3. Timothy as a preacher of the Word (2:15-4:5). Paul exhorts Timothy, (a) To study to show himself a workman. (b) In the perilous times that are coming to feed on the Word of G.o.d and preach it in season and out of season.

4. Last words of Paul (4:6-22). The Apostle now turns to himself and speaks of his coming martyrdom. He is ready to be offered, he has fought a good fight. He beseeches Timothy to come and see him and bring Mark. He refers to his first hearing when every friend left him alone and only the Lord stood by him. He, after various messages, closes with the usual benediction.


What is the place of these Epistles in Paul"s life? What can be said of Paul"s fourth missionary journey; the first trip eastward, the trip westward to Spain, and the second trip eastward? How did Paul come to be imprisoned a second time? What are the questions discussed in these Epistles; the personal element, the doctrinal part, the practical teaching, and the special theme? What is Paul"s last declaration of faith? What can be said of the First Epistle to Timothy; Timothy"s life, time, and place of writing, the purpose, and the princ.i.p.al divisions and chief points? What can be said of the Epistle to t.i.tus; the life of t.i.tus, the purpose, time, and place of writing, and the princ.i.p.al divisions and chief points? What can be said of the Second Epistle to Timothy; the last words of Paul, time and place of writing, and the princ.i.p.al divisions and chief points?

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