Ogasawara Makoto, who is faced up on the bed with a wet towel covering her eyes, is relaxed with flush cheeks.

For an adolescent high school girl, even if she wears a swimsuit she ought to have considerable resistance to expose both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and crotch. So like yesterday, it may be said it’s a normal reaction to cover it with her hand.

But both hands are beside her body, the behavior to hide her chest and crotch like a few days ago isn’t showing.

It’s evident how we’re getting remarkably closer as days go by. After all, I feel that her confidence and trust in me have grown stronger.

In addition to the serious ma.s.sage practice, it seems that the warm water in the shower yesterday increased her trust to the point where she has complete confidence in me.

But today will be the day I will rub her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It’s very likely this will sprout wariness again, so I cannot relax.

“Then, let’s begin. Today I’m going into the lymph node under the armpit, can you please put both hands over your head?”

In her behavior, she showed a moment of hesitation to my words. The act to expose her armpits for a young lady of marriageable age, it seems like it will be the place they would like the avoid if possible. She may not remember to be embarra.s.sed about her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and crotch, but no doubt it’s one of the embarra.s.sing parts. (1)

Nevertheless, she lifted both hands obediently and follows my instructions by putting both hands crossed over her head. Due to that, her smooth white armpit was exposed and two ripe bulges were lifted up.  Due to her swimsuit stretching it lifted her cleavage, making it clearly visible up to the base of her throat.(2)

It isn’t possible to confirm a clear size type when you’re wearing a uniform, but I know to a degree she has big t.i.ts. And now with a swimsuit that doesn’t fit her body size, she must be having great pain with her big b.r.e.a.s.t.s crammed in so tightly.

Actually, if you look at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s being pushed up to her neck you can get a better picture, for they seems to be bigger than I originally guessed.

Her smooth white armpits are revealed. Even though I’m handling them carefully, I cannot tell whether or not she has naturally thin body hair or if she shaves, but if she does there is no evidence. Without thinking I swallow my saliva, desperately holding down my welled up desires.

I squeeze the high quality lotion that I held in my hand onto her stomach, and then put both hands and oil her up.


I let my palm fully soak in the lotion. I then slid my palm from the top of the ribcage, which made her beautiful body bounced and the corner of her lips shake. Apparently it’s quite ticklish.

I let my palm slide from the ribcage to the armpit as it then pa.s.ses beside her plump breast. I then remember the strange soft touch it had and before I knew it, my hand was touching her breast.

“Uhe, ahhh, hehe,  i-it tickles, ukukuku!”

I got impatient for a moment, but the person herself doesn’t seem to mind being touch there. When I went from the ribcage to the armpit she seemed to try to endure a tickle as she twisted and raised her laugher.

Ignoring her, I continue to ma.s.sage diligently.

I moved from the armpit to the back of the upper arm, and loopback to the elbow. But every time her body springs up and her laughter increases, but I continued to ignore it.

One hour pa.s.ses from when the ma.s.sage started, and her state began to show change.

Although she still makes occasional springs with her body, the laughter is not occurring anymore and is replaced with rough breathing. Her ears and cheeks are dyed bright red, along with the rest of her body that began to pour out sweat. The tradition ticklish feeling turned into pleasure.

Her ticklishness is proof of her sensitivity.  By repeating the stimulation carefully and getting accustom to the ticklishness, it began to turn into pleasure.

When I verify it, I separate both hands at once, and squeeze out a large quant.i.ty of lotion onto her plump chest.

I’m going to start touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I don’t intend to say anything. I already told her that I’ll be rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s beforehand and got the approval, so there is no problem even if I touch it.

Besides, after gaining her expressed approval I don’t need to pay any attention to her discomfort. In this thorough ma.s.sage I need to be silent to make her aware I’m not going to do the same for her other parts, that way she should be able to feel relieved.

I once again attach my hands on both of her sides and gradually went to the side of the breast, then came back to the armpit before reaching the top.

Ogasawara Makoto who felt the touch on her breast, tightened her lips for a moment but then relaxed almost immediately. Although nothing has been said she remained calm.

It’s just as I expected, she isn’t going to resist. I then continued to ma.s.sage her in a professional fashion.

This is a crucial moment. If for a moment she considers this obscene, my building blocks called ‘trust’ that I have been slowly acquiring up to now, have a risk of collapsing all at once

I put my heart and soul into this final message, it’s very important that she considers this enjoyable. Besides, I won’t stick to just the breast or her side armpit and back upper arm, in order to give a good ma.s.sage, it must flow.  The b.r.e.a.s.t.s are the last pa.s.sing point, this leaves her the impression that’s it’s essential for the ma.s.sage.

Three hours have pa.s.sed since the ma.s.sage first began, which means the time to end is approaching.

As one would expect I’m worn out. Although strange enthusiasm enters my body from the tension, my entire body is relaxed while my mental strain is reduced.

“Nng, haa, ahhg, ah, ahhh”

She has no way of knowing what is inside my mind, so I continue to make her raise a sweet and shameful voice. Her favorites are the back of the armpit, the upper arm, the side of breast, below her collarbone, as well as the bottom of her beasts. In short, almost everything seems to be pleasant to her.

The figure of a man who is embracing and rubbing your b.r.e.a.s.t.s as you pant, it can no longer be called innocent and clean. She is just a woman drowning in pleasure.

“Ah, I’m sorry to stop while you’re feeling good, but I’m also tired so lets end for today.”

After saying that I separate both hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and turn my head, I genuinely am tired. But it was worth it to be careful, because I got through the hurdle of ma.s.saging the b.r.e.a.s.t.s which I thought would be difficult to do.

*Ha,haa…..it felt good.”

She seems like she won’t be moving for awhile, as her sweet voice indicates she may begin to melt at any moment. Soaking myself in the pleasant feeling of her lingering pleasure and somehow or other it seems like strength enters my body.


One week pa.s.sed since then, and Ogasawara Makoto now offers me her entire body.

With her present state there doesn’t seem to be any problem entering the final stage, I spent one week of ma.s.saging her whole body for this purpose.

Without showing any resistance against doing such acts, but instead silently letting me do what I want with her, Ogasawara Makoto’s shyness becomes less and less as the days go by, and she would raise moaning sounds without any modesty and gave herself in to the pleasure.

Then when she lays on her back, I pa.s.s through the collarbone from the neck to ma.s.sage the breast in a diligent circle, then I go by the thigh towards her stomach. From there I pa.s.s through to the leg and then arrive at the lymph node between her crotch.

Then I place my thumb in between the opening that covering her crotch and began to finger ma.s.sage beside her p.u.s.s.y.

She isn’t showing resistance against these acts, in fact she says nothing. It seems like her shyness is fading each day, instead she tried to constrict her raising moans as the pleasure increased.

“I think today I will begin a constipation reducing ma.s.sage.”

When it’s the right time, I spoke such words with a innocent look.

“Eh?  C-constip….huh?!

As one would expect, Ogasawara Makoto, who is on the lying on the bed upon her stomach while waiting for her ma.s.sage, raised her head and looked at me in shock.

“Women are especially p.r.o.ne to constipation, so the constipation reducing ma.s.sage seems to be popular. Although it’s necessary to go through training in order to learn, it also seems people who did receive the training are few in numbers.”

I say it to her while holding a book in one hand, but when she looks at me she diverts her eyes quickly and blushes.

“It’s strange. There are many people who will pay a guy to receive it, and yet I have a hard time finding a practice partner. Oh well, I don’t need to fuss about that yet.”

She hears my words in silence, neither refusing or approving.

My ma.s.sages she received so far must be really luxurious. Her physical condition became better, her skin shines, and the moisture in her hair has also increased since before.

From the start Ogasawara Makoto was famous for just being a beautiful girl, but now her fame is increasing even more.

She was cute, now she’s beautiful. For a adolescent girls, no, for all women in the world, her enchanting whisper is too sweet.

“The biggest cause of rough skin in women seems to be constipation. It says that the acc.u.mulation of internal waste products will have bad influence on the human body, so this is my reasoning for this one ma.s.sage.”

“…..I see.”

To my indifferent dialect as I give a simple but fluent exposition, her face turns to a bright red and nods.

With the trust that I piled up while ma.s.saging her whole body until now, her awareness of being a member of the opposite s.e.x seems to have fade. Furthermore, she falls into pleasure whenever I do a ma.s.sage, and with the explanation of how useful the constipation reduction ma.s.sage is, her reason to try out the sensation sprouts.

Moreover, I’ll now give the words of decisive factor.

“It’s said to be quite comfortable.”


Human beings are weak creatures to their own desires.

Once I got approval, I sat down on the sofa while she laid on the bed. I took the bag that I put on the sofa and took out something which I prepared beforehand.

“I’m sorry, but will you change your clothes?”

As I asked while turned away, I take out a white bikini and show it to her.

“Huh? I need to change my clothes?”

I considered that openly showing the bikini might give some apprehensive feelings, but if anything the atmosphere seems to be troublesome.

“Well, how much do you think this cost? I bought this alone, think about how much I was ashamed.”

While staring at her, I displayed a behavior like I was feeling shy.

I can buy women’s swimsuits as many times I want. With the exception of underwear, I can even buy any other women’s clothes as much as I want with no concern. Even if another person saw I wouldn’t care.

“Um, it doesn’t mean I’m not grateful…..huh?  Is that by chance….eh?!”

Staring at the bikini that I held in my hand, she suddenly sprang out from the bed and ran up to me. She was trembling with a flushed face.

“I-isn’t this an italian brand-name product? It’s awfully expensive…..”

Her eyes twinkled and sparkled while staring at the bikini. Although appearances of simple brand name products’ don’t interest me, it seems like adolescent high school girls do.

“Well, I didn’t know that. I only bought it because I thought it was suitable for ma.s.saging.”

“But, doesn’t this sort of thing not commonly appear or sold in department stores? Where on earth did you buy it from?”

When I properly explain, she lunges another question.

“I don’t seem to remember the place, but that sort of thing irrelevant right now. What is important, is whether you’ll wear it or not. If it isn’t a bikini, we’ll have various problems.”

“I’ll wear it! By all means I will wear it!”

When she heard a proper explanation, she nodded while her eyes seem to glisten and accepted the bikini without hesitation

“If this is a brand, it’s probably about three months worth of my allowance.”

“Since you understand, change into these situation clothes. I’ll be sitting down on the sofa.”

I raise up the bikini and said looking up to her while I sat down on the couch.

“Can you please turn the other way?”

“Yes, yes.”

I raise my hand to the voice from behind and answer.

“You absolutely won’t peek? You absolutely, absolutely won’t?”

“I understand.”

I lean back on the sofa and answer her question with a disgusted voice. I then carefully listen while holding my breath.

The sound that I hear is rustling. Ogasawara Makoto is becoming naked in the same room without much distance, in general it isn’t an action that she thought over.

Since I told her that I absolutely won’t look, she trusts me to the extent of believing I won’t actually peak. But I don’t even need to do such a thing, the plan is near accomplished, I can then see more.

Ogasawara Makoto, who was now wearing the white bikini, stood next to me while covering her chest with her left hand and her crotch with the right.

She can’t completely cover her plump chest. Unlike when she was covered by the tight swimsuit, I can see with ease a full portrait of her exposed body.

As expected, they’re bigger than I thought. Moreover her figure is also sufficiently bigger.

“Please don’t stare so much. I, I, my chest size doesn’t fit my body figure, so that’s why I’m self conscious.”

She looks down with a flushed face and mutters in a low voice.

“The size of your chest is irrelevant to the ma.s.sage, so don’t mind it.”

I persistently carried out the businesslike interaction while she looked the other way sulking. I wanted to say ‘I don’t mean it in any strange way’ but if I said it like that she would think I look at her as a member of the opposite s.e.x. If that happens she may develop reluctance to being ma.s.saged.

“A swimsuit for some reason.”

She muttered in a pout as she turned away with inflated cheeks.

“Pay no mind to it. Well lets now begin the ma.s.sage―”

“Lie down on the bed, is that right? I already know.”

She pouted as she mumbled 「dense」, and went towards the bed. (3)

I’m very thankful to be thought of as dense, but in actuality I’m far from that. In order for her to fall into a abyss of despair, I have been going through trial and error while reading her thoughts and actions.

If you ask me, she’s thick headed and foolish.

Ogasawara Makoto plots herself down on her stomach within the bed like usual, while I stand up near her and open a page of the book that I held in one hand.

Well before I start, it’s necessary for her to receive enough to understand. This time the ma.s.sage is at a scale of a big hurdle.

“Since this is a constipation reduction ma.s.sage, I will be directly stimulating the a.n.u.s. If that’s the case I need to lower the swimsuit, which is why I asked you to change into a bikini. If you wore the school swimsuit you would need to become naked. ”

“Eh? Directly? Lower it?”

She suddenly raised her face and looked at me with a stiff expression.

“Do you know a method to have a baby p.o.o.p? You need to stimulate the a.n.u.s with a finger, which is the same for this principle. Although, it’s necessary for a more sophisticated technique when dealing with adult constipation.“

“What?  T-that’s as one would expect…”.

She placed her hand onto her a.s.s to hide it, while her face flushed red and waved her small head sideways. Her refusal wasn’t in words, but in her behavior.

Well, it’s a proper reaction.

I gave a small sigh, as I changed my eyes from the book to her in a scowl.

“The cards you can use for negotiating this do-.”

“T-there aren’t any, right? Haha, I understand…..”

She quickly bent her eyes and drew a stiff smile as I still glare at her.

“This is a ma.s.sage.”

“It isn’t an obscene act. You believe that I consider this is indecent, right?”

She already interprets my answer even if I say nothing, it’s proof that she has fallen perfectly into my plan.

She doesn’t hold disgust towards being ma.s.saged directly on her a.n.u.s, she is merely ashamed.

“In that case I…”

“You don’t hold any wicked thoughts. You only want to become a first cla.s.s ma.s.seur.”


“I shouldn’t be too self conscious. You don’t hold any l.u.s.t nor do you think I’m even a tiny bit cute.”


“ ‘You should just agree to receive my ma.s.sage.’ Right?” (4)

She said all that I wanted to say, so far it has been worthwhile to grind this into her carefully.

“If you understand, don’t say anything more. I’ll begin now.”


She finally approved and now has successfully fell into my plan. Although, she consented on her own without me doing anything.

With this it’s now possible to enter the final stage. She will fall into the depths of despair and continue to sink further down.

I place both hands on her waist and lift the top.

“Oh yes, we’re going to fix your position.”

“Uuu, I’m already really embarra.s.sed.”

I lift only her b.u.t.tock while her upper body laid on the bed. It looked extremely like inchworm pose.

“I need to take down your swimsuit bottoms when you’re lying down. I’ll even devised it so you won’t be even slightly ashamed, but if you like you can return to your original posture.“

“N-no, I’m all right, sorry.”

She fell silent to my words, inclining she won’t complain anymore about it.

When wearing a swimsuit while lying down, she needs to lower her entire swimsuit to raise her rear end. In that state, having her a.s.s pushed up is much more shameful.

At any rate, if the swimsuit bottom is lowered when the rear end is lifted, the a.n.u.s will become completely visible. Then on top of that, the p.u.s.s.y will be exposed too. But with her sprawled out, she may not fully understand the reality of the situation.

“I’ll pull it down to the necessary minimum. “

“T-thank you for taking care of me in various ways….”

Even though I’m going to stare and fiddle around with her a.n.u.s and genitals, this stupid girl is thanking me. Although I piled how much trust, stupidity should have a limit.

But then, the process is is going smooth.

I put both hands on her white swimsuit that’s covering her b.u.t.tock, and take it down slowly. This causes her hips to tremble, her eyes and lips to be shut tightly, while her face and ears completely turn a bright red.

Her swimsuit was just lowered enough to reveal her white a.s.s. The center of her rear was cracked in two, showing a clean, thin pink, a.n.u.s. While down below that, showed her p.u.s.s.y. (4)

Thin hair is prevalent, showing trace of evidence it hasn’t be groomed when I took off her swimsuit.

Even after she resisted me that much I eventually got to see it, what a laughable story. (5)

“I won’t lower anymore then this. Be at ease, for I can’t see important woman section.”

“O-over and over again I’m the one attended to, thank you….”

Ogasawara Makoto, who closed her eyes tightly, thanked me with a shaken voice. Practically all of her p.u.s.s.y and a.n.u.s is completely visible.

“I think you will feel a little chilly.”

“Ye, yes―Hiya?! Uuu.”

When the lotion is dripped on her a.s.s and hits the a.n.u.s, her rear shakes. I let the lotion drip down freely as I arrange the preparations.

Anyways, I shouldn’t get impatient even though there is an a.n.u.s and a pusssy infront of my eyes. By all means I do want to play with them to the fullest, but I can’t be in a hurry. It’s all over if I jump the gun here.


I put both my hands on the left and right cheek, gently stroking and diligently plastering the lotion.

I let her get accustomed to the touch for a little while, and then I open her a.s.s from both sides.


When she felt it has been open, she shaked her a.s.s but showed no signs of resisting.

She once again closed her eyes tightly with a flushed face, showing a state of her desperately enduring the agony and shame.

This is important. I’ll stroke the rear and then eventually ma.s.sage it. There won’t be any danger, only pleasure. It’s essential that I grind this into her.

I rub the b.u.t.tock while it made a sucking sound, I then open it open it both sides.

The pale pinkish a.n.u.s was closed tightly, then when I opened it for a moment at both sides it immediately closed again.

Without touching her a.n.u.s, I wandered around her a.s.s while ma.s.saging it.

Three hours elapsed, the ma.s.sage is finished for today.

Ogasawara Makoto, who still has her b.u.t.tock pushed up as it was exposing her genitals and a.n.u.s, had a considerate amount of her stiffness unraveled at the end of the ma.s.sage. However, she did not reach her heavy breathing and laughs like yesterday.

I raised her swimsuit bottoms and told her the ma.s.sage was over. The a.s.s that was pushed upwards fell down with a bang, as her eyes that was tightly closed now were open wide.

“T-thank you….”

With bright red ears, she said in a lower and more bashful voice than usual. She then slowly got off from the bed.

That day until just before she went home, her ears still remained red and the words she spoke to people were very few.


The third day of the final stage begins. Today I will also fiddle with her a.s.s.

While Ogasawara Makoto wears the white bikini, she did the usual and closed her eyes tightly as her ears flushed, pushing up only her b.u.t.tock in a pose like an inchworm.

And then her swimsuit was taken down halfway, exposing her a.n.u.s and p.u.s.s.y.


On the first day she didn’t even raise her voice because there was too much tension and shame, but on the 3rd day she gave a coquettish voice.

I rub her a.s.s and then spread it from both sides, eyeing at her exposed a.n.u.s.

Naturally, since the a.n.u.s is spread both ways, this also means her p.u.s.s.y is too.

Although she thinks it isn’t visible, a perfect view of her genitals are shown when I spread open her right and left cheeks.

Her lovely childishness nature can be said disproportionate to her physical body.

When I cling onto the right and left cheek, a faint bulge can be seen from above. Perhaps it’s the skin around the c.l.i.toris swelling up.

With her genitals exposed, I may be able to get an insight in her mentality to some extent.

I keep ma.s.saging the b.u.t.tock and spread the both the cheeks. I repeat this endlessly, while viscosity liquid shines and slightly overflows out.

She’s unmistakably wet. With her overflowing with this much love juice, she must be feeling pleasure. But then, it may also be due to her shyness.

“I’ll seriously start the constipation reducing ma.s.sage soon.”

I said that to Ogasawara Makoto, who had her eyes closed while I rubbed her pushed up a.s.s. She then opened them in surprised and directed those opened eyes to me.

“Eh? You didn’t already seriously began?”

“Obviously. If constipation was resolved with just having your a.s.s rubbed, constipation in this world would be long gone.”

“……Y-you’re right.”

She falls silence as I treat and rub her b.u.t.t.

For her to open her eyes to possibly exchange a ordinary conversation, she must have surprisingly got used to seeing me rub her bottom. But then again, her ears are still flushed without any signs of changing.

“But, why didn’t you begin it at once? For three days, it has been…..why are you just rubbing?”

With a sense of doubt, she asked in a low voice.

“Well yeah. If we suddenly began at the beginning, it won’t only go terribly with you feeling of nervousness or embarra.s.sment, it might also be painful. So I’m devoting myself in spending time to unravel that tension.”

When she looked at me and heard my words, she instantly fell on her face, laughing thinly.

“…….For being considerate to me, thank you.”

And thanked in a low voice.

The stupid woman thanks me when I’m looking at her p.u.s.s.y and a.n.u.s and ma.s.sing her a.s.s.

While being astounded by her stupidity, I add more lotion to her b.u.t.tock.

I directly approach the place of the a.n.u.s to finally fiddle with it. It took little over a month to get here, and only a moment until it’s over.

After I confirm that both hands were soaked enough in the lotion, I let the index finger of my right hand touch the a.n.u.s and have my left hand fondle her a.s.s.


Her a.s.s shook as she raised a faint moan.

An a.n.u.s is an organ that does excreting, and excreting is an act that’s important for an animal. It’s absolutely necessary to perform it. So with that in mind, if you go ahead and do so, it should come with pleasure.

In other words, I should be able to bring her pleasure by gently caresing the a.n.u.s.

I suppress the feeling to become forceful and rash as I stimulate the a.n.u.s with a finger gently and slowly. When the a.n.u.s closes tightly, I pull out my finger for some time and see it stiffen, twitch, and wiggle.

When the lotion mixed with my finger, and I gradually and slowly relax the a.n.u.s with that finger, the tip was then easily swallowed by her a.n.u.s.


She didn’t seem to notice that a finger invaded her a.n.u.s, since her behaviour hasn’t shown any particular resistance, but I was able to hear a clear moan.

By having caressed near her a.n.u.s for three days, it has became looser and is pulling in my finger itself. Moreover, it may perhaps be from stimulating and fiddling the surface of a.n.u.s with just my finger, but it may be a delusion I made up.(三日間も肛門付近を愛撫した事により、肛門自体が解れ、しかも指で弄り回された事により、単に肛門の表面を指で刺激されているだけ、という錯覚を起こしているのかもしれない。)

If there was pain, she would have noticed that my finger is stretching the inside her a.n.u.s, and might resisted. Therefore, I only let a portion of the joint tip go inside. I also won’t push it further, instead I’ll continue to pull it in and out.

While stroking her a.s.s with my left hand, I inserting the tip of my right index finger inside her a.n.u.s. One hour has elapsed since the start.


The lotion is amazing. Due to the high lubricity, it will rid of most resistance even if I originally let my entire finger penetrated the excreted organ. In addition, it’s smooth and has a slippery viscosity, doubling the pleasure.

I only let the tip of the index go inside, but in just an hour the a.n.u.s reached the point of swallowing the second joint of my finger.

Since I went here, she must certainly know that my finger went inside her a.n.u.s. But since she still isn’t showing resisting behavior, she must have decide to accept the matter.

I don’t use a lot of power to put it in, since I don’t have any intention to. I place my finger on the a.n.u.s with little effort, and my finger just slided in easily.

And when I pull it out, Ogasawara Makoto shows no change.

Excreting produces pleasure, it’s the same thing when moving my finger in and out. When I pilled out the finger there was little resistance,  instead her b.u.t.tock quivered and her tight a.n.u.s loosened. Then I realized that her whole body’s strength was leaving.


When she swallowed the finger she exhales, when I pull it out she inhales. It’s not something she learned from someone else, it’s a technique she created for herself so it would be easier to enter and pull out. If that’s the case it seem like she is feeling the double pleasure.

When I see her state it becomes clear. When I insert the finger into her a.n.u.s and the pleasure she obtains when it’s pulled out, I say it must be considerably large.

By the time threes hours pa.s.sed to end, her a.n.u.s had came to swallow my index finger to the base.

“Waa, na, fuu, nuuu, anuu”

When I pull my index finger in and out, a sweet moan follows it.

The a.n.u.s has become unraveled and is now flexible enough to possibly insert two fingers. It’s truly wonderful, it’s so wonderful that it’s scary.

But being impatient is a taboo. I need to take my time slowly and develop the a.n.u.s before I reach the climax.

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