Billion Of Pampering Only For You

Chapter 24 : His Mysterious Girlfriend

Chapter 24 : His Mysterious Girlfriend

     Yu Zhe is shocked, his eyes are going to jump out. “Really? His mysterious girlfriend, actually it was you?!”

     "It turns out that he really has a girlfriend..." Mu Xiao Xiao got the real facts, but still couldn"t help but feel regret, truly a pity.

     Yu Zhe heard it and asked, "What do you mean by this? Are you not his girlfriend?"

     "I just teased you, you can"t even understand this. How can you b.u.mble along with me in the future? Reflect on yourself!" Mu Xiao Xiao lied to others, still blame others for being too stupid.

     "F*ck! So you lie to me, I really thought you were his girlfriend..." Yu Zhe"s face was depressed and gave her a blank look.

     Mu Xiao Xiao thought that he would be her follower in the future. She felt that she had the obligation to educate him and guided him. "You will follow me later. You must know to distinguish which one are jokes, and which one is the truth, understand?"

     "Oh, I understand." Yu Zhe replied, but quickly reacted, "Wrong! Why should I understand this?"

     "Fine, fine, quick tell me about it, what"s all about Lu Yichen"s mysterious girlfriend? Is his girlfriend not in our school? Why said it mysterious?"

     Mu Xiao Xiao interrupted his question and pulled the subject back to Lu Yichen.

     She is very curious about this.

     Because she remembered when she met Lu Yichen this morning, at the cake shop, he bought the last piece of strawberry cake, she thought he was buying it for his girlfriend, don"t tell me it"s not?

     Yu Zhe shrugged his shoulder, "I don"t know, I said it"s a mysterious girlfriend, it"s because no one knows who his girlfriend is. It"s just rumored that he has a girlfriend who has been in a relations.h.i.+p for many years. As for if it"s a student of our school or not. This point I"m also not clear."

     "So mysterious?" Mu Xiao Xiao was surprised. She felt very unimaginable. Such an outstanding boy like Lu Yichen must have a lot of girls chasing. You can hide your girlfriend under such an attention?

     She remembered when she was in the United States, Any secrets of the school"s most handsome guy were dug up. When a girl crazily likes a person, it"s frightening.

     Yu Zhe asked, "You don"t even know this. Are you really a friend with him? It won"t be... You like him too, want to chase him?"

     "I am not so immoral. If you have a girlfriend, I will not start. I really regard him as a friend only. Okay, how to go to S cla.s.s?"

     The two of them walk to the front of a cla.s.sroom building, Mu Xiao Xiao asked.

     "It"s further up, just follow me." Yu Zhe leads the way.

     Mu Xiao Xiao couldn"t help but ask about Lu Yichen. "He is famous in school right? Why?"

     Yu Zhe said, "He is very famous. I heard that he is an IQ200 genius. The school has scooped him out from the provincial side. I heard that not only is the tuition fee free, but also gives him a large amount of scholars.h.i.+p every year. The others attend the school spending money, he is making money at school! And also he got first place in the whole country for every exam, and he got a lot of prestige for the school. The is holding him."

     Although Mu Xiao Xiao has known earlier that Lu Yichen is a super top student, but did not expect to be so awesome.

     As they talking, the two arrive at third-year S cla.s.s.

     "Fortunately, it"s just after cla.s.s, maybe he still here." Yu Zhe took her to the door of the cla.s.sroom, Mu Xiao Xiao has taken the initiative to pull a person and asked, "Is Lu Yichen still here? Can you help me call him out?"

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