Holding her head up by her bun, I still her head as I mummer, "That"s enough. Ride my f.u.c.kin" c.o.c.k-now." I gasp for air as she sits up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

Her face is flushed and her eyes are glossy with l.u.s.t as she stands and slips out of her panties, before straddling me. Slowly, she comes down on top of me, letting my d.i.c.k stretch and fill her as she takes everything I have to give. I don"t want to come off as some c.o.c.ky mother f.u.c.ker, but I have a pretty big d.i.c.k, but we"ve done this enough that Brooklyn fits me perfectly.

Nothing and no one can compare to how she feels as she wraps herself around me.

Running my hands along her sides, I explore her body as she braces herself, resting her hands on my chest and begins slowly moving up and down my length letting her body adjust to being filled by me this way.

She looks beyond gorgeous right now with her hair all tousled on top of her head, her cheeks flushed from the need to be f.u.c.ked, and her skin glowing in the light of the fire. I cup her t.i.ts in my hands and tease them as she begins to pick up pace, rotating her hips in a way that makes me see stars floating before my f.u.c.king eyes.

Within minutes she has a perfect rhythm down and is chasing her o.r.g.a.s.m as I fist her hair once again and crash her mouth down onto mine. I need to taste her kiss as she comes on me.

Crashing her mouth down to mouth, I slip my tongue into her mouth and kiss the breath straight out of her as she moans into my mouth. She"s almost there, I can feel her body tensing as it prepares for the o.r.g.a.s.ms she"s about to have. I begin thrusting my hips up at her, meeting her every time she comes back down onto me. She"s grinding her c.l.i.t against me giving herself that final push that"ll send her floating into the clouds as ecstasy consumes her.

I cup her a.s.s with my free hand and begin rotating my hips pinning her against me. Each thrust I feel my d.i.c.k rubbing perfectly inside of her and each time I feel her shudder against me. My b.a.l.l.s begin to tingle as I feel my o.r.g.a.s.ms coming. Brooklyn"s nails dig into my neck and shoulder as her body grows rigid on top of me. My tongue licks at hers and our moans blend together as I give her one final thrust and send us both soaring together as we bask in our o.r.g.a.s.ms together.

Rolling off of me after finally floating back down to earth, Brooklyn smiles across at me with a love drunk smirk playing on her lips. "I love you so much, Dixon. Thank you for this weekend. It"s been simply amazing."

Leaning up I retrieve the throw blanket off of the edge of the couch and cover us with it before pulling her back into my arms. I watch the flames of the fire dance behind her, causing a red glow to shine against her smooth, naked skin. Running my fingers up and down the curves of her side from shoulder to hip, I take in my wife, looking sated. But knowing my wife, I know she"ll be ready for round two in no time. Lifting her hand to my head, she slides her fingers through my hair and gazes lovingly at me.

"I love you too, baby. I"m going to spend every single moment making sure you know it. I know I don"t deserve this-you, but I"m so f.u.c.kin" grateful that you"re here with me, like this, right now."

Her eyes grow misty as she scoots her body closer to mine, and slips her leg in between mine. "You deserve my love just as much as I deserve yours, Dixon. We"ve both messed up more times than we can count, but that"s in the past. It"s time to move on, have a fresh start leaving all of that behind us. That starts this weekend with this amazing honeymoon. I couldn"t have asked for a more perfect trip. A part of me is afraid to leave because right now we"re in this perfect coc.o.o.n away from the real world. But once we walk out that door tomorrow and return back to our every day lives, there"s no telling what will happen."

"What are you scared will happen? I told you when I married you that I was in this forever. I may have been really, really, drunk. But like they say, the most honest people are toddlers and drunk people. Nothing, nor no one can destroy what we have. That I promise you." Hugging her tightly against my chest, I press a kiss to her forehead and lay there holding her. Trying to show her not with just my words, but with my actions that I mean it when I tell her that I love her. She"s my f.u.c.king world now, and I don"t plan on letting her slip through my fingers ever again.

Snuggling her face into my chest she lets out a long, shaky breath, "You were pretty chatty in Vegas when you were drunk. One thing you made sure to tell me over and over again was how sorry you were and how much you loved me. It"s just with everything that Savannah and Kayden just went through, I"m scared to get too comfortable. Because once you get comfortable, that"s when s.h.i.t seems to blow up in your face...I know you think I"m being a paranoid wife when I tell you I don"t like you having that s.l.u.tty red head for an a.s.sistant. But can you put yourself in my shoes?" She asks, peering up at me with a fierceness in her eyes that lets me know she"s as serious as a f.u.c.king heart attack right now.

"I see where you"re coming from. It"s just that I feel bad for firing the girl. She hasn"t done anything wrong."

"Yet. That girl is biding her time until she can sink her claws into you. Now that she knows we"re married, I can tell you right now she"s going to up her s.l.u.t game and work even harder to seduce you. I will not lose you to that s.k.a.n.k. As soon as I met her, all I could think of was freaking Giselle. Dealing with one gold digging s.k.a.n.k is enough for me in one life time."

Rolling her onto her back, I slip between her legs and press my d.i.c.k at her slick, wet core and slowly slide back inside of her. She rolls her eyes at me, but lifts her legs, locking them around my waist, and pressing the heels of her feet into my a.s.s, urging me to push myself completely inside of her.

"Seriously, you"re hard again already?"

I let out a low chuckle, "Hearing my wife getting all territorial got me h.o.r.n.y, what can I say I love a woman willing to fight off any s.k.a.n.k that comes near her man. If you feel that strongly about her working for me, first thing Monday, I"ll let her go. I"ll even allow you to help me hire my new a.s.sistant. How"s that sound?"

I give her one hard thrust as she tries to answer, her eyes roll into the back of her head as her eye lids flutter shut, and she drags her teeth across her bottom lip and moans loudly. "Sounds...fantastic..." she mumbles under her breath before I put an end to this conversation by sealing her lips with mine.

Chapter 15.

-Dixon "I cannot believe you bought a dog."

I have to do a double take as I walk through the door of the beach house and find Brooklyn sitting on the floor with a yellow fluff ball bouncing between her outstretched legs. It"s a yellow Labrador wearing a pink bandana around its neck with flowers all over it. So I"m taking a wild guess and saying she bought a girl dog.

At least it won"t try to hump my leg every time I walk through the door.

Dangling a toy rope in the air, making the puppy even more excited, Brooklyn shifts her eyes from the puppy up toward me. Her eyes are sparkling with joy as the dog-which I just pray to G.o.d she hasn"t named it f.u.c.king Tinkerbell or Fluffy. I will not stand outside yelling some Disney character or over the top girly f.u.c.kin" name down the beach at my dog. It barks up at the rope she"s teasing it with, and I have to admit it"s cute. At least she got a dog I can do manly stuff with like hunting and fishing, unlike those little purse ridin" dogs whose only purpose is to look cute and wear f.u.c.kin" tutus.

"It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn"t plan on buying a dog-but how could I resist? I mean come on, Dixon! Look at that face!" she says, cupping the dogs face in her hands and talking in that obnoxious yet adorable voice all women use when they"re around puppies and babies.

Rolling my eyes, I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer from the fridge. Twisting the cap off, I toss it onto the counter, before dragging my boot-covered feet back into the living room. I"m tired as f.u.c.k, and so not in the mood to deal with cleaning up dog s.h.i.t and p.i.s.s...which I already know is how I"m going to spend the evening. The scattered about puppy pee pads I"m betting will be the last place this pup goes potty.

Plopping onto the couch and kicking my boot-covered feet out, I cross my legs at my ankles and sink into the overly cushioned sectional. Dangling the long neck of the bottle between my fingers, I bring it to my lips and take a long pull from my beer, relishing in the feeling of the cold liquid as it slides down the back of my throat. I"ve worked all day in sweltering temperatures while hammering and sawing until my arms screamed for me to stop. If there is one thing I deserve at this moment, it"s an ice cold beer and a big a.s.s juicy steak, which Brooklyn has marinating in the fridge as we speak.

Resting my beer bottle on my thigh, I narrow my eyes onto Brooklyn as she continues to play with the dog, ignoring the irritated look etched into my face. "Brooklyn, a spur of the moment purchase is a f.u.c.kin" pair of shoes, or some ridiculously expensive purse. Not a dog. Have you forgotten that you pretty much live out in L.A. three days a week? So who do you think will be trying to take care of this puppy and run two businesses while you"re off in Hollywood playing movie star?"

The next thing I know a tennis ball is flying past my head and bouncing off of the wall, followed by the dog barreling across the floor and up onto my lap.

"Jesus Christ!" I curse as I throw my hand in the air to save my beer from spilling all over myself and the d.a.m.n sofa. The dog darts across the couch grabbing the tennis ball that"s landed onto the cushion beside me, before lying down with it, trapping the ball between its fluffy paws.

Climbing to her feet, Brooklyn takes two steps before stopping between my legs that are now bent and spread apart as I sit up on the couch. "I"m not stupid, Dixon. I know I"m traveling all the time. It"s lonely out there by myself with Savannah living out here now. I"m going to take the dog with me since I use the jet now. They have doggy day care out there that a few of my friends use and recommended to me when I texted them earlier. I have it all figured out."

I can only hope she"s right. I don"t think she understands just how hard it is taking care of a puppy. It"s more than playing with them and feeding them. They chew everything and make your house their giant toilet. I, for one, have enough on my plate; I don"t need to add chasing after a dog all day to my ever growing list of s.h.i.t I need to do within a twenty-four-hour span.

"Alright. If you think you can handle the responsibility of a dog, then I"m okay with having a puppy. I just hope you know what you"re getting yourself into because dogs are a handful."

Brooklyn climbs onto my lap and hooks her arms around my neck. "It can"t be that hard?"

The worst five words that could ever be spoken by any human being about a d.a.m.n dog.

Turning my head over to the puppy, I watch as it jumps off of the couch, tumbling onto its face as it loses its balance, and then struts across the floor, stopping just in front of the pee pad and squats.

Grabbing Brooklyn by the waist, I toss her onto the seat beside me and jump to my feet shouting at the dog, "Bad dog! Bad dog!" As I scoop it up and set it onto the puppy pad, a second too late I might add, I discover a small puddle on the hardwood floor where it just p.i.s.sed.

Glancing over my shoulder, I take in the sight of Brooklyn leaning back on her elbows, still lying in the same position she landed in as she stares blankly at the puppy. She blinks a few times, then scurries to her feet, running into the kitchen to retrieve paper towels and kitchen cleaner.

"Don"t worry baby, I got this," she says, overly sweet. Squatting down beside me she begins cleaning up the tiny puddle. "She"ll be house trained in no time."

Thankfully, Brooklyn went to PetsMart and bought everything she needs for her new puppy. Including a dog training crate, which it is safely tucked away in and howling at the top of its lungs right now. I barely got a wink of sleep last night because the sound of the dog crying inside of its cage kept me awake most of the night. Finally, I told Brooklyn I didn"t care how mean she thought it was, the dog was sleeping downstairs in the living room. So at almost three in the morning, I finally fell asleep. But it didn"t last long because Brooklyn was waking me up as the sun was coming up a little after five thirty in the morning asking me to walk the dog.

Me. Up. At five thirty in the f.u.c.kin" mornin" on a Sat.u.r.day! After waking up all week at the a.s.s crack of dawn for work! I swear this woman has lost her ever lovin" mind! Now I understand why people say, before you have kids, get a dog. Because believe me, after one night of almost no sleep, I"m ready to run back to my penthouse and sleep the entire weekend away. I can"t imagine having a screaming newborn keeping me up every single night.

Thank G.o.d we both agreed that we want to hold off on starting a family. Because after one night with a dog, I am 100% certain that I am not ready for fatherhood. I don"t even know if I am ready for doggy-daddy hood, if that is even a word? But what the h.e.l.l, I"m making it one.

In the midst of planning our own wedding reception, which we"re hoping to have next month, we"ve been invited to a get-together at Kayden and Savannah"s beach house down the street for their engagement party. It"s a low key get-together with friends since they had a family celebration in Hawaii on the day they got engaged. This is more of a last hooray with friends before the final weeks of wedding preparation kick in. I can"t believe they"ll be married in less than two months. Then Knox and I will both be officially off the market.

The bachelors of Houston we will be no more.

It"s an end to an era.

Things with Brooklyn aren"t all roses; we fight like cats and dogs because we"re both stubborn, but the makeup s.e.x is always worth it. We"re taking things slow, and it seems to be working for us. Every day I fall a little more in love with her. Watching my best friend and cousin settling down with Savannah right alongside me makes it not so scary.

At first I was terrified of taking that leap and committing myself to only one woman. But now Brooklyn and I just celebrated one month of marriage...which is something I never thought would happen, but here we are one month later, still in love and both still breathing.

I can"t imagine my life any other way. She"s my entire f.u.c.king world now.

Kayden was able to fly Reagan and Rebecca in from L.A. to surprise Savannah. It was hilarious watching Brooklyn try to keep that secret in. She knew since she talked with them while back in L.A. a few days ago about getting the time off to fly out.

This is actually our first time hanging out with Jax since Vegas, and I was worried it would be awkward seeing that I"m the reason Brooklyn broke things off with him. But surprisingly he"s been cool. We"ve spent the evening drinking, busting each other"s b.a.l.l.s like usual, and even been playing doubles for beer pong for the last half hour. With him and Rebecca partnered up against Brooklyn and me.

Holding my hand up in the air, I narrow my eyes onto the red solo cups at the other end of the picnic table and get ready to toss my ping pong ball when I spot Savannah and Kayden making their way up onto the deck. They"ve been hanging out down on the beach with friends by the fire while we"ve been up here battling it out on the deck. The sun has set now and the only lighting is from the tiki torches and fire below, and the deck lights up here. We"ve lucked out weather wise that it"s a warm, clear night with not a single cloud in the sky.

"There"s the love birds!" Rebecca yells over the music as Savannah and Kayden approach us with their arms wrapped around each other"s waists. Savannah slips away from Kayden and jumps cheerfully into a hug with Rebecca.

"I still can"t believe you two are getting married in two months! We need to seriously get our a.s.ses in gear and get our dresses picked out. Girl, two months is going to come and go really fast!"

Brooklyn leans into my side, smiling up at me as I bring my hand to rest on her hip, slowly rubbing my fingers along the small part of exposed skin peeking out from her t-shirt that"s ridden up her sides during the game.

Suddenly the sound of something clinging against gla.s.s comes from below, and Braxton"s voice fills the beach as he shouts over the chatter and music. "I think I should give a toast now, before we"re all too s.h.i.t faced!"

We all follow behind Savannah and Kayden as they make their way to Braxton and Mya.

Clearing his throat, Braxton flashes an all-teeth grin at Savannah and Kayden while holding his beer above his head. "We"re all here tonight, not to party our a.s.ses off..." Braxton lets out a low chuckle, "s.h.i.t, well we"re here for that too, but we"re also all here tonight to celebrate my best friend," he says, pointing his beer at Kayden. "Kayden"s finally retiring his player ways, and being smart enough to see that Savannah is the perfect chick for him. Congrats, you two, on your engagement! I"m glad to see you have finally found your soul mate!" Mya snuggles into Braxton"s side, holding her red solo cup up in the air to say cheers along with him.

"To Kayden and Savannah!" Braxton cheers, and we all yell up into the night sky with our gla.s.ses in the air.

Kayden raises his beer into the air as we all finish taking a drink from our cups and bottles and turns his attention from Braxton to Brooklyn and I. "Awesome toast, but now it"s my turn to toast my lil" cousin here, who as y"all know by now, got hitched in Vegas!"

The beach explodes with loud excitement as everyone begins hootin" and hollerin" at us. I tighten my hold on Brooklyn, pulling her closer to me as I grin and press a kiss to the top of her hair.

Kayden"s eyes are glossed over and he"s seems to be sporting a good buzz, so G.o.d only knows what this f.u.c.ker"s about to say. One thing is for sure, Brooklyn is blushing as red as a f.u.c.king apple as she shyly waves and says thank you randomly to everyone around us.

Clearing his throat, Kayden begins to speak. His voice booms across the beach with his familiar, demands attention without even trying drawl, but the amus.e.m.e.nt and relaxed tone he"s speaking with let"s everyone know he"s here to have a good time. The all business Kayden is nowhere to be found. In his place is his alter ego, Knox-the ball busting, trickster who"s up for anything. When he"s in a relaxed setting, you just never know what will come out of that f.u.c.ker"s mouth, especially when he"s drunk.

We"re way too much alike for my own liking sometimes.

"When I heard these two crazy kids eloped, I gave it a week max before they either killed each other or annulled their marriage." Brooklyn"s body tenses slightly in my arms, but I softly rub my fingers along her warm skin peeking out between her jeans and t-shirt, silently showing her I"m by her side. "But Dixon surprised me, and one month later these two are still married and both breathing!" Everyone starts laughing along with Kayden, as do I, especially since it seems my cousin seemed to have crawled inside my f.u.c.king head and stole every d.a.m.n thought that"s crossed my mind since we eloped.

Brooklyn"s laughter fills the s.p.a.ce around us, and I feel my heart tighten in my chest. Every time I think about how lucky I am to have her, this feeling consumes me that is unlike anything I"ve ever experienced before.

There"s no doubt about it, Brooklyn owns my f.u.c.kin" heart. I think it"s safe to say that everyone here tonight can see I"ve fallen really f.u.c.kin" hard. No one believed this day would come, no one more so than myself. But here I am, married and with a beach full of beautiful women; my eyes see no one but her.

"Hey, there"s still time to kill him and feed him to the sharks, you know!" Brooklyn shouts at Kayden, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Releasing my grasp on her hip, I step away from her and playfully push on her shoulder and flash her my best thanks a lot" look as I pretend to be offended by her comment. I swing my arm back and smack her on the a.s.s, causing a loud squeal to fly from her ruby red lips.

"You"d be miserable without me!" I tell her matter-of-factly all while flashing her my best melt-your-panties-off-grin.

"Hey, I"m trying to do a toast here! "Back to my toast...Now what I was saying is Dixon has always been the playboy of Houston, even more so than me! I know...it"s hard to believe." He laughs, and everyone around us does too. "I never thought the day would come that he would settle down and willingly commit to one woman for the rest of his life. Dixon and Brooklyn, no matter how crazy it sounds, are perfect together. So here"s to Dixon and Brooklyn! May you two live a long, happy life together, and if you end up killin" him Brooklyn, I"ll gladly help dispose of the dips.h.i.t"s body, because I know he probably deserved it."

With that being said, Kayden along with the rest of us drain the remainder of our drinks.

Cranking the music back up, we get back to partying.

"Okay, winner of this round plays Savannah and me!" Kayden yells at Jax, Rebecca, Brooklyn, and me as we all make our way back to the table set up for beer pong.

"And the winner of that round plays Braxton and Mya!" Savannah chimes.

"We"re definitely going to kick your a.s.ses. Savannah is one more drink away from spending the evening praying to the porcelain G.o.d," I tease, flashing Savannah a wicked grin before bursting out laughing.

"Hey, mate! Who says you"ll be winning? Last I remember, Rebecca and I were whoopin" your a.s.ses!" Jax shouts across the beer pong table, chucking a ball at my f.u.c.king head.

I"m drunk, but not that drunk...yet. With my f.u.c.king cat like reflexes, I catch that G.o.dd.a.m.n ping pong ball and whip it straight back at Jax"s head, knocking him in the temple, and sending everyone around the table into a fit of laughter.

We"re one crazy bunch of friends, but I wouldn"t want to be surrounded by anyone else. No matter what, we know we all have each other"s back. Always. That"s rare, and we f.u.c.king know it.

We never take for granted the friendship we share. I can only hope that as the years go by, and our lives change and evolve, that we never lose this bond we share.

If we"re lucky, we"ll find ourselves fifty years from now, still celebrating major milestones in our lives with our entire gang by our side; tippin" em" back and reminiscing about the good ol" days when we drank too much and made memories to last us all ten life times.

Chapter 16.

14 months later -Dixon The last fourteen months have flown by in a blur it feels like. So much has happened. Brooklyn and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary two months ago. Everyone thought we wouldn"t last a month, but look at us now; a year later and we"re stronger than ever.

We got to celebrate our wedding anniversary by officially moving into our house in Sugar Land. Nothing made me more proud than to design our dream house alongside Brooklyn, and then along with my friends and construction company, I built it with my own two hands.

Brooklyn fell in love with the colonial style houses after we took a trip to Salem, Ma.s.sachusetts last year. So we mixed both of our ideas and built a breathtaking red brick Southern colonial style home. We"ve only lived in it two months so it"s still a work in progress, and with our schedules it feels like we"ll never get completely settled, but I know in time we"ll get there.

I had to go to Boston to go over plans for Kayden right after his wedding last August. He actually just broke ground there last month. He hopes to have the hotel open and running within the next eighteen months. It"s the first Knox Hotel in the New England area. It"ll have a nightclub in it, hopefully making it a popular attraction for the twenty-somethings looking for a place to party on the weekends. Being a popular college town, it"s crazy to not try and monopolize on that.

Brooklyn was able to get a few days off from filming and fly out with me, making it a nice getaway for us. When I had down time I asked her what she wanted to do, and she proceeded to go on and on about how Hocus Pocus is her favorite movie of all time-which I knew thanks to our honeymoon when we spent an entire afternoon learning each other"s favorite things.

She told me that she would love to go to Salem and sightsee. It was only a short drive from Boston, so we made a day of it. I promised her we"ll return again this year. I want to surprise her with a trip there during October when they have it all decorated for Halloween. I know she"ll get a kick out of that.

Her schedule keeps her pretty busy, so finding time away from work to whisk her away on surprise trips is hard to do. But I couldn"t be more proud of her. She"s now a full-time character on As the Days go By. There"s a lot of buzz online in fan forums for the soap opera that she"ll win a Daytime Emmy. If she wins, I"ll probably embarra.s.s the h.e.l.l out of her by cheering obnoxiously from my seat while she goes on stage to accept her award, but I don"t give a flyin" f.u.c.k what anyone thinks. She"s my f.u.c.king world, and seeing her being recognized for the pa.s.sion she pours into her job every single time she steps onto that set makes me feel so d.a.m.n proud to be her husband and her biggest supporter.

Things with Jax were a little awkward after Brooklyn and I first got married, but since then we"ve put that past behind us, and he"s even moved on. Surprisingly with Savannah"s best friend from Envy, Rebecca. She"s a really sweet girl; they"ve been seeing each other since Savannah and Kayden"s engagement party last spring. We all learned while in New York for Savannah"s bachelorette party-where Brooklyn convinced us all to go Magic Mike on the girls, that her and Jax had hooked up that night in Galveston. Then slowly it turned into something more serious. Now they are looking to be the next couple in our group to settle down and tie the knot. You know things are serious when your girlfriend flies a very long a.s.s flight from LAX to Sydney, Australia to meet your parents.

Savannah and Kayden are now happily married and actually expecting twins. It"s pretty f.u.c.king crazy picturing Knox as a dad, but in a matter of a few weeks, that"s exactly what he"ll be. Since Savannah found out she was pregnant, Brooklyn"s had that baby fever kicking in, but with her job, starting a family right now isn"t possible. It"s too hard with her flying back and forth to L.A. every week from Houston. Hopefully down the road, she"ll have had her big break and feel established enough in her career that she"ll feel ready to take a step back and focus on starting a family with me. I never thought I wanted kids, but now the idea of starting a family with Brooklyn has me wanting things I never imagined I would.

I spent an entire afternoon bulls.h.i.tting with Knox and the guys about how we all need to have boys close in age so we can have them dominate football like we did back in the day.

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