The morning sun had started to peek through the curtains’ gap.

After waking up for little of an hour, Ogasawara Makoto, with me leaning back on the wall, slept peacefully using my thigh as a subst.i.tute pillow.

My room doesn’t have anything sensible like futons. I usually spread bath sheets on the floor and lie down. 

Although I am also able to sleep with a leaned position against a wall, it won’t be the case for her.

Today is also a very important day. For her, and for me.

For that reason, I spread high quality blankets that I usually don’t lay on the floor, and place her on top. Thus, like a sandwich, she’s wrapped with luxury blankets around her body.  

It is fine with her rolling separately on her side, but  it  all comes to nothing if she catches a cold.

Nevertheless, she started to sleep after the training finished last night, but she seems to be fast asleep without a sign of waking.

Occasionally, she moves her mouth and mumbles,”Kwijima-shan” along with other stuff in her sleep talking state, which honestly, is annoying.

With having exhausted out her urine, certainly she would be sound asleep.

I don’t like sleeping very much. When I close my eyes, I’ll definitely have a dream. With my father glaring at me, and my mother and elder brother not meeting eyes with me.

I leave the gate of my home over several times, and even if I look back, there isn’t anyone seeing me off.

My intention to do my best, died with my spirit. ‘Someday I will catch up with my older brother, and I will pa.s.s him’ I thought. But my limit had expired.

My efforts weren’t rewarded. For all that, I learned the body stings of maintaining top grade results. There isn’t meaning in that sort of thing anymore.

So when I particularly look at this idiot’s breathing in her sleep, and peacefully sleeping on my thigh instead of a pillow, I am very much p.i.s.sed off.

The likes of her feeling won’t reach me. I only see this person as a plaything. However, this person, hugs me while wagging her tail with a whole smiling face.

And even having endured so much humiliation, she believes in me without doubt.

No, she will learn to hate me. She will want to kill me. The moment she knows she was only played, her entire stupid, smiling face should disappear.

While shedding tears of resentment, she’ll still become lecherous in her greedy search for pleasure, and will entreat to the given pleasure as she bears a grudge against me.

I’ll leave her when that happens. Will she return to Sasaki, or will she even become a restroom for unknown men?


When I glance down, thinking she’s sleep talking again, Ogasawara Makoto opens her eyes slightly, and looks at me while being distrait.

“Why……are you crying?”

I couldn’t comprehend her words.

Crying? Who? There is only me and her in here. Then, is she saying I’m crying?


When I touch my cheek by the hand, tepid liquid streams down it.

Since when, since when was I crying? That isn’t it: this is some kind of mistake. (1)

“Is……this a dream?”

Stretching out a hand slowly, she touches my cheek. And then, despite being half asleep, she smiled.

“Kijima-san cries, too. But, is this a dream……?”

As I immediately reformed my face, I wiped the tears away with the cuff of my jacket.

“Sleep a little more.”


When she returned an answer to my mutter, she subtly twists her body, nuzzles her face against my thigh, and started to breath peacefully again.

I cried? I? Why?

I don’t understand. I don’t understand why there’s an agonizing pain in my chest. The distinct pain and suffering is vague to me, but even so, it was even more painful than the stomachache.


The time is past nine in the morning.

Ogasawara Makoto, who used my thigh as a subst.i.tute pillow, seems to be sleeping comfortably without any change.

How long will this person be sleeping? By the early morning, when the sky begins to turn bright, I usually rush out of my house full of energy.

I thought she was resilient in the morning, but I guess that isn’t so?

Today’s schedule is somewhat crowded. Should I forcefully wake her up soon?


Touching her shoulder, I shake it as I tried speaking to her. She then opened her eyes halfway, looked at me, became fl.u.s.tered when hers meet mine, quickly buried her face in my thigh, and began to breath unnaturally.

Did this b.i.t.c.h, f.u.c.king got up?


“Zzz, zzz”

Zzz, isn’t sleeping! There isn’t a person who would sleep zzzing.

s.h.i.t, I was deceived by this fake sleeping. When was she reluctant to get up? It is quite toilsome to let you to use my thigh as a subst.i.tute pillow!

“Take a shower if you’re up. I’ll be taking your uniform to the cleaner’s. And, we’ll be leaving when the preparations are arranged.”


When I speak while looking down on her by scornful eyes, she got up and stared at me with shining eyes as her cheeks reddened.

“ ‘We’ll be leaving’, does that mean we’re both going!?”

“Your voice is loud. Is there anyone else beside you?”

To Ogasawara Makoto, who raised her voice with a shout, I answered while covering my ears with both hands, frowning.

“I’ll take a shower!”

She stood straight up, and began to run with the same force towards the bathroom.

“Don’t fall down in a hurry―Ahh, yeah, well, that’s fine…..”

I tired to call out to her so she wouldn’t fall, but she had grandly as presumed. Her skirt was flipped up as a result, and the inside became completely exposed to view.

Since she didn’t put on underwear, it was truly the meaning of full view.

Even though she brings eroticism during the training accordingly, why does this fellow……

Confirming that she entered the bathroom, I took the black sailor suit and the same black pleated skirt, which were placed properly folded, and unwittingly laughed. She doesn’t have clothes if I take this uniform to the laundromat.

It would be fine if I just went and bought her clothes, but me forgetting was an option.

Since the underwear is not placed in the laundry basket, she has the underwear that she wore before entering the bath yesterday.

Notwithstanding that she isn’t wearing underwear, Ogasawara Makoto, who loves cleanliness, will most likely not put on the underwear she once took off again.

But unlike yesterday, it’s daytime. As one would expect, even she would be hesitant to walk downtown in no panties and bra, but I’ve already thought of a plan for this situation.

It isn’t guaranteed, but my plan relies on the high probably of her eating.


Putting her uniform in a paper bag, I left the apartment and headed to a nearby laundryman.

He said it would be done by noon, but told by the shop a.s.sistant to come pick it up in the evening, I returned back to my apartment.

“Welcome back!”

A cheerful voice echoed the moment I opened the door.

Ogasawara Makoto, who’s naked body was bounded with a bath towel, had an entire smiling face at the entrance.

Oi, Oi, what is this fellow thinking? If she’s naked in a bath towel, then what was she intending to do if it wasn’t me that opened the door?

Well, perhaps I should say she wasn’t thinking, but this fool is convinced that no one other than me would opening the door.

“If you’re out of the bath, quickly get ready. A day goes by in a blink of an eye.”


When I close the door and entered inside, Ogasawara Makoto, who follows behind me, answers lively.

Hearing that she will be leaving with me, it seems her spirit has risen. But, it won’t be long that I’ll be laughing.

“That reminds me, do you have an change of clothes?”

When I stopped, turned around, and ask her like I had suddenly remembered, she looked puzzled with her entire smile.


And then her face quickly turned pale.

“It is awful that I had forgotten, but it’s also terrible that you forgot a change of clothes.”

When I said so and turned around to walk out, I felt a presence similar to being fl.u.s.tered from behind. And then, the footsteps that followed me behind, trotted.

“T, The date is cancelled!? I’ll buy clothes now! We can’t go if then!?”

From behind, I heard a shaking voice that seems it would burst into tears at any moment.

‘I’ll go buy’,  where are the clothes to put on for shopping? Will you go outside with a bath towel in the nude? It adds exposure tolerance to the training if so, but nine out of ten, it will cause a disturbance.

“A clothing store? There is nothing to be worried about, and it’s also unnecessary to buy excessive clothes.”

I stopped, looked back again, and spoke while watching fl.u.s.tered her turn pale.

“B, But……”

She absolutely wants to go out with me, and considering it’s unusual for her, it looks like she can’t agree to my opinion obediently.

“Although I cancelled heading out together today, will you wait for the uniform that I sent to the laundromat to be finished? It seems it will be finished at about evening.”

“Ouu…….just about when we were going to leave.”

To me words, she fell silent hanging her head, and even if I began to walk, she didn’t follow. With having remained standing at the room’s entrance, she didn’t move.

It is about the same as the script I had a.s.sumed. Really, I don’t know whether she’s easy to handle or hard, and whether it’s hard or easy read this fellow’s thoughts.

Well, apart from saying that, she’s generally alright.

“Do you want to go out at any cost?”


When look back while throwing a sigh asking, Ogasawara Makoto, who was about to cry standing the room’s entrance, soon returned a feeble reply.

“There are my clothes, so if you like―”

“I, I, I, I will wear itt!”

She instantly revived hearing my suggestion, and ran up to me while blushing.

Oh, this is so easy.


“This…….is it?”

When I handed her the thing I took out from the closet, she took it looking strangely puzzled.  

“I looked, but there aren’t anything that’s for a woman. Ah, no, there is the leotard that you always put on at the warehouse, but there probably isn’t any meaning exposing too many parts wearing it, you think?”

I handed her another version of the see through black leotard, which I make her to wear in the warehouse. It is a full body, see through tights.

Wrapped newly with vinyl, I prepared it in case I intended to use it in an outside exposure.

“I’ll say it just in case, but this out going serves as training, too. If you wear it, it would be easier to do suitable training, but I don’t particularly mind if you dislike it.”

“N, No, it isn’t…… unpleasant……”

Ogasawara Makoto, who doesn’t quite understands the circ.u.mstance, answered while frequently peeping in the closet.

Her aim were my clothes. Don’t worry, I’ll even lend you those.

“After that, how about this? It is an duffle coat that I wore around junior high school―”

“Wau!? I’ll wear it, I’ll wear it!”

The moment I took out the gray duffle coat from the closet, she sprung up, eyes glittering.

When I threw the duffle coat, since it was bothersome, she suddenly stopped and changed direction that exceeded the limit of an living thing. And then, she jumped to the duffle coat that formed a parabola.

“Junior high school! The coat of Kimija-san’s junior days! Mfuu, it smells like a junior high school student!”

She caught the coat in the air, held the coat as she landed, sat down on the floor and buried her face in the coat. And then, she repeatedly smelt it.

Isn’t this person, quite well coordinated? The movement just now is strange in various of ways.

Apart from that, I feel quite sick. I feel seriously sick with what she’s doing. If you smell it, it’s better to hide it; I don’t want you doing the action in front of the person himself. It’s sickening.


Behind me as I left left the apartment, Ogasawara Makoto hangs her head a little, and followed me, despite showing an cautious behavior to the surroundings while her face was dyed a cinnabar red.

Currently at glance, it isn’t particularly odd she’s not wearing clothes. If I had to say, the gray duflle she’s wearing is a bit big.

I said that I wore the coat at junior high, but that’s a lie. It is newly bought for her to put it on.

I also deliberately choose one size slightly bigger. Since that type is variously convenient.

Because the length is longish for a coat, is the knees are seen to a degree. And then below the coats’ length, I see feet wrapped in black stockings.

Wearing the coat, it doesn’t seem she’s wearing only stockings. But, the inside are another thing. If she takes off the coat, she has tights from head to toe. Moreover, she’s sheer nude with wearing the full-body tights.

Furthermore, in the same way as the time she was trained in the warehouse, the nipple and a.n.u.s part are cut off. But, I also cut the c.l.i.toris part this time.

This going out is part of the thorough training, but a breather is also necessary sometimes. Therefore, while working hard at training, I persuaded her with an enjoyable amus.e.m.e.nt for herself.

If she’s wears a coat, except for her suspicious actions herself, there isn’t one thing that’s natural. Therefore, she should be as dignified, but when it’s known to the person herself that inside she’s nude with jumpsuit tights, wouldn’t she seem to mind?

She has that sort of odd behavior, but when she sticks out her fingertips slightly of the sleeve point to the face, and smells the scent just as she laughs.

Without even knowing that it’s new, it’s really a idiotic event.

I thought that she would wear it readily if I said it was clothes that I wore, but in return, I became afraid that things are going too smoothly here.

Since like yesterday, there is a possibility that she be reckless again. I must pay discreet attention without relaxing.

I truly, don’t know whether this fellow is difficult or easy to deal with.


The first training place’s destination is at an train. I will make her climax in a train full of people. When the climax is done, we’ll move to the next point.

As I stated, we went to the station and got on the train.

By the way, I told Ogasawara Makoto that we’re going to watch a movie.

I got a movie info magazine at a convenience store that we stopped near the way, and Ogasawara Makoto, who had heart marks in her pupils when she heard ‘movie’, eagerly stared into it as she walks next to me. And then I mutter something.

It looks like she has completely forgetting that inside of the coat, is her whole said appearance completely in see through tights.

“It is difficult to discard the story about a faithful dog, but, but it is also hard to throw away a love which starts from appendicitis, right? Ah, but, but a Zombie Rion is also hard to put aside. I wonder is an pa.s.sionate or love horror an sure thing for a date……But if it’s an horror, I can do something under the confusion to Kijima-san. Mufuu” 

Ogasawara Makoto is currently filled to the head with which movie to see. She seem to have completely forgotten she had drank a large amount of tea before leaving the apartment.

This training in name, is said to be special training so she won’t wet her pants during the practice.

I said the outside training’s original purpose was to make her excessively secrete female hormones to produce breast milk, but I explained to her that doing the same thing would kill two birds with one stone. Moreover, without having brains as I expected, she obediently agreed to it.

When we arrived at the station, we took the train that goes to the next town with a large shopping mall.

The next town is after four stations. If it’s on time, it’s less than fifteen minutes. If it’s the current her, a.s.suming if she’s inside a crowd, it will enough time if it is fifteen minutes for her to climax.

As I expected, inside the train was crowded with people. It is a Sunday morning. Families and couples that now want to go on a trip, and also various sites of people from youth to senior citizens.

It would also be amusing to get on a weekday commuters’ train, and making her c.u.m with office workers jammed in, but as one would a.s.sume, that would a high hurdle to suddenly climax among middle-aged men.

I put on the hat I brought, and only moving my eyes, I checked whether there weren’t any faces that I recognized in the area. Nevertheless, there doesn’t seem to be anyone I’m familiar with.

Which isn’t surprising. In the town where I and Ogasawara Makoto live in, the scale is bigger than neighboring ones. In other words, even if I don’t specially go to the next town, everything is generally at one’s disposal.

Speaking of the advantages of the neighboring town, there is an large shopping mall. As for the students that don’t have a surplus in the money aspect, rather than spend money and time, think that it’s better to have a good time somewhere near.

But since it can’t be restricted within there’s absolutely no one familiar, it’s necessary to pay attention to the surroundings at some extent.

“K, Kijima-san. You look good with that hat, too. Mufuu”

“Yes, yes, thanks.”

While leading Ogasawara Makoto by the hand, who still had floating hearts marks in her pupils from a while ago, I pushed the crowd aside and went to the vehicle’s corner.

It doesn’t really mean it’s  full as in I can’t move at all, but because I have no time to spare. It is quite the ideal crowded condition.

“A, Although I somewhat feel like I’m being stared at, is it that my appearance is strange? The girls that are watching me will probably look at Kijima-san.”

Suddenly showing impatience, she hugged my arm with her both hands while being nervous. But, she doesn’t forget to engage at the threat of the girls the same age.

The reason is probably since I’m next to her, I’ll be seen. And then in reality, she’s showered with glances of the surroundings men.

If you aren’t aware inside your head, this fellow is a beautiful girl who stands out.

With long, glossy black hair, and feeling of illusion that’s as if you’re being sucked in her big, black eyes.

And in addition, the big swells pressing up her chest will charm men.

“Ahh, there, that girl over there is watching from time to time. I see, it has became clear. ‘Woww, that boy over there is really intellectual, cool, and super attractive’ is what she’s saying. Her eyes state so.”

“To start with, calm down.”

Rather than worrying about eyes from men, she seems to be worried about the eyes of women nearby, and unusual considering it’s her, threatens them with eyes like she’s shooting them to death.

“T, That young pig-tailed woman looked at you for a second, and turned their face away! But her cheeks are red! ……That is definitely a tsundere, right? The same as Kijima-san.” (2)

“Oi, who’s a tsundere?”

She strikes my stomach, and despite once again threatening, she also turns her head towards me and laughs foolishly.

If this fellow doesn’t talk, she’s the perfect beautiful girl, but when she opens her mouth getting irritated, it’s serious.

“T, That young twin-tail lady, despite having a baby face, she has big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. KUuu, so you have been eyeing! I don’t want you to be tempted by her being a little cute, you know?”

“Relax, because she isn’t tempting.”

‘And besides, you have a childlike face and big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, too’ those words were put in the back of my mind.

Or rather, is she beginning to go out of control after all? As it is, she’ll derail the pace again.



In order to observe Ogasawara Makoto, who stood up in the corner, I hid her figure from around the wall with both hands.

When her stance was covered by me, she looked up with a bright face and stopped threatening the surrounding women.

I don’t stand on the same ditch twice. If she is about to go reckless, I should revise the track before it can goes over anymore.

In her brain, today’s heading out has already becoming a completely devotion date. It is important to make her think it’s a date, but I must be able to remind her that the training has utmost priority till the end. On the other hand, even just wholeheartedly devoting to the training is even prohibited.

Satisfying both the exquisite embarra.s.sment and fun ratio. That is important.

“Today is the first training. Try it by yourself till we arrive at the station in the next town. And, endure it without wetting your pants.”


Her face turn even more red to my words. Although she had answered a question with an question, she seemed to understand my remark.

“Do you like ice cream?”


Pestering her at here, is the most fundamentally important moment of today. I will first continue steadily driving her manner mad.

“There seems to be a famous ice cream shop in the shopping mall. If you can perfectly endure it by yourself, I’ll treat you to your favorite ice cream.”

The ice cream isn’t so important. The thing which makes it important, is to produce the feeling that it’s a date. She’ll get a reward her if she clears an aim.That way, like training a dog with feeding it.

“Y, You……a. and also me, eating together?”

While saying, she breathes heavily and began to take off the duffle coat’s clasp. Rather than changing her behavior depending on my reply, it seems she intends to obey my orders with how I would reply.

I don’t like ice cream that much, but I will accompany her in light of her obedience.

“Yes, we’ll eat together, too.”

When I answered, all the duffle coat’s clasps were removed.

Came in sight was the jumpsuit black tights, which stood without completely crossing over the full body line. Similar to the stockings, it was so thin that the skin was shown through.

And the top of the tights’ cloth cut off, also complete exposes the b.r.e.a.s.t.s’ form, revealed the bright red nipple that was erected.

While the breast’s form seemed to be nicely soft, the nipple were pointed firmly, and at glance, vividly reminds me of the discernibly stiff touch, which results in me unintentionally wanting to punch it.

“W, Well, b, because I am greedy……I, I’ll like a mutual exchange, of ice cream with you.”

She lifted both hands while raising a breath, pinched both nipples that were erected by her fingers, and looked at me with upturned eyes as she gave a small moan.

An exchange of ice cream. Her imagination is as equivalent to an idiot couple manner. But well, she obediently mastubated in the train as I said it. Shall I generously overlook it?

“I understand.”

When she heard my answer, she closed her eyes,  bit her lower lip, and began to genuinely m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e.


Indecent sounds of water reached my ears. In the train, the microscopic sound drowns out due to the train itself moving, but my ears heard it clearly.

Playing with her right nipple by the left fingers, she let her right hand fingers slip to her c.l.i.toris from the p.u.s.s.y, and suppressed her shaking voice as s.e.xual secretions dripped on the floor.

It is roughly 10 minutes or less remaining till we arrive at the station of the next town.

As far as I seen her rough breathing. skin color, shivering and sweating, it seems a climax isn’t far.

It’s probably easier to c.u.m if she uses the a.n.u.s, but she isn’t going to play with it. It can be said that it is an unreasonable-like for a stance, but it seems yesterday’s training worked.

She remembers feeling like she’ll pee when the c.l.i.toris is stimulated. When she thoroughly accepted this outside discipline, she will play with her c.l.i.toris without purposely using her a.n.u.s, since it something to endure as well as holding in the desire to pee.

“How is it; does the urine seem bearable?”

It will soon be time for her to feel the want to pee. The increase of stimulation to her erogenous zones there, is urging her.

But since her presence is in front of public, her trauma to pee outside kicks in. When that’s so, she’ll endure it no matter what happens.

A trauma to pee outside. Truthfully, if you look at it another perspective, it gives her a sense of freedom and unbelievable pleasure, that none of other than her own body knowns of.

That means, even if she endure it till she climaxes, she won’t know what’s happening when c.u.mming.

Exposed to tremendous shame, she’ll be able to taste disgrace, arousal, pleasure, and sense of liberation. Moreover this time, it will be entirely different from the park last night. She is inside a crowded train. Completely different disgrace and arousal, she’ll also be striked with pleasure and feeling of freedom at the same time.

Of course the risk is also extremely different, but since the plan has already been thought of, anything is no problem.

“K, Kijima-san―that―it’s comingg”

She separated her left hand that played with her nipple, and grasped my jacket tightly by the hand. And then, she looked up at me with a bewitched expression covered with disgrace and excitement.

She never could reach a climax with the c.l.i.toris yesterday. She’s going to reach a climax by masturbating on a train.

There is also a factor that she’s used to c.l.i.toris being touched, but there is also no doubt that the great shame excites her. In addition, it’s the first time she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed while I watch. There is a dish before her eyes, surely it is a very luxurious masturbation.

“Kk, Kijima-san―get away from mee―I thought I could hold it inn―aAHH”

The body of Ogasawara Makoto, who tried to push me away by forced, jumped and then shook. Subsequently, I began to hear a tinkling moisture sound. She raised a splash as she made a big sound while falling down to the floor.

Staring at thin air, she trembles while drooling from the edge of her lip, and with the tears collected at her eyes being flooded, tears stream along her cheeks.

“K, Kijima-san. Please get away from me quickly. Since I’ll take responsibilities. You, and me are strangers. Whatever you’re asked about, answer so―”

When I look at her expression, it indicates that she had given up with various things. For the sake of still protecting me, she says to pretend we’re strangers.

It’s a simple intention. Forcing all the responsibility, it’s fairly big process for Ogasawara Makoto having a reason yielding herself to the pleasure.

But this is splendid, splendid. Without even thinking about it, I thought there was no way she’d go for that sort of action.

But this is splendid, splendid. I thought there was no way she’d go for such an action to do nothing.

In other words, it can be said that today’s first training was a great success.

“Say, what is that sound?”

“Huh? Water on the floor―O, Oi!”

By her p.i.s.sing, the surroundings began to get noisy.

I quickly fixed the exposed coat of Ogasawara Makoto, who continued to pee in a state of stupefaction, and glared around when I looked back.

Well, well, shall I go with an once in a lifetime grand drama?

“What are you laughing at! Peeing isn’t self-controlled, and it’s only an accidental leak! Doesn’t everyone frickin’ pee? Huh? It was only unexpectedly bad timing, after all, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds wouldn’t know when you would wet yourself!”

Among the surrounding rustle, a man that’s about high school, had fit in the most pitiful eyes today. Heard the discussion that it appears someone had wetted their pants, this guy laughed as he searched with his eyes for the culprit that p.i.s.sed. Since he was just right, I decided to hoist up that person.

When I pushed the crowd aside and go to the man’s side, I grab him by the collar, and raise him up.

“Since we aren’t kids. Let’s not frolic about someone wetting their pants.”

Saying so with pushing the man aside, I took off the jacket I wore and returned back to Ogasawara Makoto.

Speaking of Ogasawara Makoto, her urinating  momentum has declined, but the urine that still was overflowing, steamed alongside both her legs. And, a big puddle was formed right below.

Although she stood out as a beautiful girl, it was a discredit with wetting herself on the train. The people around lost interests from her as a conditional response, and the crowed of people fanned out.

I arrived at the very front of her, and with squatting down there, I began to wipe the puddle with the jacket I took off.

“Don’t worry about it. Since it was unbearable, it’s alright. I won’t laugh with whoever does. Didn’t I say so myself yesterday? So supposing I p.i.s.sed myself, you also won’t laugh, yeah?”

Talking to her, I wipe the puddle as I raised my voice on purpose.

If my calculations are correct, it should be appearing soon. There is also a possibility that pa.s.senger’s character I am depending on isn’t riding the same train, but today is also Sunday, and there a lot of families on today. That being the case, it is very likely it’ll appear.

That in other words, a backer.

“Laughing, and among other things are the lowest. It is as that person said. There isn’t anything to worry about.”

Saying as she squatted down next to me, was a mother with a small girl.

The mother took out a tissue and handkerchief from the bag she wore slantingly by the shoulder, and began to wipe up the puddle with me.

“You’re quite young, right? I would like my husband to take after your example.”

With the mothering saying so, she smiled. The little girl next to her, imitates her mother the best she can by whipping the puddle with a tissue.

“The guy that wanted to laugh should be the one sneered.”

When I looked up to the voice heard from a different direction of the mother, a female high school student of a delinquency feeling with brown hair, lined up next to Ogasawara Makoto while threatening people.

“Don’t cry, it’s unseemly. Don’t ya’ have a cool companion that has a lot of nerve? There are rarely men with that much of a bark.”

The brown hair female student said so, turned her arm to her shoulder, and kindly hugged her.

“Tsk, those guys are pitiful. They laugh pointing, thinking they’re superior. But even then, since they’re rather inferior, they don’t really understand, don’t you think? If they have any objections, I’ll take them directly!”

I a.s.sumed there would be cooperators within the crowd, but the delinquent girl was unexpected.

The harangue by the delinquent girl was the greatest ally partic.i.p.ation in the war. I dare say, an existence that’s no easy match. The auntie group.

“Even though you’re a delinquent, you’re a good child. Want some candy?”

“Do you want a rice cracker, too? Are they good? Hey, don’t be reserved and eat.”

“Oh, there is a dustcloth in my bag. Anything is a thing to bring, right?”

“I don’t like ignorance. When my grandfather was also young, my goodness was he manly. Now though, his unrecognizable.”

Pushing the crowd aside like a heavy tank, the aunties surrounded around us with heavy footsteps. The course of events are perfect here. When it comes to this, even if left alone they’ll clean it up on their own.

The group that made a racket about her peeing kept silence, and backers began to emerge from among the unbiased people.

The conductor who heard the uproar came to our cause, but the aunties attacked in waves like an exposition, and seemed to had understood despite not comprehending the circ.u.mstance.

In any event, the aunties are the strongest.

By the time we arrived at the next town station, the puddle was completely cleared up, and Ogasawara Makoto and the brown haired delinquent girl were forced to partic.i.p.ate in the auntie’ idle gossip.

It’s normal for Ogasawara Makoto, but even the juvenile delinquent seemed to have also not been able to win above the auntie’ influence. While having a wry smile, they politely declined hand outs of candy and rice cracker saying,”Because eating and drinking is prohibited in the train.”

The delinquent seemed to be an unexpectedly honest character that respects ethics.

When we arrived at the station, and thanked the aunties and delinquent girl, I led Ogasawara Makoto by the hand and got off the train.

Her being silent the whole time, she was dragged by my hand while having hanged her head walking.

Although she safely survived, it would get quite the shock. But, it’s big to plainly say she survived a predicament with having peed from masturbating. With this, for her, the fact is that she had succeeded in composing a considerate amount of resistance towards peeing and being exposed outside. Even if she’s shocked now, when time, she should certainly reach that thought.

‘If Kijima-san is near, I’ll absolutely do it somehow.’

And then, the huge feeling of freedom and pleasure having urinated in public, should become a splendid memory when time If it becomes a habit towards getting used to it, she’ll sure to start to think,’I want to do it myself.’

Now, now, being able to have achieved the goal, shall I treat her to ice cream when we arrive at the mall as promised?

When I think such a thing, Ogasawara Makoto’s hand being pulled suddenly stops, and her body pulled with a jerk.

When I turn around, she was still looking down at that spot while standing still, shivering.

Possibly because of too much shock, she was not able to bring up returning home. Since there was that sort of possibility as well, I also prepared a plan to more or less restrain her, but it’s troublesome since I wanted her to obediently follow me.

“S, She, that brown haired girl……”


A shaking voice, that obviously contained anger, reached my ears.

Brown haired girl? Is it the juvenile delinquent a little while ago?

“What is that person’s name? That man is cool. Is he going out with you? While asking me such things endlessly, I watch you grinning……Kijima-san hates delinquent!”

“……G, Good G.o.d.”

Ogasawara Makoto, who began to grumble, vigorously raised her face and raised a roar. And then glared like she’s killing a person at midair.

I thought that it was a shock having urinated, but apparently, it appears to have been different.

This guy, is surprisingly strong.

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