Episode Forty-Four | Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

An hour has pa.s.sed since I began playing with Makoto’s a.n.u.s.


Her a.s.s was convulsing. A ma.s.sive amount of liquid had begun to overflow from her v.a.g.i.n.a, creating a small puddle on the floor.

“Ahiii―nnnu―ukkuuuu”Due to both her legs being at shoulder height, both her a.n.u.s and v.a.g.i.n.a were completely exposed.

Even though she was convulsing, and panting sweetly, she still maintained her posture.

To be honest, she’s taking it better than I had expected.

In this one hour, I’ve done nothing but lightly stimulate her a.n.u.s.

I’m still far from the first joint of my forefinger, infact so far I’ve only put the tip in.

It would’ve been possible to endure had hera.n.u.s not been developed, but due her to knowing the pleasure of climaxing from the a.n.u.s, it has become h.e.l.l itself.

It will be frustrating. She will want to c.u.m. She will want to climax so badly that death is preferable.

This training is just to give her a taste of h.e.l.l. Later on, I will unleash h.e.l.l’s fury..

“Makoto, you’re beautiful when you’re enduring the pain of this training.”


As my right index finger fiddled with her a.n.u.s, I leant forward towards Makoto and whispered in her ear.

Although I occasionally did this, she convulsed and gasped intently each time.

Climaxing is on her mind. Even with such little simulation, there’s a small possibility of her having an o.r.g.a.s.m from my sugary words filling up her mind and inducing her to.

When the training progresses, I won’t touch her body at all, and only let her climax by my whispers.

She dropped her head at the end of the light peak. Her breath was deeper and a large amount of sweat was gushing out.

How many times has this happened?

The room is now already filled with that lewd smell of hers.

Of course, even though she panting from previous o.r.g.a.s.ms, I won’t let her rest.

I plan to do this for three hours. That means Makoto will be freed from this pain in less than two.

However, I’m not so lenient as to tell her that directly.

She will be able to endure after seeing the finish line  A marathon runner burning with life can run a distance of 26.2 miles by having a clear destination as a goal.

If there’s no goal, then where is the end? Or rather, how far is it?

“Makoto, since your squirming is so lovely, I decided to skip school today. So relax. I will torment you continuously till the day after tomorrow.”Continuing to play with her a.n.u.s, I whisper into her ear while chuckling to myself.

Well Makoto, how is it? The day after tomorrow is about forty hours. If she calms down and thinks about it, my body won’t last before her mentality.

Even for me, it’s hard to be able to continue for forty hours straight.

Anyway, no matter what I do there has to be some breaks. It will be more efficient in many ways.

After listening to my words, I look at her face while thinking she would definitely be in turmoil.

As her body occasionally did a grand jump, she hung her head as I a.s.sumed and kept on convulsing.

Sweat was dripping onto the floor. Her eyes were shaking and lost of their light. There was a contradiction of pale and deep red on her cheeks.

The exact picture of despair was painted there.

There’s a remaining of two hours. I don’t intend to change the time limit. Even if she endures it and I get annoyed, I won’t do it. I’ll let her off if she can endure it for that long.

However, with the true goal being two hours, she only thinks of the forty hour one.

When it’s just in front of her, she has no way of knowing.

There are two choices that she can pick. Will she prepare herself to continue going for forty hours straight, or will she give up and beg be freed?

Of course, if she has prepared herself for the forty hour run and reaches the actual goal of two hours, I will reward her.

If her heart is about to break and she begs for forgiveness, I will still continue the training. I’ll continue while her heart is breaking.

However, there isn’t a particularly penalty even if she does beg.

I give her a reward if she does well. Even if she fails, there won’t be a punishment.

Her asking forgiveness is punishment enough.

Makoto, who didn’t show a reaction while her head was down, jolted for a moment. Her right hand grasped my left.

Her face suddenly rose up as she stared at me with teary eye.

There it is. I thought it would come quickly. But well, this is the first time doing this.

“N, No….No.”

Her tiny, trembling voice reaches my ear.

I don’t want to, huh. That’s probably it. To continue enduring this for forty hours, it’ll be cruel when her physical and mental strength is drained.

Even though I thought she’ll be fine for a little more, I won’t say anything.

I will continue the training while pretending to be angry, and when I’m finished, I will take a bath.

“I, I’m begging..Aoi-shan, I’m begging…begging…”

She said with a shaken voice while the end of her eyebrows drooped. It’s not possible anymore. It seems that her heart will break even more.

There won’t be a full recovery here.

I’m now feeling a little regret from giving an insane time limit of 40 hours while fully knowing she couldn’t handle it. What did I possible think would have happened?

“Aoi-shan, Makoto, Makoto…Makoto has become weak.”

Smiling stiffly, she held onto my arm tightly and looked at me with dim eyes.

“No, Aoi-shan. Makoto is already useless. I can’t endure anymore. It’s your fault. Makoto is weak because of you. So I’m begging. Please.”

Tears were overflowing as a dark smile was on her face.

Wait a minute, is there a serious problem?  It would’ve been fine to laugh it off from not being able to withstand it.

“Ma, Mako―”

“I don’t want to! I don’t want it to end then! Makoto wants more and more training! Please put it in Makoto’s rear!”

I understood for the very first time when I heard her cry.

I misunderstood that this fellow would hate it.

I meant this training would end when I said the day after tomorrow (or actually, in two hours), but Makoto seems to think the training itself will.

What did she hear to get that? It can’t be over with just using a fingertip to play with her a.n.u.s.

“I’ll do anything! Makoto will do anything! I’ll even eat a table!”

“Eh? A table? Wai!? Wait, wait, wait, wait!”

She released her grip from my arm and began to crawl forward. She was moving towards the table at the wall over there.

I tried to stop Makoto from losing herself as she began to crawl forward, but this fellow’s mobility is really extraordinary, in spite of how she looks. She’s much more plump then Satonaka and Shizuka, but that doesn’t change the fact that she has a slim figure.

“Ca, Calm down Makoto! You don’t have to eat the table! Look, you don’t need to! Did I say something bad!? It’s fine if you don’t understand, since I’ll correct it! You don’t have to eat the table!”

“It’s alright! Makoto shall eat it! I’ll prove to you that I have a solid resolution to do anything!”

“It isn’t alright! It isn’t alright! I don’t remember making a rodent into a meat toilet!”

While increasing my strength to push her down, Makoto drags on towards the table.

This is bad. Normally the table wouldn’t be eaten if I left them, but this is Makoto; she will really do it.

“I, If I’m to be near you…Makoto, Makoto…”

No matter how much dash power she has, of course she won’t be able to push on with me pinning her down.

However, she’s definitely approaching the table steadily. As it is, she will arrive there somewhere soon. Then once she arrives, there is no mistake she will bite the table.I have to do something before that happens.

“Makoto! You misunderstood! I never said the training would end! The training will still continue!”

I’m not unsure as to whether  my words will stop her, but I can’t think of anything else to say.

What do I say if she doesn’t? There is only one thing left, but when considering future training, I’d prefer not to. However, avoiding it is inevitable.

Makoto stopped right in place despite my worry. It seems to have worked somehow.

As I separated both my hands from Makoto, whom I tightened my grip on, I gave a sigh of relief.

I will say this just in case: this doesn’t mean I stopped her because I was particularly worried about her body. I just hated seeing the table being eaten.

“Is, Is that true?”

Turning towards me while crawling, Makoto asked with her eyes teary and voice trembling.

I sat beside her cross-legged and sighed.

Then I replied.

“It’s true.”

“But, Satonaka-senpai told me about it. ‘Be careful, because Aoi-san may suddenly disappear’, is what she said….”

Hearing her words caused a cold sweat break out on my cheeks.

I have no idea what to say. This, I’m honestly defeated on. I have no excuse.

Remaining silent, since I couldn’t answer, made Makoto get up and sit herself in front of me.

Her wet eyes were staring at me.

What Satonaka said is obviously true. Overnight I left before telling her.

I had my reasons, but for Satonaka, they would mean nothing.

Of course one would say goodbye if they had no choice but to leave. Even I get that.

There wouldn’t even be trouble if I did it.

“It, It’s a lie! That was a lie right now! It’s nothing!”

As if she noticed my mood had changed, Makoto became fl.u.s.tered and shook both her hands as her eyes swim around.

No, I’m not really angry.

“It’s fine. What she said was true. I did leave her without saying.”

She quickly froze due to my words.

Makoto, who instantly went pale, hung her head, trembling.

“You aren’t going to ask why?”

When I asked Makoto, she shook her neck.

Is she not interested or is she afraid? Well, it’s probably the latter.

“”You strayed away from it yourself, but there is reason why I won’t say. That reason is an issue between her and me. It’s different hearing this from you. Only Satonaka has the right to throw that question at me.”

It’s a selfish remark, but it’s how I truly feel.

Although she has the right to be listened to, whether or not I answer is a separate matter.

I feel like Satonaka probably noticed.

“Th, Then…Aoi-san, someday will you disappear on me as well?”

Tears that were overflowing from her eyes fell down her cheeks and landed on her chest.

The gorgeous gloss on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s increased because of her wet tears.

“When the training finishes…will you disappear?”

Her voice and lips were trembling.

“If that’s the case, Makoto will become a child even more useless than now so the training will never end.”

She brought the edges of her lips up as if she were trying to force a laugh, but it most certainly was not a smile. I get what she’s saying.

I’m asking for the very best meat toilet. In accordance to my instructions, she must receive the training to become a meat toilet, but in order for her and I to stay together, she must delay that training.

She will be abandoned by me if she does that. However, I will disappear when the training is over. Thinking that, Makoto is definitely at a fierce tug of war with herself.

A never ending war that has no winner.

This person is an idiot, though. Who said I would leave after this training?

I definitely left without saying anything to Satonaka, but there is a reason why. Besides, Makoto and Satonaka are different.

Makoto is also forgetting a very important detail. This person may be seriously and desperately trying to become a meat toilet, but her actions keep obstructing the training. The fact is I have given into it.

“The training will continue on. In addition to that, after the training there will be a public performance.”

It seems she doesn’t understand..

“I did say you’re to be made the best meat toilet. a.s.suming that you do become so, I won’t disappear. That would just cause a loss, wouldn’t it?”

Having heard my words, she tilted her head the other way, speechless.

Did she not even understand this? I’ll say it more clearly then.

“Rather, I’m asking whether you are prepared to leave the house to become my very own meat toilet?” (1)


“Eh? That isn’t it. I’m asking whether you’re prepared to leave here when I do.”

Makoto, who I asked, neither nodded nor answered, though hers eyes were wide open.

Yes, it wasn’t till several minutes later that she answered.

I was suppose to show Makoto h.e.l.l, but I was exhausted. As a matter of fact, I decided to take a bath.

I left Makoto in the room, prepared the bath, and then came back.

Without needing to say, Makoto was still hadn’t moved an inch from her position.

The word to use would be petrified, but seems to be quite like a stone statue.

“Makoto, what are you being so absent minded for? I’m taking a bath.”

When I spoke her her, which caused her body to jump,  she toppled forward from trying to stand up.


She said in a dim voice as she closed her eyes, grit her teeth, and stiffened her body. She prepared herself for the fall.

However, no matter how much she waited, she doesn’t feel the impact. After all, I did catch her from behind..

How many times have I stopped this person from falling?

“I’m not fooling about taking a bath. Since we didn’t do any decent training, you can at least serve me in the bathroom.”

Suddenly, carrying her as I said that, I began to walk towards the bathroom.

Such impudent behavior. This relentlessness…well, this is fine for now. After all, I am going to take a hot bath to heal my fatigue.


As I arrived at the bathroom, I made Makoto stand.  I began to take off the clothes I wore, and when I did that, she turned around quickly, covering both her eyes.

She knew what I was doing, but being there made her realize.

That reminds me, I saw her nude body a lot, but she never seen mine.

“What? Do you hate seeing me naked?”

To my question, she shook her head while still covering her face.

Well, I didn’t intend to show her, or rather, I guess didn’t want to?

It’s not a body to be proud of. If anything, I’d have to admit that it’s rather shabby.

However, it’s disciplined to some degree. I go running after sunset, and if I find time, I do muscle workouts. Nevertheless, my genetic makeup makes it hard to gain muscle.

“Look, how long do you intend on standing there doing nothing? Take off your clothes quickly.”

Having finished taking my clothes off, I called out to Makoto, who hadn’t moved from her position.

Nonetheless, she had no underwear from top to bottom. In other words, if she took off her shirt she was naked.

If that’s the case, rather than forcing her, as she’s showing no signs of trying, it’ll be quicker and easier for me to undress her.

With that, I approached Makoto, reached out to her with my hands, then unhooked and lower the fastener of her skirt.

Her skirt fell to the floor. She was stripped in an instant.

“Okay then, let’s take a bath.

Upon saying that, I grabbed her arm, and she stepped forward while being pulled. Then, when I opened the door, she followed.


White steam started to appear from the bathtub filled with hot water.

I entered the bathroom and began preparations as I let Makoto stand at the entrance.

I said I’d make her serve here, but I can’t just let her stay as is.

I held the necessary tools when I prepared the bath earlier.

There are many tools on the floor.

The high quality lotion that I always usually use. A rubber tube attached to a huge syringe. A bucket with s.e.x toys, such as an a.n.a.l plug and beads.

Naturally, the huge syringe is for enema.

I intend to put a lot inside her intestines. On top of that, I’ll make her serve me while holding it in.

Satonaka is experienced in r.e.c.t.u.m clearing, or perhaps I should say I always made sure to clean her before training. However, Makoto should only have experience with an over the counter enema.

In others worse, this will be her very first rectal washing.

I picked up the shower head on the wall and twisted the lever.

I adjusted the temperature while putting my hand over the gushing water from the shower head. I then filled half the bucket before stopping.

There is about 67 ounces poured into the bucket. It seems to be more, but it’s fine. (2)

When I put a hand in the bucket to check the temperature, I found it was slightly hotter than desired. However, it’s fine. In the time it takes to inject it, it will cool down..

Afterwards, I picked up the huge syringe, and then removed the rubber from the tip.  I put the tip into the bucket. Then, I slowly pulled the plunger.

The hot water gradually collected inside. Should I make it about two cups for her first time?

Two cups doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a lot more than the unusual amount.

She can fit that amount inside if I gradually inject it, but if I were to inject it all in one go, then two cups would be close to the limit.

Although, if she were used to it, I would be able to inject that amount.

In relation, two years ago Satonaka was fine with about six cups.

I placed the rubber tube back on the tip once I made sure the syringe was filled with two cups of hot water. After that, I applied lotion on the shaft tip.

Although it’s just a rubber tube on the shaft, the shape is like an enormous suppository. The size is to make sure the liquid flows into the bowels easily without pouring out.

If it were someone other than Makoto, it would be hard for their a.n.u.s to be used to an alien substance being injected inside.

With the preparations finished, I stood up and turned to Makoto. She was still turned the other way with both hands covering her face.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the center of the bathroom.

“Makoto, how long do you intend to be like that? Do you think you can serve me like that?”

She jumped at my question, then slowly lowered her hands.

She averted her gaze with a burning red face. Is she this embarra.s.sed from seeing me naked? Even I was reluctant to show you this scrawny body, but if I have to, I will expose it proudly. Besides, it’s too late to have this exchange with her now.

“M, Makoto will do…anything for you.”

She spoke silently while keeping her eyes away, which caused me to sigh unintentionally.

It’s been like this for a while now. Despite everything I say, she won’t move if I don’t give her instructions. It feels as though she’s turned into a kindergartener.

“Yes, yes, I got it.”

I looked at her reproachfully while patting her head. Makoto looked at me briefly with a deep red face.

“He, Hehe”

She then gave a bashful laugh. Did she think I praised her?

With what’s been happening so far, what components lead up to that conclusion? There is none? Not even a speck. Sarcasm? A general feeling? Well, it’s fine.

“Don’t laugh. Put both your hands on the wall and push out your rear. Can you do that?”

“He, Hehe. I can.”

After giving a giggle and a nod to my question, she turned away to face the wall. After that, she opened both her legs to shoulder length, bent forward, placed her hands on the wall, and then pushed out her a.s.s.

Her genitals were exposed a lot more than before.

Along with her overflowing v.a.g.i.n.a, that was leaking like a river, steam seemed to haveappeared.Not only that, but the c.l.i.toris, that was usually hidden, now made an appearance by erecting on it’s own.

As if it were begging to have something placed inside, the a.n.u.s, which is above the v.a.g.i.n.a, was opening and closing.

Her head may be that of a kindergartener running in a field of flowers, but her body was that of a woman.

Instinctively, I wanted to to hit her b.u.t.tocks, but no, I endured it. If I did something like that I’d fall into another infinite loop.

While withstanding the impulse building up inside of me, I squatted down and took up the enema application,

Even though I shouldn’t have a preference to cause physical pain, I’m seized by the desire to actually hit her a.s.s.

Of course it’s due to her irritating behavior, but I cannot help but feel that I’m being unknowingly led.

It’s been said that a true m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t doesn’t beg to be tormented. The behavior and mannerism is drawing the s.a.d.i.s.t characteristics of the master. Appealing to them and skillfully directing the situation that’s convenient for themselves, in spite of the resistance.

While thinking it over, I felt like a s.a.d.i.s.t that was a slave used to delight the m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t.

“I’m…thinking of this too much.”

I muttered to myself so Makoto couldn’t hear. I approached her behind with the enema in hand.

I covered the a.n.u.s with the rubber tip and stopped there.

“Makoto, I’ll inject hot water into your bowels with this. It has two cups. I think it’ll be a bit painful, but endure it.”

“Haa, haa, haa, haa.”

There is no answer to my statement. Only rough breathing echoes in my bathroom.

She didn’t hear it. Not at all.

Is because of the uneasiness of what to expect, or because of it being higher than her expectations that she’s fine with it being done quickly?

This pervert is trouble.

“Ahhh…and it’s in.”

“!? Nauu!? Nuuuuuuu.”

After putting strength in my right hand, a big instrument item invades the inside of her a.n.u.s. Then a sweet shriek rang out through the bathroom.

It came, a sound. That sweet squeal shows the countless heart marks of hers.

It’s somewhat irritating. Im, Impossible, this is impossible; she was hoping for this kind of development.

Even though her b.u.t.tock is twitching, her f.u.c.kin’ scream is full of heart marks.

I almost unconsciously slapped her twitching a.s.s, but I was  barely able to stop myself.

d.a.m.n, get a grip; don’t lose sight of yourself.

While looking down at the twitching b.u.t.tocks, which looked like it was saying, ’Please hit me’, I desperately held in my bubbling impulses.

I have to, by all means, prevent myself from just rushing into an infinite loop.

Channeling all my strength into my right hand, I slowly slipped the tool inside.

“Aaaaaahhh, just, just pull it out, quickly.”

Makotos begged as she convulsed. The insertion seems to be giving a greater pleasure. Her head appears to only be thinking of how to get more of it.

Idiot, why do I have to pull it out? I’m going to be pouring the hot water now.

Once again, I was unconsciously taken by the impulse to hit her b.u.t.tocks, but I want to praise myself, who withstood it.

Moreover, I can insert it easily without worry of it coming off. The appliance is intended to prevent it being falling off when it usually would. Nevertheless, the development of her a.n.u.s seems to go against that factor.

Although, the item isn’t only for that. It will cause her to have no choice but to do her best.

Even when she’s enduring the abdominal pain and desire to c.u.m, she has a reason as to why she needs to pay attention—to make sure the appliance doesn’t come out.

Usually, if it was desired to be removed, it couldn’t be. Makoto, who isn’t affected by that, could probably take it out of she felt like it.

In other words, she’s keeping it in herself by choice.

In a sense, it’s an ideal development.

“Naaaaaaaaa―auuuu? ―nuuuu?”

I inserted the tool into her a.n.u.s, and then separated it from my right hand.

A sweet squeal from the heart rose, she twisted her neck and looked at me askance, as though she was dissatisfied from the inserted pleasure.

“Calm down, the take is now.”

Having answered, I showed Makoto the huge syringe in my left hand. The brown rubber tube extended from the tip and followed to her a.n.u.s.

Looking at me puzzled, she then moved her gaze a little to the syringe.

At that moment, her brown eyes shone as heart projected out.

Oi, be scared! Tremble a little. Isn’t it big? Isn’t this syringe huge? Wouldn’t you say that you’ve never saw such a large syringe before?

Even though I knew the size before I bought it, I was a little freaked out from it being a bit bigger than I had thought. But this person…

I raised my hand to her captivated face, which couldn’t normally be considered. I realized what I was doing and desperately held myself back.

I can’t hit her. I mustn’t encourage her. Hold on me. You can endure a bit longer.

“I will start the injection, but the seal is probably bad for your a.n.u.s. There’s a possibility of the tool coming out, so make sure to tighten up so it doesn’t.”

When I told her, Makoto breathed roughly as she nodded her bright red head. However, heart marks were reflected in her unrest eyes.

Do you really understand? I mean, did you listen to my words?

“I’m saying it just to be sure, but if it comes out, we’re finished here. I’ll take a bath and then sleep.”

To my words, Makoto quickly came back to her senses, she tightened her expression, and nodded a lot.

Okay, okay, did you finally hear me? The Ogasawara sisters don’t listen when someone talks.

“Then I’ll start the injection.”

After saying that, my right hand held the plunger tip, and then slowly pushed it in as it started to fill..


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