Arrived at the high school, we snuck around to the back forest without going through the gate.

It is also a Sunday today, so naturally there are no But because a lot of the students arrived at school to engage in club activities, the gate was open.

The back forest is a shortcut, but we had to make a detour from the direction where we came to. In other words, even though the gate was honestly close, it still meant I had to go around the back with Satonaka.

She is a student of another school. Furthermore, that uniform she’s wearing is of the famous, prestigious high school Integrity Mausoleum. Since it’s another prefecture, there also will be many students who don’t know the uniform is from there. However, if there is somebody who does, it may cause a slight uproar.

I had originally called in Satonaka on the behalf of making her investigate Ogasawara Shizuka’s personal life. Notwithstanding that,’I don’t want my face known’, it’s just that it isn’t necessarily to intentionally lose a 2nd advantage of,’it will be hard to lead back to me’. Which is why I prefer to avoid standing out. (1)

And when a student of another school wanders around on this school ground, it may be called out from a teacher whom thought doubtfully. Even if I skillfully explained her and got away from trouble, and not considering that it appears questionable, I would never have entered the school gates’ openly. After all, a life in the shadows doesn’t arise suspicion.

It is better to dodge a spark which can be avoided.


Leading Satonaka by the hand, we enter the woods and walk along the animal trail.

Although I had said animal trail, there are almost no grown gra.s.s. Because of the tall grove of trees, the light of day is blocked by their thick leaves to the point that weeds equally don’t grow.

As for the thick grown trees, most of the trees’ leaves have fallen, and with the formed humus from dead piled up leaves which laid for a long time, I see something like a path someone tread down on. We are calling it an animal trail.

Since most of the weeks also don’t grow, it can be easy to go through in the daytime, but when it falls, an inexperienced person often has to avoid pa.s.sing here.

Although I did say there are how many dead leaves on the ground, roots of trees crawled in many places. If it’s dark, no doubt they’d lose their footing and fall down.

When I looked at the side for a moment, Satonaka, whom was making conversation a while ago, was peeking at the surrounding area with her eyes slightly raised.

It is certainly that point of hers. A point of hers that appears to have no differed from the past. It certainly doesn’t seem a worst possible outcome will happen, but she could never says never. So, she memorize the way I walked herself.

With saying a submissive order, I’m referring to having an ability that will make her carry that order out at the same time.

Even if she’s how obedient, she doesn’t succeed in becoming obedient if she can’t carry out an order. It is possible to say Satonaka is really excellent in that regard.

After all, she has resulted in a point that she will almost surely carry out all my orders.

If it’s her, perhaps she might be able to walk in this darkness all by herself. It is a major mistake to define her as some fool.

Before long, nostalgic appeared in my mind. To put Ogasawara Makoto in my scheme, I walked along this animal trial when the sun sets. Ogasawara Makoto, who followed behind me desperately, took a lot of time till she arrived at the warehouse.

And the long, black hair of hers had vividly shown that she fell down with dead leaves stuck as she arrived there, along with her uniform soiled with mud.

Ah, she didn’t know it then. I was pleased purely with her having taking part in my plan.

That is it, but for her to have been such a hopeless idiot…….

“Kijima-san? Why does your face seem nostalgic? Did something good happen here?”

Hand led by me, she looked onto my face, wondering.

A good memory? Don’t screw around. If anything, it’s a bad one. A sense of regret that I could’ve still returned to the old days was welling up. (2)

If I had investigated Ogasawara Makoto in more detail, I may have been able to see through that outstanding idiot.

I was completely tricked by her appearance. Moreover, her story performance was also good. In addition to that, her behavior and movements also seem to draw a neat and pitiful picture.

Or rather, it seems she plays that modest, pretty beautiful girl in any other place than in front of me now.

I also am good at deceiving people, but she is also practically a fraud.

“Wow, you have an even more joyful face. Hahahhh~, were you thinking about the junior meat toilet? Small exposure play was done here. U. N. F. A. I. R, do exposure with me here, too~!”

“Huh? What are you saying? I do not have a joyful face―don’t take off your clothes!”

When I look at Satonaka complaining with disgusted eyes, she tried to undo the b.u.t.tons of her P coat with on hand, since one was held by me as we walked, and puffed her cheeks.

“Noo~! Even though you also pretty much said you thought equally!~! This can be regarded as special treatment of the junior meat toilet! That is clear to me!”

I tried to grasp the hand that was undoing her coat b.u.t.tons, but she brushed mine off and raised her voice with a flushed face. And then, she undid the b.u.t.tons skillfully with on hand.

This fellow’s skillfulness is really troublesome.

The coat was knocked off her body. A thick brown blazer and white blouse was seen from the gap. But, her movement stops there.

“So? How do you intend to take off your coat? Hm? Would you not have to take off the placed handcuffs? You are an idiot.”

It would be possible to take it off even while she has them on. However, because it can’t be casted off, it’s definitely a hindrance. And, it isn’t only the coat. Both the blazer and blouse she’s wearing inside is the same story.

The clothes will collect on the handcuffs’ chain as she undresses.

“U-! U-! U-!”

Pointed out by me, she had found no words to retort and groaned with watery eyes which were glaring at me.

The problem is settled if she takes them off, but it is absolutely disagreeable.

What will a guy think if I ran off when she takes off them off? It probably isn’t that I came here. Moreover, you would be arrested by it if anything.

At this rate, she really is the same as a mongrel dog. Everyone is nothing more than an idiot.


While pulling the sulking Satonaka’s hand slightly forcibly, we finally arrived in front of the warehouse door.

The person who was relieved I had a new meat toilet, wanted to go somewhere that it could be just the two of us, desired me used them early, and decided I was happily imagining Ogasawara Makoto, doesn’t make sense. Moreover, she is sulking.

What exactly does she want me to do?  Like geez, she’s terribly tiring.

“For how long will you sulk? Look, we arrived.”

“Huh. Is that right.”

To my words, she scruffily turned her face, appearing to have no interest.

What is with this b.i.t.c.h? I’m getting the feeling of unbelievable irritation.

“Oi, look here, what is that brazed att.i.tude? Who do you think I frickin’ am?”

“Nothing really~. Cause’ I’m an abandoned, defective item~.  It isn’t needed that I listen to your orders~.”

Even though she bothered to express this to me, the stupid that Satonaka speaks to me without  matching my line of sight is even more disgusting.

It is really aggravating. But it just as I expected, she’s trying to get me angry here. From focusing herself with making me angry, it’s possible she’s doing this so she can get all you want torment.

Did I fall in such a transparent trap? In which case, I’ll counterattack.

Stretched out a hand to her face which was facing the other way, I lightly touched her cheek.

Surprised at that, she vigorously turned back and looked up at me with moist eyes. Her cheeks rapidly were being stained pink.

“Don’t get me so angry. If I have to take such an att.i.tude from you, I, I don’t know what I would do…….” 

Saying that, I expressed it with as much sorrow as possible and stared at her with a projected smile.

Having heard my words, she opened her mouth gapingly, and then closed it. Her consciousness apparently had vanished in midair at that point.

Frickin’ idiot, she had successfully fallen into my plan. A smiling face and gentle words drifting with sorrow in place of where she thought I’ll get angry. She completely didn’t expect it.

What a foolish face. Since such easy woman is the student president of Integrity Mausoleum, it is a matter of time that school falls.

When she’s drunk with the excessive splendor of my plan, I began to hear the sound of water trickling. I turn my eyes towards where I thought the sound was.


I heard the sound near Satonaka. Precisely, from her crotch.

Water was streaming down her white thigh. Oi, did this fellow seriously wet herself?

“W, What are you doing……”

I grabbed her shoulders and shook them lightly, but there wasn’t any reaction. While her face was bright red as if it was burning, her dim eyes stare at me.

This fellow is useless: she’s in a complete different world.

I made her do continuous climaxes and p.i.s.s herself, and with making her p.i.s.s herself from having endure it downtown till her limit, she came many times over, but isn’t this the first time she p.i.s.sed herself without my order?

Even I was a little surprised. I mean, if I made her leak at all, I’d make her p.i.s.s after her underwear was taken off.

She doesn’t have something like a bag. In other words, she doesn’t have an extra pair of clothes.

Her underwear was wet with secretions when taken off in the back alley, but urine is a different story.

She threatened me with my photos and firmly set out on a promise to stay in my apartment, but she didn’t intend to walk into my apartment at the start.

Perhaps she originally intended to stay at a certain hotel around the station. In which case, judging the hindrance luggage would be in case of she met and did something with me, it’s safe to think she left them win a station locker.

So then I noticed. The medium that’s storing the images.

Although it’s somewhere I haven’t found, it should be kept in a place that the possible of it being stolen is avoided. Then, a place with a lock is ideal, but this is the first time she came to this town. Such convenient places are limited.

The locker she left her baggage. Stashing the storage item would be most apparent there.

In which case, she ought to have the locker’s key. That is the place if I took the place.

But although the probability is quite high, I can’t say for certain that it’s hidden in a locker. Nevertheless, that is the place she’ll be able to put it.

Well, the hidden place is most apparent to be the locker, I’ll take the key until after she cries and begs for me to keep teasing her.

She has committed a serious crime to me. I will have to make her suffer the utmost agony.

Due to having a calm feeling, I stuck on an even better idea. Since it’s the long waited tease with Satonaka, I won’t be showing a hand.

While I go for the storage item,  should I make her exposure in station area at night? If I do that, I’ll enjoy myself in the warehouse till sun set.

While inwardly chuckling to myself, I took Satonaka, who’s still harden as of now, and entered inside the warehouse.


“It is cold……”

She entered inside and began to grumble.

The warehouse which is built out of steel frame and concrete is cold in the summertime, but becomes even colder than the outside when the temperature falls. However, the warehouse is enriched with more equipment than my apartment, so naturally there is a fully placed air conditioner; it is generally warm. It usually is warm.

That is because the idiot always comes earlier than me and prepares. Perhaps it can be said that the idiot is useful in this case. And since the idiot was absent, the warehouse was completely cold.

“It can be helped she’s weak to the cold……”

Leading her by the hand towards the table, I picked up a wireless remote placed onto it. And then, I switched on the air conditioning.

Even by physical check ups, she has been gaining weight each time. Maybe it isn’t enough fat to be able to handle it.

I walked under the wintry sky endlessly, and this place is severely cold. It is the worst treatment for someone for someone like her whose sensitive to it. And with that factor, it’s strange that her hand felt warm.

“Let’s postpone the training. There is time, and we should also wait till the room warms up…….”

Muttering while looking at the air conditioner which began to operate, I went and led Satonaka to the corner. And then, I took out blankets from a huge pile of cloth cases.

Nevertheless, the handcuffs are really a hindrance. Whatever I do, I’m stuck if I can’t take her, and since I can use that side, only having one hand is extremely bothering.

While she covers up herself in a blanket till the place warms up, should I look for the handcuff keys?

Going to the bed with a blanket, I made Satonaka sit down on the edge.

“Oi, take off your shoes. Shoes are strictly prohibited on the bed. Oi, did you hear me?”

When I stood in front and stoop myself to match her eyes as she sat on the edge, I called out to her while hitting her cheek. But she doesn’t answer, simply stared at me with a dumbfounded, flushed face.

Since there was no use, I squatted down in place and took off her shoes.

Her sole was worn down. It was cared for well, but the black loafers feel like they have a one year period.

Because the mother remarried with the savage father-in-law, her life should be somewhat stable, but it doesn’t seem the wealth changed for the better.

Because it was packed with warmth and other things was stated even if there were holes.

“If she takes care of leather products this good, she may be a person of antique taste……”

The loafers were shining black despite being cut and wrinkled. It takes some time and labor to show that level of style here.

That is right: I’ll take these loafers away. If I take the only thing that’s important of hers away, she will certainly grieve. And then, I make it my collection. In return, I will buy her shoes that have no worth as a gift, which will add more salt upon the wound.

Making her face warp in pain and burst into tears making my heart excited.

When I took off her shoes, I snuck around behind her. And then turning her waist on the bed’s edge, I dragged her to the certain.

Having made her sat in the middle by me, I also sat down behind her. And then, I wrapped her in a blanket.

“Ah, it’s warm. A lemon can naturally be used as a heater pack……”

I pulled myself towards her with my arms tightly wrapped around her, and placed my cheek onto hers from behind.

It feels superficial soft and fragrance. And this warmth. I’m forcibly warming her body up that got cold while taking her heat away. If I do say so myself, it’s how of an unjust deed.


Shivered, she tilts her head to the side. Did her consciousness finally recover?

“Eh? K, Kijima-san? ……What is this situation?”

Like a toy completely exhausted of oil, she seemed to do awkward movements with a grinding sound and askancely looked at me putting my cheek on hers from behind. Her face became redder just now.

Why do you feel embarra.s.sed? It is unusual for her.

“You know that I don’t like feeling cold. I’m using you as a subst.i.tute heating pad till the room warms up. I’m saying it, but you have no authority to refuse.”

“Refuse this sort of situation……”

Satonaka’s face that was burning even more like it began to break out in a fire, showed unrest beyond my expectations.

This is it. It is quite interesting.

“Your chest has grew considerably in two years.”

“Hiyaaa!? W, Wait just a minute, Kijima-san!?”

Moving restlessly, I was able to turn a hand from her waist and slip it in her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She raised a small squeal to my movements, and began to get fl.u.s.tered.

She isn’t the type of guy that’ll get that fl.u.s.tered with her chest being touched. The reaction is really interesting. It is over the coat, but I discovered that they became bigger in comparison of before.

“G, Get off!”

“Nope, rejected.”

“Please! I’ll go back immediately!”

With rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s over her coat, Satonaka had begun to violently struggle.

She is on top with reflexes, but she cannot escape from me who excels with physical strength.

However, she resists that point.

“This doesn’t seem like you. Do you hate being hugged by me? Then I’ll make you hate me more.”

“Auhh, Wai!? Kijima-san, please just wait a little, ahh”

I opened my mouth line while I rubbed and embraced her. She fearfully twitched with that alone, and continues to desperately resist despite giving a sweet moan.

It is very refreshing to tease resisting Satonaka. I’m a little turned on.

“Somewhat salty. Were you fairly sweating?”


“It smells, well, you always had a splendid body order.”


I stuck out my tongue from the opened lips onto her nap and crept up slowly.

With experiencing the faint taste and of sweat, the sweat man alluring fragrance tickles my nose.

The room is still cold, and she also doesn’t want to get out of the blanket. As for the handcuffs, it isn’t necessary to take them off immediately if it’s here.

With it being a long time since I touched her and the weird resistance for her, I appear to have gotten a little aroused.

“Please, please Kijima-san……since I’m really rather fine, listen to me and let go……”

“It is useless to beg me. Rejected, rejected.”

Stopped embracing and rubbing her chest, I then unb.u.t.ton her blazer as well as her blouse. And then, I pushed a hand through the blouses’ gap where the skin was sticking out.

I felt cloth on my hand. Is this fellow wearing underwear? No panties and bra are the basics. But well, this is also refreshing of her. It isn’t bad.

“Ah, noo, I antic.i.p.ated nothing of this, before handd, pleaseeeee”

“Shutttt uppp. Are your nipples not erected stiff? Are you crazy about rape play nowadays?”

When I move the bra.s.siere and grasp the b.r.e.a.s.t.s directly, Satonaka reacted to the groping touch and firmly projected herself. At that time it hit my palm.

While I embraced and rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and with my palmed rubbed it with her projection, the struggle, movement, and resistance of hers suddenly changed.

She looked up at the ceiling, fearfully twitching while gritting her teeth. Her sign had begun to become intensely hot, too.

“What is it? You won’t resist anymore? Struggle more and please me.”

“A, Ahh, it, it was differenttt, I am resists, yeah―cuu”

I pinch the nipple with the fingers of the palm rubbing her, and heavily crushed it while kneading.

Trying to desperately tell me something, her body intensely convulsed the moment I crushed the nipples with my fingers, which she then appeared to have reached a light climax.

She was able to get one with only the nipples before, but she needed some time. She easily did one this time.

“I, I am resisting―air conditioner power, u, um, I think it should be cut……”

“Huh? Why is it necessary to turn it off? I said I’m not good with the cold.”

Like she’s soaking in the lingering of the climax, her body continues to shake, her wet eyes looking up on the ceiling dropped, and she turned to the side, locked onto me.

“Because……it could be much better we remain just as if it’s cold……in which case, it is better that it’s cold…….”

A hot sign and wet eyes. Her voice then sweetly echoes in spite of her faintly trembling.  It seems just with her nipples played with, she’s completely drunk.

Apart from that, the cold will stay completely the same either way? Don’t be pulling my leg. But, she certainly can’t get rid of this state if the air conditioner is cut off. Then, will she move her body to warm? If so, I don’t have any problem even if she switched it off.

“You can be immediately used.”

“Eh? Ah, no―W, w, w, w, wait―”

With having decided to just make her body warm me up, I let my hand ma.s.saging her breast slide down, and with it between her thighs, I slip in her skirt.

She got even more frantic to my behavior just now, and then distortedly and desperately tried to escape from me. When I forcibly pressed her down, I let more of my hand in her skirt slide and reached her underwear.

A splash resounded. Oh goodness, is this not sloppy? Even though she’s resisting, her force to uphold it is zero.

“Ahii!? Hiaahh―y, you can’t there―nhii”

“Your c.l.i.toris is really weak, isn’t it?”

With moving a finger under the underwear, and it being entwined with the secretions overflowing like a flood from her steamy hot v.a.g.i.n.a, I touched the c.l.i.toris with the finger.

“Hiii!? Nahhhhhh”

As if she received an electric shock, her body jumped and did a climax instantaneously.

“Naah―wa, wait―c.u.mingggggg”

She projected and banged against my finger. Without it even being peeled and shown its head, the c.l.i.toris swelled up, continuing to keep her easily giving climaxes with just a light rub there.

The coquettish voice rings inside the room. The tide blows. And then she climaxes again. The tide begins to blow more. Simultaneously with her repeating climax, she’s not even able to breath, and saliva drips from the edge of her lip as she looks up to the ceiling, continuing to twitch.

Seen her have beyond ten climaxes in several minutes, I was convinced that she can already be used.

“Pl―plea―please―just wai―”


Satonaka, who seems like her consciousness is fading, slightly twists her body and still tries resisting. She is completely drunk in ecstasy and has lost her function, but still tries to resist.

I do want her to remain resisting if possible, but is really she going to continuing till when?

Pinned down and repeatedly convulsion before me, I rolled up the skirt which covered her pushed up b.u.t.tock. And then, I lower the show, light blue underwear.

“Oi, oi, doesn’t this mean you weren’t really resisting? You went beyond your lewd limit, did you?”

From her now bare v.a.g.i.n.a, a large quant.i.ty of secretions overflowed. It is also without an obstruction of view.

I realized it with a touch of my hand, but there is really no hair grown yet? It thought it grow somewhat because her appearance, but her lower mouth is still a child.

It seems the a.n.u.s on top of the steamy v.a.g.i.n.a is as smooth, and is projecting and twitching. This is evident that something is always pulled in and out there.

Fluids entwined in my finger, I tentatively insert it into the a.n.u.s.


With her white bottom sprung up, she lets out a moan.

My finger easily swallowed to the base, the narrow and soft meat wiggles and squeezes my finger.

Amazing, her a.n.u.s was really well from before, but the develop is solid to the point it can’t even be compared with before.

‘Ahii, ahii, ahii”

When I move my finger in and out, her bottom fearfully twitches. Her moan rises in accordance of her b.u.t.tock movement. Her quite pitiable appearance incuses my arousal.

Nevertheless, the handcuffs are really obstructive. Collapsed in the front while her bottom is pushed up, her right hand hung up. Her right and my left are connected by the chain.

Since her right hand is forcibly drawn up with my left raised, it became indirectly reversed.

Her small body is delicate. Her body is indeed very flexible, but her shoulder might become dislocated with this unreasonable posture. If that happens, it will be troublesome.

“Oi, Satonaka, where are the handcuff key?”

“Ahii, ahii, ahii”

“Without doing ‘ahii ahii’, spit it out quickly.”

“S, Since you said―ahii―s, stop moving, your finger―ahii, c, curellaahahhh”

When I ask her while moving a finger in and out her a.n.u.s, she turns her face sideways as she pants.

‘Ahi ahi ahi ahi’, shut up b.i.t.c.h. Moreover, won’t you answer? A rebellious b.i.t.c.h. Quite the nuisance.

“Oi, Satonaka, without ahing, quickly spit out where the key is.”

Inserting into her a.n.u.s while asking, I increase the fingers to three and pulled in and our more intensely.

The a.n.u.s held them fastly inside, and strengthens the clamping and twitching evermore while the secretions untidily overflowed. And then as the liquid was overflowing from the v.a.g.i.n.a onto the bed like streaming water, it formed a strain onto the sheets. (TLNY: Kijima-san, you better removes or cleans those sheets quickly. Makoto will be coming.)

“Oi, I said spit it out.”

“Ahii, naah, unyaa, you are cruelllllll”

With her face boiling red, her auburn eyes were wet with tears. And saliva dripping from the edge, she wasn’t going to let out the key’s whereabouts after all. It is really a cheeky mannerism of hers.

Thinking I should give her punishment, I bend the three fingers into her a.n.u.s with a thrust and rubbed the c.l.i.toris with a thumb.

“S, Since you said tha ahh, stop moving your fingers―hii!? Don’t do it at the same time―nhiiiiiiii, c.u.mingggggg”

Surely not what she wanted, I violated her a.n.u.s with three fingers as I torment the c.l.i.toris, making her do an uneaten climax. Moreover, the climax was unlike a while ago; she was fiercely twitching while squirting a great deal.

“I, I still won’t sayyy―zahii―since I won’t say, torment me moree―naaa―I’m hapyyy”

When I stop moving my fingers, she greatly twitches and smiles with vacant eyes.

You won’t say? That is fine. If that’s your plan, I have one, too.

I pulled my fingers from her a.n.u.s, take down my bent by a hand, and take our swelled and protruding p.e.n.i.s to the point that it will let our anymore.

“You understand the mood. Do you intend to resists till the end? I’ll endlessly tease you only after you let it out.”

“Q, Quickly, I want you to mess me up senseless like before―a lot, if I get teased a lot, I, I’ll do anythingggg”

Grasping the rod of my swollen p.e.n.i.s, I applied it to the a.n.u.s completely twitching. And then, I quickly thrust it in.

“Nhiii!? It issssssss, it is entereingggggg―nahhhhhhhh”

The a.n.u.s swallowed my p.e.n.i.s in one go, tightened in a moment, and then while the soft meat wrapped and pressed my p.e.n.i.s, I arbitrarily inhaled through my nose. I had nearly e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed unintentionally with the surplus pleasure, but I pushed out my waist more as I gritted my teeth and endured.

The second my waist stuck onto her bottom, the hit of my p.e.n.i.s was. .h.i.t with something.

“Kuu, oi, you did preparations to be used right away, didn’t you?”

“Ahh, naaaaaahhhh, ihiiiiiiiaaaaaaaahhhhh”

With the a.n.u.s tightening, the meat sensations wiggled. The meat hole tried to draw in my p.e.n.i.s on its own even if she didn’t move.

The merit state is different to the reference of developing Ogasawara Makoto’s a.n.u.s. I endured e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. to the best of my abilities with the meat hole I changed into just as s.e.xual processor, and here something was openly discomforting on the tip of my p.e.n.i.s. However, the moan that soaked into a scream wasn’t going to simply give me an answer.

With a two year absence, I understand without it being explain that she continued to develop her own body without cease.

I reviewed it just a little, but it was an extremely big mistake to leave waste products inside the a.n.u.s while boating that she can be immediately used.

“Nhiiiiiiiiiiiii, c.u.minggggggggg”


With pulling out my p.e.n.i.s, she was convulsing intensely as her moan sounded like a scream. Intestinal juices overflowed from the a.n.u.s simultaneously, and the lubricate nature of it was added with the increased clamping.

Seized with the feeling of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. again, I somehow endured it and pulled my entire p.e.n.i.s out.

As for Satonaka, she was unmindful that I felt uncomfortable, and did a grand climax.

“Tsk, a meat toilet which isn’t serviceable……but, this is strange.”

Clicking my tough as I was irritated, I grandly slapped her white, twitching bottom with the palm of my hand. Then, I felt a strange uneasiness.

My p.e.n.i.s isn’t dirty at all. When I quickly turned my eyes onto her bottom, transparent intestinal juices were dripping from her gapingly open a.n.u.s.

It is beyond beautiful for it to have remaining waste. But, I definitely felt something on my p.e.n.i.s’ tip.

The hole began to gradually get tighter when I looked at it. And then, it started to open and close like a fish’s mouth. It seems as if it’s trying to lie something.

“Wahmw ndds kjdiw ahj……ahhh”  (Utter h.e.l.l. I TRIED, OKAY?)

Together with her mutter of her tongue not articulating well, the a.n.u.s continued to open and tightly close. And then, something came out.

It was a sphere divided by blue middle and transparent on top. The globe that was bigger than a ping pong ball was something I used in my childhood.

It was a plastic capsule that came out when you bought a gacha gacha. It came out of her a.n.u.s.

The capsule was plastered in transparent juices, was most impossibly squeezed out as her a.n.u.s was abnormally opened, and then it was pushed out with sticky strings.

To the capsule which falls onto the bed and suddenly rolled, words couldn’t come out.

What did this fellow do? Why did she insert such a thing into her a.n.u.s? Is she stupid? Is this fellow also stupid?

“…..Huh? Ah?”

When I take the capsule rolling on the bed while drawing back a little, it made a clank.

As I looked inside by the clear part, a brilliant, silver key was seen from within. Furthermore, there were two.

I see, did she hide the handcuffs and locker key in her a.n.u.s? ……This person really is stupid.

“A, jhbs, iwhia, awahlaj jaahj, wjheni akujm? Thda ejshia ejiowe kjsan sjue sklau? Kiwjam-swkm si iriakjr―”

“I don’t understand what you said at all, f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h.”

Satonaka tried to desperately tell me something with slurs, but I couldn’t understand what she said at the least. However, I can mostly get what she said.

Perhaps the capsule laid in front of me, was a hidden scheme to delight me. Nevertheless, she missed her timing for this current point of time.

“AJio, akuw, iwuj jhsja, doisiuw wuehnj ahuns huank. JIAm jai……”

“So what are you saying? I can’t understand what you’re talking about. You shut up for a minute.”

Although I said I don’t know what she’s saying, I still slapped the b.u.t.tock of Satonaka, who continued to desperately explain, and opened the capsule and took a key out. And then, I placed the key in the small key hole of the cuffs, and turned it.

With a click the handcuffs came off.

Was I at last free? To really be frickin’ think about such a trivial thing.

Satonaka collapsed at the front as her a.s.s was raised. I turn both her hands to the back, and placed the handcuffs on both her wrists.


She was in a state that couldn’t understand what happened. Perfect. I will keep both her hands locked and continue tormenting.

When I grabbed her a.s.s by my free left and my p.e.n.i.s with my right, I covered the a.n.u.s with it’s’ tip.

Even if it’s teasing her, I go in at once.

“Fuee!? Waeei, wweaittttt―hii!?”

“Since you aren’t a serviceable meat toilet, that will tighten your hole.”

Just as she grandly climaxed, I restricted both her hands to the back and she tried to escape like a caterpillar. But her body didn’t appear to move freely, and she yielded to the p.e.n.i.s inserted in her a.n.u.s with empty struggle.

I’m strangle not somewhat as aroused with her struggle.


The moan scream echoed within the warehouse. I, who grabbed her b.u.t.tock with both hands as I heard it, pushed out my waist in one go and began to wave my waist without mercy.



(1) (TLNY: News flash, you already do.)
(2)(TLNY: You are contradicting yourself.)

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