Beyond The Sunset

Chapter 7

Rain explained that Altoc.u.mia"s leader came and spoke to her people. Basically trying to win them over to his side, but they all refused and a fight broke out.

"Wow. How did you escape?" Carolinia wondered.

"It was by the help of my loyal servants. They got me away from there and I went to warn the other kingdoms below us of the danger approaching. But a few of the soldiers from Altoc.u.mia caught up to me and tried to capture me. When I fought back, one of my wings got ripped and I fell."


"Wait... loyal servants? Doesn"t that mean you"re a princess?"

"Technically speaking, yes. But that"s not the issue here. I still have to warn the others and somehow get to the emperor of Nimbia to warn them."

"How do you plan to get past Altoc.u.mia? You can"t just fly right through." I said thoughtfully. "They"ll catch you faster than you can blink. They sound pretty fast."

Rain thought for a moment and then her eyes brightened.

"That"s where you guys come in."

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