Translator: Mia
Treading on the familiar roads again, it was to Qin Qin like in the dreams.

After a brief explanation to Wei Bojian about her temporary leave at the airport, Qin Qin hailed a cab and went directly to the suburban graveyard in the south.

It was dark and seemed as if it would rain. There was not a single soul in the graveyard except for Qin Qin. It was so quiet that Qin Qin"s every seemed to be heavy step could be heard. Rows of tombstones pa.s.sed by until she stopped at a tiny little one. It said that Tomb of Chao Zirui with a picture of her baby. In the picture, a baby smiled broadly and looked at the camera directly. He looked so bright that it seemed to be stars in his eyes.

Qin Qin lowered her body, put the brunch of hyacinth on her hand down, and gently touched her kid"s smile. Her eyes got wet soon, "Baby, happy birthday! Mommy is here to see you."

"Forgive mommy for not making it for the past three year. Forgive mommy, all right? Mommy couldn"t stop thinking about you every day. Mommy do miss you a lot."

Qin Qin managed a bitter smile and put her forehead against the tombstone. The cold reminded her of the feeling when she held her baby last time, "Two days ago, I"ve dreamed of my baby again. I knew you are still blaming me. Sorry, mommy came late and didn"t protect you well."

Cold mountain wind blew over the graveyard and across her body. She couldn"t help s.h.i.+vering as the wind blew, "Wind is cold and strong here. Would you feel cold or even get scared?"

Qin Qin again looked at the picture for long, seeming to bear her baby"s smile in heart. She wiped off her tears and was about to say goodbye to her baby. However, she had squatted down for so long that she could hardly feel her legs. Thus, she could only move bit by bit downwards the mountain. By a accident glimpse she saw the man heading upwards and stopped suddenly.

How could he be here?

There was only one way out. If she continued her path, she would definitely met him.

Qin Qin stood there still, not knowing what to do.

Chao Sheng was easily irritated recently. When he was off work and pa.s.sed the flower shop, it suddenly came to him that he hadn"t come and see the baby for long. He went down the car, bought a bunch of flowers, turned around the direction, and came to the graveyard.

He was a regular visitor here. The person in charge knew him and greeted him seeing him coming near, "It has been a while since your last visit."

Chao Sheng nodded slightly, "Em, busy these days."

He himself chose the graveyard for his baby. Originally, he planned to directly buy his kid a piece of land. However, on a second thought, baby was a naughty boy when he was alive and would not be happy to stay alone. He chose the graveyard instead. Here there were so many people accompanying him and he would definitely not so lonely.

Before the baby"s tombstone there laid a fresh bunch of hyacinth. Someone must came. Chao Sheng"s move to put his flower down was stopped by his observations and thoughts. He looked around and recalled that he didn"t into anyone when he was up the mountain.

Suddenly, Chao Sheng became serious. Was it Qin Qin?

Could it be her?

However, he denied the guess soon. If Qin Qin was back, how couldn"t he hear any news?

He didn"t think over the matter and then put the flower down. Half knelt before the tombstone, Chao Sheng reached out his hands and gently touched the cold tombstone. A sense of sadness gradually sprawled his face and replaced the original difference.

"Baby, if you were still alive, you would be six years old. And it"s time for primary school. Daddy do wish to send you to and pick you up after school everyday. During our trips to school or back home, daddy could hear you talking about what happened in the school. Beside you there will be mommy..." Talking of this, he shut up his mouth at once. And his gradually soften face became tough again.

s.h.i.+t! How should he ever think of picking his baby after school with Qin Qin!

He shook his head, trying to get rid of the unrealistic idea in the head.

After talking with his baby for a while, he became a little bit relieved from the sullen mood he was in recently. It was getting dark and would rain at any time. He looked at the sky and slightly frowned.

"It"s getting late. Daddy will come and see you next time."

The Qin Qin hiding behind the tree gradually came out after watching Chao Sheng leaving.

Wasn"t he the one who abandoned their kid? Why would he bother to see the baby?

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