Sitting cross legged on the floor of my room sweating, I threw out a big sigh with a hung head.

Ma.s.sage practice. When those words were given, I was stumped with no words to retort. First of all the ma.s.sage practice was something I proposed as a means to make Ogasawara Makoto fall into the abyss of despair. That was the reason I continued to stubbornly endeavor in the practice.

In response to receiving her proposal of giving up my weekend to practice, why would I decline?

I can decline if it’s just this time. But then she’ll probably come over here often and would bring up wanting to reside with me. It is obvious that it would become difficult to dodge that properly every time.

If I can’t deny her at all, then it’s better that I inviting her in before she learns of my feeling of unease. But I still didn’t want her to enter my room if possible.

Even if I raise my head and look around, there is no distinctive characteristic worth mentioning in particular. The room is as cold as ever.

Speaking of things that are different from usual, the mug left on the table is still giving off steam and there’s a pile of personal belongings on the floor.

Until a while ago, Ogasawara Makoto had sat in a seiza drinking tea. She’s taking a bath as of now.

After asking if she wanted to enter the bath, she had gone into the bathroom with an immediate reply.

I had a.s.sumed that she’ll come here eventually. But it still should have been in the considerable future. Nevertheless, I had thought I wouldn’t be too uncomposed even if she suddenly visited, because I always properly manage and store those articles that would be bad to find.

But I actually got fl.u.s.tered when she came. When she goes for an action that disregarded my plans, or tries putting it to practical use. When falling into an unexpected situation it’s necessary to become flexible and have the power to get through, but I realized that it appears I am lacking in that type of ability.

No, rather than my ability is limited, I think this person’s behavior is too wild. But even if I whine and say she’s to blame, it’s no use. Because I was the one who decided she was the prey, no one else.

“How can I draw back now…….”

I intended to break off connections with her by ending the training known as ma.s.sage practice soon, but that would mean I have accepted defeat.

It is alright if I’m defeated by my older brother, I just don’t want to lose to that idiot.

Besides, I can’t escape. I will be the one to fall into the abyss of despair if I run away here. And then I will never be able to crawl up again. I have that sort of feeling.

That being said, for the sake of pulling her pace into my pace, I had her take a bath.

Now, information is necessary. Why did she suddenly come over to my house? Did she really come to practice the ma.s.sage? Or else……

In order to know, the most quickest and effective way is to ask her directly. But since it is her, I cannot deny the possibility that she’ll suddenly say something outrageous.

There isn’t a problem if she came to practice the ma.s.sage, but supposing, if by chance it was different…….

Thus, I decided to check her belongings to get information.

Checking her things, there are main bag contents and a smartphone.  In particular, the smartphone is a treasure house for information. By checking her email history I might be able to collect evidence for her sudden behavior.

When I listen carefully I hear subtle water sounds. It’s the sound of Ogasawara Makoto taking a shower.

I filled the bathtub with hot water, but she will rinse off her body with the shower before soaking in the bathtub.

I already established beyond doubt with saying she loves cleanliness in itself.  

Even though this season is also reaching the final days of October, after the training in the warehouse is over she always takes a shower. Although even if it has reached the point that hot water comes out, using the crude shower room that I built outside the warehouse, she takes a shower despite bearing a risk of exposing her naked body outside. It’s easy to tell that she loves to be clean.

Besides her head being stupid, she still seems to pay attention to her appearance. I’ve never seen her bed hair.

And yet it’s different from usual today. She entered into the house of the partner whom she has feelings for. As a high school female student whose at the height of p.u.b.erty, it’s a proper thought wanting to cleanse the body more than usual.

In other words, it will take time before she comes out of the bathroom.

But still the opponent is her, which is the reason I am prepared for an unexpected situation. It isn’t a loss to be cautious.

I stood up quietly while erasing my presence and approach her belongings. And then while listening carefully to investigate her movement, I stretch out a hand to the belongings.

At opening the bag, my hand then stopped. No, it wasn’t just my hand. My very thoughts themselves stopped.

“W, Why, she, this……”

The item which I saw at the time I opened the bag. A plastic bag. It was a bag I recognize.

Sunflower pharmacy. It is definitely written so on the bag. It was a plastic bag with the same pharmacy name as where I bought stomach medicine.

Experiencing chills running along my back, I felt cold sweat beginning to sprout.

Did by chance she also drop in the pharmacy before or after I stopped by? No, it’s different. Thinking stochastically, it is better to think it’s intentional. That is more natural.

Basically, after Ogasawara Makoto parted from me, she followed me. She saw that I dropped by the drug store and……why did she need to also drop in? Without buying anything excessively, couldn’t she have just waited until I came out?

If that is the case, was it necessary to shop at the pharmacy? Then, stopping by at the same pharmacy, was a crazy coincidence? No, it wasn’t a coincidence. This is because the pharmacy’s direction is in the exact opposite direction of her school route.

My heartbeat intensely increases and my breathing starts to increase on it’s own.

My prey that I thought was completely grasped, tailed me. And I didn’t notice a thing. (1) 

“It cannot be a coincidence. Let’s stop the optimistic thinking. She tailed me from the beginning. It’s better to consider like so……”

Mixed with dread and impatience, anger wells up. I was tailed by the prey I should’ve had grasped. That fact cannot help but irritate me.

For her to spy on my movements with her status as prey.

I am the predator, and she is the prey. I am the s.a.d.i.s.t, she is the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. For a person on the hunted side to spy on the movements of someone on the hunting side like me, that must not be allowed.

I can’t allow it. Above all, I can’t tolerate that I didn’t notice that sort of behavior of hers.

“……It is my fault.”

s.h.i.t, I am completely spent. My spirit is dampened. Were my thoughts driven mad by that cow imitation?

Thinking so, the unnatural points come to mind one by one.

Imitating a cow. Enthusiastically saying that she’ll produce breast milk. Remarking that she wants me to a.s.sociate with her if she succeeds in producing breast milk. And then the action of intruding in my home on the very same day.

Based on those, I am lead to the worst conclusion when I predict what is in the drugstore bag.

As I feel cold sweat dripping down my cheek, I swallow my saliva. And then I took the plastic bag out of her bag timidly.

In the plastic bag was a light brown paper bag. It is a bag within a bag. Nevertheless the brown bag is so that the goods inside won’t be seen.

When a customer buys something that’s mainly for women, the store side will be considerate and use an additional bag. In other words, it is a menstrual product.

However the bag is small for a menstrual product. I cannot deny the possibility that she bought a single item for one day, but I have conclusive evidence to deny it.

After all, training was performed in the warehouse today. At that time I had witnessed her v.a.g.i.n.a. In short, she isn’t on her period.

I suppose that there is a slight possibility of considering she purchased menstrual supplies because her period will be coming soon, but that also can be denied.

When knowing her period is near, would she come to a man’s side intentionally? A female high school student at the peak of p.u.b.erty would normally avoid it on those days.

In that case what are the contents? Is it as I expect? (2)

Without even coming up with four or five possible conclusions, I decide to therefore open the paper bag and check the contents.

I take out the brown paper bag from the plastic bag quietly, then I tear off the cellophane tape carefully.

“s.h.i.t, it is as I thought. That fellow is an frickin’ idiot.”

A small box and bottles came out. Written in big letters on the small bottles was “Super-Powerful Energy Tonic”. Moreover there are two of them. Surely it was mine and her share.

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting an energy drink. She really jumps over my predictions.

And then there’s a small box, but it’s stuff that I expected. Writing on the brightly styled colored box’s surface is “Ultrathin”.

So, it was birth control. (3)

She, that b.i.t.c.h, frickin’ came here deciding to have a shot with me.

“You’re f.u.c.king kidding me……”

Whether she intended to make an established fact or whether she had any other plans was inconsequential.

The problem is that she was trying to eat me. (Eat is a pun of defeat as well as conquer [s.e.xually], as Ziru mentioned)

What humiliation. What insult. It is not allowed for the prey to attack the predator.

She, this fellow, not being acquainted with a male lover, became lecherous from nothing but having her whole body exploited, an existence with only the purpose of dealing with a man’s l.u.s.t while pure. That was the plan.

The likes of willingly giving her own purity absolutely cannot happen. I won’t give it to her no matter how much she wants it, and that desire spurs on her lechery. That was how it should have been.

I judged her character to never go for this sort of action, but this fellow is certainly growing. And she is leaving my prediction model.

As it is, the situation is not good. It really has gotten out of hand.

At any rate, since I am including the materials, I have plenty to threaten her.

The training in the science room. The training in the warehouse. The records and evidence of her silliness are shackles to her. But at the same time, those can also become weapons that strangle me.

If she publishes those recordings of her foolery by herself, all the criticism will center on me.

In other words, all the recordings of silliness that I maintained, making her debut with a prepared honorable death, becomes a double edged sword that drives me into ruin.

I think such a thing is impossible, but it should be kept in mind.

Ruin is the point I want, but this time the situation is different. If I became ruined by Ogasawara Makoto making her debut, I would be defeated by her. I hate it that much. I’ll yield to another person, but never do I want to be defeated by her.

“s.h.i.t, why did it come to this? I should have always been holding the initiative and yet……”

All too soon, the initiative that I should’ve been holding has shifted to her. Moreover, for me to be surprised, this fellow is still obedient as ever to me and truly has no intention to cause a delay in the training.

I feel this fellow is too pure. It has driven my schemes mad.

Since it has come to this, I’ll completely knock her down and then rape her on top of that, forcibly pushing her down into h.e.l.l.

No, that’s useless. In that situation it doesn’t really mean that she has fallen. In the first place, does rape work with her? Even if I attack her by force she will likely be delighted and say the opposite,”I am glad to be so strongly wanted!”

After all the person marched here all ready, by herself. I would successfully fall into her expectations if I attack her.

Then what do I do?  Do I send her away? How do I send her away? Because this fellow will clearly strike back with,”Then I will come again next week!” Moreover, the fact that she went up once to my room, might also give birth to the idea of me having room in my heart for her to come forcibly and constantly.

To begin with, it’s already a stupid plan among stupid plans to push her aside. What will I do for the training after? She obeys anything I command. She depends on me to that extent. How much trouble do you think I had coming here? Am I saying that I destroyed the building blocks that I steadily piled up?

Ahh, s.h.i.t, ahh, f.u.c.k, what in the world? Why do I have to be troubled from such a thing?

Enduring the pain as my stomach began to ache again, I put the vitality medicine and birth control back into the paper bag. And then, just as I was about to put back the paper bag in the pharmacy’s plastic bag.

I thereupon came back to my senses.

What am I thinking? Am I not thinking of a setup based on her behaviour? Since this is so troubling, am I not irritated? Why do I have to adapt myself to her?

When thinking as well as seeing it, isn’t this situation a dream come true?

Ogasawara Makoto wants to be embraced by me. I desired and wanted to destroy her purity. And now she’s trying to be mine and only mine.

The shy and timid Ogasawara Makoto, is trying to tell me her feelings for me by coming out with such a bold action. She depends on me that much.

Why is it not the original plan? There is no inconvenience. It’s just a case of avoiding her desires and pretending to be ignorant while continuing the training ma.s.sage. It was only that, and yet why is my state of health also going amiss?

Judgement, insight, and a.n.a.lysis power are currently necessary to calm me. Presently I lack those.

Calm down, it is alright, nothing has resulted in disordering of my plan. Everything is smooth. Everything is going just as I want. I control everything of her.

Thinking so, I feel the pain in my stomach was somewhat relieved.


As expected, after I checked her smartphone, Tanaka also seemed to be affected in this affair.

However, my name isn’t mentioned in the exchange by mail. The type of person this person is, what kind of girl does he like, how should the feelings be told, that sort of worthless exchange was continued endlessly.

And then for the conclusion of the exchange, Tanaka’s derived reply was,”Maybe you should go from that useless type of girl and go do something forcefully.” Then Ogasawara Makoto replied,”I see! Thank you! I’ll do my best!”(4)

And this resulted in the current try-hard condition.

Incidentally, the birth control seemed to be Tanaka’s advice. When a slow-developing, thick-headed man is the significant other, there is a high chance of him not preparing birth control. Furthermore, if the man has a high outlook on ethics and is intellectual, he won’t make a move when there is no birth control, such extremely precise guidance.

The problem is, she prepared a birth control that is known to a man. That means, she had decided to come with such a plan from the beginning. In fact, I have reason to think so now.

Saying that she prepared birth control and even the pressing risk, she’s definitely motivated that much.

“Id, Idiot, with a scheme full of holes like that, who are you deceiving? I am not a fool.”

There also isn’t a point to blame a weak point if there is no laying the groundwork. I was thoroughly slammed into her stupid scheme. However, that’s the reason why it is also terrifying.

For her, my said experience is that important. Offering her chast.i.ty and even wanting to be near me. I believe that amounted pure feelings will, in some cases, also lead to baring her fangs.

Simply because she’s genuine, the reaction to when she’s betrayed will become significant.  

But that is no problem. Since Ogasawara Makoto became forever obedient from handling her well, it is rather convenient.


By the time she got out from the bath, a ruse which could be said to the exent perfect was built in my brain.

There are no longer any chances for me. From now on, no matter what kind of action she goes for, I’ll reject her splendidly and drag her into my pace. And then I’ll make her save her desire to the extent that it’ll exceed her limit, bringing her into the abyss―

“U, Um, excuse me. I forgot to, bring a change of clothes.”


The wet, raven-black hair adds more l.u.s.ter than usual, and the fair skin that soaked in the bathtub was a warm pinkish-white. The swelled chest also pushes up.

Such a figure is bewitching while also lovely. What covered the naked body was only a bath towel. Other than the part hidden by the bath towel, skin was also exposed without frugality.

Suddenly intruding into a man’s house, entering the bath, and the laughable, stupid girl also  didn’t bring underwear.

If I strip the bath towel, she’ll be naked. Without anything to hide it, it will expose her baby-born appearance.

Just the two of us in a room. A man and woman of marriageable age. In this sort of situation, exposing an appearance called completely nude to a man if the cloth sheet is torn off, he would attack without even saying a single word.

This person thinks she may be attacked by me……which, come to think of it, I was. Or perhaps, the reason is she wants to be attacked instead. After all, all she prepared were the birth control and vitality medicine.

d.a.m.n, again and again, she my expectations. If you don’t prepare a change of clothes, then don’t come to stay over. Buy underwear in a convenience story if you have time to arrange for birth control and vitality medicine.

Was it on purpose? In order to create such a situation, she didn’t bring a change of clothes on purpose?

That is obvious. Your scheme is too transparent. You’re too frank. Think about it a bit more. Think about it. For heaven’s sake.

“Ah, but, but, because we’re practicing to produce breast milk, do you have a problem even if there is no underwear?”

Ogasawara Makoto, who is in a bath towel, stares at me sweating cross-legged on the floor, and said such a thing with a smile.

Wait a minute. Since when did I start the breast milk production training? I said I want to start a ma.s.sage for improving breast milk for when it’s time for women to bring out breast milk, but I did not say a single word about doing training for her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to produce breast milk.

Only Ogasawara Makoto wants to give breast milk. And yet, the way she spoke was as if I said it.

“So when do we start? I am ready at any time!”

Saying that, she held up the bath towel cloth and stopped it by the side of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, speaking to me as if she’s used to being nude all the time.

Dangerous dangerous dangerous, I am completely caught up in her pace. Moreover, with what she’s saying, there is nothing that is odd.

‘I came to stay overnight to practice the ma.s.sage. And I picked a bath towel to do the ma.s.sage practicing.’ Since it is an action that followed my request of wanting to practice ma.s.saging, I have no room to argue.

Why is it, why is it that even though it’s full of holes, this plan is much more perfect? Even though the actions themselves are stupid, the method goes by well.

Because I am tired today. Because I want to rest today. It is also possible to say so and avoid it, but in this case it only becomes temporary.

This is the last category of my guesses, but it feels like she intends to come stay here every week from now on.

It is no good for a temporary measure. My domain will be steadily eroded if I don’t make the first move.

Calm down, she’s obedient to my orders. There is no need to get impatient. It is only natural, but as I order something, I cannot predict what kind of action she’ll go for that is against the order.

Even though I generally know what this fellow thinks about, I don’t really understand the kind of behavior she takes due to her speech and conduct.

s.h.i.t, stomach, my stomach ache……



Ogasawara Makoto, who heard my voice, stared at me while looking puzzled and slowly took a step foot forward.

The distance was gradually shortened. Her cheeks directly blush and she smiles. Surrounding walls. A private room. There is no escape.

Escape? Why is it necessary to escape? Why do I need to escape?

“I’ll take a bath!”

“Ahh! I see! I am sorry, I forgot that I only entered!”

When I made my mind up, I raised my voice towards her, and Ogasawara Makoto, who was not frightened by my sort of tone which had an impression of being angry, puts both hands together in front of her chest. She then sticks out her tongue and laughed, having been embarra.s.sed.

I left her there and began to run towards the bathroom. Okay, it is as if I totally ran away.

It is bad, as in it’s really bad. I don’t know at all, what’s the best thing to do?


Taking off my clothes, I open the door leading to the bathroom and collapse there.

A familiar object placed in a demure manner was on the bathroom floor. It is the a.n.a.l stick that should have been stolen from me.

It appears as though it was put in the center of the bathroom floor. 

“This was on purpose. She absolutely put it there on f.u.c.king purpose……”

Moreover, the a.n.a.l stick was dressed in a slimy viscous liquid. In other words, it was used.

It silently conveys to me the action that she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed in this place.

“She did it. Is it me, that had fallen into her plan……”

When she stole the onanism machine, I pretended to believe that she voluntarily performed practice. And then I told her that.

She didn’t deny nor affirm it either, she merely left the opinion to me freely.

I thought she was a sly woman, but that is not so. She knew it was seen through by me that she did nothing but masturbating.

She stole the a.n.a.l stick on purpose. But when I didn’t notice such a small behavior, she stole the onanism machine. She deliberately went for such a bold action in order to tell me.

She was trying to tell me she’s a lewd woman who consoles herself.

It was the opposite. This fellow wasn’t trying to hide that she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed and went to the extent of going with a daring action for the sake of me realizing.

But I faked ignorance. Even though she stole such a large-scale object of mine without permission, I pretended to have thought she was voluntarily practicing.

Even she also noticed. That I knew it and avoided it on purpose.

But there is a difference in interpretation between me and her.

I went into such an action to train her smoothly.

And her believed reason was that I pretended to be ignorant had been taking her into consideration.

But either way, she noticed that I avoided it on purpose. For this reason she went to this much of a daring action.

If that is all, it’s still fine. Supposing if it’s different? The a.n.a.l stick put on the bathroom floor. I also grasp the received message.

Even if it’s transmitted silently, I received the message saying that practicing the ma.s.sage on her wasn’t the purpose. (5)

“How much……How much is she aware of?”

I am really lost. How much was her falling into my scheme, how far into the truth did she notice?

With receiving this, it can’t be said that I grasped all of her.

She knew my plan, and yet that doesn’t deny the possibility that she plunged into the plan.

I am no longer training her, it has resulted that she lets me train her.

“s.h.i.t, f.u.c.king s.h.i.t. I don’t know what is what. So I can’t drawn back now……”

The a.n.a.l stick placed on the bathroom floor seemed to be an existence to implant fear in me.

Is it me manipulating her or is it her?

Who on earth is it that’s been caught in the spiderweb?

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