She was nominated two years ago for her role as Priscilla but lost, so I understand that mentality of not wanting to get your hopes up. It helps you to not allow your heart to become shattered when it"s let down. But I feel it deep in my heart; she"s walking away from this award ceremony tonight with that gold trophy in her hands.

Her phone begins going off inside of her clutch, and quickly she pulls it out and sees it"s a FaceTime call from Savannah.

Answering the video chat, she holds the phone out and we both crack up laughing as we take in the sight of Savannah, Kayden, my sister Lila, her husband, and my niece along with my parents". They"re all donned in gowns and tuxedos. Even the kids are all dressed up. Which Colton and Brayden do not look all too pleased about.

They"re definitely all boy...and sadly for Savannah, like wild, rough little versions of Kayden and I. Us Beaumont boys sure know how to drive our parents" to drink. Beaumont boys have been keeping the wine industry in business for over three hundred years.

"What in the world?" Brooklyn says, shaking her head in awe and letting out a soft chuckle.

Savannah smiles back at her through the screen and waves her hand around the room which is filled with gold balloons and the television on E! News Red Carpet Coverage. "We"re having an Oscars party to celebrate your nomination. We were b.u.mmed that we couldn"t be there with you guys, so we decided to bring the Oscars to us. Plus, it"s a fun excuse to get all dressed up."

"We"re going to be here cheering you on as you walk up onto that stage tonight and accept your award. Just remember to thank your favorite sister-in-law while doing so." Lila makes everyone crack up with that one.

We talk with everyone for the remainder of the car ride over, and I"m forever grateful to everyone for that video call. Thanks to those twenty minutes, Brooklyn arrived at the red carpet relaxed and wearing the biggest smile on her face. She glowed as we walked down the red carpet, stopping to pose for numerous photographs and to be interviewed.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we"re ushered inside to our seats.

The second the jumbo screen pops up, Brooklyn"s face along with the other women up for nomination along with her for their category, she laces her fingers with mine and squeezes my hand for support. They play short clips from each nominated movie as they announce each nominee and the role they"ve been nominated for. The room is completely silent as the nominees are listed off and they begin tearing open the envelope to reveal the winner.

My hearts pounding so hard that it"s all I can hear as we wait for them to read off the name.

"The winner for Actress in a Lead Role is..." The announcer lifts her eyes along with the actor beside her helping present the award, and in unison they shout into the microphone, "Brooklyn Beaumont! For her role as Brittan McKenna-Valentine, in the movie Tempt My Heart. This is her first Oscar." They begin playing clips of Brooklyn in the movie. The reality of what is happening hits me like a freight train. I can only imagine how this feels for her. This is every actor"s dream. Some go years with a more than stellar acting career and never win an Oscar.

The second the screen zeroes in on Brooklyn"s face, which is completely stunned by her win, my heart freezes in my chest. This moment is really happening. Her dreams are coming true and I"m right here alongside her to help celebrate this moment she"ll carry with her forever.

She really won!.

Holy s.h.i.t! She won!.

"Oh my G.o.d, Dixon!" she screams as she cups her hands over her mouth and climbs out of her seat. I shoot up out of my seat and pull her in for a hug.

"Congratulations, baby," I whisper in her ear before cupping her face and giving her a quick kiss. "Now go-accept your award!" I whisper to her as my smile begins to cause my cheeks to ache.

Her eyes are misted with tears as she grabs the skirt of her dress and quickly makes her way out of our row and down the aisle toward the stairs. She climbs them with shaky legs- doing her best to not fall in her sky-high heels- before making her way across the stage. The entire room fills with the sound of clapping as she grips her Oscar in her hand and steps up to the microphone.

With shaky fingers she pulls out a written speech from her clutch and takes a deep breath before reading it.

"Wow, I cannot believe this is happening," she says in awe as her eyes take in the sea of people filling the room. We"re surrounded by movie legends. People she"s admired and looked up to, and people she"s dreamed of being like. Now she"s standing on the stage, holding the award that many dream of winning but only a few extremely talented and well-deserved people ever get to receive.

"I know I only have a few moments, so I"ll make this quick. First and foremost, I need to thank G.o.d. Because of him I"m on this earth living my dream every single day of my life. Secondly my husband, Dixon." She blows me a kiss as the screen changes from her to me sitting in shock in my seat. I press my hand against my heart which is our secret signal during events like this to tell each other I love you". "Without your undying support and love, I wouldn"t be where I am today. I need to especially thank Brittan and Jordon. They were amazing and worked so hard to help me accurately portray her in this movie. It was a huge role to tackle, but like they always say: the most challenging of roles are also the most rewarding. I never knew that to be more true until this role. Lastly, thank you to my family, my friends, and especially my fans. Thank you!"

After hours of partying and celebrating at the Oscar after party held at the Bel Air hotel, I asked the limo driver to bring us up to the lookout spot above the Hollywood sign. It"s a clear night with the sky full of stars. I don"t want this night to end just yet. So I"m prolonging the celebration.

We stop through the drive thru for some In and Out burgers and sodas and then make our way out of the city.

After washing down a bite of her burger, Brooklyn asks, "Where are we going?" as she realizes we"re not heading back to her parents" house in Beverly Hills just yet.

"I"m not ready for this night to end. Once we get back to your parents" and pick up Charlotte, the night will be over. You deserve to keep celebrating, baby. So that"s exactly what we"re going to do."

Shortly after we finish eating, the limo comes to a stop. I pop open the door and step out into the darkness. I reach my hand inside the limo, taking hers and helping Brooklyn out.

"Wow, I feel like I just flew back in time to high school," she mumbles under her breath as we walk hand in hand toward the wooden fence at the edge of the cliff. We can see the outline of the HOLLYWOOD sign below us, and the entire city of Angels twinkling beneath our feet.

Turning to face her, I notice her shiver slightly, so I shrug off my coat and drape it over her shoulders. "Better?" I ask as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against me. I bring my lips to her forehead and close my eyes as I try to soak in this moment with her. She doesn"t answer me, instead she simply nods her head yes and snuggles into my chest.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and pull up my music. Scrolling through my playlist, I find the song I"m looking for and hit play. Brooklyn laughs and looks up into my eyes in the dark as Thomas Rhett"s "Die a Happy Man" begins to play.

It was playing on the radio the first night we brought Charlotte home from the hospital. We were laying there in our bed with Charlotte fast asleep between the two of us as we watched the stars outside our bedroom window, simply enjoying the peacefulness that filled our home that night as we listened to music playing on low.

Well before Charlotte soon stirred awake and screamed like a baby banshee until the early morning hours.

Ever since, we"ve said it"s now our song. We never had a song, unlike Savannah and Kayden who"ve had one from the moment they pretty much met. Brooklyn always said she wanted a song that would be special to us before she picked one that would be ours".

So, now whenever we"re apart and she"s traveling and we"re missing each other, we"ll either text each other lyrics from the song, or simply send each other a link to the video on YouTube.

Her arms tighten around my waist as she rests her cheek against my heart as we slowly sway to the music. I slide my hands down to her a.s.s that has looked way too good in this dress tonight. I give it a tight squeeze and sing along with the song but changing the words slightly, "this black dress makes it hard to breathe..."

Her laughter fills the night air, sounding like music as it blends with the song and the chirping of the crickets hiding in the gra.s.s below us.

"Tonight was so amazing...but this right right now, alone up here under the stars. It"s absolutely the best way to end one of the greatest nights of my life." Tilting her head up at me, she brings her hands to my face, cupping my cheeks between her chilled fingers. Pulling my lips down to hers, she gives me a kiss that sets my body on fire. I groan against her parted lips as I slip my tongue into her mouth and pull her tighter against my body.

Breaking our kiss, she pulls away from my lips, and blinks up at me with a love-drunk gaze burning in her whiskey-colored eyes.

She doesn"t say a word; she simply smiles up at me as we continue to sway to the music and get lost in our own private little world.

Holding her a little tighter, I dance with her under the stars, singing to her my favorite line near the end of the song, that is perfect for her and I, "And I know that I can"t ever tell you enough that all I need in this life is your crazy love."

THE END!!!!!.


I"ve typed THE END for Dixon & Brooklyn <3 and="" now="" i"m="">

More Books by Danielle Jamie.

The Savannah Series:.

Irresistible Desire.

Inescapable Desire Indestructible Desire.

Infinite Desire Southern Desire.

Savannah"s Desire.

The Brooklyn Series:.

Wasted Love Heart of Dixon.

Betting on Beaumont.

Tempt Series: Tempt My Heart A Tempting Christmas.

Rebel Hearts (coming 2017).

The Stepbrother Series: Forbidden Untouchable.

Rapture Coming Soon a NEW Stepbrother Series book 1 Treacherous Sweet Home Alabama Series: Mine Would Be You.

Just South of Heaven (Emelyn and Lawson"s wedding & honeymoon available now in the Mouth 2 Anthology) Playing With Fire (Tucker"s book out this fall!) Happy Endings Resort Series: *Each book can be read alone there"s TONS of books in this series from many authors*

Book 2 in the series is Anywhere with You a standalone by Danielle Jamie.

Christmas Wish- a Holiday Standalone Tease Me: A collection of Firsts in a Series sneak peeks from Danielle Jamie.

Chasing Carolina Series:.

Just for the Summer.

Tan Lines & Salty Kisses.

Wishing for Tomorrow (a new standalone out this summer).

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