Arrived at the mall, we first headed to an area where they handled ladies’ clothes.

“Aahah, hey, look, look Makoto-chan, there are a lot of cute clothes!”

“Ehehe, there is, Satonaka-senpai. They seem like clothes that would only look good on a cute girl like you, right?”

When I quickly casted a glance behind, Ogasawara and Satonaka’s pair of hands were connected as they walked behind me, equally smiling with having a lively conversation. However, each other’s tones were said in a monolog manner.

When we entered inside the mall, they obeyed my order, “Behave yourselves.”

“That is no not true! I can’t match up to you! ……Although I was the one who gave you affection.”

“It’s true! You’re really cute! ……Even though you don’t grow hair there. “

A blue vein risen on their temples, the two still exchanged a conversation without ceasing their smile. Their real feelings did come out, however.

“I’m embarra.s.sed when you praise me! ……Although the one who doesn’t grow hair feels cleaner.”

“I feel honored to be told I’m unrivaled from you! ……Cleaner when you peed yourself in the train, absurd.”

The two’s vein has risen further, but in contrast to that, they were smiling to each other.

This is quite the stormy atmosphere. Pa.s.serbys were startled and forcibly avoid those unusual two.

Ogasawara Makoto was fully burning her rivalry to Satonaka as I had predicted, but oi, Satonaka, what are you doing tempting her?

I thought there would be no problem leaving it to Satonaka, but I’m slightly doubtful. I must pay attention to Ogasawara’s att.i.tude, too.

“It is an honor! I’m so embarra.s.sed! ……That wasn’t pee. This is why his child is an embarra.s.sment.”

“Satonaka-senpai, a cute person has humility, and even more so when it’s unpleasant! It does not that the fact that you peed yourself to the point of splashing!”

“Wow! She started the quarrel! This child started it!”

While exchanging lip service to one another, they subtly muttered their true feelings. Well, until Ogasawara Makoto had finally exploded with a remark.

The two stopped, dropped their smiles, and began to look at each other with daggering eyes.

A crowd began to form around these two.

An uproar in the arcade was Satonaka’s plan, but, this time is different. She seems to be genuinely competing.

Well, if I leave it alone it will certainly become something troublesome. Nevertheless, I don’t want to seem I know them to even stop it.

In which case, I’ll let them do as they like. And if the trouble becomes too big, I’ll return.


I left the two idiots and walked along the pa.s.sage.


When I walked along while avoiding the crowd, I had hit a man’s shoulder from in front. The man frowns and raises a voice.

I avoided, but they clashed with me. There seems to be someone accompanying him, and my existence hadn’t entered to him as he was absorbed in a conversation.

“Hey, good grief, pay attention―”


“…..No, it’s nothing.”

The man complained as he looked at me askance, but when I glared at him, he went pale and quickly ran away while apologizing.

I usually answer in an acceptable manner, but I’m in a bad mood due to those two idiots. And as such, my true personality had shown.

It is fine, but……

“Even though they ran, they ran with a red face……d.a.m.n it, this is getting me p.i.s.sed off.”

The man who ran seemed to have been freaked out by me, but how he freaked out was disgusting. No matter how you look at it, the man wasn’t afraid.

This is all because of the topknot I have on. How would it turn out if I fully disguised myself as a woman? No, I may be even more irritated since it’s half done. The reason I’m doing this is because I really don’t want to be mistaken for a woman with only long hair.

In which case, if I earnestly crossed dressed, I may look quite serious.

Thinking that, I suddenly noticed a store.


Entered inside, an upbeat saleswoman rushed up and welcomed me.

It’s not so much as reluctance that I’m buying women’s clothes. If I sneak around, I will be doubted. If it’s someone else, he will misunderstand without me explaining.

For example, I will say I’m giving a present to a friend.

“What are you looking for?”

Behind me, as I looked around the shop to look at the items, the saleswoman followed me smiling. Since I’m buying things I only like, I would normally ignore that. But, this i

With buying girl’s clothes which fit me, I can’t search for them myself. It’s impossible to know if these clothes are okay for me.

So, I will entrust it to a professional. Telling that to her, I went to the other side and decided to leave it to her.

Moreover, the salesclerk has very good taste. The clothes she’s wearing nice look amazing. There won’t be a problem leaving it to her.

By chance there is one, I’ll buy my clothes this time. It will be troublesome when she notices I’m a man, and since she’s a fashion procession, there is also that possibility she has already.

As I look around, this store floor seems to handle clothes for rather younger women. There is stuff targeted from high school to even primary students. In fact, the visitors inside here are girls from those generations.

Hmm, even if I dress up as a woman, I don’t like a skirt. Even if I would die, that is something I wouldn’t be caught dead in. I also don’t like anything too feminine either. Even with being mistaken for a girl in my current, genderless clothes are fine.

“I don’t want feminine clothes. I’m looking for something genderless.  I also wouldn’t like a skirt, so can you arrange pants, okay? I would also like to have a full set that includes a top and bottom.”

Stopped, I looked back at the salesclerk who accompanied me behind and spoke in a serene tone as I stared straight at her.

I ambiguously spoke my opinion on what I want to buy. If it were to come out I’m a male, I should make it a present. There isn’t a problem if I say the size closely resembles my figure.

That is not supposing it will happen; the possible is moderately low, but I should just buy it as is.

“Genderless clothes? Certainly. Please wait a moment.”

When the salesclerk heard my opinion, she smiled, made a slight bow without saying a single question, and left in front of me at a quick pace.

Since there were no questions whether it was a present, she seems to be convinced they’re my clothes. In other words, she doesn’t know I’m a man.

Well, it’s fine if it’s easy……Oi, Salesclerk, you are a fashion professional. It’s not like I intended to deceive her like this, but she did it herself. Get a grip you.

Soon, the sales clerk came back holding clothes in both hands.

“These hotpants―” *(1)

“No. I don’t like that.”

She first showed hot pants made out of denim fabric. Who would wear such a thing?

The salesclerk nodded with a smile as I quickly shot her down, but she exposed a loathsome expression.

How can you have such an att.i.tude with what I refused?

“Then this sweater―”

“I hate the color. I would rather like a darker one.”

The sales clerk showed me a beige, knitted sweater next.

Men wear beige as well, but the design was completely for a woman and looked absolutely feminine.

She once again immediately nodded and looked at me from top to bottom.

“Although I think your figure is nicely slender, are you perhaps a person who likes hiding it?”

She looked at my chest with a glance. She seems to think I’m worried about not having b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I see if it was a woman they would worry about such a thing. Is she indirectly asking if that is the reason?

That is trivial since it’s good that I don’t have b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but it’s safe to a.s.sume I’m a person who hides themselves. If possible, I’d like a long jacket. If I wear women’s pants, my crotch may be emphasized. I’d like a long jacket so I can cover that area.

“That’s right, I would like a comfortable jacket. You also have stuff that is long, yeah? Along with that, I’d like one with a rather dark color.”

“Certainly! I have a rough idea, so I’ll bright it right now.”

Not showing an unpleasant face to my words, she made a slight bow and left me.

That salesclerk seemed to have no plan for me to seriously buy the first clothes she recommended. Did she make my vague opinions something clear as well as investigate my hobby and idea?

She is really a professional. Quite the excellent shop employee. In which case, she should be able to see that I’m a man, but she hasn’t reached there.

No, she may have. She may be thinking that I’m a pervert that has a habit of dressing up like a woman, and was pandering to it.

In which case, it’s convenient. Since it won’t make any trouble for me.

After a short while, the shop a.s.sistant brought a black, knitted dress sweater and denim fabric pants back to me. The shorts were on the small side, but the dress was obviously loose.

The dress was all in black. And I don’t have anything to say about the denim shorts. If I were to say I wanted something more s.e.xless than this, I will annoy her.


“This is fine. I like it. I’ll buy it.”

Interrupted the Salesclerk, who was just about to explain the clothes to me, I gave an immediate approval. She smiled at my words and then deeply lowered her head.

“Thank you very much. Although I’m taking the liberty here with this sort of thing, how is this?”

When she brought up her face, she squatted down at placed, and then picked up a pair of boots from the floor. Did you bring these with the clothes?

Unlike men’s, they were black, round, lace up boots. It’s a little pretty, but since it’s for women, it gives off a impression.

The shoes which I currently wore were common leather shoes. The sales clerk seemed to have paid great mind to my shoes as well.

“Would you also like this? You appear to also like hats.”

She stood up and took a hat out from behind, and then showed it to me.

The shop a.s.sistant showed me a black cap. It was made more s.p.a.cious than a hunting hat, and the cloth also matched with the knitted dress.

It’s like a cap, but something like that wouldn’t match the dress. However, a hat was required to hide the extension part of the wig.

It feels slightly too cute for appearances, but I wouldn’t be able to put on something mainly.

I also feel it won’t be so strange with it being all black.

“Then that also.”

“Thank you very much for your purchase contribution.”

She lowered her head once again. I waited for her to lift up and then went to the counter.

“U, Um, customer.”


When I hailed and looked back, she looked at me with a troubled face. Does she really know that I’m a man? But, that’s not aproblem. I didn’t say a single word that I’m buying them. Even when it comes out, I can gloss it over as many times as I would like.

“I’m very happy that you believe in me, but, um……I would advise you try on the clothes just in case.”


I prepared several of answers which I believed would deal with her questions, but that blown off one was completely different from what I had expected.

Is the reason for that because she doesn’t think I’m a man? That’s a relief, but on the other hand, it’s strangely annoying.

Apart from that, do I have to try them on? That is convenient. If I tried them on, I have time to save with changing my clothes.

“Oh, right. I’ll try them off. There also won’t be a trouble if the size doesn’t fit and I have to just return it.”

“Certainly! Then, the fitting room is here.”

Smiling sweetly, she gathered up my items I was planning to buy, stepped forward before me, and then lead me to the fitting room. I accompanied her and later went into the fitting room.


I entered inside, finished changing, and stared at the full length mirror installed on a wall.

“Although it’s me saying this, there doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious……”

I had on a black cap on my head, black-rimmed upon my face, and wore a black dress sweater with slender, denim shorts.

When I placed the shorts on, my crotch expectedly bulged, but when I placed on the sweater, the unusualness went away perfectly.

The dress was quite comfortably made, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right size. It was made as such. The length was also about five centimeter to the knee. If I just wore the sweater, it would seem I had a miniskirt, but that image is discarded with the pants.

There is also the long, raven hair flowing at the back of my head. It seemed to be called a ponytail. Really does seem like a horse’s tail.

“My brother often said I resembled mother a lot, but now I can’t deny it……”

I thought I wasn’t that similar, but I look just like my younger mother I saw in a picture. However, my eyes rather resemble my father.

My brother is the exact opposite of his body resembling our father but has mother’s eyes

As I thought that, I became disgusted and clicked my tongue while glaring at my own reflection in the mirror, and then I turned around and went out of the room.

“Wow! It looks really good beyond my expectation!”

Waiting outside of the fitting room, the sales clerk spoke to me just as I came out.

“The size also fits well, and since I like it, I’ll wear it as I go home.”

“Certainly! Thank you once again for your contribution!”

When I said that as I put on the lace up boots, the salesclerk expressed her grat.i.tude as she began to quickly get close to me to remove the tags sticking onto my clothes.

I’m expressed mine as well. I thought purchasing female’s clothes would be a little rough, but it unexpectedly was quickly finished.

When the bill was filed up, I took a paper bag which had my original hat, clothes, and shoes.

Leaving the room, the salesclerk followed me to the entrance and then bowed.

“Thank you very much! We look forward to your next visit!”

While thinking that this store wasn’t half bad, I bow slightly back to the shop.

If I have to buy clothes for women again in the future, I’ll come here. While thinking that I began to walk, and then I suddenly stopped. I then ran back up to the shop a.s.sistant, who was standing up at the store’s entrance a while ago.

“Um, aren’t I strange?”

Seeing my whole body in the fitting room, there wasn’t anything out of place in particular. But it was me looking at it, which meant, I, who was using to seeing me, looked at myself crossdressed. So, there might have been a possibility that I didn’t notice something.

“Fufu, it matches you amazingly. Guest, holding such a neutral charm, you already had beauty. Coming from me, I think you would look good in cute clothes, but you have your own tastes.”

The salesclerk softly answered with a smile, and then I heaved a sigh of relief.

If a professional says it, there isn’t a problem.


All the pa.s.sersby looked back at me. Moreover, it wasn’t only men. Women look back the same amount.

s.h.i.t, don’t stare. These aren’t so much as showy clothes, but they somehow bring on attention.

But well, I have a hat, women’s clothes, and In addition, a ponytail is hanging from the back of my head. This is my most difficult technique to get through that it’s me.

So then, being a little conspicuous isn’t so bad.

I sent an email after I got out of the store a short while ago, but I got no reply. Satonaka said there would be no situation she wouldn’t.

I had said I would go somewhere and separated from the two fighting. And then when I came back, I was at my wit’s ends.

A crowd reflects my eyes. It was no doubt those idiots.

“Excuse me, please let me through.”

Pushing through the crowd, I tried to advance towards the center. And then when they surprisingly noticed me, they opened a path.

“O, Oi, look……”

“O, Oh, this can’t be real. A model or something? Such an amazing beauty……”

The two men moved back to make way, but they looked at me askance while exchanging a conversation.

“Eh? L, Look here for a minute. There is an amazing beauty.”

“Eh? What? Hiyaaa! That height! Amazing figure!”

“Wow, beautiful. ……But she doesn’t seem to have b.r.e.a.s.t.s, yeah?”

“She’s the type that’s attractive without one. Nevertheless, the clothes are quite quiet, but whatever a beauty wears is beautiful……”

Four women gathered and looked at me with twinkling eyes as they talked to one another.

Hmm, I’m already being treated like a complete woman. As I expected, when I earnestly dress up like a woman, I can take them a bit more seriously than being mistaken for a woman without crossdressing as one. Moreover, since the clothes I wear don’t give an effeminate feel, it’s more comfortable. (2)

When I glanced at them, everyone quickly evaded me.

“S, She’s beautiful…….but scary.”

“Uh-huh, or rather she’s strangely intense……even though she’s delicate, she has an impressively overbearing impression, yeah?”

The two women shook to my glance and then edged back while mumbling,”Her look” with a pale face.

Apparently they’re somehow afraid. This is interesting.

As I leisurely went through without asking, two figures struggling was in my sight.

“Hideeeaaaa, hiyoohoyohahahauuu!”

“Ihiyahuashhnasj, ojsuiya hooonj!”

The two idiots pulled each other’s cheeks with both their hands, and intimidated each other as they glare at one another’s teary eyes.

Did these idiots fight ever since I left? They are beyond idiotic.

Standing before the fighting two, I crossed my arms and glared. However, the two continued fighting without paying any mind.



Pulling each other’s cheek to the very limit of becoming bright red, their faces were twisted in pain while being stubborn; they appear not care to draw back.

They will fight forever if I leave them as is. I feel like putting such stupidity quickly to an end, but I may not have much sai either.

“Oi, idiots”



I spoke, but they didn’t seem to hear me at all.

“Oi, idiots”



I cleared my throat and called out to them again, but again, they ignored me and continued pulling.

It’s obvious that Ogasawara Makoto has an advantage with muscular strength, but Satonaka competes with her exquisite balance of clever defense skills; it’s a standstill.

“Oi, idiots―”



Irritatedly called out to them again, the two struggling people completely ignored me, and I felt a blue vein rise on my temple.

I extended our both my hands to the idiot’s ears and pulled it with full strength. Are You trying to test the patience of a saint? Well, I’m no Buddha. If anything, I’m a demon.

“Ehh?! Ouchhhhhhh!?”

“Waaa!? Oonooooo!”

Pulling the idiot’s ears super hard, their faces twisted in the pain and standing on their tiptoes, they separated their hands for each other cheeks. And then they looked at me at the same time.

“W, Wait a minuteeee! Why is this person suddenly grabbing at our ear―”

“Pl, Please let go of me! I won’t be satisfied until I beat her to nothing―”

The idiots glared at me. I drew their ears up more tightly. Moreover, I added a little twist.

“Funyaaaaaaa! My earrrr! You will tear off my earrrrr!”

“Okayyy, Okayyyy! It’s coming offf! Let go of my earrrrr!”

Eyes’s tearing, the idiots begged me, who was pulling their ears even tighter.

The crowd raised jeers and hoots to the two making noise a bit ago, and now they have instantly fallen silent. Their admiration and voice of awe broke out in return.

“Don’t you guys go play around forever. This isn’t a stage. If you understand, come with me quickly.”

As I said that, scowling at the two, I lifted my pinch on their ears.

As I separate from their ears, they placed their heels onto the floor and looked up at me dumbfounded.

“”Eh? ……who? Prehaps, eh?”

“U, Ummm……Kwijima-sahn?”

Satonaka looked with puzzled eyes, and Ogasawara Makoto stared with squeezing my jacket between her fingers. Both of them seem to recognize me, but don’t appear to understand with something so sudden.

But then, Ogasawara Makoto appeared to have accepted me.

That makes her head a lot more simple than Satonaka’s. And even then, she appeared to have instinctively accepted it.

“Don’t say my name. The meaning of this disguise will be gone.”

“Eh, a disguise? This is a disguise?

“Even if this is a disguise, where did being a girl come from……”

The two whispered in a dumb surprise as they paid caution to the area, and then looked at each other to mutter.

I turned my back from them, clicked my tongue, and then began to walk.

“W, Wa, Wait a momentttt!

“Ahg! Angry! His angry!”

Peeking back, I saw the two rush up to me in a hurry.

“Wait a minute, Makoto-chan! You said Kijima-sans name! And Kijima-san said not to! You won’t get a reward from Kijima-san if his anger with you!”

“Th, That’s right, I see! I won’t get a reward if I anger Kijima-san! I won’t get Kijima-san’s reward if I lose it when I want it!”

The idiots raised their voices as they chased behind me.

I said don’t call my name. And yet they went, ‘Kijima, Kijima’.

Was it on purpose? Was it that? Was it an accident? They are super, f.u.c.king idiots.


(2) (TLNY: So basically when you feel upset when you’re being treated like a woman when you aren’t trying, but you put effort into seeming like one, it’s another story? Okay.)

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