I"m in love with this f.u.c.king girl.

These feelings are foreign to me. I find myself completely terrified and awe struck at the moment. Brooklyn"s making me feel things I didn"t even know existed outside of cheesy Nicholas Sparks movies that she loves watching.

With Brooklyn and me all I know is things are about to get really interesting. For starters, we"re about to see how many o.r.g.a.s.ms I can give her while in Las Vegas.

It"s one challenge I cannot wait to tackle.

Chapter 7.

-Dixon Around five a.m. we finally collapsed beside each other completely spent but floating on a high we can only get from one another.

I"ve been with a lot of women, but no one can come close to doing to me, what Brooklyn does, each and every time we"re together.

Brooklyn naked and flushed from the hours of s.e.x, snuggled her back into my front and fell asleep wrapped in my arms. She had suggested going back to her room down the hall, but I refused to let her leave. I know everyone will be shocked and taken aback once we come out to everyone as being together.

I told her that we can tell everyone tonight if she wants to because I"m done pretending I don"t want her. I don"t want anyone else thinking she"s free game for them. I"m crazy for this girl and want the world to know it. After meeting Brooklyn, I now understand why Knox and Braxton act like love-sick, p.u.s.s.y whipped, ball less men whenever they"re around Savannah and Mya. It"s because these women own our G.o.dd.a.m.n b.a.l.l.s! They know how to bring us to our knees with just the slightest look or the simplest touch. They are Aphrodite"s in stilettoes. Stealing our hearts without batting a f.u.c.king eye lash.

The sound of Braxton banging on my bedroom door wakes me a few short hours later. Forcing my eye lids open I swat at my nightstand for my phone. Picking it up, I press the home b.u.t.ton to see what time it is.

11:27 in the f.u.c.king morning. You"ve got to be kidding me. I could go for another three or so more hours of sleep.

"Rise and shine, Beaumont. We"re hitting the road in an hour. Kayden wants to grab brunch at that dinner a few blocks over before we meet up with Chase." He say"s popping the door open.

Braxton"s eyes go from me to Brooklyn who"s now sitting up on her elbows holding the sheet against her chest. Narrowing her eyes at Braxton she hisses at him with an annoyed and clipped tone, "Shut that f.u.c.king door, Braxton...or so help me G.o.d."

With eyes as big as saucers, Braxton covers a chuckle with his hand as he wraps his head around what he"s seeing. "Sorry, bro. I a.s.sumed you were alone in here. You"ve got an hour." Wiping his hand over his buzzed head, he shakes it in disbelief before disappearing back out into the hallway.

Falling back onto the pillow"s, Brooklyn let"s out a frustrated sigh, "my head sounds like the d.a.m.n UCLA marching band is performing inside of it. Why the h.e.l.l did I drink so much?"

Laughing at the adorableness of her grumbling, I roll onto my side and wrap my arm around her waist. Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, I murmur against her skin, "It"s Vegas. That"s the perfect answer to any question while here. It"s the hall pa.s.s to do the craziest s.h.i.t and not allow your friends to hold it against you."

Turning her eyes onto me, she turns her intense stare onto me now, "I"m not going to turn into one of those Las Vegas hall pa.s.ses am I? Just some crazy thing you did while drunk in Vegas? Because I swear to G.o.d, Dixon. I"ll chop your b.a.l.l.s off if you break my heart."

The smile in her voice and on her lips tells me she"s trying to play it off as only being half serious. But I can see it in her eyes the way that fear and sadness flickers in them. She"s serious about me not breaking her heart. I don"t doubt for a single moment that she wouldn"t try to chop my nuts off.

Letting out a low groan of frustration, I squeeze her against me harder before nibbling a path from her shoulder up to her mouth. I give her a quick peck on the lips before forcing myself to toss back the blanket"s and climb out of bed.

"You want to join me for a shower? Or do you want to sleep a little longer?" I ask as I stretch my arms out above my head and try to shake the sleep from my body.

Rolling onto her stomach and sprawling out across the bed, Brooklyn buries her face into my pillow and mumbles, "I"m going back to sleep."

"Alright then. Sweet dreams sleeping, I"ll see you tonight."

After stuffing my face along with the guys with towers of pancakes and home fries the last thing I want to do is drive a race car around a track at two-hundred miles per hour. But the pancakes loaded with way too much syrup sure did help with our hangovers. Mine hangover is more of a Brooklyn hangover. I drank myself drunk on that delicious p.u.s.s.y of hers and her honeysweet lips. While my buddies here, drank themselves into oblivion with Jack Daniels and G.o.d knows what else.

The Escalade pulls up to the Las Vegas speedway where Chase is meeting us so we can all take a whirl in his race car. Kayden and Jax climb out first-which like I thought things with Jax are slightly uncomfortable today. Especially since Braxton discovered her in my room this morning. The second I stepped out of my room, Braxton was grilling me about her and I and where that left things with her and Jax.

It"s a completely f.u.c.ked up situation.

But we"re here to have some fun and that"s what we"re going to do. Braxton and I climb out of the SUV last. The Nevada sun is hot and dry as usual with the sun blasting down on us. We all quickly get to work sliding our sun gla.s.ses on to shield our eyes from the blinding desert sun.

"Y"all ready to burn some rubber?" Kayden asks clapping myself and Jax on the backs as we walk toward the entrance to the speedway.

Being the smart a.s.s that I am I have to make a joke. I mean come on! Knox is asking for it with that question? "I plan on burnin" rubber while we"re here in more ways than one." I crack up laughing as everyone laughs along with me.

Removing his Longhorns ball cap from his head, Kayden runs his fingers through his still damp hair and rolls his eyes at me, "You"re such a dumba.s.s." Before slipping his hat back on.

We walk under the arch way leading under the bleachers and make our way over to the area leading out to the pit boxes in the middle of the track.

"Hey, glad you guys were able to stop by!" Chase says greeting us all with man hugs. He"s wearing his fire suit and has his number 10 Corona car parked in his pit box. Just another reason why he"s my favorite driver, he"s sponsored by the best beer in the world.

"Well you know we couldn"t resist coming by and testing out the new car." Braxton tells him as walks around the car, checking out the new paint scheme and sponsors.

"Who"s going to test drive the beast first?" Chase asks sliding his eyes over the four of us.

Not waiting for anyone to answer, Braxton climbs through the window and gets to work buckling his harness. "Hey! This is my bachelor weekend, so I get to go first."

"Hurry it up jacka.s.s! I need to get behind the wheel and test drive this bad boy." Jax tells Braxton, poking his head into the window, as Braxton slips on the helmet.

We all climb up onto the cement wall and watch as Braxton fires up the engine. That baby is loud! It"s vibrating my f.u.c.kin" eardrums. We all cup our ears as Braxton burns the tires off and shoots down pit road pulling out onto the track.

Finally, able to hear again, we all bulls.h.i.t for a few minutes while Braxton does a couple laps. Of course it doesn"t take long for Chase to change the top to the Shayne fight last night with Kayden. I know it"s the last thing Kayden wants to talk about especially since Savannah and him are trying to move past all that s.h.i.t.

They kissed and made up last night I guess, so now all is good in Knox world once again. Even though life is far more entertaining when life is blowing up around us, I"m ready just as much as he is to have some f.u.c.king peace and serenity mumbo jumbo s.h.i.t.

All this lady drama is wearing me the f.u.c.k out. And not in the good way that I like women to be wearing me out. Well, at least not up until last night. It started out s.h.i.tty and then ended up being a pretty stellar evening thanks to Brooklyn.

"So, ya wanna tell me what the h.e.l.l happened between you and Andrews last night?" He asks eying the bruised knuckles on Kayden"s hands.

Kayden let"s out a frustrated sigh, "Not really, but I have a feelin" ya want the dirty deets anyway."

Chase gives Kayden a look that screams: are you s.h.i.tting me? Spill the d.a.m.n beans, as he lets out a low belly laugh, "Bet your f.u.c.kin" a.s.s I want the dirty deets after seeing the videos on TMZ and Tinsel Town Blog. s.h.i.t man, you were pounding his face in last night in front of everyone in Vertigo. The last I knew you two were friends, h.e.l.l you threw him a party last night for his fight this weekend!"

I can see Knox"s jaw ticking as his mind goes back to last night"s events. Feelings from last night are still raw and fresh for him. It"ll probably be a few days before the anger he has built up inside of him subsides.

He grips the cement wall and leans back against it as we all watch Braxton zip past us in a blur as he heads around for another lap.

"Shayne ran his f.u.c.kin" mouth, so I shut him up. I imagine you saw the pictures floating around of him takin" the belly shot off of Savannah at Vertigo in L.A."

"Yeah, I saw the pics, but listen dude, if you love the girl as much as I think you do, don"t dwell on this s.h.i.t. Fix it. If you f.u.c.k it up, and you lose her for good, looking back you"ll see you let your pride get in the way of your happiness."

When the f.u.c.k did Chase become so philosophical?

"Listen to you. Givin" out the love advice." I joke clapping him on the back.

Rolling his eyes, Chase stands as Braxton begins making his way down pit road. "It doesn"t happen often a.s.shole, so take the advice while I got it to give."

We both crack up laughing.

Flashing a perturbed expression directed at Chase and Kayden, I yell to the two pansies talking about their f.u.c.king feelings", "When you two girls are done discussin" all that mushy s.h.i.t, let me know, so I can help ya find your b.a.l.l.s. I think I saw them roll over by the gas cans." The sarcasm in my voice is evident. Jax rolls over laughing beside me as Chase and Kayden roll their eyes at my a.s.shole response. Which only makes me chuckle harder along with Jax.

"Shut it f.u.c.k face, or you don"t get to drive my car." Chase threatens, walking past me and slapping me upside the head. It only makes me laugh harder. I swing my arm up and punch him in the arm as he walks over to help Braxton out of the car.

"Awe, someone getting their panties in a twist? First y"all talk about your f.u.c.king feelings and then the next thing I know you"re getting all sensitive over here. Y"all are turning into a bunch of girl. Thank f.u.c.k one of us at least still has some G.o.dd.a.m.n b.a.l.l.s." I joke, cupping myself through my jeans.

"Keep it up smart a.s.s, and you"ll going back to Vegas with ball less because I"ll have them dipped in bra.s.s and dangling from my f.u.c.kin" review mirror." Chase counters while flipping me the bird before taking Braxton"s hand and pulling him out of the car.

We spend the next hour busting each other"s b.a.l.l.s-figuratively not literally thank G.o.d. Each of us took turns whipping his race car around the truck a few times. Nothing is more exhilarating then getting behind the wheel of one of those babies. As soon as you push on the gas pedal your back is glued to the f.u.c.king seat and your a.s.s isn"t moving until you finish your laps.

I can"t wait to come back and catch up with Chase again. Next time maybe I"ll bring Brooklyn and let her take a few laps around. I know Chase will get a real kick out of that. Me a settled man.

After climbing back into the Escalade to head back to the hotel for some gambling. I send Brooklyn a text letting her know how the trip to the speedway went. I send a picture of me in the car along with a quick video I had Braxton get for me while I did my laps around the track.

Immediately I get a text back.

Holy s.h.i.t. That is so awesome, dude! And seriously HOT!! I wonder what it"d feel like riding your d.i.c.k while you raced that baby around the track?

She knows how to get me from 0 to h.o.r.n.y in a matter of seconds. I adjust myself through my shorts and quickly reply, f.u.c.k. I love and hate the way that mind of urs works. B/C I really want to watch you ride my d.i.c.k while I race that f.u.c.king car. But I kind of don"t have a death wish either. I know I"d lose all train of thought the second you slid onto my d.i.c.k-we"d go straight into the wall for sure.

I definitely don"t want that! Lol. So I guess we can settle for maybe a quick lap around the track followed by a quickie in the front seat one of these days.

f.u.c.k me.

I"m not sure how Chase would feel about us f.u.c.kin" in his car but I"d definitely try. There"s no way in h.e.l.l I"d ever turn down the chance to f.u.c.k you, baby. I"m already counting down until tonight.

"Texting, Brooklyn?" Braxton whispers into my ear with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in his words.

Turning my phone over so he can"t see the texts, I raise my brow at him, "Maybe."

"So, how the h.e.l.l did this happen anyways?" He asks, genuinely curious.

I shrug my shoulder"s, "I have no f.u.c.king clue, bro. That"s being completely honest. She came completely out of left field for me. One-minute I could care less about finding a girl to get serious with, and the next I"m meeting Brooklyn and that crazy little vixen is shaking my entire f.u.c.king world up."

"Sounds like you got it bad. If you two feel this way for each other, then why in the world was she with Jax?"

I glance at the seat in front of me where Jax and Kayden are sitting and lost in conversation. Thankfully the driver"s listening to the radio pretty loud so it helps drown out the conversation I"m having. It"s a sensitive subject for Jax and I at the moment since we really haven"t hashed anything out yet over the issue.

"It"s complicated. I know that is a cliche f.u.c.king answer. But it"s the truth. I was a jacka.s.s..."

"Shocker" Braxton laughs sarcastically beside me.

Rolling my eyes at his stupidity, I continue. "I pushed her away and straight into his arms. It was only after I lost her for good and saw that Jax was having everything I wanted but threw away. It woke me up. So I fought for her.

She needed me to fight for her long before then, but I let my ego get in the way. I"m only grateful that it wasn"t too late. She gave me another chance even though I didn"t deserve it."

Giving me a sympathetic smile revealing his immaculate smile and deep dimples that Mya said is what won her over when he asked her out. It gets me thinking what is it about me that Brooklyn tells her friends is what won her over? I sure as h.e.l.l know it isn"t my personality and my romantic ways. I need to change that. I"m a work in progress here and can only hope she"ll stick with me long enough to prove to her I"m serious when I say I"m ready for this.

"It"s a f.u.c.ked up situation, Dixon. But I have faith in you. Don"t squander this second chance she"s giving you. Because if there"s one thing I know it"s women after being with Mya as long as I have. Believe me, they"ll only give you so many second chances before they decide, they"re better off kickin" your sorry a.s.s to the d.a.m.n curb."

I take every bit of advice Braxton is giving me and save it into the back of my mind. If anyone can give me advice, it is him. So I"m going to try and remember all these tips from him and pray that I"m not a complete train wreck when it comes to relationships.

Because I don"t think I"ll be able to handle it if I screw up again and in return have to watch Brooklyn walk away from me and straight back into the waiting arms of Jax.

Chapter 8.

-Brooklyn "To Vegas, baby!" We shout and quickly dispense the liquor into our mouths. I scream and jump up and down as the whiskey slides down the back of my throat.

Waving my hand at the bartender, I shout, "We need another round!" and cheer with excitement as he gives us a wink as he refills our shot gla.s.ses.

Today has been amazing. Savannah has still been somber thanks to the Shayne drama last night, but I know things will be better in no time. We spent the afternoon poolside working on our tans and hanging out with a group of people. It was fun just relaxing and not running around all over the place...at least for a few hours.

After some convincing, I was able to talk Savannah into getting all dolled up tonight and go to a Vegas show with me. We watched a show then did some retail therapy on the strip stopping by the mall in Planet Hollywood. We even found some cute little shops that had some great hidden jewels, unique jewelry, and bohemian clothes. I was in heaven s.n.a.t.c.hing everything up.

While out I found a gorgeous c.o.c.ktail dress that I"m wearing as we speak. As soon as I spotted it I knew I had to get it. It"s going to make Dixon"s jaw hit the floor. It"s an off white so it pops against my sun-kissed skin. It"s a Greek G.o.ddess styled dress that is tight fitting but has a s.e.xy sheer fabric from the shoulder down to the hem of my skirt. The part that caught my eye was the bright gold beaded design across the one shoulder dress. With some gold accessories I found while shopping and cute gold gladiator heels, there"s no way Dixon will be able to take his eyes off of me. Savannah even decided to pick up a s.e.xy little number that is sure to get Kayden"s mind on nothing but making up under the sheets.

I noticed after we finished up our girl"s day today that Savannah"s mood had improved. She seems happier and not so stressed out as she was at the beginning of the day. As soon as we walked into the suite and collapsed from our hours of Vegas fun, we took a power nap to prepare us for our evening of fun!

So, now we"re in Vertigo, dancing our a.s.ses off to the sound of Drake blasting throughout the club. We"re both a little tipsy but having a blast bouncing around the dance floor together. Once our guys finally get here things will be even better.

Dixon text me off and on all day, and I found myself growing giddy over every text he sent me. b.u.t.terflies swarmed my belly every time my phone went off. They went to the speedway earlier to do their manly s.h.i.t and blow off steam so I"m hoping Kayden will be in a better mood tonight. I want our final night here to go out with a bang and be drama free.

The guys have been gambling all evening and played a very intense game of Texas Hold em, from what Dixon told me. He was boasting in his random text messages because he cleaned everyone out. So I told him I expected him to be buying my drinks for the rest of the night.

It sucks that they"re here for Braxton"s bachelor weekend so we haven"t really gotten to see any of the guys today. We tried to get them to have dinner with us at the restaurant here at the hotel, but they already had made reservations at some sports bar and grill thing.

But Dixon texted me a little bit ago letting me know that they"d be in to find us soon and grab some drinks. So now I find myself on edge as a nervous excitement bubbles inside of me while I wait for him to get here.

As we sway to the music, ignoring everyone else around us, I notice a tall, muscular built man approaching us. The colorful strobe lights above our heads that are dancing around us illuminate the man"s face. I immediately notice it"s Kayden as he steps up behind Savannah and wraps his arms around her waist. He begins moving to the beat of the music along with her, and I notice her eyes light up as she realizes Kayden is here.

Her gaze moves behind me, and I feel an electric spark ignite in the air and my stomach begins to flip flop with nervous excitement. I feel his body slide up behind mine and his strong hands grip my hips pulling me into him.

Tilting my head, I peer up at the s.e.xier than sin man behind me. His electric blue eyes melt into mine as our bodies begin to move in sync with one another. I never thought the words, I"ve missed you", would ever leave my mouth in this lifetime. As I spin in his arms to face him, locking my fingers behind his neck, I find myself mouthing those very words up at Dixon. His hands slide down to my a.s.s and give it a possessive squeeze as he pulls me against his chest. I can feel his heart racing against his chest as the vibration travels straight through mine. Our hearts are beating almost as one as we dance together.

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