remember?

Yan Sui: ……

Thanks for the kiss play yo ~ ~ 

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