“T, Thank you……thank you very much…….”

The salesclerk held out the paper bag that had Satonaka’s shoes. Her face was bright red as if she was having a nightmare with the heat.

“I, I’m sorry in several ways……”

Satonaka’s face a similar shade, she lowered her head and received the paper bag.

She showed what was inside her skirt while trying on the shoes. It was only that, but there was a clear, uncomfortable atmosphere between the sales clerk and her.

This unforgettable atmosphere is the true pleasure of exposure.

How is that shown? Fighting against the fear, Satonaka succ.u.mbs to the pleasure.

She also didn’t notice any particular indication from the sales clerk, and was able to finish shopping safely.

This is only the beginning of the exposure, but after some time pa.s.ses, it will become a great performance.

“I, I was nervous……”

Satonaka joined us waiting inside, and sighed heavily as sweat dripped out..

She did such an unreasonable thing without stopping.

So I decided to do an unreasonable thing without giving her a break.

“Satonaka, take off the shoes you are wearing.”


“Do it quickly.”

I took the bag from her hand right away.

Without understanding why, she took off her shoes and glanced up at me with a confused look on her face.

“Kuku, since I saw it yesterday, these shoes seem quite important. After seeing the way you treat them, it’s obvious.”

“Eh? Y, Yeah. That’s because my stepfather bought them. After he asked what I wanted for a congratulatory gift for into getting into high school, I said that I wanted shoes if possible, since they would always be good to use. That’s it.”

Satonaka stood on the floor with her shoes off, and extended her hands with the shoes in them.

I see, I see, the shoes that her stepfather gave are important? A simple fellow. She doesn’t even know that her stepfather is a brute man who raped her mother.

“Ah, speaking of my stepfather, he has been asking me a lot about when you will be visiting. My new father seems to be crazy for you, Kijima-san~. His favorite phrase is,”His future will by all means be successful.”


She said boastfully while smiling. Not satisfied with her mother, is that brute of a father is trying to get me as well? But that isn’t enough, I won’t be won over so easily.

Now what to say is:

“These shoes are now confiscated. Even if you cry, it’s no use; I’m putting these into my collection. These leather shoes are quite well-kept. In return for this, take this brand-new pair of valueless shoes―”


As I knelt down on the floor, I took out the black loafers from inside the bag and placed them onto the floor. She placed them on with glee.

“Ehehe, my treasures have increased.”

With a tap, Satonaka banged the tips of her toe against the floor to check the fit, and then smiled as she dropped down. And then she stared at me with the loafers on.

“It appears you’re taking them away, but won’t throw them away.”

“Uh huh. It will make you grieve more. These are important shoes.”

Holding her knees while down, she was not shaking, but laughing joyfully in spite of her stepfather’s leather shoes.

“He also said the shoes were worn out. But I told him that buying another pair wasn’t important……I already made him overwork himself a little too much, yeah.”

Staring at the shoes I placed in the box, she muttered a little lonelily.

Kuku, she’s as pitiable as I expected. Indeed, it should be hard, however, she’s forcing herself to smile.

“Okay, I’m satisfied.”



As she was about to place the boxed shoes into the paper bag and stand up, Satonaka fell backwards with her arms tied around her legs. Her skirt was rolled up, exposing everything from within.

Many pa.s.sersby came and went. I stretched my hand and immediately grabbed her skirt, and then I placed it down quickly to cover her part. Then, I looked around the area in a cold sweat.

No matter where I looked, there were many people coming down and from around here, so it would be bad to expose her skirt brazenly.

I observed the area for reactions, but there doesn’t appear to be a single person who turned to look over here. Rather, with everyone quickly coming and going to their destinations, they didn’t have any time to pay attention to us squatting down at the edge of the pa.s.sage.

But still, there may have been a person who witnessed it the moment she fell down but had already pa.s.sed by.

I was able to cover her up quickly before I stood up. You could call this a narrow escape.

“Ow, ow, ow, why so sudden?”

Satonaka got up while holding her skirt with her hand, and looked around with an uncomfortable frown.

With a push, she was knocked back. And by whom  was a no brainer .

“Ehehe, I will take this.”

Ogasawara Makoto, who knelt down besides Satonaka, had just taken off the new black loafers that Satonaka had been wearing earlier.

Satonaka looked at the scene in utter amazement. She doesn’t seem to understand what happened.

“Those, are my, my……my shoes that Kijima-san gave me……”

“No, These are my shoes. They fell here. I’m the one who picked them up.”

Satonaka pointed to the shoes she had while trembling. She flatly denied her words.

“G, Give them back……”


Satonaka tears collected in her auburn eyes, and then stretched out her hands for them to be returned. Ogasawara Makoto cut off her invocation sharply.

“Y, Your foot size is different, isn’t it? You can’t wear them. So, give them back……”


Getting down on all fours, Satonaka reached out when approaching her. Ogasawara Makoto brushed the hand off and refused the plea in her body and heart.

Careless. She seems to have thought of her as a younger sister, but Ogasawara Makoto also believes something similar. She thinks of Satonaka as a older sister.

A gentle older sister who is forgiving even if she says something selfish. But occasionally, it can also lead to her becoming tyrannical and arrogant.

She wants something when her older sister has everything. If her old sister got one, she wants one too. Something which her sister calls her own.

Siblings do this everywhere. But, I have never experienced this.

My older brother always gave me everything I wanted . He was given a toy from father, and I had said I wanted a new one which wasn’t  used.

A child’s selfishness. I was also given a toy from mother. But, I wanted the toy my brother had got.

My brother took my selfishness with a smile. He always handed over the toy with no delay.

In that matter, I can only respect him. Would he give his life for me? I feel a sense of dread at the thought.

“Give it back!”

“No! These are the shoes Aoi-san bought for me!”

“Huh!? These are the shoes Kijima-san bought for―you called Kijima-san by his first name!? Doesn’t he hate being called that!? How do you even know it!”

“He told me! He told me to refer to him by his first name during practice! Also this isn’t about that! I’ll still be wearing these shoes!”

“It’s impossible to let you call him by his first name! Even I have never called him by his first name before! It isn’t good to lie! Even if it’s you, I am very angry!”

The two clenched the shoes and argued with one another. Satonaka’s begged for the shoes was returned with the persistence and determination of Ogasawara Makoto who, as anyone would be expect, became openly angry. (1)

I will admit that this time it is my fault. It was a mistake to only buy Satonaka shoes.

I approached the two who were yelling at each other, and bonked Ogasawara Makoto’s head with a fist.

“It’s my fault. I’ll buy one for you too, so calm down.”

Ogasawara Makoto suddenly held her movement to my words. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Satonaka took back her shoes, hugged them with both her hands, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“Go, stand up quickly.”

I grabbed Ogasawara Makoto as she sat on the floor, and then tried to forcefully make her stand up. But she just looked down, unwilling to stand.

She’s aware of what she did and said something that was selfish and troubling to me and Satonaka. Having a one person review meeting is her strong point. Now I wish I had told her she that wasn’t selfish from the beginning rather than have her repent, but I know that her feelings can’t be controlled that well.

That, I understand, but I still blame myself for making her emotional.

This fellow really is annoying. But, I don’t hate her.

“S, Sorry. I was jealous of Satonaka……”

“Since you understand, quickly stand up. Satonaka, you wait here. It’d be difficult for you to enter the store again due to the incident from last time.”

I turned around to face Ogasawara Makoto who was still refusing to stand, and placed both my hands onto her waist and lifted her up in my arms. I simply dragged her as I spoke to Satonaka.

“Uuu, doesn’t it look like I’m the complete bad guy in this……”

Although she responded in agreement like usual, she still sat on the floor, holding her shoes, and looked down while sulking.

Well, I understand why she’s sulking. She didn’t do anything wrong this time. I knew that Ogasawara Makoto is a child, and so it’s my responsibility to take appropriate steps.


I stopped dragging Ogasawara Makoto when I called to her. However, she didn’t answer and just looked down. Uh, Satonaka, it’s also unusual to be sulking here.

Satonaka and Ogasawara Makoto. The idiots’ good and bad relationship today is awfully hectic.  However, if they didn’t know each other a quarrel like this would be impossible.

It doesn’t matter if it’s nothing but a ha.s.sle, I ignore them even if I’m upset. It’s a lost cause to fight and insult each other. It also is a waste of effort.

Even so, purposely expressing their emotions, whether it be anger or resentment, means that, in the end, they still care about the other person.

In a short amount of time, they have grown close enough to fight with each other. They’re going to quickly shorten the distances between them this way.

In other words, the monkey and dog are on such good terms that they can fight. Their essence is compatible.

“Only one thing. I will agree to buy you one thing only. So calm down.”

I muttered with a sigh, and then Ogasawara Makoto and Satonaka looked up at the same time.


“You sure!?”

Satonaka’s eyes brightened as a smile appeared on her face, Ogasawara Makoto turned with both of her hands behind me with a bright smile on her face as well.

I said it to Satonaka……but giving Satonaka candy here is another new ball game.

It’s a good thing that they’re compatible, but  seriously they are annoying.

“Really. I know I’m a liar, but I do tell the truth from time to time.

Sulking unbelievably until now, Satonaka lept with a skip, and Ogasawara Makoto made a foolish face with her eyes twinkling.



It wasn’t anything worthwhile. It’s like a hunch, or perhaps a belief, but it’s inevitable.

It was the right choice to have brought stomach medicine.


After I came back to the shoe store and bought the same shoes for Ogasawara Makoto, we  left and rejoined with Satonaka. Then, we set off for our next destination.

Satonaka and Ogasawara Makoto joined hands while walking cheerfully with a hum.

“That’s nice Makoto-chan! We’re matching!”


Together, the smiling idiots rejoiced. What on earth happened to the fight just now? (2)

We’re now going to a clothes store. Since they are wearing their uniforms, my goal is to get them change into suitable clothes for training, however..

“I had my eyes set on that since earlier!”

“No! I had my eyes on it three seconds before you!”

I was going to have them get whatever when we entered, but Ogasawara Makoto ran behind Satonaka and stretched out a hand to the clothes she picked up; they were totally scrambling.

“You did not see it three seconds before, you child! Hey, quit it! Kijima-sannn! Do something about this childddd!”

She tried to take back her chosen clothes, which were robbed by Ogasawara Makoto, while tearfully calling for help.

“Calling out for Aoi-san that fast! Who is the child! You’re pushing your luck too much with the generosity of Aoi-san, Satonaka-senpai!”

Ogasawara Makoto held the clothes up high away so Satonaka couldn’t get it back, but in spite of that, Satonaka tried jumping.

“I’m not spoiled, Makoto-chan! You’re the one who is getting cheeky after he spoiled you! And stop calling him Aoi! I am seriously getting angry! When I get seriously mad, I’m scary!”

Suddenly increasing the enthusiasm of her anger, her face turned deep red with the shout, she clenched a hand into a fist, and then struck Ogasawara Makoto’s chest repeatedly. Her chest went on a riot as such.

“You’re so smooth since you don’t grow there!”

As she hits her chest, which causes no pain to her, Ogasawara Makoto cooed at her as she let out her ultimate weapon for criticizing her. Having heard those words, her eyes opened wide with a glare.

“Ugaaa! Now I’m angry! Now I’m angryyy!”

Appearing to be beyond livid, Satonaka held both her hands up to ceiling vigorously,  and then knelt down, holding her knees.

“Uuu, It will grow soon……”

Rather than thinking of a counter attack, Satonaka’s heart seems to be broken. The next time she criticizes her, she may have ran into a mental corner.

“Th, They get along……”

Next to me, as I heaved a sigh looking upon the two idiots with scorn, the sales clerk spoke to me with a twitching smile.

With the three of us entering the store together, I appeared to be their acquaintance. I also seem to have been marked  as the leader of these idiots.

“I’m sorry for making such a commotion.”

The clerk shook both her hands in front of her small chest as I apologized, and said what’s expected of an adult, ”It’s fine that they’re a little noisy because they’re young.”

She appears to have caught the state of the two idiots, but doesn’t seem angry.

“You are very calm, aren’t you customer? But, you don’t seem to be much older than those two.”

“Yes, I’m the same age as those two. I, well, I don’t like being so loud.” (3)

Engaging in small talk, I answered the salesclerk.. Right now those two are causing trouble in the store. She should be mad.

When the salesclerk heard my reply, she returned a smile with and murmured, ”Is that so?” Before she turned to glance at the idiots. Then, she tilted her head with a hand attached to her cheek. It’s a gesture that occurs when someone doesn’t seem to get something.

What? Did I say something wrong?

Looking at the two idiots for a while, she suddenly turned her eyes to me, still in the same pose.

“Customer, did you not say……’Ore’?”

I realised that oh too late. I addressed myself as ‘Ore’.

Did she figure out that I was man? No, I can tell by her expression she’s only a bit suspicious. It may seem oddly aversive if I correct it hastily. Then what do I do?

Overcome it, yeah, overcome it.  I should be dignified. It’s okay, no problem.

“I……I’m actually a girl who uses that p.r.o.noun!”

I tightened my expression and answered the salesclerk. Although I’m sweating inside, I must not show that I’m disturbed. After these two idiots caused trouble, the incident may seriously be reported to the police if I’m discovered crossdressing.

Having heard my move of resuscitation, her smile stiffens.

Did I make it awkward? Was it wrong? I thought I had a good hand, but did it twist about a bit too much? Should I have just said,”I made a mistake.”?

I intended to handle this calmly by myself, but am I perhaps falling into a worse situation?

Don’t get fl.u.s.tered, calm down. First calm down. I should think about my next hand. A resuscitation move that will truly break the current situation.

……No good. I can’t think of any. I’m useless now. I can’t apply my ability while I’m at my weak point. My ad lib doesn’t work. s.h.i.t, this is bad.

At any rate, do I make the two leave here? If three people are taken into custody together, it’s all over. In which case, I’ll make Satonaka lead the escape.

I can do whatever if it’s just me. Okay, I decided.


“Y, Yes.”

While I created an opening, I was going to try to make the two idiots leave in the meantime, however, I then received the first strike from the sales clerk.

Did she read my move? Do they know telepathy? It’s quite possible for the service sector.

My beating to the point that it feels it would jump right out, I perspirated through my whole body.

Calm down, don’t fall into a panic. I have to deal with this situation calmly. No, the predicament is the slim corner chance I have . The other party being careless is their disadvantage. I attack there.

Focus. Read their thoughts. Find a chance.

“Wait, wait, I have to leave my post for a little, however  can you leave but not go? I’ll be back immediately.”

Both hands placed upon their chest, she emphasized,”Don’t go.” She then left me in a quick pace.

Will I be reported to the police? Or is she going to the Security room in the shopping mall for support? Either way, now is my greatest opportunity. It would be stupid to not make a move when she said not to.

Now, I have no other choice. There is no other way but to escape now.

“Satonaka! Ogasawara! We’re leaving immediately!

I bolted while calling the two.

“Didn’t I say I found it earlier! Let go!”

“No! I had my eyes on it since yesterday!”

“Yesterday!? You weren’t here yesterday! If you’re going to tell a lie, tell a better one!”

“How do you know that it’s a lie!? Did you see!? You don’t know what I was doing or where I was yesterday, yeah!?”

“Weren’t you in Kijima-san’s room throughout the whole day? I heard from Kijima-san!”

“Darn it! I visited from on my trip! I thought I would come today, so I just visited to look around!”

“A complete lie! Makoto-chan lies!”

“Where is your evidence!? You’re calling me a liar even though you have no evidence!”

They didn’t hear.

“Stop it you idiots!”


I ran up to the two who were scrambling for clothes, grabbed the nape of their neck, poked their heads with a fist, and then tried to pull them away from the store.

But, my body turned to stone. Three salesclerks, arms crossed, were waiting at the store’s exit.

Was I too late? Do they intend to keep up in until security comes.

What do I do? Break through? No, that’s impossible if it’s just me.

“You are an idiooooooot!”

“The idiot is youuuuuuuu!”

With the two still going at it even when their naps are caught by me, it’ll be impossible to break through. It will only increase the scene if they resist.

“Satonaka, Ogasawara, listen to me.

“Makoto-chan, you fooooool!”

“Satonaka-senpai, you idioooooot!”

The two idiots disregarded my mutter which tried to stop their fight. As I gritted my teeth, I looked back and released my hold from their naps. And then glared at them.

“H, Huh? Isn’t Kijima-san……really angry?”

“Ah, Ahaha……he is.”

They immediately contracted due to my glare; they had a bitter smile with cold sweat upon their pale faces.

Okay, they’re quiet. That’s good.

“Okay, listen and save your questions for later. Listen to all of my orders.”

They nodded to my words obediently.

“You came here with two people, and met me by chance. In other words, you and I don’t do anything together and just came here by chance. I do not know you, nor have seen you, but I spoke to you. I know nothing more about you then that. If anybody asks anything, answer that way.”

“Eh? B, But……”

“You are an acquaintance. Someone special. I can’t say that I don’t know you!”

Satonaka was bewildered, and Ogasawara Makoto just refused my order directly. Well, she understood.

I ignored Ogasawara Makoto and placed both hands on Satonaka’s shoulder, staring right into her.

Satonaka’s eyes were swimming as she stared me, full on red, but when I looked straight at her, she sensed the urgency of the situation.

“Satonaka, understand what I just said. Ask the idiot next to you. She is an idiot who won’t bend so readily when asked once. So, I’m asking you. I believe you can do something.”

As I told her that, I separated my hands from both her shoulders, and then glared at Ogasawara Makoto besides her.

It seems she understands that the situation is dire, for she’s looking at me worried.

“Listen to what Satonaka-senpai has to say carefully. Understand?”

I extended my hand, placed it upon her head, and patted it lightly. I then glanced at Satonaka.

Her face was pale as she nodded. I averted my eyes, and then stepped forward a foot towards the salesclerks who waited at the entrance.

I’m relying on Satonaka for me to be able to run at full force if an opportunity arises. If what I said wasn’t asking too much, they will insist they have no relation to me. They will only ask what.

Alright, no problem. After all, me crossdressing is only part of the problem. They won’t continue to investigation on Ogasawara Makoto and Satonaka if they stick to they don’t know me.

The only problem is Ogasawara Makoto saying that’s unreasonable. But still, that won’t be too great of one with some guidance, and then they’ll definitely be on their way home. I’m worried, though.

I won’t raise the question where. I know very well what will happen next.

I stood before the three salesclerk and began to smile with a as good as possible posture.

This is my last chance. I can’t resist it. I’ll receive their opinions directly. In addition, I’ll apologize with bowing my head to appeal to their extenuation.

“Everyone, this is really a girl who uses ‘ore’!”

One saleclerk who waited at the entrance and then the one who serviced us a bit ago called out to two others.

“Ooh! Although I heard they were here, this kind of person seem to be very rare, manager!”

“They are also a beauty! In addition, they’re kind of boyish! This is too good to be true, manager!”

While the two remaining a.s.sistant waited on me, they whispered questions with glistening eyes.

“Stop it, you’re being rude to the guest! You are staring at them too much!”

They appeared to be talking to themselves, but the three were breathing rather heavily, as if their lungs were leaking their voices.

I looked at them and got that the situation was most likely not as urgent as I had thought.

Heaving a sigh, fatigue quickly surged through out me.

Well, I a.s.sumed the worst of it all by myself. I got all worked up for nothing, but if there is nothing, it’s fine.

I had an impulse that wanted me to sit down right there and then in the languor that overcame and built in me, but I desperately endured it and approached the salesclerks addressing me.

“S, Sorry if I caused trouble. Customer, you’re just a bit too, um, beautiful. Do you, who adresses themselves with ‘ore’ model? Um, that was rude, but it was very natural and was deeply impressed that it got me so scattered…….”

The manage lowered their eyebrows and their head.  The two a.s.sistants waiting behind blushed, and then also bowed.

The danger seems to have pa.s.sed me by.

“What should I do? He was so cool just now……”

“Awoi-swan ish swtill Awoi-san……”

When I looked back in reaction to the mutters behind, the two idiots stared at me with dim eyes.

What on earth am I doing? Why am I so tired? I also want to get rid of this stomach ache somehow. Fairly quickly.


(1)(ED: seeing the 2 fight over the shoes, it fills you with determination)


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