Breaking his lips from mine, he climbs to his feet, "Alright, you study your lines, I"m going to scarf down a few tacos while I watch last week"s Grimm we missed on demand. Then once you"re done studying, I"m carrying your a.s.s to your bed so that I can f.u.c.k this entire s.h.i.tty a.s.s day straight out of your memory."

Laughing, I smile over my gla.s.s of wine up at him, "Sounds like a d.a.m.n good plan, Beaumont."

Chapter 13.

-Brooklyn I watch as the Beaumont building comes into view and instantly my stomach twists up nervously. Dixon and I are meeting with his father"s attorney to go over a post nuptial agreement. I woke this morning at almost five thirty in the morning to Dixon nuzzling my neck and kissing me goodbye before heading off to the construction site. He told me that he"d be at the building site for most of the morning, but then he"d meet me at Beaumont Energy at one p.m. to get this over with.

Pulling up to the front of the building, I grab my purse and quickly jump so valet can park my car in the parking garage. The sound of beeping horns, sirens fill the air as I march toward the large gla.s.s doors with Beaumont Energy Inc. written on the frosted gla.s.s. It"s hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is mine now too. I"m Mrs. Dixon Beaumont.

My diamond wedding band catches the sun light as I raise my hand to wave to the doorman as he holds the door open for me, ushering me inside. As soon as I step into the lobby I"m hit with the fresh cold air of the air conditioning and the scent of waxed marble floors. My heels click across the tiled flood as I walk up to the front desk. I can"t help but take in the ma.s.sive crystal art deco style chandelier filling the center of the lobby and the unique art work covering the walls as I wait in line to speak to the lady behind the security desk.

The building is full of people coming and going all dressed in business suites and high priced dresses and jewelry. It not only houses Beaumont but also a handful of other offices from private practices to other corporations. It"s a ma.s.sive building that stands twenty stories high and is a sleek, gla.s.s building that sparkles in the hot Houston sun as you drive along the interstate and watch as the Houston skyline comes into view.

I"ve never been up to Dixon"s office before so I"m really nervous about seeing it for the first time. I know Kayden"s here but I have no idea if I"ll be running into him or not. I"m still not used to the idea of introducing myself as Dixon"s wife. But seeing as the media outlets had a field day with the news, I"d say it"s safe to guess that everyone will know who I am the second I step off of the elevator.

Finally, I make it to the front of the line and step in front of a woman looking to be in her early forties maybe. She"s wearing a dress shirt, and navy blue vest with the name tag Barbara on it.

"Hi, Barbara. I"m Brooklyn...Beaumont, I"m here to meet with my husband Dixon Beaumont. Could you by chance let me know which floor to go to?" I ask nervously, but immediately I"m greeted me with a wide, friendly smile and feel myself relaxing.

Waving her hand toward the wall of elevators, she tells me, "Mr. Beaumont"s office is on the twentieth floor. I"ll ring his secretary letting her know you"re on your way up."

"Thanks. Have a nice day."

"You, too, darlin". Oh and by the way congrats on getting" hitched!"

I feel my cheeks flush as I smile shyly back at her and quickly beeline over to the elevators.

If they all only knew the s.h.i.t I"ve had to put up with since becoming Mrs. Dixon Beaumont. I"m still dreading the fact that Dixon asked me to attend dinner tonight with his family before I fly back to Los Angeles tomorrow. Seeing that his parents" don"t approve of us eloping in Vegas, I"m almost positive that tonight"s dinner won"t be a very celebratory one. At least his sister is supportive of us getting married. That"s one ally on our side.

With every floor I pa.s.s on the way up to the twentieth floor, the more nervous I become. My phone buzzes as we pa.s.s the eighteenth floor. Pulling it out of my purse I smile as I see Dixon"s name appear on my phone.

My secretary just said that u r on ur way up. My attorney"s already waiting in my office. Once we finish signing these papers, I plan on bending u over my desk and making it official.

I drag my teeth over my bottom lip as I try to bite back the smile threatening to spread across my face. The thought of being f.u.c.ked by Dixon on top of his desk that he sits behind as he makes million dollar deals. Savannah"s told me enough stories of her and Kayden and their quickie lunch dates up in his office to know how thrilling it is.

The elevator comes to a stop as I hit send on my text back to him.

I"m wet just thinking about it ;) Dropping my phone back into my purse, I step off of the elevator and into Beaumont Energy. I hurry over to the older woman sitting behind a sleek gla.s.s simply decorated with a vase filled with fresh flowers and a small picture frame with a photo that black and white.

"That"s Mr. Beaumont." The woman says softly as she eyes me checking out the photograph. He"s standing in a field next to a large oil rig wearing a large cowboy hat and a business suit. Dixon and Kayden both seem to get their height and charismatic smiles from their grandfather.

Picking up the photograph I give it a closer look before setting it back down beside the vase. "He"s very handsome. I now know where Dixon gets his good looks from." I joke. "Can you point in the direction of Dixon"s office?" I ask as I glance around the large room filled a small sofa and waiting room chairs along with a big screen television that is playing the business channel on low.

There"s long hallways to the left and to the right with gla.s.s doors leading to what I"m guessing are Kayden"s and Dixon"s offices. From what Savannah told me their offices fill up the entire top floor. Then they have other offices for each department on the next few floors down.

She points to the left hallway as she leans forward slightly to peer down the hall, "Dixon"s office is down that hallway. He already has been notified of your arrival and is expecting you."

"Alright, well thank you for your help." I adjust my purse on my shoulder and begin walking across the polished hardwood floors toward Dixon"s office. The sound of my heels ring loudly in my ears with every step I take. My hands are sweating and my heart is racing as I knock on the door and slowly push it open.

As soon as I push my way through the large heavy gla.s.s door and into his office my eyes land on Dixon who"s leaning casually against the front of his desk. He"s talking with an older gentleman in a suit who"s sitting cross legged in a seat in front of Dixon.

"Ahh, speak of the devil, here"s my wife now. Brooklyn, this is Mr. Teeder, our attorney. We"ve been going over the contract and I"m quite pleased with it. I think you will be too. Come sit, the faster we get this over with the better." A dangerous smile plays on his lips as he pulls me in for a hug and presses a kiss to my cheek.

Fixing my skirt, I sit down beside our attorney and get to work reading over the stack of papers that show Dixon"s signature already on each designated line, and small post it notes next to where my signature is needed.

I"m blown away as I read each page. I know that Dixon"s father has to be none too pleased by these terms Dixon"s come up with. It states if I stray from our marriage and we divorce, I don"t get a dime, but if Dixon strays from the marriage I get half of his 4.8-billion-dollar net worth!

That"s crazy!

If we should divorce because of the simple fact that our marriage failed, we agree to part ways mutually, with us going our separate ways with us splitting any property and personal belongings we purchase together as husband and wife equally. If we have children, I agree to allow a court of law to determine the proper amount of child support I should receive for each child.

"It all looks fine to me. Give me a pen and I"ll get it all signed." I tell Mr. Teeder as I set the contract down onto my lap and hold my hand out for a pen.

"Are you sure you don"t want to have your attorney look over the terms before you sign these?"

Shaking my head, no, I grab the pen from his hand and get to work signing each line. "I"m positive. I"ve read everything over. I couldn"t agree more with the entire thing."

Signing the last page, I hand the stack of papers over to the lawyer and climb to my feet, leaning against the desk beside Dixon. His arm comes to rest around my waist, hugging me against his side as we say goodbye to Mr. Teeder.

"I can"t tell you enough how much I appreciate you whipping up this contract so quickly, with such short notice."

Shoving the contract into his briefcase, Mr. Teeder b.u.t.ton"s his coat and gives us a polite nod, "The pleasure was all mine. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you both many years of happiness."

Dixon leaves my side momentarily to walk Mr. Teeder out, I feel my body relaxing as I watch his lawyer exit the office.

"Man, am I glad that is over with." I mumble with relief as I watch Dixon shut the door and press a few b.u.t.tons on the keypad on the wall locking it.

Stalking toward me with long, precise strides, Dixon shrugs off his jacket, tossing it into the chair where Mr. Teeder was just sitting. His hands move to his black leather belt undoing it followed by the b.u.t.ton and zipper of his slacks.

"Me, too. Now that we have that out of the way, it"s time for me to show my wife just how much I love her." His words make my body tingle with excitement as he stops in front of me and his hands begin exploring my body. They get to work unb.u.t.toning my blouse as his mouth finds my neck and begins fluttering it with kisses.

"All I could think about the entire time we were sitting here was you bending me over this desk." I wiggle out of my shirt as Dixon slips it over my shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. His mouth moves from my neck down to my lace covered b.r.e.a.s.t.s kissing my nipples through the thin lacey fabric.

"You have no idea how hard you made me with that text a few minutes ago. I had to do everything in my power to get it to go somewhat down so that I didn"t scare the s.h.i.t out of Mr. Teeder. I"ve been thinking about your sweet c.u.n.t since the minute I slipped out of our bed this morning."

His hands find my zipper on the back of my skirt and with one quick movement he has it unzipped and pooling around my feet. His fingers slowly slide along the straps of my garter causing goose b.u.mps to appear over every inch of my body.

Lifting his face from my chest, Dixon burns his gaze into mine, "Turn around, baby." He demands as he grips my a.s.s in his hands and spins me in front of him before pressing his hand to my back pushing me onto the desk.

I let out a loud, "Oomph," as my elbows land on the desk and I send picture frames tumbling over.

"G.o.d, I love your a.s.s." His words come out thick and full of need as I feel his palm suddenly connect with my right a.s.s cheek. I hear the jingle of his belt as his pants are slid down his legs. I peer over my shoulder up at him as I watch the hunger burn in his eyes intensely.

"Harder." I beg as he lines his c.o.c.k up with my entrance. My p.u.s.s.y clenches with excitement as his hand spanks my a.s.s again. I can feel the warmth and tingling on my skin as his fingers begin kneading my cheeks in his large, powerful hands.

"f.u.c.k, Brooklyn. You drive me absolutely crazy. Spread your legs, baby. Nice and wide."

Doing as I"m told I spread my legs trying to stay steady on my stiletto covered feet as his hands grip my hips and he slams forcefully into me.

"Oooh...G.o.d! Harder, Dixon!" I moan out as he begins thrusting into me hard and fast. My thighs are slamming against the mahogany desk with every drive he sends into me. Stretching my arms out in front of my I grip the edge of the desk as I try to find something to anchor me before I completely turn to jell-o and melt into a puddle on the floor.

Another loud crack fills the room as Dixon"s hand slaps my left cheek and I let out another loud moan of please as my p.u.s.s.y squeezes around his c.o.c.k and I feel myself dripping wet around him.

Dixon"s loud groans fill the room mixing with my moans as we chase our I feel his right hand slide between my legs and slip under the elastic of my panties. His rough, callused fingers find my c.l.i.t and instantly my eyes roll into the back of my head as I bite back a loud moan.

He begins rubbing my c.l.i.t in hard precise circles making my head spin as he thrusts his c.o.c.k as deep as he can get it practically making my feet come up off of the ground with every thrust he slams inside of me.

Within seconds I"m screaming out in ecstasy as my body tingles from head to toe and my o.r.g.a.s.m pulsates through my body in waves. I feel Dixon still behind me and his d.i.c.k begin throbbing inside of me as he fills me with his c.u.m. His moans are the s.e.xiest sounds as he comes. The sound of him coming alone is enough to make me have a f.u.c.king o.r.g.a.s.m. Nothing is s.e.xier the sound of a guy as you take everything his c.o.c.k has to give you. It"s empowering.

"I don"t know about you, darlin", but that was exactly what I needed." Dixon whispers against my back as he presses kisses to it. He slowly pulls out and grabs a handful of tissues out of the box on his desk wiping the c.u.m as it slides out of me.

Slowly sitting up on shaky legs, I turn in front of him adjusting my panties and sit on the edge of the desk. I tilt my head up at him as a goofy grin dances across my lips. "It sure did brighten up my afternoon. I"m going to miss the h.e.l.l out of you when I fly back to L.A. tomorrow."

I hate that I have to leave him, but at least it"s only for a few days. I"ll be flying back out to here Friday evening after we wrap up filming for the week. I"m grateful I"m only a part timer or I would"ve had to be on set bright and early this morning for Monday filming.

Stepping between my spread legs, Dixon presses his body against mine as he finishes hooking his belt. His hands slip into my hair as he cups my head in his hands. His eyes are burning with love and so much intensity that I find it hard to catch my breath. I hook my thumbs into his belt loops and lock my ankles around his waist as I pull his body tightly against mine.

I wish we could stay like this all day, but I don"t think his business partners would find it very professional conducting meetings while his wife hangs out in his office half naked.

On the other hand, they may enjoy it too much and Dixon would end of making heads roll all afternoon.

"I hate that you have to leave too, but I have a surprise for you once you get back. So hopefully knowing that little tidbit will help your week fly by. I"m going to be so busy here with the new construction project and the wind energy deal Knox and I are working on. I"ll be sure to keep myself busy."

I tug playfully on his pants pulling him into my chest as I nip my teeth at his bottom lip. "You better behave yourself, Beaumont while I"m away. Or else I"ll be sure to give you a good a.s.s whooping when I get back. All those lil" home wreckers blowing up your phone crying because you ran off and got hitched don"t know just how crazy your wife is. I"ll cut a b.i.t.c.h if she so much as even glances toward that delicious bulge in your pants while I"m gone."

Narrowing his eyes down at me he leans in and presses a kiss to my lips before pulling back away from me, "You have nothing to worry about, darlin". I promise to be on my best behavior. If it"ll make you feel any better, you can take my phone right now and delete anyone you want out of it.

Last night while we were lying in the living room relaxing watching Grimm and studying my lines, Dixon"s phone wouldn"t stop going off. I was two seconds away from tossing the d.a.m.n thing into the ocean. It was blowing up with text messages from girls Dixon"s friends with all freaking out wanting to know if the rumors were true. No one could believe that Dixon really ran off and got married in Las Vegas over the weekend.

Well, sadly for those little hoochies, he did get married and I am not going anywhere any time soon. Dixon could tell I was getting aggravated every time his phone lit up so finally he shut it off and spent the rest of the night showing me just how much he loved me.

Only me, and by my sore muscles and tender cooch this morning, it was easy to say that he let it be known just how much he loves me. Every single inch of me.

Then to have him take me right here on his desk just now. Is beyond hot. Now every time he sits at this desk to work, he"ll immediately think of f.u.c.king me on top of it while overlooking the city he rules alongside Kayden.

"I don"t want to be one of those crazy, jealous wives who treat you like I snipped your b.a.l.l.s and took away your free will, Dixon." Pushing him away from me, I slip off of the desk and get to work redressing. b.u.t.toning my shirt, I quickly tuck it into my pencil skirt as I spin and motion for Dixon to help me re-zip it up.

I"m running my fingers through my hair, checking my reflection in the mirror inside Dixon"s small private bathroom attached to his office when I notice him come up behind me. His arms envelope me in as he hugs me against his back and presses a soft kiss to my neck.

"All those girls in my phone, Brooklyn. They"re my past. You are my future and the only girl who matters. I don"t plan on ever seein" any of them ever again, so there"s no reason for me to have their number"s in my phone. While you were fixing your makeup and hair in here, I was cleaning out my phone. Here, look for yourself." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his iPhone and holding it in front of me.

I let out a frustrated sigh and take the phone from him before turning in his arms and resting against the bathroom sink. I punch in his pa.s.scode to unlock his phone and open up his contacts. As I scroll through I barely recognize the names besides a few that I"ve met in person. A few celebrities that makes my jaw fall open as I see their numbers in his contacts, but the sea of bimbos are now gone. None of the names that I saw popping up last night are no longer there.

I suddenly feel the need to do the same to my phone. But there"s a few that I"m still close with like Xander for instance. He just messaged me last night congratulating me on the news of my marriage. He told me when he"s back in town for a gig, he"d have tickets waiting for Dixon and me also two for Savannah and Kayden too. He"s really a great guy, I hope he one day finds a girl who is to him what Dixon is to me.

If you would"ve asked me seven months ago if I"d be married and madly in love, I would"ve called you crazy. But now that I have Dixon, I couldn"t picture my life any other way. It isn"t going to be easy, especially since we have parents to try and prove to that we"re for real and not some crazy fling. But I know with time everyone will be able to see why I fell in love with Dixon. He"s not just s.e.xy but also hilarious and so big hearted. Him and Kayden do so much for this city and the world with their charity work. There"s more to Dixon than he lets people see. Past the rough exterior and playboy persona is a man with the biggest heart who loves me unlike any other man ever could.

"You didn"t have to do that, Dixon...but I"m really happy that you did. I would be lying if I said I wasn"t a little insecure when it comes to you and other women. Because, you"ve used women to hurt me before, I just don"t want to go through that ever again. I want to be happy with you, really give us a chance."

A flicker of sadness flashes in Dixon"s eyes as he listens to everything I"m saying. His fingers tighten in my hair as he tilts my head up making me look at him as I try to divert my eyes to the floor.

I wish I could say the pain from the Bahamas was gone but I"d be lying. It"s something that is going to take time for me to get over. Dixon shattered my heart that night as he tried to push me away and prove to himself that he didn"t love me. Over time I"ll be able to move past it but it"s going to take time. Dixon has to prove to me that he not only loves me but that he isn"t afraid to commit to me one-hundred-percent.

"I hate myself for what I did before. If I could go back in time and kick my a.s.s for how I behaved I would. I"m going to spend every day making it up to you and proving to you that you are it for me, Brooklyn. It took me f.u.c.king up that bad to realize how much I loved you. I was a f.u.c.kin" fool pushing you away. But I promise I will never make that mistake again. These next few days are going to fly by, and then when you get back to Houston, I"m taking you on a well-deserved honeymoon. Don"t worry about packing clothes because I plan on keeping you naked the entire time."

A grin flashes across his face as his panty melting smile dazzles me and leaves me speechless.

He is too much sometimes. But I wouldn"t have him any other way.

"I hope you"re taking me somewhere warm if there isn"t going to be any clothes allowed on this honeymoon."

Dixon lets out a s.e.xy chuckle as he slides his hands down to my a.s.s cupping both cheeks in his hands and pressing my body flush against his. "With my hot a.s.s walking around in my birthday suit, it"ll be hot even if we went to the f.u.c.kin" artic, baby."

I can"t help but burst out laughing as I picture Dixon b.u.t.t a.s.s naked and walking around the snowy tundra. "Alright, hot stuff. I better get going because I have shopping to do before I have to meet your parents" tonight. I need to make a good impression on my new in-laws especially since you"ve already started us off on the wrong foot dragging me to an Elvis chapel to elope. That reminds me, my parents" want you to fly out to L.A. next week when my dad is back in town to officially meet them. So make sure you pencil some free time in your super busy schedule, Mr. Moneybags."

"f.u.c.k. Your dad doesn"t own any guns does he?" Dixon asks with a look of pure fear across his face.

"Only a few." I laugh, as I slip out of his grasp and exit the bathroom. I sling my purse back onto my shoulder and make my way across his office toward his office door.

"I"ll be sure to wear a bullet proof vest to our first meeting. I can never be too safe."

Rolling my eyes at him, I grab the door k.n.o.b and reach out with my free hand for him. "Don"t be so dramatic. As long as you don"t break my heart, my father won"t break your legs. It"s as simple as that. I"ll meet you at your Penthouse at five so we can drive to your parents" together. Since my flight leaves early tomorrow morning I figured we can just stay here in Houston tonight at your place if that"s okay?"

Grabbing my hips, Dixon presses me against the door and pins my body once again with his as my fingers run up his chest and fist his sapphire blue tie. "It"s a date, Mrs. Beaumont. I look forward to consummating our marriage once again, over every inch of our suite after dinner tonight. We"re married now so that means what"s mine is now yours. So my suite is now your suite too. I guess since we"re married that means we should start looking into buying land so we can design your dream house."

My head is spinning as everything he says bounces around inside of me head. I never looked at Houston as my home or Galveston for that matter. My home in my mind is still L.A., it"s where I work and where all of my opportunities are. But now that I"ve married a billionaire oil tyc.o.o.n, I guess Texas is now my home.

"I didn"t even think of that. I guess it"ll give Savannah and me something to do while you and Kayden are busy playing monopoly with your billions. Maybe we can find land for sale near Savannah and Kayden in Sugar Land."

"That"s fine by me. I don"t care where we live as long as you"re happy. If you want to look into buying a place in Los Angeles for when you"re there working, we can do that to. Just say the word and I"ll give you the world, darlin"."

Leaning up on my tip toes, I give him one more kiss goodbye, I melt into the door as Dixon cups the back of my head and deepens our kiss. His tongue slips into my mouth and slowly and seductively twists with mine making b.u.t.terflies flutter in my body and my knees grow weak. I love the crazy things his kisses do to my body. It"s intoxicating and addicting. I could spend every second of every day kissing this man.

A knock at the door causes me to jump and Dixon to break our kiss.

"Jesus Christ!" I scream as I press my hand to my chest and try to calm my racing heart.

"For f.u.c.ks sake, this better be important." Dixon mumbles as he unlocks the door and yanks it open.

My eyes grow large and jealously simmers in my veins as a gorgeous woman with bright red hair that falls to her shoulders in loose curls, steps into the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Beaumont, but your two o"clock meeting with Mr. Knox and the men from Jericho Energy will be starting in boardroom two shortly. I wasn"t sure if you wanted me to do a coffee run before everyone gets here?"

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