Translator: Mia
Today was Yang Yun"s death anniversary. Originally, Luo Qianyi didn"t plan to come to see her. However, thinking of the possible chance to encounter Chao Sheng, despite disgusting, she came finally.

However, she didn"t see Chao Sheng but to find Wu Liqin there. She hadn"t seen her for long. The sudden meeting made her annoyed, but it never came to her that they two had to stay together in the office at the graveyard entrance to avoid the rain. The person in charge couldn"t be found there. Luo Qianyi looked around and said after she made sure that no one was around, "Go back to your hometown to avoid Wei Bojian for a while. He might investigate the matter at that time."

Hearing this, Wu Liqin got panic, "What if the Childe finds out Qin Qin didn"t run away with Wei Bojian when Wei Bojian is back? How would we deal with the situation then since it"s probable for him to know what we"ve done?"

Luo Qianyi replied in a calm voice, "Don"t panic. Even if he knew the fact then, so what? Qin Qin is dead and cannot be found anywhere. As long as we keep all things secret, there will be no problems."

"But..." Wu Liqin still wanted to retort but was interrupted by Luo Qianyi, "No but, everything has been settled down long before and Qin Qin is dead. You"d better keep the secret, or else..."

A sense of panic fleshed across Wu Liqin"s eyes, "Miss Luo, be at ease. I won"t tell anything."

However, upon the end of Wu Liqin"s words, the door of the office was forced open from the outside. The attention of they two was suddenly caught by it. They turned around but saw Chao Sheng"s extreme sullen face in front of them.

Their faces got pale at once. What was more, Wu Liqin nearly fell onto the ground because of a sudden feebleness of her legs.

Luo Qianyi was the first one to come to herself. She managed a smile and said softly, "Brother Sheng, are you here to see Yunyun?"

Ignoring her question, he continued with a horrifying voice which made him a devil from the h.e.l.l, "Qin Qin is dead?"

Chao Sheng"s chest was now like being stuffed with cotton, unable to breathe. What was said by her just now? Qin Qin, dead? No wonder he didn"t find her despite all his efforts for so long. It turned out that she was dead.

Wu Liqin and Luo Qianyi glanced at each other. They two were both a little bit panic now, not knowing what to do.

Not receiving any answers, Chao Sheng strode near and seized the neck of Luo Qianyi. His voice became even more terrifying, "Yes or no?"

Luo Qianyi had never seen Chao Sheng like this. It was not until the air became thinner before she started to struggle. She tried hard to remove his hands, "Brother Sheng, Put me..put me down first, all right?"

Wu Liqin also got panic seeing what happened. She came near in a rush to persuade Chao Sheng. However, getting the warning from Chao Sheng through his eyes, she then swallowed down all the words she wanted to say.

Since there were no sign that Chao Sheng would release her, Luo Qianyi got panic. She uttered with great effort, "Yes...Brother Sheng first..let me down first, all right?" Wu Qianyi signaled Wu Liqin constantly to ask for help.

Thinking of Chao Sheng"s character, Wu Liqin dared not to come and help. She said in a panic, "Childe, how about putting Miss Luo down first. She is going to loss her breath. Beg you."

Without looking at Wu Liqin, he was indulged in his thoughts and increased the power of her hands by instinct.

Luo Qianyi could feel that the tips of her toes were lifted above the ground. The ever increasing fear of death made her cry, "She is dead. Shouldn"t you be happy?"

It was then that Chao Sheng came to himself. He gradually loosen Luo Qianyi"s neck. Without casting a glance, he left the office directly.

Having foot back again on the ground, Luo Qian was able to breathe again. She gasped and there around her neck were bruises.

That was close. She was almost dying because of Chao Sheng.

Wu Liqin came and helped her up, "Miss Luo, are you all right?"

However, Luo Qianyi suddenly lost her temper and waved Wu Liqin away, "f.u.c.k off!"

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