Dixon"s wearing a pair of dark, stone washed jeans, a black b.u.t.ton-up dress shirt, and black blazer. I feel giddy inside as I take in his tall, muscular frame as he towers over our, on the shorter side, Elvis. His hands are locked together nervously, and a goofy grin is plastered across his face.

Finally, I come to a stop in front of Dixon, and Elvis stops singing. Dixon holds his right hand out, taking my left, as I hug my bouquet to my chest as we listen to Elvis begin our wedding ceremony.

A couple waiting to be married next stand in as our witnesses which I think I thanked them probably a good hundred times while preparing for our ceremony.

My head is foggy and the entire ceremony goes by in a blur as he cracks jokes while saying our vows to us putting his Elvis twist onto them. All the while singing them to us in pure Elvis style, lifted lip and swinging pelvis guarantee, to have and to hold through endless purchases of blue suede shoes, and way too many adopted hound dogs. Neither Dixon nor I are capable of keeping a straight face throughout the entire wedding ceremony. With each giggle that leaves my mouth, the more relaxed I find myself.

It feels like I"ve barely stepped up in front of Dixon when I finally hear him ask Dixon, "Now to the big question, this will finally seal the deal for you two love birds and then you, sir, will get to kiss this beautiful creature standing here before you. So what do ya say? Do you, Dixon, take Brooklyn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I swallow hard as I await Dixon"s answer. It"s now or never. Either he follows through and say"s I do, or he high tails it out of here leaving me at the altar.

Which will it be?

I"m betting on you Beaumont-putting in all of my chips. So I"m begging you, please don"t break my heart or so help me, G.o.d...

My lungs begin to burn as I try to force them to continue inhaling and exhaling as my anxiety level turns up to one thousand.

Licking his lips and swallowing, I watch as his Adam"s apple bobs up and down in his throat. His body sways slightly as he tries to stay standing before me, his grip on my hand only growing tighter with every pa.s.sing second.

"I...do," he answers with a slightly shaky answer, but his all teeth grin never falters.

Thank you Jesus!

Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulls out a small wedding band wrapped in diamonds and slowly with slightly shaky hands, slips it onto my ring finger. I can"t take my eyes off of it as he brings it to rest at the top of my finger. It"s beautiful and perfect. Simple, yet elegant. With enough bling to suit my bright and slightly wild att.i.tude.

"Now it"s your turn, pretty mama! Do you take, Dixon, your hunk, a hunk of burning love, here to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Not needing a single moment to contemplate my answer, I answer with a smile that"s making my cheeks ache, "I do."

I"ve never been this d.a.m.n giddy in my entire life.

Reaching into my bra, I retrieve Dixon"s ring which causes a mischievous and heated gaze to fill his eyes which are now blazing hot. I feel my body flush under his intense stare as I bring his platinum band up to his finger and slowly push it up and over his knuckle. I mentally cheer as I watch it slip on perfectly.

We"re officially married. This is the most insane, spur of the moment thing that I have ever done in my life-and I have done a lot of crazy a.s.s things in my short lifetime.

But this takes the cake!

I"m usually the girl gagging dramatically over couples overly romantic and mushy in public and looking way too in love. Now look at me. Running off with my boyfriend of five minutes and getting hitched by Elvis no less!

That"s as insanely romantic as one can get.

I can only hope it won"t end with me in the heartbreak hotel, because with Dixon you just never know.

"Now, the moment you"ve been waiting for. From me and the great state of Nevada, I now p.r.o.nounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Not wasting any time, Dixon tugs me into his arms and dips me back as he brings his lips down to mine. His kiss is soft and sweet. Cat calls ensue around us from the staff watching the wedding to the two witnesses standing beside us.

Breaking the kiss, Dixon pulls his mouth away from mine and with his best Elvis impersonation says, "Have mercy!" before standing me back up onto two wobbly feet. The adrenaline is kicking in from everything that has transpired up to this moment, and I find myself feeling as if I am floating on cloud nine.

A few minutes later, after finishing up our photos with the photographer, we have our wedding certificate in hand and are ready to celebrate. Dixon scoops me up into his arms and carries me-well more like staggers- outside to the limo waiting for us curbside. Slapping his chest with my bouquet, I yell at him with amus.e.m.e.nt in my tone, "Set me down before you drop me. I don"t think us sitting in the E.R. will be a fun way to celebrate our nuptials."

Laughing, Dixon parrots, "Nuptials. That"s a funny word."

Shaking my head, I climb into the limo, sliding across the leather seat and watch as Dixon attempts to climb in beside me without knocking his head off of the doorjamb. He waves to the driver signaling for him to shut the door as soon as he falls in beside me.

Turning his head to look down at me, he holds his hand out to me silently asking me to take it. I set my left hand in his and watch as my diamond band twinkles in the overhead lighting of our limo.

It"s so weird seeing a wedding ring on my hand.

But every time I look at it I get this amazing fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach. It doesn"t seem real. It won"t I think until we let the world know.

As soon as I give him my hand, he"s tugging me up and onto his lap so that I"m straddling him. He releases my hand and brings his hands to rest on my hips as he stares up at me with a far off look in his eyes.

"So, Mrs. Beaumont...wow that sounds so weird." He laughs before reeling himself back in, and I just shake my head and bite back a smile. I can"t stand how adorable he is right now. "What do you think about polishing off this bottle of champagne and then making out with your husband like two h.o.r.n.y high schoolers in the back of a Mustang until we get back to the hotel?"

Running my fingers through his disheveled hair, I curve my back, rubbing my c.l.i.t against the evident bulge in his jeans and brush my lips against his. "I think that sounds like the perfect plan," I mouth against his lips before backing away from his tempting lips and reaching for the bottle. "I say, f.u.c.k the gla.s.ses," I tell him as I bring the bottle up to my lips and take a long swig from it before handing it over to him.

"Sounds good to me, darlin". Hearing that pretty little mouth of yours say f.u.c.k only makes me want to shove my c.o.c.k inside of you even more than I already do. I have something I want to do first when we get to the hotel, but as soon as that is finished, we"re going to head up to my room so I can f.u.c.k your tight little c.u.n.t, all night long."

A shiver of desire trickles down my spine and only intensifies as it reaches my core. Trying to distract myself and my raging hormones, I ask, "So what"s this surprise you have planned when we get back to the hotel?"

Nipping playfully at my nipple through my dress he laughs. "That"s for me to know and you to find out, baby."

Taking my hand into his, Dixon leads me down the corridor of the hotel. "Wasted or not, they"ll give me a tattoo, don"t you worry, babe."

I can"t help but laugh as I shake my head at the drunken fool pulling me toward the tattoo shop in Knox"s hotel. I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to get a tattoo.

My eyes keep lingering on our entwined fingers that are now donning our wedding bands. I still cannot believe we just eloped. I have a picture in my clutch of us with an Elvis impersonator that married us. That will definitely be a conversation starter when people spot it on my mantel.

"You sure you won"t regret this wonderful idea in the morning?" I ask as we stop in front of the twenty-four-hour tattoo parlor.

Flashing me a c.o.c.ky grin, Dixon tugs on my hand causing me to crash into his rock solid chest. I rest my hand against his shoulder as I steady myself. With all the shots I took, I"m surprised I can even catch myself and not fall flat on my a.s.s.

Slipping his hand into my hair, he cups the side of my face and pulls me in for a quick kiss. "Believe me, darlin", there is nothing about tonight I"ll ever regret."

I can"t help but become giddy as he says those words to me. Never in a million years did I think I"d be Mrs. Dixon Beaumont. I thought just a few weeks ago we were done for good. I was over being just a bed buddy to him; I wanted more and he didn"t. Then all of a sudden he was texting me saying he missed me. Now look at us, eloping in Vegas.

I need to tell Jax, but that can wait until the morning. He"ll understand; it"s not like we were serious or anything. We were just friends who hooked up from time to time. But I know after our talk last night that he"ll be hurt even if only a little. I told him Dixon and I wanted to take things slow and see where we"d go from there. Twenty-four hours later, we"re eloping. He"s known since day one I"ve wanted Dixon. I never met a guy who consumed my every thought like Dixon has.

I just hope once we both sober up nothing changes. Nothing is worse than getting a taste of what you"ve dreamt of, just have it vanish before your eyes.

Holding my cell up, I snap a picture of Dixon lying down with his arm above his head. The tattoo artist, Skit, I really hope that isn"t his real name, is working on Dixon"s new ink.

I still can"t believe he"s tattooing my name on his arm. Kayden is going to have a field day with this. Especially, after Dixon busted Kayden"s b.a.l.l.s the entire plane ride home from the Bahamas for tattooing Savannah"s name on his ribs.

"How"s it lookin"?" Dixon asks dragging his gaze from me to his arm.

Climbing off of the stool, I make my way over beside Dixon and observe the tattoo; it looks pretty bad a.s.s. "It"s turning out really awesome, babe. I love it!" Leaning down, I kiss him before going back to watching Skit finish the detailing around my name.

"It sure hurts like a mother f.u.c.ker..." Dixon says between clenched teeth as Skit fills in the swirls around my name.

He did Brooklyn" in a cursive font, with really interesting swirl-like details around it. It"s a work of art on his arm. I can"t wait to show it off to everyone with him tomorrow.

Reaching into his jeans, Dixon pulls out his chrome flask. "Nothing like some Jack to numb the pain." He laughs and flashes me a c.o.c.ky grin, as he holds it up to me. "Can ya help me out, babe?"

Rolling my eyes, I take the flask and twist the top off for him. "I don"t know how you"re not numb already. I think you drank an entire bottle of Jack back at the club!"

He takes a long swig from the flask. "Ahhh," he says as he slaps his lips together and slowly drags his tongue over them, licking the remaining whiskey off. "It takes a whole lot more than that to make me numb, baby. As soon as this tattoo is done, we"re heading up to the suite to consummate our marriage...h.e.l.l maybe we can do that on the way up to the suite."

Skit sure is finding this conversation interesting, he slides his gaze from Dixon"s tattoo up to me, before focusing back on the tattoo. "So I take it you two got married? Let me guess, by a guy dressed up like Elvis?"

Dixon lets out a loud chuckle. "Yup! d.a.m.n, it"s the best f.u.c.kin" idea ever. It was a spur of the moment thing, but s.h.i.t, it beats dealing with all that crazy a.s.s weddin" plannin" s.h.i.t!"

Wow. Isn"t he just romantic?

Biting back a smile, I run my hand over Dixon"s arm, "You"re right, Dixon, Savannah and Kayden should save themselves the headache of planning a wedding and just elope, too."

A devilish grin spreads across his lips as he flashes me a mega-watt smile. "We"re f.u.c.kin" geniuses. I will so be telling Knox tomorrow he should ask Savannah to elope."

I highly doubt Savannah will go for that idea, but I"ll just let him enjoy his moment of glory.

Chapter 10.

-Dixon The sound of my phone going off beside my head stirs me awake. Grabbing my pillow, I roll onto my stomach and shove it over my head.

Ignoring the a.s.shole persistently calling me, I try to fall back asleep. My head is pounding thanks to my dumb a.s.s drinking way too much last night.

I lost track by midnight. After that who knows? I probably drank enough to get half of f.u.c.king Vegas intoxicated. A soft, sleepy moan fills the room as I feel the bed shift beside me. "Either answer your phone...or turn the d.a.m.n ringer off." Brooklyn grumbles with her voice s.e.xy as ever and husky from sleep.

Flipping over I grab the phone and silence it before rolling back to face her. I sling my arm over her body and pull her into me. "There. Happy now?" I ask as I bury my face into the crook of her neck and breathe in the fruity aroma of her shampoo. We showered early this morning after hours of s.e.x. Now the bed smells of her, and I can"t get enough of it. It was a b.i.t.c.h though trying to not hit my f.u.c.king tattoo the entire time. Which, I"m still somewhat in shock over the fact that I tattooed her name on my f.u.c.king arm.

I"m never going to live this one down.

"Yes. Very," she says sleepily before snuggling into me and draping her leg over mine.

I never liked sleeping in a bed with a woman, let alone cuddling with one. That is until Brooklyn came charging into my life like a f.u.c.king bull at a G.o.dd.a.m.n rodeo. She"s shaken my entire life up and changed everything.

Her breathing has already slowed back down as I feel her slipping back to sleep in my arms when I hear my phone vibrating on the table. Trying to ignore it, I squeeze my eyes shut willing sleep to come. But as soon as my phone stops, it begins buzzing again.

For f.u.c.ks sake!

Slipping my arm out from under her head, I lean down and press a kiss to her temple before climbing out of bed. Grabbing my phone, I look around for my briefs to slip on. It takes me a few minutes of searching in the dark with only the light from my phone, but I find them near the door of our room. Slipping them on, I grab a t-shirt lying discarded across a chair near the sliding gla.s.s doors leading out to the balcony.

Pulling the shirt over my head, I"m extra careful not to rip the gauze off of my arm. The sun trying to force its way into the room through the blackout curtains reminds me that I"m going to need some shades. Especially with this f.u.c.king hangover.

I pad across the room over to the dresser where I left my sungla.s.ses last night. s.n.a.t.c.hing them up, I hurry toward the sliding gla.s.s doors as my phone begins vibrating in my hand.

Whoever the f.u.c.k is calling me sure is persistent this morning.

Unlocking and sliding open the door, I step out onto the balcony overlooking the swimming pool below. The bright, morning light blinds me temporarily as I slip my sungla.s.ses on attempting to shield my eyes.

I plop down onto the lounger and hold my phone up to see who"s calling. No one ever calls me. Everyone knows if you want to reach me on the weekends to text me. I don"t check any messages over the weekend. Once Monday rolls around I"m back into business mode, but on the weekends you want to talk to me, shoot me a message before you call, I will ignore it.

The only exception I"ve made is with Brooklyn. That"s only because I love hearing her voice.

I"m officially one of those love-sick a.s.sholes who find themselves falling all over themselves over a chick. But I don"t give a flying f.u.c.k. Let the jokes fly, but I have the last laugh because I get what every man wishes he had, full access to her killer body anytime I want it.

My eyes almost fall out of my head when I read my father"s name lit up across the screen. My father never calls me...like ever. My mother does because I swear it"s some weird mom thing. She insists on calling not texting whenever she needs to speak with me. But my dad, he"s a straight shooter. He messages me only when needed and keeps s.h.i.t short and simple. Just the way I like it.

So seeing his name pop up as the person calling my phone non-stop this morning makes my stomach knot up nervously.

Sliding my finger across the screen, I answer the phone and bring it up to my ear. "s.h.i.t, Dad. Did someone die?" I joke, but from the screaming on the other end, I take it he"s in no mood to joke around. From his tone I can tell he"s as p.i.s.sed off as a f.u.c.king bee in a beer can.

"Please tell me you didn"t get married last night, Dixon!" His voice booms through the phone and sends ice sliding through my veins.

Well, s.h.i.t. News traveled awfully fast this morning.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I try to figure out how to defuse the situation. "Well, as a matter of fact-" My father cuts me off before I can get a full response out.

"Have you lost your f.u.c.kin" mind? Do you know what you have done?" I flinch at his words and hold the phone away from my ear before he blows my ear drum straight out of my head.

"Dad, calm down." I let out a frustrated sigh as I plead with him to relax. It"s a wedding not the end of the f.u.c.king world.

He lets out a frustrated groan on the other end of the phone, and I can hear my mother talking in the background but can"t make out what she"s saying. "Don"t tell me to calm down, Dixon. You have no idea what you"ve done! You"ve just put everything in jeopardy over a girl? The minute you land today, you"re to come to the house and we"re going to meet with my attorney so we can figure out how to get this marriage annulled."

I cup my forehead in my hand as I will the throbbing inside of my skull to go away. I"m too hung over to deal with this s.h.i.t. "Dad, I"m f.u.c.king hungover and tired as s.h.i.t. I don"t want to deal with this right now. Why the f.u.c.k would I get an annulment? I love this girl. I wouldn"t have married her if I didn"t."

"Since when do you even know what love is? You have your d.i.c.k between a new girl"s legs every f.u.c.king weekend, Dixon. I"m grateful you"ve at least been smart enough up until this moment to wrap it up before you slept with them to protect our family and our company. But this...you really have no idea what you"ve done. All over a girl you"ll probably forget about the second the next pretty girl with a nice rack and tight body waltz in front of you."

Shaking my head, I try to keep my anger in. He"s p.i.s.sed, I get that. But I can"t have him thinking Brooklyn is just some gold digging wh.o.r.e that conned me into marrying her.

"Thanks, Dad. I"m glad my common sense to practice safe s.e.x has been my shining moment with you. Not the fact that I"ve built my own successful business, all the while running Beaumont Energy alongside you, Mom and Kayden."

"Don"t get mouthy with me, boy. You know d.a.m.n well the s.h.i.t storm you"ve just created with this circus of a wedding in Las Vegas. What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you? Do you not care that this girl can leave you and take everything? How could you be so f.u.c.kin" stupid! Your mother is beside herself. Crying hysterically that she had to learn about her son getting married by watching the news this morning! Your little elopement has gone viral and is now plastered all over the internet and every news station! Our PR team is going to have a field day trying to clear this mess up you"ve created."

Climbing to my feet, I walk over to the railing and grip onto it with my left hand. The light catches my wedding band and glimmers in the morning sunlight. A pang of sadness knocks me hard in the chest.

This is going to break Brooklyn.

"I can"t ask her for an annulment, Dad. Do you know how insensitive that is? She"s not like those other girls I"ve dated. She"s different. She"s best friends with Kayden"s fiance. Do you really think I"d be stupid enough to marry someone I thought would use me just for my money?"

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